

单词 信守

守信 adjective ()

trustworthy adj

守信 ()

keep promises



keep one's word

See also:


guard v
defend v

keep watch
abide by the law
observe (rules or ritual)

External sources (not reviewed)

它希望阿富汗政信守其对 民主理想的承诺,充分落实审议 的各项建议和成果。
It hoped that
[...] the Government would uphold its commitment [...]
to democratic ideals and implement fully the recommendations and outcomes of the review.
安全理事会再次呼吁武装冲突所有各信守国际 人道主义法规定的对其适用的义务,采 [...]
取一切必要步骤保护平民,并为此回顾第 1894(2009)号决议。
The Security Council reiterates its call on all parties to
[...] armed conflict to comply with the obligations [...]
applicable to them under international
humanitarian law and to take all required steps to protect civilians and recalls in this regard resolution 1894 (2009).
她認為有需要成立小組委 員會研究該決議案,以審視政府當局有 信守承 諾
She considered it necessary to form a subcommittee to study the proposed resolution to examine whether the Administration had honoured its undertaking.
这一进步反映了巴西政信守对促 进男女平等的承诺,在这一点上与民间社会和 女权运动是一致的。
This advance reflects the Government’s commitment to promoting gender equality, in line with civil society and the feminist movement.
具有讽刺意味的是,法国等某些核武器国家非但 没有致力信守其在 不扩散条约 1995 年审议和延期 大会上向无核武器的缔约国作出的无条件安全保证, 反而在冷战思维驱使下发表威胁无核武器国家的无 理声明。
It is ironic that instead of committing to their unconditional security assurances to non-nuclear-weapon States parties to the NPT, given at the 1995 Review and Extension Conference, certain nuclear-weapon States, such as France, motivated by Cold War thinking, have made irrational statements threatening non-nuclear-weapon States.
进行这次访问的另一个动机是,安全理事会 2011 年 12 月 20 日第 2027(2011)
[...] 号决议鼓励布隆迪政府、建设和平委员会和布隆迪的本国和国际伙 信守 它 们 根 据布隆迪建设和平战略框架执行情况第五次审查的成果文件做出的承诺,并在第 [...]
The visit was also undertaken partly pursuant to Security Council resolution 2027 (2011) of 20 December 2011, in which the Council encouraged the Government of Burundi, the
Peacebuilding Commission and its national and
[...] international partners to honour their commitments [...]
made under the outcome document of
the fifth review of the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Peacebuilding in Burundi and to review these commitments once the second poverty reduction strategy paper had been finalized, in order to determine how the Commission could best contribute to Burundi’s peacebuilding priorities.
加纳共和信守《联 合国宪章》所载各项宗旨和原则以及国际法,坚持不颁 布和实施域外效力对其他国家主权及其管辖的实体或个人正当利益以及对贸易 和航行自由具有负面影响的法律。
The Republic of Ghana, in fulfilment of its commitment to the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and international law, has steadfastly refrained effects adversely affect the sovereignty of other States, the legitimate interests of entities or persons under their jurisdiction or the freedom of trade or navigation.
謹先藉此機 會感謝你繼信守我們 共享的價值觀念和展現你合乎道德標 準的領導精神,因為它們對我們持續取得成功的商業成果至 [...]
Thank you in advance for your ongoing commitment to our shared
[...] values and your ethical leadership, which [...]
are vital to our continued business success.
[...] 对实现所有人权,特别是对发展权的影响,呼吁发 达国信守诺言,将其国内生产总值的 0.7%用于从 [...]
现在到 2015 年的官方发展援助。
The member States of MERCOSUR and associated States were concerned by the effects of the economic and financial crisis on the realization of all human rights, in particular the right to
development, and therefore urged developed
[...] countries to honour their commitment [...]
to dedicate 0.7 per cent of their gross domestic
product to official development assistance by 2015.
最後,我奉勸何秀蘭議員 ⎯⎯ 當然,她稍後也可能會回應 ⎯⎯ 我希望身為議員,對於這些事情,一方面能夠自由表達意見,但另一 方面亦信守中立 原則,不偏不倚地看待問題。
Lastly, I would like to tender Ms Cyd HO a piece of advice ― she will probably respond later ― that as a Member, she should, on the one hand, express her views freely on these matters and, on the other, stand by the principle of neutrality and look at the issues in an unbiased manner.
本组织应采取适当的措施,落实本宣言,在 尊重人的尊严和行使信守人权 和基本自由的基础上,促进生命科学的进步及其在技术上的 应用。
The Organization shall take appropriate action to follow up the Declaration so as to foster progress of the life sciences and their applications through technologies, based on respect for human dignity and the exercise and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
强调在对付跨国有组织犯罪的时候必须充 信守 国 家 主权原则,并遵循法 治,以此作为综合对策的一部分,从而通过增进人权和更公平的社会经济条件, [...]
Emphasizing that transnational organized
[...] crime must be addressed in full respect [...]
of the principle of the sovereignty of
States and in accordance with the rule of law as part of a comprehensive response to promote durable solutions through the promotion of human rights and more equitable socio-economic conditions
[...] 并鼓励会员国在可行情况下宣布提供多年期认捐,公布付款时间表 信守 认 捐承 诺,并按期付款。
The Executive Board may wish to stress the importance of a stable, predictable base of regular resources for the extended period of the strategic plan and encourage Member States to announce pledges,
on a multi-year basis if feasible, and payment schedules, and to adhere to such pledges
[...] and payment schedules thereafter.
建议作出的决定;请执行局呼吁所有援助发 展合作伙信守其以 往作出的承诺;满意 地注意到建立了南南教育合作计划/基金管 理机制,并呼吁援助发展合作伙伴为此基 金提供捐款;请总干事拟定一项筹资战 略,促使出资信守先前的诺言,并鼓励 为南南教育合作计划/基金提供新的捐款; 就目前的金融和经济危机对发展中国家实 现全民教育目标产生的影响向执行局第一 八二届会议提交一份初步报告,并就此向 其第一八四届会议另外提交一份简明扼要 的分析报告。
Decision proposed: the Executive Board is
invited to call upon
[...] development partners to fulfil their previous pledges, to take note with satisfaction that the governance mechanisms for the South-South Cooperation Programme/Fund are in place, and to call upon development partners to consider contributing to the Fund; the Director-General is invited to elaborate a fund-raising strategy that would call upon donors to fulfil their [...]
earlier pledges and would encourage new contributions to the South-South
Cooperation Programme/ Fund for Education; and to present to the Board at its 182nd session a preliminary report on the impact of the current financial and economic crisis on the developing countries in their efforts to achieve the EFA goals, and another concise and analytical report in this respect for its 184th session.
负责任: 无论是企业本身还是员工个人都始 信守 承 诺 、对我们的客户、团队成员和合作伙伴保 持高度负责的态度。
As a company, and as individuals, we hold ourselves accountable to our customers, team members and partners by delivering on our commitments.
2000 年审议大会通过的共识文件2 促请所有直接有关方认真考虑采取按照 大会有关决议执行在中东地区建立无核武器区这一提议所需的实际和迫切步骤, 并作为促进这一目标的一个手段,请有关各 信守 《 不 扩散条约》,并在这样一 个区域未建立之前,同意将其所有核活动置于原子能机构的保障监督之下。
In the consensus document adopted by the 2000 Review Conference,2all parties directly concerned were urged to consider seriously taking the practical and urgent steps required for the implementation of the proposal to establish a nuclearweapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and, as a means of promoting this objective, the States concerned were invited to adhere to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and, pending the establishment of such a zone, to agree to place all their nuclear activities under IAEA safeguards.
因为,归根结底,我们仍然是"一个在主的庇佑下不可分割的国家",只 信守 所 有伟大的宗教--包括伊斯兰教--的同一准则,我们才能实现"人人享有自由和公正"的理想。
And we can only achieve “liberty and justice for all” if we live by that one rule at the heart of every great religion, including Islam — that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us.
事会第 487(1981)号决议和大会以协商一致方式通过的有关决议迅速在中东建立 一个无核武器区,并回顾,2000 年审议大会重申以色列必须加入《不扩散核武器
[...] 条约》并将其所有核设施置于原子能机构保障之下,以实现中东普 信守 《 条 约》 之目标。
Support the establishment in the Middle East of a zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction and reaffirm the need for the speedy establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East in accordance with the Security Council resolution 487 (1981) and the relevant General Assembly resolutions adopted by consensus, and recall that the 2000 Review Conference reaffirmed the importance of Israel’s accession to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and the placement of all its nuclear
facilities under comprehensive IAEA safeguards, in realizing the
[...] goal of universal adherence to the Treaty [...]
in the Middle East.
职业保密书函及个人信件和文书内 信守 尤 其 重要,两者是私人和家庭生 活隐私权的核心内容。
Professional confidentiality and the duty of
[...] non-disclosure of correspondence and of other [...]
personal writings are particularly important,
since both are constitutive elements of the right to the intimacy of private and family life.
觉察到台湾人民及其民选领导信守 民 主 、自由和人权等普世价值,并矢志 增强经济、社会和文化发展以及人道主义援助方面的国际合作
Observing that the people of Taiwan and their elected leaders are committed to the universal values of democracy, freedom and human rights as well as to the enhancement of international cooperation on economic, social and cultural development and humanitarian assistance
我们重申,实现包括核武器国家在内的所有国家普 信守 《 全面禁止核试验 条约》对促进核裁军进程、增进国际和平与安全非常重要。
We reaffirm the importance of
[...] achieving universal adherence to the Comprehensive [...]
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, including by the
nuclear-weapon States, to contribute towards the process of nuclear disarmament and therefore towards the enhancement of international peace and security.
我国塞内加尔打信守其对 这个问题的长达数 十年之久的承诺,将与所有心怀善意的国家合作,以 期找到巴勒斯坦问题、特别是加沙目前局势的彻底、 持久解决办法。
My country, Senegal, intends to honour its decades-long commitment to this issue by working with all those of goodwill to find a definitive and lasting solution to the issue of Palestine and, in particular, the current situation in Gaza.
中方强烈要求 朝信守无核 化承诺,停止可能导致局势进一步恶化的相关行动, 重新回到六方会谈的轨道上来。
China strongly urges the DPRK to honour its commitment to denuclearisation, stop relevant moves that may further worsen the situation and return to the Six-Party Talks”.
我们非常认真地对待我们 的客户对我们的信任,并且我们通过致力于去做 为 使 我 们 客 户 的 产 品 更 强 、更 轻 和 更 具 竞 争 力 所 需要做的事情信守我们 的承诺——无论是现 在还是将来。
We take our customers’ trust very seriously and we honor our commitment by focusing on what is needed to make our customers’ products stronger, lighter and more competitive – now and in the future.
会议还鼓励所有有能力这样做的缔约 信守 承 诺 ,履行《公约》第 6条第4 款规定的为排雷和相关活动提供援助的义务。
The Conference furthermore encouraged all States Parties in a position to do so to honour their commitments to fulfilling their obligations under article 6.4 of the Convention to provide assistance for mine clearance and related activities.
公司强化企业内部管理,建立健全质量保证体系,奉行“加强管理,出优质产品 信守 合 同 ,让顾客满意;持续改进,达行业先进”的企业方针,通过了ISO9001:2008质量体系认证,获得了《制造计量生产许可证》,以优质的产品和高效的售后服务赢得了广大用户的一致好评。
Strengthen internal management, the establishment of a sound quality assurance system, to
pursue to strengthen the management of
[...] high-quality products; abide by the contract, [...]
the customer satisfaction; continuous improvement,
up to the industry "corporate policy, passed the ISO9001: 2008 quality system certification, access to "manufacturing measuring the production license to the quality products and efficient after-sales service to win the majority of users praise.
当代东南亚》,第 30 卷第 3 期(2008 年 12 月),马来西亚 外交部长、东盟主席
Hamid Albar 在《华尔街日报》专栏版和 一次讲话中公开表达了东盟的失望,在讲话中,他严厉批评了 缅甸,称东盟大部分成员国都“切实担忧”,缅甸正在损害东盟
[...] 的可信度,破坏它与其他国家的关系,缅甸政府 信守 承 诺, 接受改革,释放昂山素姬。
eign minister and ASEAN Chair Hamid Albar expressed the group’s frustration publicly in a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece and in a speech in which he issued a scathing criticism of Myanmar, saying there was “real concern” from most of ASEAN’s members that Myanmar was undermining the organisation’s credibility and jeopardising its relations
with other countries, and Myanmar’s
[...] government had not kept its promises to embrace [...]
reforms or to release Aung San Suu Kyi.
注意到《建立欧亚经济共同体条约》1 重申,共同体成员国承信守《宪章》 的原则,信守公认 的国际法原则和准则, 深信加强联合国和联合国系统其他组织同与欧亚经济共同体的合作有助于 [...]
Noting that the Treaty on the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic
Community1 reaffirms the
[...] commitment of the States members of the Community to the principles of the Charter and [...]
also to the generally
accepted principles and norms of international law, Convinced that the strengthening of cooperation between the United Nations and other organizations of the United Nations system and the Eurasian Economic Community contributes to the promotion of the purposes and principles of the United Nations




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