

单词 个人

个人 adverb ()

personally adv


个人人权 n

individual human n

个人资料 n

personal data pl
personal profile n

个人网站 n

personal website n

External sources (not reviewed)

13 个职业类主管人员中的个人都将 继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的秘书并合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职业类职位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 [...]
面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject [...]
matter experts, that
is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, managing his or her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
为了进行更加全面的保护,鼓励各国根据国际法采取各种适当的措施与其他有关国家进行合 作,以便确立有关的司法管辖权,并对那些犯有或下令犯有上述行为( V I I . 个人 的 刑 事责任)并在 该国领土被发现个人(不 论其国籍如何以及该行为在何处发生)予以有效的刑事制裁。
For the purposes of more comprehensive protection, each State is encouraged to take all appropriate measures, in accordance with international law, to cooperate with other States concerned with a view to establishing jurisdiction over, and providing effective criminal sanctions against, those persons who have committed or
have ordered to be
[...] committed acts referred to above (VII – Individual criminal responsibility) and who are found [...]
present on its territory,
regardless of their nationality and the place where such act occurred.
秘书长在向咨询委员会提供的补充资料 中说,合规检查团的一条经验教训是,无论合规督察干事 个人 专 业 才干如何, 在同 P-5 或资深 P-4 职等安保主任打交道或向 D-2 或以上职等指定官员汇报情况 时,一个 P-3 合规督察干事的资历或实地经验都不足以取信。
In the supplementary information provided to the Advisory Committee, the Secretary-General states that one of the lessons learned with regard to compliance missions was that, irrespective of the professional competence of the individual compliance officers, when dealing with Chief Security Officers at the P-5 or senior P-4 levels or debriefing designated officials at the level of D-2 or above, a P-3 compliance officer has neither the seniority nor the field experience to be credible.
专员的权力包括:从行政方面核 实侵权行为、提出恢复权利的建议,以及担任受害方的法院代理,对违反国民公 平原则个人实施行政处罚。
The commissioner’s powers ranged from the administrative verification of violations, recommendations for restoration of rights and court representation of aggrieved parties to imposing administrative sanctions against persons infringing the principle of equality among nationals.
由于国际性法院的具体性质,所产生的另一个挑战是需要将不同的法官组合 成一个新的整体,其中个人都有 着不同的文化和法律背景:一些法官来自英美 [...]
法系国家,其他法官来自罗马日耳曼法系或其他传统的国家;一些法官是刑事律 师,其他人则主要熟悉国际法;一些人以前有过司法经验,其他人则没有。
Another challenge arising from the specific nature of international courts is the need to amalgamate various judges in order to establish a new whole, made up of individuals with
different cultural and legal backgrounds:
[...] some judges come from common-law countries, [...]
others from States with Romano-Germanic
or other traditions; some judges are criminal lawyers, while others are familiar primarily with international law; some have previous judicial experience, while others do not.
[...] 福利服务的所有用户都看作是潜在雇员,他们重新进入劳动力市场需要得到协 助,而且也必须得到基于有人员 个人 需 要 的协助。
The main idea there was to view all users of welfare services as potential employees who need to be
assisted in re-entering the labour market and must receive
[...] assistance which is based on the individual needs of the person.
如在《宣言》的序言中所阐明,发生被强迫失踪的事件,即政府不同部门或 不同级别的官员,或一些代表政府行事或得到政府直接或间接支持、同意或默许 的有组织团体个人,违 反有关人员本人的意愿而将其逮捕、拘留或绑架或剥夺 他们的自由,随后又拒绝透露有关人员的命运或下落,或拒绝承认剥夺了他们的 自由,结果将这些人置于法律保护之外。
As defined in the preamble of the Declaration, enforced disappearances occur when persons are arrested, detained or abducted against their will or otherwise deprived of their liberty by officials of different branches or levels of Government or by organized groups or private individuals acting on behalf of, or with the support, direct or indirect, consent or acquiescence of the Government, followed by a refusal to disclose the fate or whereabouts of the persons concerned or a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of their liberty, which places such persons outside the protection of the law.
这包括但不限于青年才俊通过文字和图像表达对本组 织和本组织会员国领导人的期望;学者、学生和教师在他们的工作中看到联合国 带来的显著“影响”;大学生在完全属于他们自己的“全球模拟联合国”中模拟 大会的各种活跃潜能;非政府组织 个人 从 更 加广泛的地域给长期争论的专题注 入新的生命并带来更多的参与机会;各国政府、研究机构和媒体寻求而且现在能 够以便捷的形式找到会员国对关键问题的立场的记录;创意社区在对本组织议程 至关重要的事务中看到以具有知识性和娱乐性的方式联系受众的机会。
These include, but are not limited to, talented young voices giving expression, through word and image, to their expectations of the Organization and those who lead its Member States; scholars, students and teachers who see in their work a discernible United Nations “impact”; college students who adapt the dynamism of the General Assembly’s possibilities to a “Global Model United Nations” that is entirely their own; non-governmental organizations and individuals who breathe new life into long-debated topics with the vigour of a vaster geographical base and greater opportunities for participation; Governments, research institutions and the media, which seek, and can now find, the recorded positions of Member States on key issues in readily accessible form; and the creative community, which sees in matters vital to the Organization’s agenda the chance to reach its audiences in a fashion that informs as it entertains.
(a) 采取了哪些步骤,确保不因非医学原因违 个人 意 愿 将任何人送入精 神病院;确保医学原因所致非自愿住院以独立精神病专家的建议作为依据;缔约 国有哪些决定允许被非自愿送入精神病院 个人 提 起 上诉。
(a) The steps taken to
[...] ensure that no one is involuntarily placed in psychiatric institutions for non-medical reasons; that any involuntary hospitalization for medical reasons is based on the advice of independent psychiatric experts; and that decisions by the State [...]
party to involuntarily
hospitalize individuals in psychiatric institutions may be appealed.
这位精通英语、法语、德语、希腊语、意大利语和西班牙语的歌唱家,利 个人 的 知 名度,在演唱会和媒体采访中宣传并支持联合国儿童基金会。
The singer, who is fluent in English, French, German, Greek, Italian and Spanish, makes personal appeals in her concerts and in media interviews for support to UNICEF.
其中明确规定了以下权利和自由:生命权、身心健康权 个人 自 由 、抗辩 权、迁徙自由个人及家 庭隐私权、住处不受侵犯权、通信保密权、良知自由、 言论自由、知情权、教育权、接触文化的权利、健康保护权、拥有健康环境的权 利、选举权、被选举权、集会自由、结社自由、工作权与劳动社会保障权、禁止 强迫劳动、罢工权、私有财产权、经济自由、继承权、享受体面生活的权利、儿 童与青年受保护权、残疾人受保护权、请愿权、遭受公共部门侵害者的权利。
The following rights and freedoms are expressly provided for: right to life, right to physical and mental integrity, individual freedom, right to defense, freedom of movement, personal and family privacy, inviolability of domicile, secrecy of correspondence, freedom of conscience, freedom of expression, right to information, right to education, access to culture, rights to protection of health, right to a healthy environment, right to vote, right to be elected, freedom of assembly, right of association, right to work and social protection of labour, prohibition of forced labour, right to strike, right of private property, economic freedom, right of inheritance, right to a decent standard of living, protection of children and young people, protection of disabled persons, right of petition, right of a person aggrieved by a public authority.
小组委员会认为,有效控制公共机构剥 个人 自 由 的任何地点 是而且必须是国家的责任。
The SPT considers that the effective control of any place where persons are deprived of their liberty by public authorities is and must remain the domain of the State.
反过来说,不存在一贯、严重、公然、大规模侵犯人权的情况也不意味 着个人在其 特定情况下不会遭受酷刑。
Conversely, the absence of a consistent pattern of flagrant violations of human rights does not mean that a person might not be subjected to torture in his or her specific circumstances.
开放源码软件活动的 发展,个人增加 了机会,可能通过记录理解发展中国家经济的生产部门创作和 采用先进软件产品的思路。
The development of the open source software movement has enhanced opportunities for individuals to acquire understanding of a documented logic of how advanced software products can be created and deployed in productive sectors of developing-country economies.
此法律也适用于以公共安全为目的 个人 资 料的处理,但不妨碍适用于特 区的国际法文书以及区际协定的特别规定。
This law is also applicable to the processing of personal data within the context of public security, without prejudice of special rules contained in applicable international law instruments or inter-regional agreements.
公约》审查期间进行的讨论要点如下: 将纳入新条款的文书形式;对受一般保护和特
[...] 义;改进特别保护制度;对严重违法行为和破 坏文化财产行为的制裁以及其他相关问题,个人的刑 事责任、国家责任和刑事事项中的互 助;改进非国际性冲突中对文化财产的保护; 以及建立监测《公约》及新协定执行情况的监 [...]
The main points of discussion during the review of the Convention were the following: the form of the instrument which would incorporate the new provisions; the definition of the notion of “military necessity” with regard to cultural property under general as well as special protection; improvements in the regime of special protection; sanctions for grave breaches and other violations against cultural
property and other related
[...] issues such as individual criminal responsibility, responsibility of States and mutual [...]
assistance in criminal
matters; improvement in the protection of cultural property in conflicts not of an international character; and establishment of a supervisory body which would monitor the implementation of the Convention and the new agreement.
[...] 胁、破坏和非法贩运等刑事犯罪活动所涉及的核材料和设施;确保安全 处理所有领域中各类电离辐射源,以便保证 个人 、 社会和环境的保护, 并确保在核或放射材料、器具、设备和技术方面不开展任何活动,但监 [...]
To ensure compliance with Egypt’s international obligations, including the obligation to prevent the illegal or unauthorized acquisition of nuclear material; prevent interference with authorized uses of nuclear material and facilities arising from criminal activities such as theft, misrepresentation, threats, sabotage and illicit trafficking; and ensure the safe handling of sources of ionizing
radiation of all types in all
[...] fields so as to guarantee the protection of individuals, society [...]
and the environment and to ensure
that no activity is undertaken in connection with nuclear or radiation material, equipment and technologies, except as authorized by the regulatory authority.
考虑到上述钻石产区的地理位置和专家组的总体意见,即前新生力量的基 本经济结构,特 别是仍受区指挥官影响的那些地区的基本经济结构在某种程度上 依然未变,可以推断,就像未获许可开采钻石的非科特迪 个人 和 实体一样,这 一“结构”或这一结构的构成部分将继续从钻石收入中获益。
Taking into account the aforementioned geographical location of the diamond areas and the Group’s overall view that the basic economic structure of the former Forces nouvelles, in particular in those areas that continue to be under the influence of zone commanders, remains somewhat intact, it can be contemplated that this structure, or elements of this structure, continue to benefit from diamond revenues, as do non-Ivorian individuals and entities who remain unlicensed.
安全理事会关于索马里和厄立特里亚的第 751(1992)号和第 1907(2009)号 决议委员会将维持和酌情更新这 个人 和 实 体名单,并将根据第 1844(2008)号决 议第 11(e)段分派给委员会的任务,审议要求给予第 1844(2008)号决议第 2 和 4 段所定豁免的申请。
The Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning Somalia and Eritrea will maintain and update the list of individuals and entities, as appropriate, and will consider requests for exemptions provided for in paragraphs 2 and 4, in accordance with the role assigned to the Committee in paragraph 11 (e) of resolution 1844 (2008).
瓦克,以有机硅为基础的整体解决方案的领先供应商,将在2013年中国国际化妆品 个人 及 家 庭护理用品原料展览会(PCHi 2013)上展示其最新产品和创新性有机硅解决方案。
WACKER, a leading supplier of complete silicone-based solutions, will present its latest products and innovative solutions at the upcoming Personal Care and Homecare Ingredients (PCHi) 2013 trade show.
(a) 毫不拖延地冻结这个人、团体、企业和实体的资金和其他金融资产或 [...]
经济资源,包括他们、代表其行事的人或按照其指示行事的人直接或间接拥有或 控制的财产所衍生的资金,并确保本国国民或本国境内的人不直接或间接为这些 人的利益提供此种或任何其他资金、金融资产或经济资源
(a) Freeze without delay the funds and
other financial assets or economic
[...] resources of these individuals, groups, undertakings [...]
and entities, including funds derived
from property owned or controlled directly or indirectly, by them or by persons acting on their behalf or at their direction, and ensure that neither these nor any other funds, financial assets or economic resources are made available, directly or indirectly for such persons’ benefit, by their nationals or by persons within their territory
安全理事会审议了秘书长的报告(S/2009/200),在该决议中除其他外欢迎双 方同个人特使 的建议,即举行小型的非正式会谈,以便为第五轮谈判作准备, 并吁请双方继续展示政治意愿,在有利于对话的氛围中作出努力,以进入一个更 深入和实质性的谈判阶段,从而确保有关决议得到执行。
In that resolution, the Security Council, having considered the report of the Secretary-General (S/2009/200), among other things, welcomed the parties’ agreement with the Personal Envoy’s suggestion to hold small, informal talks in preparation for a fifth round of negotiations and called upon the parties to continue to show political will and work in an atmosphere propitious for dialogue in order to enter into a more intensive and substantive phase of negotiations, thus ensuring the implementation of the relevant resolutions.
低碳交通系统 愿景的一些要素可以包括:(a) 密集但绿色、混合用途城市,在居民区附近提供 就业及购物和休闲设施;(b) 中心区之间现代化高质量连接,长途枢纽与当地交 通融为一体;(c) 个人汽车 使用的高质量替代,特别是高效率的公共交通、良好 的非机动化交通基础设施及其适当的一体化:(d) 高效率的多式货物联运和智能 城市物流,其中包括清洁车辆;以及(e) 混合动力引擎、代用燃料、甚至电动摩 托车和汽车等先进技术。
Some of the elements of a vision for a lowcarbon transport system could include: (a) dense, but green, and mixed-use cities that provide jobs, and shopping and leisure facilities close to people’s residential areas; (b) modern, high-quality links between the centres and good integration of long-distance hubs with local transportation; (c) high-quality alternatives to individual car use, in particular efficient public transport and good non-motorized transport infrastructure and its proper integration; (d) efficient, intermodal freight transport and smart urban logistics that also include clean vehicles; and (e) advanced technologies such as hybrid engines, alternative fuels or even electric motorbikes and cars.
交通的可 能性在很大程度上取决于公共交通的存在或患 个人 的 交 通工具,也取决于地方 当局是否能够补偿和补贴交通费。
Transport possibilities depend to a large extent on the existence of public transport or patient’s personal means of transport, and on whether the local authorities are able to compensate and subsidise transport costs.
当违法的行政行为是如由 最高权力的行政机关作出时,或当它直接地危害或侵 个人 的 基本权利时,可立 刻要求司法审查。
When the unlawful administrative act is issued by the highest in casu competent administrative body, or whenever it directly harms or violates fundamental rights of the individual, judicial review is immediately available.
缔约国应当采取一切适当措施,确保在其管辖下 个人 不 会 因为根据本议定 书与委员会联络而受到任何形式的不当待遇或恐吓。
A State Party shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that individuals under its jurisdiction are not subjected to any form of ill-treatment or intimidation as a consequence of communicating with the Committee pursuant to the present Protocol.
拥挤加剧了恶劣的物质 条件,对在监狱中生活或工作的 个人 造 成 不利影响;它们使狱中的紧张局势增 加,囚犯之间和囚犯与工作人员之间的关系恶化,这反过来又增加了虐待的风 险。
Poor material conditions are exacerbated by overcrowding and adversely affect everyone living or working in prison; they contribute to the tensions in custody and to the deterioration of relations among prisoners and between prisoners and staff, which in turn increases the risk of ill-treatment.




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