

单词 雷声大,雨点小

See also:


large and small
of all sizes

大雨 n

rain n
rainstorm n


heavy rain



External sources (not reviewed)

2010 年 NPT 审大会应达成 20 点声明— —“新的国际核裁军行 动共识”,对 2000 年达成的“十三点措施”做出更新和延伸。
The 2010 NPT Review
[...] Conference should agree on a 20-point statement, “A New International [...]
Consensus for Action on Nuclear
Disarmament”, updating and extending the “Thirteen Practical Steps” agreed in 2000.
經過政府的有關小組研究後,政府最近發表了第㆒階段遏抑樓價措 施,但這些措施發表後,可說雷聲 大 、 雨 點 小 , 使 市民和我們議員啼笑皆非。
After a study conducted by
[...] a government working group, the Government released [...]
recently the first-phase measures in a bid to curb property prices.
有 消息说,没有告知村民新的雷地点 , 这些 地 雷 分 布 在村民使用的繁忙路径、田小路、稻田附近以及河渠岸上。
According to the information, villagers are not
being notified of the
[...] location of the new landmines, which are on busy paths used by villagers, in farm field huts, around paddy fields [...]
and along the banks of canals.
政 府 雷 厲 風 行 推 出全城 清 潔 措 施 , 我 希望這並非 一雷 聲 大、雨 點小的 措 施 , 而 是長遠 持 續 的政策 , 最終可以改 善 香港的 居住環境,吸引外 地 專 才。
The Government has vigorously and resolutely introduced measures for cleaning up the territory, and I hope that they are long-term and persistent policies that can ultimately improve our living environment and attract foreign professionals, rather than being all thunder but no rain.
小组欢 迎所有利益攸关者和整个政治阶层承诺尊重总统选举日期,并遵守瓦 加杜古联声明要点 8,据 此,临时国家元首、民主与发展全国委员会成员、总 理、过渡政府成员、全国过渡委员会主席和成员以及国防和安全部队现役成员都 不会是总统选举候选人。
The Group welcomed the commitment shown by all stakeholders and the entire political class to respect the date of the presidential election and to abide by Point 8 of the Ouagadougou [...]
Joint Declaration, in
accordance with which the Interim Head of State, the members of the National Council for Democracy and Development (CNDD), the Prime Minister, the members of the Transitional Government, the President and members of the National Transitional Council, as well as members of the defence and security forces in active service, would not be candidates in the presidential election.
如果您这边传过去的声音大声或太 小声 , 请调节音量直到达到最佳音量为止。
If you are too loud or too quiet to the person
[...] you are calling, please use the volume adjuster until you achieve the optimum volume level.
不過, 我 希望政 府瞭 解 , 面 對 失 業 、 減
[...] 薪 困 境的普 羅 市民,生活 狀 況 是 十分脆 弱 的,他們現在是 連小 雨 ” 也 抵 受不了 ; 即使最終沒雨 ,單是“大 雷 聲 ” , 已 經 足 以令市 民 “ 有得震 無 得 ” 。
However, I hope the Government will understand the vulnerability of the general public who are now facing predicaments of unemployment
and pay-cut They are
[...] unable to stand even the slightest drizzle, as "thunder" without any "rain" is bad enough to strike terror into [...]
their hearts.
当您使用手机通话时无须在雨中 大声 喊叫 - Jabra Rhythm 的麦克风采用风噪抑制技术,能将您的声音清晰洪亮地传给通话对方。
When you’re talking on the phoneNo more shouting over the elements – Jabra Rhythm features a microphone with wind-noise reduction technology that helps your voice carry loud and clear.
財政司司長希望公 用 事業加價是雷 聲 大 、 雨 點 小 ” , 可 能 他 心 裏 確 實 有 主 觀 [...]
的 期 望 , 那 便 是 最終公 用 事業加價項 目 可以減 少、各項 加價的 時間不 致 過分集 中 、 實 際 加 幅 會
較機構的申請 加 幅略為 減 低 。
The Financial Secretary said he hoped that those fees and charges increase proposals
of relevant public utilities are
[...] just "all thunder and no rain", perhaps it was his subjective [...]
wish that the items of fees
and charges increase of public utilities will eventually be reduced, that such increases will not take effect concurrently, and the actual rate of increase will be less than the proposed rate.
假 如 房 委 會 仍 然 抱 “ 斬腳趾避 沙 蟲 ”的作風 , 不針對本身政策、 制 度
[...] 和部門運 作上 的失誤, 則 最 終 出現的結果, 恐 怕 也只雷 聲 大而雨 點 小 。
If the HA still holds onto the style of "chopping off a toe to avoid the worm"
instead of addressing its mistakes in policies, system and operation, the end
[...] result will be light rain after loud thunder.
雖然實質內容被各界㆟士批評雷聲大、雨點小」及像「蜻蜓點水」般,但我們必須同意,政府將施政與承諾逐項 [...]
Although the actual content has been
criticized by the community at large as
[...] "loud thunder but small raindrops" and is similar to [...]
"a dragonfly skimming the surface
of the water", we have to agree that the Government's provision of a detailed breakdown of its policies and commitments is both responsible and more transparent.
(x) 特别在非洲和最不发达国家支持国家和当地在博物馆发展方面所开展 的声大、影响大的项目,点为能 力建设,加强现有的基础设施, 制作保护、保存文物的教育工具以及加强博物馆机构的能力。
(x) sustain the development of high-visibility and high-impact projects in the area of museum
development at the national
[...] and local levels, in particular in Africa and LDCs, focusing on capacity-building and the reinforcement of existing infrastructures, as well as the production [...]
of educational
tools for the protection and conservation of cultural objects and the strengthening of museum institutions.
我們在本會都聽 過,特首近年經常把六大產業掛在口邊,又說要有新的產業政策思維, 但都雷聲大、雨點小。
In recent years, we have frequently heard in this Council how the Chief Executive talks about the six major industries and how we must formulate new industrial policies with a new mindset.
我想套用㆒ 句說話,即雷聲大,雨點小」, 來形容政府對老㆟服務的表現。
Please allow me to quote the
[...] saying that "big is the thunder but little is the rain" to describe the Government's [...]
efforts in providing services for the elderly.
至於六大優勢產業方面,特首不經不覺已提出了超過兩年,但不 少產業的發展大計仍然是雷聲大、 雨 點 小 ” , 別說是創造就業機會, 連 “撐企業”的工作都做不到。
In regard to the six industries with competitive edge, though the Chief Executive has already put forward the idea for more than two years, the development plan of many industries is still at the stage of "much said but little done", and the Government has even failed to "support enterprises", not to mention create job opportunities.
小岛屿之声全球 论坛正在成为一个日益 大 的 工 具:论坛中有关岛屿脆弱性的讨论 促使帕劳的合作伙伴建立了一个有关岛屿脆弱性问题的区域间网上讨论小组;以及南太平洋应用地 [...]
The SIV Global Forum is becoming an increasingly powerful tool: discussion [...]
on island vulnerability has inspired partners
in Palau to establish an interregional island vulnerability electronic discussion group; and other organizations such as the South Pacific Applied Geosciences Commission (SOPAC) have requested that specific topics be profiled.
因此,这就是为何这次会议能及时提醒人们,尽管出现严峻的 经济形势,我们仍然必须将点放在 全球 声 援 努 力方面。
And this is why this Conference is a timely reminder that, despite the dire economic situation, we must keep our focus on our global solidarity endeavour.
此外,在“儿童代言人:儿童声音 ” 试 点 项 目 基础上,《家 庭法》草案规定儿童有权拥有代言人,其基本目的是在父母利益与儿童利益相反 [...]
[...] on the basis of a pilot project entitled “Child [...]
advocate: voice of the child”, the draft Family Code defined
a child’s right to an advocate, whose basic purpose was to protect a child’s rights when the interests of the parents were contrary to those of the child and when a child’s rights could not be adequately protected.
下雨或出太阳点点小风雨根本 不能阻碍您锻炼 - 为何您的耳机能够做到这一点?
Rain or shineA little rain or wind never stopped [...]
your workout - why should your headset?
早前當局“煞有介事”成立的家庭議會,更是 雷 聲 大 、 雨 點 小 ” ,既 沒有任何實質的工作可言,更甚是把自己推諉為搞宣傳和活動機構,無 法真正做到為現行政策和法例進行深入檢視,以避免有政策和措施對 “家庭維繫”造成障礙。
It has even gone to the extent of admitting that it is no more than an organization which engages in publicity and activities. It can never be entrusted to carry out any in-depth examination of the existing policies and laws, so as to avoid such policies and laws posing an obstacle to family ties.
行政長 官 早 於 1997 年 的 施 政 報 告便 提出要 使 香 港 成 為 一 個“國 際中醫 藥 中 心 ” , 原以為特區政府眼 界 廣 闊 、高 瞻 遠 矚,但原來雷 聲 大 雨 點 小,一 切都只 是 空談。
The Chief Executive proposed to develop Hong Kong into an international centre for Chinese medicine as early as 1997 in his policy address.
非消耗性财产包括以下财产和设备:(a) 购置时单位价值为 1 500 美元或以 上、使用寿命至少五年的财产或设备;(b) 被视为具有吸引力且因大小易从 房 舍中拆除、购置时单位价值为 500 美元或以上、使用寿命三年或更长的特殊财产 物品;(c) 家具和组合工作站等应点的团体用物品,不管其价值为何,但使用 寿命为五年或更长。
Non-expendable property consists of property and equipment, as follows: (a) property or equipment valued at $1,500 or more per unit at the time of purchase and having a
service life of at least
[...] five years; (b) special items, which are property items considered to be of an attractive nature and easily removable from the premises because of their size, costing $500 or more per unit at the time [...]
of purchase and with
a serviceable life of three years or more; and (c) group inventory items (for example, furniture and modular workstations) with a serviceable life of five years or more, irrespective of value.
政 府在施政 報 告 中
[...] 無疑想 大 肆 提 出 扶貧,但 我們看 到結果 也雷 聲 大 , 雨 點 小 。
Undoubtedly, the Government wants very much to do all it can to help the poor but, despite the
[...] loud noises made, little has actually been done.
但是, 应当指出,该行业的确为青年男子提供就业。此外,关于潜在的“ 点 ” , 小组 在 实地调查中发现,一些采矿营地引起的安全关切似乎比其他营 大。
Furthermore, with regard to potential “hot spots”, the Panel found during its field investigations that some mining camps appeared [...]
to raise greater
security concerns than others.
如上所述,在本组织,该承诺可以从高级管理层参与部分办事处的 性别问题点小组、 将性别平等问题纳入国家管理小组会议议程以及办事处负责 人发表声明中看出。
In the organization, this commitment
[...] is evident in the participation of senior staff in gender-focal-point teams in some offices as well as the inclusion of gender issues [...]
within CMT
meeting agendas and the statements of heads of office, as noted earlier.
5.1 提交人在2008年6月14 日的评论中反驳了缔约国说他“口中有钱”及没 有受到警察殴打的点,声称他 的逮捕录像显示了相反的情形,而且法医报告可 以佐证他的指控。
5.1 In his comments dated 14 June 2008, the author refutes the State party’s arguments that he had “money in the mouth” and that he was not beaten by police officers, claiming that the video records of his arrest indicate the contrary and that his allegations are corroborated by the forensic medical report.
其實,政府的鼓勵節能措施往往予人虎頭蛇尾 雷 聲 大雨 點 小的 感覺。
In fact, the Government's energy conservation incentives will often give people the impression that there is a lack of thoroughness on its part, and very little can be achieved despite all the fanfare.
如果市民“撐”港台的行動比 2003
[...] 年七一遊行還厲害,政府便立即擱置; 但如果市民只是象徵式雷聲大雨點 小 , 只 有一千數百人走出來“撐”港台 的話,政府便會用天殘腳踏下來,那麼連如來神掌也不能拯救了。
However, if the public just make a symbolic gesture
[...] of all thunder but no rain, with only a few hundred [...]
to a thousand of them coming forward
to "support" RTHK, the Government will trample over RTHK with the "heavenly huge foot".
我的問題是,政 府的政策是希望這個向㆘調整的趨勢,會持續數年之久,還是僅令樓市回順幾個月, 只是㆒套雷聲大,雨點少」的把戲?
My question is: How long would the Administration like to see the downward trend last — a few years or just a few months — and if it is just a few months, then is it just a cosmetic measure, that much is said but little is done?




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