

单词 阻延

See also:


extend v

surname Yan

External sources (not reviewed)

部分委員關注到,在點票前將在囚人士及受羈留人士所投的 選票與其他選民的選票混和,阻延 整 個 程序。
Some members expressed concern that the mixing of ballot papers cast by
prisoners and persons held in custody with those cast by other electors before
[...] counting of votes would delay the whole process.
此外,因通訊設施失靈或故障或其他非本行所能合理控制 及預期的原因,以阻延傳送或執行指示,本行毋須承擔任何責任。
We shall not be liable to you for any loss or
[...] damage due to any delay in the transmission [...]
or execution of instructions arising
out of a breakdown or failure of communication facilities or any other cause beyond the our reasonable control and anticipation.
年內,產量由於剛果的整體電力經常性中斷而受到嚴 阻延 , 導致停產67天。
Production during the year was severely disrupted by the recurrent general power disruptions in the DRC which resulted in 67 days of lost production.
[...] 了走廊上的道路空間,加劇了來往港島東西部之間不必要阻延。
These regular traffic queues use up the valuable road spaces of
the Corridor, rendering unnecessary delay to
[...] the through traffic between the [...]
eastern and western parts of Hong Kong Island.
這宗個案在沙頭角偏遠鄉村發生,由於在接報 時剛懸掛八號颱風信號,交通情況惡劣,以 阻延 了 視 察工作。
This case occurred in a remote village in Sha Tau Kok and the
[...] inspection was hindered by poor traffic [...]
conditions immediately after the hoisting of typhoon signal No. 8.
雖然在同㆒時間有這樣大量數目船隻出現,已對正常交通產生㆒阻 延,但 這只屬暫時性,並沒有導致任何船隻碰撞,所引起的交通管制問題,亦不比 [...]
Although the presence of such a large number of
vessels at one time in the
[...] harbour had caused delay to regular traffic, the delay was temporary, [...]
did not lead to any collision
of vessels, and caused no more problems to traffic control than, say, the New Year fireworks display.
邀请国际海事组织大会考虑通过一项决议,对避免、遏制 阻延 海 盗行 为最佳管理做法作出承诺
Invites the Assembly of the International Maritime
Organization to consider adopting a resolution on commitments to best management practices
[...] to avoid, deter or delay acts of piracy
爆炸后,真主党人员封锁了该地区 阻延 了 联 合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队前去调 查。
In the aftermath of the explosions, Hezbullah operatives
[...] sealed off the area and delayed the deployment of [...]
the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
(UNIFIL) to conduct an investigation into the circumstances of the incidents.
被 告 人 有 很 強 的 傾 向 同 意 警 方 提 出 的 任 何 條 件 , 這 顯 然 是 因 為 他 們 相 信 不 是 這 樣 的 話 會 減 低 獲 准 保 釋
[...] 的 機 會 , 或 至 少 會 造阻 延 。
There is a strong tendency for defendants to agree to whatever terms the
police seek, obviously in the belief that to do otherwise would jeopardise their chance of
[...] bail or at least cause delay.
干擾機械裝置或設備 任何人不得以任何方法干擾放置在公司的處所或船隻上的機械裝置或設備,或作出任何
[...] 事情令該等機械裝置、設備、處所或船隻損壞, 阻延 公 司 的運作,或造成任何人受傷 或不適。
No person shall interfere with any mechanism or equipment on the Company's premises or vessels in any way, or do anything liable to cause damage
to such mechanism, equipment, premises
[...] or vessels, or to delay the Company's operations, [...]
or to cause injury or discomfort to any person.
交易所、HSDS 及 HSIL 均不會及無須就使用所有或任何恒生股票指數作有關所有或任何期權合約的交易或其他用途、或 HSIL
[...] 編纂及計算所有或任何恒生股票指數時出現的任何錯漏、錯誤 阻延 、 中 斷、暫停、改變或失敗(包 括但不限於因疏忽引致的)、或交易所會員或任何第三者可能因期權合約的交易直接或間接引致的任何經 [...]
Further, no responsibility or liability whatsoever is accepted by the Exchange, HSDS or HSIL in respect of the use of the Hang Seng Indexes or any of them for the purposes of and in connection with the Option Contracts or any of them and/or dealings
therein, or for any inaccuracies, omissions,
[...] mistakes, errors, delays, interruptions, suspension, [...]
changes or failures (including
but not limited to those resulting from negligence) of HSIL in the compilation and computation of the Hang Seng Indexes or any of them or for any economic or other losses which may be directly or indirectly sustained as a result thereof by any participant or any third party dealing with the Option Contracts or any of them.
由 於 在 安 排 招 標 和 委 任 新 的 定 期 合 約 承 建 商 , 以 及 招 聘 更 新 行 動 的 小 組 成 員 等 方 面 , 用 了 較 預 期 為 多 的 時 間 , 令 屋 宇 署 的 更 新 行 動 目 標 樓 宇 的 維 修 計 劃 受阻 延 , 因 此 在 2011 年 所 維 修 的 目 標 樓 宇 較 目 標 數 目 為 少 。
The shortfall in the number of target buildings repaired in 2011 was due to the slippage in BD’s repair programme for OBB target buildings as a result of the longer than expected time taken to arrange for tendering and appointment of new term contractors, and to recruit staff for the OBB team.
泰国洪灾造成的供应链中断,很大程度上影响了过程管理业务的业绩,对网络能源业务的业绩也带来一定影响,从而一 阻延 了 大约 3 亿美元的销售,其中大部分预期将在 [...]
2012 财年全年业绩中得以恢复。
Supply chain disruptions because of the flooding in Thailand affected results significantly in Process
Management and to a lesser extent in Network
[...] Power, in total delaying approximately $300 [...]
million in sales, most of which are
expected to be recovered in 2012.
主 審 裁 判 司 雖 然 不 知 道 被 告 以 往 判 罪 的 性 質,但 當 他 正 在 處 理 的 訴 訟 突 然 受阻 延 時,他 便 知 或 懷 疑 被 告 以 往 曾 有 被 判 罪 的 紀 錄 。
The trial magistrate, though being unaware of the nature of the previous convictions, would know or suspect that there are some previous convictions when proceedings before him are momentarily held up.
(c) 第三方(包括政府或官方機構)就協議項下擬進行之交易授出所有同 意書,且並無頒佈禁止、限制或嚴 阻延 交 易 事項之法例、規例或決 定,或完成後 [...]
E-Tron、 PTG 或網絡卓越集團任何成員公司之業務並無 被任何政府或官方機構提呈出售、頒佈法令或扣查
(c) all necessary consents being granted by third parties (including governmental or official authorities) in connection with the transactions contemplated under the Agreement and no statute, regulation
or decision which would prohibit,
[...] restrict or materially delay the Transaction [...]
or the operation of E-Tron, PTG or any member
of the Cyber Vantage Group after Completion having been proposed, enacted or taken by any governmental or official authority
用于一般性讨论日时,“紧急情况”的定义是人为或自然灾害在短时间内 毁坏儿童生活、养护、教育设施的通常条件因而使受教育权的落实工作中断、无 法进行、阻或延误等凡此种种情况。
For the purpose of the day of general discussion, “emergency situations” are defined as all situations in which anthropogenic or natural disasters destroy, within a short period of time, the usual conditions of life, care and education
facilities for children and therefore
[...] disrupt, deny, hinder progress or delay the realisation of [...]
the right to education.
第三,各方应进行联合评估和磋商,以避免出现 可阻碍或延误结 束冲突和解决争端的任何竞争。
Thirdly, there should be joint assessments and consultations between
parties in order to avoid any competition
[...] likely to hamper or delay the ending of a conflict [...]
and the resolution of a dispute.
据减少疟疾伙伴关系说,2010 年需要发放 和使用 7 亿顶蚊帐才阻止疟疾的延。
According to the Roll Back Malaria Partnership, over 700 million bednets need to be deployed by 2010 to dent the spread of the disease.
这防止了公共机构利用其巨大自身往往是相当大的权力 延 或 阻 止 信 息公开。
This prevents public bodies from using their often
[...] considerable power to delay or prevent information [...]
在设立欧洲联盟 特别代表办事处等方面出现的延阻 碍 了 《协定》中 一些目标的实现,也妨碍了波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那取 得欧洲联盟的候选国资格。
The delay in setting up the Office of the Special Representative of the European Union, for example, has hindered the [...]
attainment of some
goals of the Agreement and the candidacy of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the European Union.
延长热电阻的使用寿命,我们 增加了电阻数量并降低了单个功率。
With a view to prolonging the operating life of the resistors, [...]
we decided to increase the number of elements, while using a lower specific power.
像許多香料,芫茜,含有抗氧化劑, 延 緩 或 阻 止 這 種香料調味的食物腐壞。
Coriander, like many spices, contains
[...] antioxidants, which can delay or prevent the spoilage [...]
of food seasoned with this spice.
由于贫 穷与非传染性疾病密切相连,预计这类疾病的不断 延 流 行 将 阻 碍 低 收入国家和 社区的减贫举措。
Because poverty is closely linked with
non-communicable diseases,
[...] the expanding epidemic of such diseases is predicted to impede poverty reduction [...]
initiatives in low-income countries and communities.
但是,法国注 意到,条例核准上的延阻碍了 埃塞俄比亚制冷剂管理计划(ETH/REF/44/TAS/14)的完 成和随后的结束性淘汰管理计划的提交。
However, it
[...] noted that that 7 the delay in the approval of regulations had prevented [...]
the completion of the RMP project in
Ethiopia (ETH/REF/44/TAS/14) and the subsequent submission of the TPMP.
根据适用的法律,未能包括此类物品可能 阻 止 或 延 迟 您 的退货或换货,或导致额外的费用;Microsoft [...]
Subject to applicable law, failure to include such
[...] items may prevent or delay your refund or exchange [...]
or result in additional fees and
Microsoft reserves the right to deny any return or exchange if it fails to meet our return criteria.
阿卜耶伊联合监督委员 会第四次会议一再延,阻碍了2012 年 1 月 18 日和 19 日举行的该委员会第三 次会议通过一系列前瞻性决定后产生的重大势头。
The repeated postponement of the fourth meeting of the Abyei Joint Oversight Committee has impeded the significant [...]
momentum achieved with
the adoption of a number of forward-looking decisions at its third meeting, held on 18 and 19 January 2012.
常设论坛注意到向 2011 年 5 月在努克举行的北极理事会部长级会议汇报的
[...] 情况,其中涉及气候变化和北极工业发展的累积效应影响可能对牧场造成损失, 并对驯鹿季节性牧场之间的重要迁徙造成破坏 阻 止 或 拖 延 , 从而危及土著驯鹿 牧民的适应能力。
The Permanent Forum notes the information reported to the Arctic Council ministerial meeting held in Nuuk in May 2011 on the impact of cumulative effects of climate change and industrial development in the Arctic, which threaten to
cause the loss of grazing lands and
[...] the destruction, blockage or delay of critical reindeer [...]
migrations between seasonal pastures,
and thereby jeopardize the adaptive capacity of indigenous reindeer herders.
联合国的业务行动在接触西岸各社区时遇到了众多限制和 延 , 阻 碍 了 向巴 勒斯坦难民和居民提供人道主义援助。
United Nations operations encountered numerous
[...] restrictions and delays in reaching communities in the West Bank, impeding the delivery [...]
of humanitarian assistance
to Palestinian refugees and residents.
关 于中国氟氯烃生产行业技术审计的最后报告草案,执行委员会指出,最后技术审计报告延迟提交不阻碍其 审议中国化工生产行业氟氯烃淘汰计划的项目提案,并且决定,通过 [...]
生产行业淘汰氟氯氢项目提案,供第六十七次会议审议,并考虑到技术审计中取得的信息 以及来自任何其他相关信息来源的信息(第 66/54 号决定,(a)、(f)、(h) 和(i) 分段)。
Regarding the draft final report on the technical audit of China’s HCFC
production sector, the Executive
[...] Committee noted that the delayed submission of the final [...]
technical audit report would not
prevent it from considering the project proposal for HCFC phase-out plan for the production sector in China, and decided, through the Government of China, to invite the HCFC production plants to provide data that they had not provided to the original consultant, and requested the Secretariat to review, for consideration at the 67th meeting, the project proposal for HCFC phase-out in the production sector in China, taking into account any available information from the technical audit, as well as any other relevant sources of information (decision 66/54, sub-paragraphs (a), (f), (h) and (i)).
本會促請政府全 面 檢討西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃,在規 劃文化設施 之 前 ,
[...] 應 先 考慮有關‘軟 件 ’的 內容延 長提交發展建議的期 限 ,並公開 及 [...]
詳 細 地 諮詢文化界 、 專 業 團 體 、地產 界 、立法會、公眾 及相關組織
, 以 貫徹文化委員會就西九龍發展計劃提出‘以 人 為本’、 ‘建立伙 伴 關 係 ’ 和 ‘民間主導’的原則 , 制 訂 公 開 、公平 和 適切合 宜 的發展及運作方案, 而 在發展過程中,政府應 促成發展商與 文化界 的 伙 伴 關 係,讓 文化界參 與 區 內 設施的策 劃及將來的運作。
That this Council urges the Government to comprehensively review the West Kowloon Cultural District development project, consider the
‘software’ contents before planning the
[...] cultural facilities, extend the deadline for [...]
submission of development proposals, openly
and thoroughly consult the cultural sector, professional bodies, the real estate sector, the Legislative Council, the public and relevant organizations, and uphold the ‘people-oriented’, ‘partnership’ and ‘community-driven’ principles put forward by the Culture and Heritage Commission for the West Kowloon development in formulating a development and operation plan that is open, fair and proper; and in the process of development, the Government should also facilitate a partnership between developers and the cultural sector, so as to allow the latter to participate in the planning and future operation of the facilities in the district.




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