

单词 信息化

信息化 ()

informatization (the Information Age analog of




See also:



信息 n

info n
messages pl
news n
text n

External sources (not reviewed)

有一名代表建议,除了建立数字 信息化 社 会的三个关键 要素(3 个“C”)--分别代表“内容”、“能力”和“关联”,教科文组织还应解决第四个“C”的 [...]
One delegate suggested that, in addition to
the three critical dimensions for creating
[...] digital and information literate societies [...]
– the “3 C’s” for content, capability
and connectivity” – UNESCO should also address a fourth “C” standing for “cost”.
宏源的U8系统根据企业产品特点而特别定制,以科学、统一的基础编码体系 信息化 平 台 实现各部门的信息同步共享,有效梳理、快速响应。
The Hongyuan U8 system is especially designed according to the products’ features information of all departments via the scientific and uniform basic coding system and informationalized platform.
此外,信息社会世界首 脑会议(WSIS)(日内瓦阶段--2003 年和突尼斯阶段--2005 年)要求教科文组织在此问题上 发挥具体作用,负责落实如下行动方针:获取信息与知识、远程学习 信息化 科 学 、文化多 样性与文化特性、语言多样性和本地内容、媒体以及信息社会的伦理问题。
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) (Geneva-2003 and Tunis-2005 phases) indeed entrusted UNESCO with a specific role in this regard through the implementation of the following Action Lines: access to information and knowledge, e-learning, escience, cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content, media and the ethical dimensions of the information society.
深圳市政府根據本轄區實際情況安排專項資金用於不同用途:專項資金重點用於支持融資、 信用擔保及社會化服務體系建設、市場開拓、上市培育 信息化 建 設 以及對民營領軍骨幹企業與成 長型中小企業的專項扶持等。
Also, district governments should, based on their respective districts’ actual situations, arrange special funds for different purposes, including establishing financing, credit guarantee and social service systems, exploring markets, preparing businesses for public listing, improving information technology infrastructure, as well as providing special support to leading private enterprises and developing SMEs.
目前,共有20個專責小組負責推行各項合作措施,包括推展 《安排》、加工貿易的轉型和升級、口岸運作、大型基礎建設、旅遊、
[...] 創新科技、教育、知識產權、攜手推進泛珠三角區域合作、城市規劃 和發展,以及環境保護信息化等。
At present, there are 20 expert groups responsible for taking forward a variety of co-operation initiatives, including the implementation of CEPA, restructuring and upgrading of the processing trade, control point operation, major infrastructure projects, tourism, innovation and technology, education, intellectual property rights, joint promotion of the Pan-Pearl
River Delta (PPRD) cooperation, town planning and development, environmental
[...] protection and information technology, etc.
用户可以得到免费的软件产品及所有业务程序源代码,用户或用户指定的开发商可在该ERP产品基础上进行定制开发,恩信科技为此提供有偿的咨询、培训、文档支持、定制许可等服务,帮助用户低成本、高效率建设完全成功的企 信息化 系 统
Users can get free business software products and all source code , user or developer can be specified in the ERP products based on custom development , information technology ex paid for this offer consulting, training ,
documentation, support , custom
[...] license , etc. services to help customers cost-efficient construction is entirely successful enterprise information system .
二零一一 年四月至十月期間,設計中心招待了 25 個官方代表團,其中包 括廣東省經濟信息化委員 會、廣東省工業設計協會、順德經 濟 促 進 局、台港經濟文化合作策進會、中 華 經 濟 研 究 院、韓 國 京 畿 省政府,以及亞洲、歐洲和美洲多家大學和設計團體。
From April to October 2011, HKDC received 25 official delegations,
including those from the
[...] Economic & Information Commission of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Industrial Design Association, Shunde Economy Promotion Bureau, the Taiwan-Hong Kong Economic and Cultural Co-operation [...]
Council, Chung-Hua Institution
for Economic Research, Korea Gyeonggi Provincial Government, and numerous other universities and design organisations in Asia, Europe and America.
该方案集成医疗云平台、物联网、传感技术、多样化的医疗终端、3G移动通讯等先进技术, 信息化 技 术 带入传统医疗行业,提升了医疗服务的效率和专业度,为普通民众提供触手可及的医疗服务。
The solution integrates a medical cloud platform, the Internet of Things, sensor technology, diversified medical devices, 3G mobile communications and other advanced technologies.
全国人大常委会法制工作委员会、最高人民法院、外交部、国家发展和改革 委员会、教育部、科技部、工业 信息化 部 、 国家民族事务委员会、公安部、民 政部、司法部、人力资源和社会保障部、环境保护部、住房和城乡建设部、农业 部、商务部、文化部、卫生部、国家人口和计划生育委员会、国家安全生产监督 管理总局、国家统计局、国家知识产权局、国务院港澳事务办公室、国务院法制 办公室、国务院新闻办公室、国务院扶贫开发领导小组办公室。
Rural people working in cities will also gradually come to enjoy parity of treatment with urban residents in such areas as compensation for labour, education for their children, public health, rental and purchase of dwellings, and social safeguards.
信息化建設和信息平台建 設,信息資源作為一種經濟資源,在推動經濟發展的過程中發揮著越來越重要的作用。
Information, as a kind of economic resource, serves a more and more important function in promoting economic development.
2009年,千山药机又向行业标准委员会申报了《大容量注射剂灯检机》、《非PVC膜多室袋大容量注射剂制造机》、《聚丙烯输液瓶一步法吹瓶机》行业标准的制订任务,并在2010年5月获得国家工业 信息化 部 工 信厅科【2010】74号文件《关于印发2010年第一批行业标准制修订计划的通知》的批准,授权千山药机制定该3项标准。
LTD. declare the industry standard on Large Volume Injection Light Checking Machine, Non-PVC Film Multi-chamber I.V. Injection Production Machine, and PP Infusion Bottle One-step Blowing Machine to the Industry Standards Committee.
中 國 政 府 正 在 積 極 推 動 各 行 業信 息 化 和 信 息 技 術 國 產 化,亦 在 積 極 推 動EIP行 業 標 準 的 制 訂 和出 台,隨著EIP行業的 快 速 發 展和 更 加 規 範有 序,本集 團 作為 中國自 主品 牌代表 之一 獲得了 更大 的市場 機會。
In view of the rapid development and increasingly standardization of the EIP industry, the Group acquired more and more market opportunities as one of the home-made brands in the PRC.
[...] 包括:规章和标准、税收和收费、可交易的许可 证、自愿协议信息化工具 、补贴和奖励、研究和 开发以及贸易和发展援助。
These policies, measures and instruments include: regulations and standards, taxes
and charges, tradable permits,
[...] voluntary agreements, informational instruments, [...]
subsidies and incentives, research and development,
and trade and development assistance.
可 以 幫 助 實 現 人 類 社 會 與 物 理 世 界 的 有 機 結 合,使 人 類 可 以 以 更 加 精 細 和 動 態 的 方 式 管
[...] 理 生 產 和 生 活,從 而 提 高 整 個 社 會信 息 化 能 力
It can help to realize the organic integration of the human society with the physical world, so that humankind can manage
production and life in a more detailed and dynamic way to generally enhance
[...] the level of informatisation of the society.
誠如主席報告書所提到,亞洲衛星一直與中華人民共和國工業 信息化 部 磋 商有關於中國營運衛星轉發 器容量服務的牌照。
As mentioned in the Chairman’s Statement, AsiaSat had been in discussion with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China concerning the licence for operating satellite transponder capacity services in China.
烟草行业工商安全管理系统解决方案,基于国家《数据烟草发展纲要》对烟草行 信息化 建 设的总体规划,按照“统一标准、统一平台、统一数据库、统一网络”的要求,实现烟草全行业日常的各项安全管理工作,发挥行业垂直管理体制优势,实现统一管理流程、分级管理、逐级汇总、监督检查的管理机制,最终实现系统集成、资源整合、信息共享,实现行业安全信息的集中宏观调控管理,提高应对安全生产突发事件的应急和指挥决策能力。
Based on general planning for IT construction in the tobacco industry in Digital Tobacco Development Outline by the government, and according to the requirements of “uniform standard, platform, database and network”, the solution can realize routine safety management in the tobacco industry, utilize vertical management system advantage of the industry, realize uniform management flow, level management, stage summarizing, supervision and checking management mechanism, so as to finally realize system integration, resource integration, information sharing, realize concentrated macro control management for industrial safety information, improving abilities of handling emergency, directing and decision making during safe production.
(d) 抓紧在安全部建立一信息化集中 登记制度,按照《警察和社会治安 法》的规定记录被拘禁人员的相关信息(入狱和出狱的具体时间、拘禁的具体理 [...]
(d) A central computer-based register be created as a
matter of urgency at the Ministry of
[...] Security, containing information concerning persons [...]
detained under the abovementioned Act
(date and time of arrival and departure, reason for detention and police officers involved) and providing the possibility of producing reliable and transparent statistical data.
關 於 上 述 可 公 開 獲 取 資 料 所 載 之 數 據 , 吾 等 已 審 閱 : (i) 中 華 人 民 共 和 國 工 業信 息 化 部 於 二 零 一一年 十 一 月 七 日 發 佈 的《 鋼 鐵 工 業 ‘‘ 十 二五’’ 發 展 規 劃 》; 及 (ii) 中 國國家 統 計 局 於 二 零 一二年 六 月 十 八 日 公 佈 的 有 關 生 鐵 、 粗 鋼 和 鋼 材 的 數 據 及 於 二 零 一二年 八 月 十 七 日 公 佈 的 城 鎮 化 率 ; 及 (iii) 遼 寧 省 統 計 局 於 二 零 一二年 八 月 一 日 公 佈 的 遼 寧 省 生產總 值 , 吾 等 認 為 吾 等 的 理 解 與 董 事 的 理 解 是 一 致 的 。
For the data as stated in the above mentioned public available information, we have reviewed (i)《鋼鐵工業‘‘ 十二五’’ 發展規劃》issued by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the PRC on 7 November 2011; and (ii) data from the National Bureau of Statistics of the PRC regarding pig iron, crude steel and steel dated 18 June 2012 and urbanization rate dated 17 August 2012; and (iii) gross domestic product of Liaoning Province from the Bureau of Statistics of Liaoning Province dated 1 August 2012, we consider that our understanding is consistent with that of the Directors.
大众传媒法》和信息、信息化和 信息 保 护 法》,形成了媒体独立、专 业性活动的法律机制,这两个法律是在欧安组织和欧洲委员会的建议下制定的。
The Act on the mass media and the Act on information, information technology and the protection of information, which establish the legal arrangements for the independent, professional activities of the mass media, were drawn up taking account of the recommendations of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the Council of Europe.
在加入CIC之前,Allen曾分别负责微软北美客户技术支持与呼叫中心管理、面向政府 信息化 解 决 方案搭建与业务拓展,及面向企业主群体的社会化媒体与电商产品研发与业务拓展。
Before joining CIC, Allen gained experience in consumer software tech support & call center management, government targeted information solutions & business development, as well as business-oriented, social media and e-Commerce products.
空中客车在中国将国内的分支机构通过国内运营网络将企业网络的IP数据连通,完成整体IT系统的企业信息建设,完成国内企 信息化 的 各项应用如Internet接入、VOIP、视频会议、E-Mail、企业网站、文件服务等,都由企业IP数据网络承载。
Airbus planned to connect the IP data of all its branches in China through a domestic carrier’s network, so that all IT applications of its branches, such as Internet access, VOIP, videoconferencing, E-Mail, website and file service would be transported by its IP data network.
在这几年和大家工作期间,发现在很多领域需 要我们去开展工作,如企业需要我们的帮助去协调因各
[...] 国政策差异带来的业务受阻;解决回程货问题;统一单 证;信用担保;责任保险;跨区 信息化 建 设 ;铁路业 务流程不适应国际多式联运发展等等。
While working with you in the past few years, I have found that there are many things we need to work on in many areas, for example, enterprises need our help to coordinate operational interruption due to policy differences of various countries, solve the issue of return
cargo, unify documents, provide credit guarantee, take out liability insurance, build
[...] crossregional information system, and change the railway [...]
operational process that
does not suit international multimodal transportation.
2009年底,公司新推出了两项车载影音导航平台技术:一是为长安汽车开发的三屏独立操作系统,该系统是一款多功能影音导航平台,系统采用兼容屏机一体化、屏机分离的结构设计,真正做到前后座三屏独立控制,同时实现触摸屏、中央控制器与主机的人机交互控制;二是发布领先与行业的E-CAR车载智能信息系统, E-CAR平台的开发理念,是创造车载电 信息化 时 代,创造汽车消费的新价值——赋予汽车沟通能力。
By the end of 2009, the company rolled out two new car audio navigation platform technology: one is for changan automobile development of three screen independent operating system, this system is a multi-function video navigation platform, system USES compatible screen machine integration, screen separation, the structure design of the machine is really a before and after three independent control and achieve screen touch screen, the central controller and the host of the man-machine interactive control; 2 it is released and industry
E-leading CAR the intelligent
[...] information system, E-CAR platform development ideas, and is to create vehicle electronic information times, create [...]
new value of automobile
consumption —— Give car communication ability.
以下两名专题讨论小组成员在会上作了简要介绍:斐济南太平 洋大学系主任兼经济学教授和主讲 Biman C. Prasad 先生和孟加拉信息化委员会信息专员 Sadeka Halim 女士。
Brief presentations were made by two panellists: Mr. Biman C. Prasad, Dean, Professor of Economics and Chair, the University of the South Pacific, Fiji; and Ms. Sadeka Halim, Information Commissioner, Information Commission, Bangladesh.
为了应对21世纪知信息化社会 中急速变化的数码技术和信息通信产业,朝鲜理工大学信息通信专业通过实习针对新一代移动通信领域、超高速宽带通信网的核心光通信领域以及与Ubiquitous有关的新一代通信领域培养系统理论教育及现场使用技能,从而培养出信息通信领域的专业人才。
To be prepared for the
[...] rapid change of digital technology and IT industry in the 21st century's IT society, Dept. [...]
of Information Communication
of Chosun College of Science & Technology educates aspiring IT experts with well-organized academic education and field training, which will help to enhance the performance in actual working environment, confronting the next generation of telecommunications, optical communications(core technology for high-speed broadband), and future generation communications relating to the Ubiquitous communication industries.
China Med
[...] 2009更上层楼,密集安排各项前沿专题研讨会,包括医学影像设备高峰论坛、2009全国医院设备科管理大会、临床医学检验讲座、新医改下的医 信息化 应 用 走向、现代立体定向新技术、脑损伤的康复、欧美医疗市场准入论坛、数字医学图像技术研讨会、医药物流与医疗设备质量控制、肿瘤影像诊断新进展、大型设备质量评估、口腔讲座、首届国际现代放疗技术学术论坛、第二届创伤骨科研讨大会等。
CHINA MED 2009 has strived for further improvement in diversified forefront symposiums, such as the Medical Imaging Equipment Summit Forum, 2009 National Conference on Management of Equipment Departments in Hospitals, Clinical Laboratory Science
Lecture, Application
[...] Tendency of Medical Information under New Medical [...]
Reform, Modern Stereospecific Technology, Rehabilitation of Brain Injury, Forum of European and
US Medical Market Admittance, Symposium of Medical Digital Imaging Technology, Medicine Logistics and Medical Equipments Quality Control, New Progress in Tumor Imaging Diagnosis, Large-size Equipments Quality Assessment, Lecture on Stomatology, the 1st International Modern Radiotherapy Technique Academic Forum, the 2nd Orthopaedic Trauma Seminar, etc.
因特网接入已经向高 速网络升级,中国将加快构建新一代信息网络基础设 施,促进信通技术的发展,推动移动因特网、电子政 务、电子商务、农村通信发展,加快推进城市社区信息化进程 ,利用信通技术实现工业绿色发展。
Internet access had been upgraded to a high-speed network and China would speed up its efforts to develop infrastructures for a new-generation information network to promote development of ICTs, pushing for development of mobile Internet, e-government, e-business and communications in rural areas, accelerating the ICT application process in urban communities and leveraging ICT to realize green industrial development.
2012年,CNNIC将在新的时期,忠实履行国家互联网络信息中心的职责,坚持国家公益、坚决履行好 国家职责,服务网民权益、继续推进好应用发展,以“十二五”战略规划为目标,把握机遇、应对挑战,助 力我信息化发展
In 2012, CNNIC will commit itself to the fulfillment of its responsibilities, insist on the national public interest and thoroughly fulfill its duties to the country and serve the interests and rights of netizens and further accelerate the development of application; with the “12th
Five-Year” strategic plan as the goal, seize the
[...] opportunity and address the challenges to boost the informatization of China.
公司信息化建设 成果也得到了社会各界的认同和肯定,先后获得全国CAD应用工程示范单位(2000年)、广东 信息化 应 用 示范单位(2002年)、佛山市首 信息化 应 用 示范单位(2003年)、中国企 信息化 5 0 0 强 (2003年~2008年)等荣誉;2008年11月,在广东省“企 信息化 技 术 改造优秀示范工程”之“装备制造 信息化 示 范工程”招标项目中,我公司“数字化制造与设计信息集成系统”项目中标,获得广东省以及顺德区政府超过100万元资金奖励,这也是我公 信息化 应 用 领域首次通过公开竞标方式获得的省级奖励。
The achievements of
[...] the company's information construction has also been a recognition and affirmation of the community, has won the National CAD Application Engineering Demonstration Unit (2000), Guangdong Province of information technology application and demonstration units (2002), Foshan City, the first application of information technology demonstration unit(2003) enterprises in China 500 (2003 to 2008) and other honors; November 2008 in Guangdong Province "enterprise information technology excellence project" of the equipment manufacturing industry information technology demonstration project "tenderdigital manufacturing and design information integration system "project of the project, the company won the bid, Guangdong Province Shunde District Government more than 1 million yuan of financial incentives, this is also my company's information technology applications [...]
for the first time through
the open bidding provincial awards.




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