

单词 不光




不透光 adj

windowless adj


preach what one does not practice
all talk and no action [idiom.]


lit. words not deeds
idle chatter

External sources (not reviewed)

總督先生,你可否親自處理此事,並要 求屬㆘㆟員停止這不光彩和 可恥的做法?
Now would you, Sir, be kind enough to take this matter up yourself and ask your officials to stop this disgraceful and despicable practice?
没有完美的事 情——当然,别处也没有完美的事情 不光 是 在阿富 汗——但是,在正确方向上有了进展,我们的感觉是 乌云正在散去。
Nothing is perfect — of course, nothing is perfect anywhere, not only in Afghanistan — but there is movement in the right direction, and we feel that the cloud is moving away.
特别委员会回顾其 2009 年报告(A/63/19)第 104 段,重申要求维持和平行 动部在其下一份年度报告中,评价设立该厅如何有助于密切本部各科室间以及与 联合国其他行动体之间的协调和协同作用,以更有效地执行法治任务, 不光是 描述所有它的活动。
The Special Committee recalls paragraph 104 of its 2009 report (A/63/19) and reiterates its request to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations to include in its next annual report an assessment on how the creation of that office has contributed to closer coherence and synergies among its own sections and between other United Nations actors to deliver rule of law mandates more effectively, rather than a description of all its activities.
(d) 评估反映出非政府组织对几个问题的担心:1)严重的经费不足与制约因素影响 了表达自由、民主与和平处的工作,特别是与国际促进传播发展计划(IPDC)有 关的工作;2) 教科文组织在进行前瞻性的工作和发挥自身道义与政治上的领导作
用,对压制表达自由的政府施加影响方面存在不足;3)实施与地区研讨会和温 得和克+10 会议有关的计划力度不够;4)应使非政府组织参与到关于信息社会的
[...] 首脑会议的筹备工作中来,工作的重点 不光 是 技 术,也要包括信息的内容; 5)应更加重视独立的新闻机构的经济发展;6)战略重点应更加明确;7)担心 [...]
(d) The evaluation reflected the concerns of NGO’s on a number of issues: (1) Serious underfunding and the constraints that affect FED, particularly those relating to the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC); (2) shortcomings in proactive engagement and use of UNESCO’s moral and political leadership to influence governments that repress freedom of expression; (3) insufficiently forceful implementation of programmes related to the regional seminars and Windhoek+10 Conference; (4) involvement of NGOs in the preparation of The
World Summit on the Information Society, with a
[...] clear focus not only on technologies [...]
but also on the content of information;
(5) greater emphasis on the development of the economic aspects of independent media enterprises; (6) sharper strategic focus; (7) fear that FED’s work will become more and more marginalized in light of the controversial nature of freedom of expression work and new decentralization efforts.
环境可持续性是人类发展的固有内容,这基于一个简单而强大的前 提,即人们重视不光是物 质因素,并且,选择空间对于当代人和子孙后代同 样重要。
Environmental sustainability is embedded in human development, which is based on the simple yet powerful premise that what people value goes well beyond material factors, and space for choices are as important for future generations as they are for the present one.
不 光是联海稳定团的任务,所牵涉的各个方面,包括特 [...]
派团内部和特派团以外,都有必要明确了解海地国家 警察需要建设什么能力,实现这一目标的基准和时间 表又如何。
This is not a task solely [...]
for MINUSTAH, but there needs to be clarity among all those involved, in the Mission and beyond,
as to what capacity the Haitian National Police needs to build and what the benchmarks and timetable will be for achieving it.
[...] 化的个人和群体提供免费小学教育 不光 是 少数群体,也包括土著人、游牧人、 [...]
A key issue identified by the Joint Expert Group was how to develop learning material and make it available free of any charge for primary education for various categories of
disadvantaged and marginalized individuals
[...] and groups – not only to minorities, [...]
but also to indigenous people, nomads, refugees,
migrants, etc. in their native language, and to all children from poor families.
儲存設不光是應 用資料的儲存庫,而是已經逐漸成為即時企業的摧生者。
Rather than just being a repository for application data, storage is becoming an enabler of the real-time enterprise.
但這些策略並不只是打造品牌而言,有些城市亦塑造專有名詞,藉由特定印象衍生出其他形容詞、副詞、名詞、動詞等,除了做為都市規劃或建築設計技術名稱,亦是種都市語言,用以定義場所,並賦予更深層、更基礎的含義,讓你我居住的城 不光 是 冠 名空間,更具備其他意義。
Certain cities have transcended their status as a proper noun, a name that signifies a place, in order to become other forms of speech: adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs. This isn’t just the name of some urban planning and architectural design technique or some kind of urban markup language: it’s the way we, as humans, valorise a place and give it deeper, more fundamental connotation.
它包括對比賽 有害的阻礙⁠不光明比賽⁠、重複違規⁠、危險比賽和惡劣行跡⁠。
It includes obstruction, unfair play, repeated infringements, dangerous play and misconduct which is prejudicial to the Game.
指南》还将解释,许多法域的理解是,“机密信息”一词是按照法律条例限于 某些类别的人获取的信息,该不光 意 指 最常遇到“机密信息”的部门中的采购,如国 [...]
家安全和国防部门,而且还指法律允许保护某些信息不予公开披露的其它任何部门中的 采购,例如,卫生部门(采购疫苗防止流行病,以避免造成恐慌),或者可能涉及敏感
The Guide will also explain that the term “classified information” being understood in many jurisdictions as information to which access is restricted by law or
regulation to particular classes of persons, and
[...] that the term does not intend to refer [...]
only to the procurement in the sectors where
“classified information” is most commonly encountered, such as national security and defence, but also to procurement in any other sector where protection of certain information from public disclosure may be permitted by law, such as in the health sector (for example procurement of vaccines in the case of pandemics in order to avoid panic) or where sensitive medical research and experiments may be involved.
貝克指出,「學生上課時想著『我們』,不再只有『我』,每個人都負責特定角色,但不只是同儕領導學習 不光 是 天 賦較高的年輕人協助他人,合作式學習的真諦並非如此,誰都不能霸占學習機會,也都不能無所事事。
Everyone is given a specific role: it’s not as simple as peer-led learning whereby the ‘gifted’ and ‘talented’ youngsters help the others.
无论他们被人称作是后朋克还是no wave的鼻祖,还是什么自由先锋、试验、噪音音乐的先驱都统统不重要,重要的是他们来了,而且来的是北京 不光 是 上 海,是登陆 不光 是 靠 岸。
It doesn’t matter what people identify Sonic Youth with – the post-punk or the guru of No Wave or the pioneer of free avant-garde, experimental and noise -  what does matter is they are here, here in Beijing and Shanghai.
不言自明的是,如果北南方双方不自己走出对抗的泥潭,而是固守 不光彩 的 过去,就永远不可能铺出一条宽广的和平与繁荣的大道,更不用说实现半岛的 [...]
It is self-evident that if the north and the south do not pull
themselves out of the mire of confrontation,
[...] sticking to the inglorious past, they [...]
can never pave a wide avenue of peace and prosperity,
much less achieve peace and stability in the peninsula.
而更令人感到遗憾的是,作为 对这一问题共同的答案,人们普遍认为 不光 是 时 间不够,在当前形势下,各国 用于解决性别平等问题的资源或政治意愿或国家意志也成问题。
Unfortunately, the common response to this problem is that there is simply not enough time, resources or political willpower to address gender equality, given current circumstances.
一旦立场得以转变,缔约国,作为国际社会的成员,必将本着善意修订其 国内立法,而对于军事法庭有权审判平民这一状况,历史终将翻过这 不光 彩的 一页。
As soon as this position is adapted, the States parties, as members of the international community, will in good faith adjust their domestic legislation, and military courts with the power to try civilians will become part of a sad past that has happily been left behind.
我坚信细致和专业的工作态度会带来不同的结果, 不光 是 因 为我对地产事业的热爱,更是因为您对我的信任,当您把钥匙交给我的那一刻,您给我的更是一份沉甸甸的信任,我会珍惜。
I am always energetic and prepared to show homes, and actively introduce the features to all visitors, as my Real Estate passion drives me; more important, at the moment my clients hand me the key to the doors of their homes, they hand me their trust.
颗粒在暗部和光不足的 部分更明显,因为在那里最快的,最大的 颗粒成为曝光主流。
Graininess is more obvious in shadow areas and underexposed areas because the fastest, largest grains are predominantly exposed.
开放式厨房的设置,不仅满足了厨房与餐厅互动的需求,同时开放的空间也改善了北向房间自 光不 足 所带来的压抑感。
Open kitchen design encourages interactions between the kitchen and dining area, and the openness also improves
[...] the insufficient daylight from north facing [...]
可以從 3 張光不同的 圖片中選擇一張具有理想曝光效果的圖片。
You can select the picture with the desired exposure from the 3 pictures with different exposures.
在数字(位)中间后期制作环境里, 光不仅 被 用于建立在镜头和场景之间的连续性,同时也提供情感元素以帮助诠释故事。
In the digital intermediate environment,
[...] color grading is not only used to establish [...]
continuity between shots and scenes,
but to provide emotion to help tell the story.
我们的光不局限 于本土,将人权作为我们欧洲委员会主席任 期的大主题这一事实本身就不言而喻。
Looking beyond our own shores, the fact that we have made human rights the overarching theme of our Chairmanship of the Council of Europe speaks for itself.
只要我們做的事情,是以人民的 權益為根本,而不是為所屬的政黨 光 , 不 是 為 個人榮辱,我們的判斷、 選擇便能很簡單利落,毫不困難。
If only the things we do are based on the rights and interests of the people, instead of for the sake of the honour of our political party or the glory of ourselves, then the judgment and choice we make will be simple and straightforward indeed.
本项目旨在放远光,不仅探 讨新的筹资机制,还要将这种潜在的资金投入置于更广泛的可持 续森林管理框架之中。
The project aims to look beyond new funding mechanisms and places the potential influx of finance within the broader framework of sustainable forest management.
据指 出,第 A1 条草案第 2 款在这一点上不够的,因光是承 认驱逐国有权将一定 的程序保证扩大适用于在其境内非法居留的某些外国人,只是论及表面现象。
It was pointed out that draft article A1, paragraph 2, was inadequate on that point, since by simply acknowledging that the expelling State had the right to extend certain procedural guarantees to certain aliens who were in its territory illegally, it was merely stating the obvious.
当在S模式下将[快门速度自动改变 ]设为 [开]时,照相机将自动调整快门速度已达到最佳曝光,从而避免用户所选快门速度导致曝光过度或 光不 足。
When the [Shutter Speed Auto Shift] is set to [On] in the S mode, the camera will automatically adjust shutter speed for
optimal exposure in the case that the selected
[...] shutter speed by the user will result for over exposure [...]
or under exposure.
曜越科技自1999年起秉持『致力於創造完美的使用者經驗』之企業使命,與旗下專業電腦DIY品牌【Thermaltake】以穩健的腳步持續延續品牌和產品創新獨具之精神,在業界擁有屹立不搖的地位!自2002年起,Thermaltake推出了第一代Bigwater SE水冷散熱器,提供全方位且多元的散熱商品,包括DIY式、外接式、All-In-One、水氣冷waterblock、水冷散熱系統機殼等,Thermaltake產品設計師及工程師成功將理性與感性融合於產品之中,用以洞燭機先的精準 光 , 不 斷 早 一步發掘並滿足使用者需求,屢屢透過創新科技的應用改寫歷史,不但備受消費者推崇,更屢獲全球各項大獎肯定。
Thermaltake, the go-ahead for the liquid-cooling system 【Bigwater SE】to the PC gaming hardware and DIY market development was presented in 2002, the scene was set for expansion, and followed with variants of cooling system including the “DIY style”, “external style, “All-in-one Style”, “waterblock” and “liquid-cooling chassis” etc. The brand is therefore launching a new highlight with a new model series while continuing a tradition that has repeatedly met with great enthusiasm throughout the history of the “Bigwater Series” and liquid-cooling chassis, with the new CPU liquid-cooling chassis 【Level 10 GT LCS】and CPU liquid -cooling system 【Bigwater A80】&【Bigwater 760 PLUS】, which emphasize on their superior performance and state-of-the-art technology.
一查证”是指要求运载危险化学物品的车辆做到持证驶入,没有通行证的不得驶入;“二提醒”是提醒司乘人员系好安全带,不系安全带不发卡、不放行,还有提醒驾驶人不要疲劳驾驶,做好交通安全宣传资料发放;“防三超”是指一旦发现车辆涉嫌超限运输(超长、超宽、超高)、超员(包括营运客车、旅游客车及非营运客车超员、货车驾驶室超员、货车车厢违法载人等)、 光不 全 等违法行为,禁止其通行,并及时向高速交警报告。
Verify " refers to the requirement that the carrying dangerous chemicals into the vehicle to the holder, without a permit shall not enter; " two " remind remind passengers to fasten the safety belt is not fastened safety belt, not issuing, does not release, and to remind the driver not driver fatigue, make traffic safety propaganda material issue; " three super " refers to the once suspected of transfinite transport vehicles ( long, wide, ultra-high), overcrowding ( including operating passenger cars, sightseeing buses and non operating bus overcrowding overcrowding, truck cab,
car illegal manned
[...] etc.), light is not congruent illegal, prohibited its passage, and promptly to the high-speed traffic police report.
這些光譜數 據 能協助氣象學家提供更佳的天氣預報、更準確的惡劣天氣 不 穩 定 大氣預測;並提高對 風暴位置及動向的追蹤,分析颶風和颱風強度,讓民眾提前疏散,加強對性命和財產的保 護。
This hyperspectral data will enable meteorologists to provide better daily forecasts, predict severe weather and atmospheric [...]
more accurately, and improve location and storm tracking and analysis of the intensity of hurricanes and typhoons, resulting in earlier evacuations that can improve the preservation of lives and property.




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