

单词 信徒


异端信徒 n

heretic n

非信徒 n

unbeliever n

See also:

on foot
no avail
prison sentence
bare or empty
surname Tu

External sources (not reviewed)

斯洛伐克认为,该建议没有明确确定所要求的灵活性的性质 信徒 较少的宗教团体的定量参数和应加以避免的歧视形式。
It considered that the recommendation did not identify clearly the nature of the
requested flexibility, the quantitative parameters of a
[...] small number of believers and the form of [...]
discrimination to be avoided.
新“)约概念圆满(”未来的存在似乎是指无论现在和判断之前 continuing Salvation 救恩信徒在耶 稣基督和第二字面来临基督带来邪恶的世界,将。
The New Testament concept of Parousia ("coming presence") appears to refer
to both the present and the continuing
[...] Salvation among believers in Jesus Christ [...]
and the literal Second Coming of Christ
that will bring an evil world to judgment before salvation.
由于妇信徒很少 参与宗教 间对话,而且没有记载或研究许多良好做法,因此开展了一项研究,记载这些举 [...]
As women of faith rarely engage [...]
in interreligious dialogue and many of their good practices have not even been documented
or researched, a study has been undertaken to describe their initiatives, thus making them more visible and effective.
强调指出污蔑诋毁宗教是对人格尊严的严重侮辱,导致非法限 信徒 的 宗教 自由,并挑起宗教仇恨和暴力
Stressing that vilification of religions is a serious affront to human dignity leading
to the illicit restriction of the freedom of
[...] religion of their adherents and incitement [...]
to religious hatred and violence
宗教间国际鼓励塞浦路斯为取消限制性措施而创造有利条件,因为 这将使信徒能够 行使其宗教信仰自由并且每年前往朝圣,同时通过建立一项机 [...]
Interfaith International encouraged Cyprus to set up favourable conditions for the removal of
restrictive measures, which would make it
[...] possible for the faithful to exercise [...]
their religious freedom and to visit places
of pilgrimage annually, and to combat trafficking in women by setting up a mechanism for the reintegration of victims in social and economic life.
國王加時賽眾議院Sassan有熱心信徒 和 做的一切都是在其權力範圍內蔓延的信念作為一個國家的信條,所以,它的繁榮再次上升到頂點。
The kings ot the house of
[...] Sassan were zealous believers and did everything [...]
in their power to spread the faith as a national
creed, so that its prosperity rose again to the zenith.
该协定是双方于 2009 年 6 月 21
[...] 日在联合国索马里政治事务处(联索政治处)的主持下签署初步声明之后签 订的,作出下述安排:(a) 过渡联邦政府部队和“先知信徒” 组 织的部队合并, 后者将部队交给过渡联邦政府指挥和控制;(b) 为“先知信徒”组 织分配若干 部长级职位以及高级公务员和外交官职位;(c) 酌情整合过渡联邦政府已建立的 地方行政部门;(d) [...]
的力量;以及(e) 建立一个监测该协定实施情况的机构,成员包括联索政治处、 非洲联盟以及政府间发展管理局(伊加特)。
The accord, which followed an initial declaration signed on 21 June 2009 by the two parties under the auspices of the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS), stipulates the following arrangements: (a) the merging of
Transitional Federal
[...] Government and ASWJ forces, with the latter bringing its troops under the command and control of the Government; (b) the allocation to ASWJ of ministerial [...]
posts and senior
positions in the civil and foreign services; (c) the integration of local administrations already established by the Government, wherever applicable; (d) the formation of an advisory council of religious leaders as a counterweight to Al-Shabaab’s radical doctrine; and (e) the establishment of a body to monitor implementation of the agreement, comprising UNPOS, the African Union, and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).
信徒必须 受到保护,其信仰免受仇恨言论和行 为的伤害,但这种保护最好通过保护个人和团体的 [...]
宗教自由权来实现,《世界人权宣言》、《公民及政治 权利国际公约》以及《消除基于宗教或信仰原因的 一切形式的不容忍和歧视宣言》对此做了阐述。
Believers had to be protected [...]
from hate speech and acts against their convictions, but the protection could best be achieved
by insuring the right of individuals and communities to religious freedom, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief.
Encouraged by
[...] religious leaders, worshippers take their families to receive life-saving health [...]
interventions that would
normally be unavailable to them.
这些不宽容现象源自对于伊 斯兰教及信徒的误 解,联合国实现和平与繁荣的 使命以及促进所有社会深入了解和相互对话的共同 努力因此受挫。
Such manifestations of intolerance were based on misguided understandings of Islam and its followers, and thwarted the United Nations in its mission to bring peace and prosperity and the collective pursuit of a deeper understanding and dialogue among all societies.
在伊斯兰历史上,先知曾禁止他 信徒 在这 样的清真寺祷告,并允信徒摧毁 这样的清真寺。
In Islamic history, the Prophet had forbade his followers from praying at such mosques and authorised their destruction.
宪法》还规定不得制定有 违第9条的精神的法律,但是它规定了可能需要采取合理行动的情形:出于国防、 公共秩序、公众安全、公共道德或公共健康的需要;为保护他人的权利和自由, 包括在没有任何干扰其他宗信徒的 不 当行为的情况下信奉和实践任何宗教的 权利。
The Constitution further safeguards against the promulgation of laws contrary to the spirit of article 9; however, it identifies instances in which reasonable action may be required: in the interests of defence, public safety, public order, public morality or public health; or, for the purpose of protecting the rights and freedoms of other persons, including the right to observe and practise any religion without the unsolicited intervention of members of any other religion.
[...] 谐和侵犯人权行为,震惊地注意到一些国家未采取行动,遏制这种正在迅速扩大 的趋势以及某些宗教信徒因此 而遭受的歧视
Noting with concern that vilification of religions, and incitement to religious hatred in general, could lead to social disharmony and violations of human rights, and alarmed at the inaction of some
States to combat this burgeoning trend and the resulting discriminatory
[...] practices against adherents of certain religions
南部其他反青年党民兵,包括“先知 信徒 ” 组 织各派系、“阿扎尼亚 国”和“谢贝利河谷国”,似乎是邻国的代理,而不是新成立的地方当局, 不清楚它们能在多大程度上带来持久和平和安全。
Other southern anti-Al-Shabaab militias, including the various factions of Ahlu Sunna wal Jama’a, “Azania State”, and “Shabelle Valley State” appear to be proxies for neighbouring States rather than emergent local authorities, and it is unclear to what extent they may also be able to deliver enduring peace and security.
政治隔离:许多国家的政府限制或禁止向其公民传福音,逼迫国内 信徒。
Political Isolation: Numerous governments restrict or forbid the evangelization of their
[...] citizens, and persecute believers inside the country.
我们的教会是否有为神将要大大加添的 信徒 预 备好门徒训练的计划,以持守复兴 带来的成果?
Is our church prepared in the
[...] discipleship of an influx of new believers to sustain [...]
the fruits of revival?
我相信我們中間不少信徒都有 類似的經歷,就是在 遇到很大的苦處、艱難或挑戰時,在沒有人了解之時,卻 被神用祂的話語或作為來摸著我們的心,叫我們深深的感 受到祂的眷顧和關懷,雖然環境尚無改變的跡像,但已足 夠叫我們跪下、感恩、敬拜
Many of us have had similar experiences in that while we were still in our plight, whether it was a financial disaster, a relational nightmare or some trouble that was too grievous to share with anyone else, God touched us with His word showing us that He was “concerned” and that He had “seen” our misery.
研究毛拉纳的大部分学者都 承认,对毛拉纳世界性影响的最美好纪念莫过于他的葬礼-长达四十天的哀悼马拉松,参加
[...] 葬礼的有穆斯林、基督徒、犹太人、印度教徒、佛教徒和琐罗亚思德 信徒 在 伤 心和哭泣, 他们的真心哀悼让人以为毛拉纳属于他们的每一个人。
Most of those scholars who have studied Mawlana admit that there was no more beautiful tribute to Mawlana’s universality than his funeral, a 40-day marathon of grieving attended by distraught and weeping Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus,
Buddhists and Zoroastrians who mourned in such a manner that
[...] one would have believed that Mawlana belonged [...]
to each one of them.
波斯尼亚人的行为之道》列出了每 信徒 都 必 须了解、信仰和履行的 54 项宗教义务,后面是对虔诚信众应为和不应为之事的建议。
Bosnian Book of the Science of Conduct is a
work that lists 54 religious duties
[...] that each believer must know about, believe in, and fulfill, [...]
followed by advice on what
a religious person should and should not do.
而是要让那些持有不同信仰(有时是完全对立的信仰)的人在自己的价值观和共 同价值观的基础上,相互和谐共处并增进不同教派 信徒 和 信 奉 者 之间的了解。
Rather it is to enable those with different, sometimes radically opposed beliefs, to live in harmony with one another on the basis of their own and shared values and to lead to greater understanding between the faithful and committed of different persuasions.
许多缔约国需要知道某一宗教信徒 数 量, 以此作为确定补贴的基础。
Many States parties needed to know how many people practised a particular religion as a basis for determining subsidies.
[...] [...] 其严重性,然而值得注意的是每天有多少基督徒活动在进行,而这些活动在技术上来说应该是不被允许的,但是却没有受到检查......在每一个礼拜里,在中 国的某地,都市信徒在租来的办公室建筑内聚会,数以百计的非官方圣经学校提供课程,儿童上主日学和少年聚会,内含各种基督教内容的书籍在全国各地的书店 [...] [...]
公开贩售,企业为员工举行教堂敬拜,学生参加校园里的研经班,基督徒经营的地方性非政府组织为具有多样化需要的个人和家庭提供大量的服务──参与这些活动 的基督徒完全没有受到政府的逼迫。
Without discounting either the reality of incidences of Christian persecution or their seriousness, it is remarkable how much Christian activity takes place on a daily basis that is technically not allowed yet goes
unchecked... In any given week, somewhere
[...] in China, urban believers hold services in [...]
rented office buildings, hundreds of unofficial
Bible schools offer classes, children attend Sunday schools and youth meetings, books containing all kinds of Christian content are sold openly in bookstores across the country, businesses conduct chapel services for their employees, students meet for campus Bible studies, local Christian-run NGOs offer a host of services to individuals and families with various needs - and those involved in these activities suffer no repercussions at the hands of authorities.
宣道 會的傳教士大約在㆒九㆕九年首次來港,曾經不時購買及添置不動產,供本 信徒作 崇 拜、傳道、研讀聖經及其他宗教目的之用。
Their missionaries first came to Hong Kong in about 1949 and occasionally
they purchased and acquired immovable
[...] properties for local believers to use for worshipping, [...]
preaching, bible studying and other religious purposes.
该次会议非常重要,因 为它把索马里政府、过渡议会、邦特兰、加-姆杜德 和“先知信徒”各 方聚集起来,由此得以就各项任 务达成一致,完成这些任务将使索马里人民能够通过 自由和透明的选举加强国家机构的合法性,并且建立 使持久和平生根所需要的法治。
This meeting was very significant as it brought together the Somali Government, the transitional Parliament, Puntland, Galmudug and Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a, and thus allowed for agreement to be reached on tasks whose completion would allow the Somali people to strengthen the legitimacy of State institutions through free and transparent elections and establish the rule of law needed for lasting peace to take hold.
换言之, 这意味着,每一个男子,不管他是属于这个国家还是另一个国家,不管他 信徒 或者不是信徒,仅 因为他是一个人,就享有一些基本人权。
In other words, it means that every man, whether he belongs to this country or another, whether he is a believer or non-believer, has some basic human rights simply because he is a human being.
(b) 尊重已注册登记或未注册登记的宗教 信徒 不 受限制地信奉宗教自由 的权利,审查现行的注册条例和做法,以便确保所有人单独或与他人一起集体 地、公开地或私下地表达其宗教或信仰的权利,而不论其注册登记的状况如果
(b) Respect the right of members of registered and unregistered religions to freely exercise their freedom of religion, review existing registration regulations and practices in order to ensure the right of all persons to manifest their religion or belief, alone or in community with others and in public or in private regardless of registration status
过去两个月,我与索马里各利益攸关方进行了协 商,其中包括索马里过渡联邦政府(过渡政府)、“先 知信徒”组织,以及区域和国际组织和民间社会组 织。
For the past two months, I have held consultations with various Somali stakeholders, including the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), the Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a group, and regional and international organizations, as well as civil society organizations.
为此,我必须告知你今天(2 月 24 日)在被占领的东耶路撒冷谢里夫圣地(圣
[...] 所)发生了非常令人担忧的事态发展,以色列占领军冲进圣地, 信徒 过 度 使用 武力。
In this regard, I must inform you of the extremely worrying developments today, 24 February, at Al-Haram Al-Sharif (the Noble Sanctuary) in Occupied
East Jerusalem, in which Israeli occupying forces stormed the holy compound and used
[...] excessive force against worshippers.




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