

单词 酌裁

See also:

cut out (as a dress)
cut back (e.g. on staff)


reduce v

External sources (not reviewed)

是否允许采用视频证据是一个由法 官逐案酌裁定的问题。
It is a matter for the discretion of the judge whether [...]
to allow video evidence on a case-by-case basis.
至 於 由何人 承 擔 聆訊的訟費,此事須 由 法庭在考慮有關案件的所 有 相 關 因 素酌 情 裁 定。
The question as to who would bear the costs of
the hearings is a matter
[...] of the Court's discretion having regard to all the relevant circumstances of the case concerned.
对这些犯罪的惩罚包括最高 15 年徒刑、笞刑以 及罚款,由判刑法酌情裁定。
Punishment for these offenses includes a maximum 15-year prison term, caning, and a fine, to be
[...] determined at the discretion of the sentencing judge.
如果IronFX怀疑一名参赛者滥用/操纵或试图滥用/操纵本次外汇交易大赛,或未能秉承诚实的态度处事,IronFX保留权利根据其自 酌 情 裁 量 权 拒绝、保留或撤销该名用户的奖励或推广资格,必要时还会暂时或永久性取消与该名参赛者有关的任何条款和条件,或者终止该名参赛者/客户/用户获得服务的资格,和/或封锁其账号。
If IronFX suspects that a participant has abused/manipulated or attempted to abuse/manipulate this FX Trading Competition or otherwise acted with a lack of good faith
towards us, then IronFX reserves the
[...] right, at its sole discretion, to deny, withhold [...]
or withdraw from that user the award
received or promotion and if necessary to cancel any terms and conditions with respect to that participant, either temporarily or permanently, or terminate that participant’s/client’s/user's access to the service and/or block that user's Account.
(1) 在審裁處進行的所有法律程序的訟費及附帶訟費均由裁處酌情決定,裁處並 有一切權力決定誰人須支付該等訟費以 及須支付的範圍。
(1) The costs of and incidental to
all proceedings in the
[...] Tribunal are in the discretion of the Tribunal, and the Tribunal has [...]
full power to determine by
whom and to what extent the costs are to be paid.
乌克兰还鼓励安全理事酌情在制裁 委 员会的 授权中,纳入有关针对儿童违反适用国际法以及违反 [...]
Ukraine also encourages the Security
[...] Council to include in sanctions committee mandates, [...]
where appropriate, provisions pertaining
to violations of applicable international law committed against children and of Security Council resolutions on children and armed conflict.
(d) 酌情与其他裁委员 会的专家组协调完成上述任务
(d) To coordinate as appropriate with panels of
[...] experts of other sanctions Committees in [...]
pursuit of these tasks.
塞浦路斯回顾该国设立了若干机制和刑事程序,以调查对警察不法行为的 指控酌情予以制裁。
Cyprus recalled a number of mechanisms and criminal procedures to investigate allegations of police
[...] misconduct and to sanction where appropriate.
为此,缔约国应确保有效禁止任何未经国家管制系统 授权的武器转让,酌情将其与裁 相 联 系。
To that end, States parties should ensure that any transfer of
arms not authorized by the national control system is effectively
[...] prohibited and associated with sanctions as appropriate.
4.25 此外,该员额任职者将跟踪设在维也纳的联合国系统办事处、基金和方案以及政府间组织和有
[...] 关机构中与裁军事务厅工作相关的事态发展,并根据这些发 酌 情 向 裁 军 事务高级代表提出意 见和建议。
4.25 In addition, the incumbent of the post would follow developments that are of relevance to the work of the Office for Disarmament Affairs within the offices, funds and programmes of the United Nations system located at Vienna, as well as those of intergovernmental organizations and related agencies, and would provide
advice and recommendations to the High
[...] Representative for Disarmament Affairs, as appropriate, [...]
in the light of those developments.
缔约国应采取一切必要措施,打击媒体的种族主义宣传,确保彻查 这种情况,酌情予以制裁。
The State party should adopt all necessary measures to combat
racist media coverage and ensure that such cases are thoroughly investigated and,
[...] where appropriate sanctions are imposed.
[...] 2011 年 2 月 15 日起,土地審裁處在聆訊根據《土地(為重新發展而強制售賣)條例》提 出的申請和行使酌情權裁定訟 費時,會加入強制售賣個案所涉及的各方有否參與 調解作為其中一項考慮。
The President of the Lands Tribunal has promulgated a practice direction pursuant to the Lands Tribunal Ordinance to direct that, with effect from 15 February 2011, the Lands Tribunal will take into account whether the parties in
compulsory sale cases have
[...] engaged in mediation when hearing the applications and in exercising its discretion on costs under [...]
the Land (Compulsory
Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance.
应根据明确的基准有效地实施和监测 裁 , 并 应 酌 情 定 期对 裁 进 行审查。 制裁时间不应多于实现制裁目标所必需的时间,这些目标一旦实现,制裁应立即 [...]
Sanctions should be implemented and monitored effectively with [...]
clear benchmarks and should be periodically reviewed, as
appropriate, and remain for as limited a period as necessary to achieve their objectives and should be terminated once the objectives have been achieved.
法 庭 在 所 有 的 情 況 下 , 包 括 在 處 理 因 本 實 務 指 示 的 規 定 而
[...] 引 起 的 事 宜 以 及 行 使 酌 情 權 裁 定 訟 費 時 , 均 不 可 強 [...]
迫 各 方 披 露 任 何 依 據 法 律 原 則 而 受 保 密 權 所
保 護 的 資 料 , 例 如 享 有 法 律 專 業 保 密 權 的 資 料 , 以 及 受 無 損 權 利 的 通 訊 特 權 所 保 護 的 資 料 , 法 庭 也 不 可 接 納 此 等 資 料 為 證 據 。
In all contexts, including dealing
with matters arising under this PD and
[...] in exercising its discretion on costs, the Court [...]
cannot compel the disclosure of or
admit materials so long as they are protected by privilege in accordance with legal principles, including legal professional privilege and the privilege protecting without prejudice communications.
如對宣稱 有 爭 議裁 判 官 有 酌 情 權 決 定 應 否 採用另 一項文件程 序 , [...]
以處理 有 爭 議的證 供 部 分 。
If there is a dispute over the claim,
[...] the Magistrate has the discretion to decide whether [...]
a separate document procedure
should be adopted to deal with that part of the evidence under dispute.
希腊银行和希腊金融裁股也已酌情 发 出通知,要求金融部门各机构全面执 行第1970(2011)号决议。
Furthermore, the Bank of Greece and the
[...] Greek Financial Sanctions Unit have already [...]
issued the appropriate circulars for the full
implementation of resolution 1970 (2011) by all banking sector institutions.
[...] 具靈活性,我們現建議在維持 12 個月索償申請時限的同時,另規定可由土㆞ 裁 處 酌 情 把索 償申請的時限延長至 5 年。
To allow for more flexibility in the procedures, however, we now propose that while the claims period
should remain at 12 months, extension of up to five
[...] years at the discretion of the Lands Tribunal should be provided for.
(c) 為 了 遵循對等原則,法院應 獲 授 權,在不能 証 明 作出外 地裁決 的地方會對等強 制 執 行香裁決 的 情況下酌 情 拒絕強 制 執 行《裁條例》 第 IIIA 或 IV 部 沒 有 涵蓋的 外地裁決 。
(c) In keeping with the concept of reciprocity, the court should be given a discretion to refuse enforcement of a foreign award which is not covered by Part IIIA or Part IV of Cap 341 if it is not shown that the place in which the award was made extends reciprocal enforcement to Hong Kong awards.
在准备制裁阶段和在实施制裁过程中,安全理事会及其制裁委员会在秘书处 的协助下,酌情对制裁造成 的短期和长期社会经济及人道主义后果进行客观评 估。
An objective assessment of the short-term and long-term socio-economic and humanitarian
consequences of
[...] sanctions should be conducted by the Security Council and its sanctions committees with [...]
the assistance of the
Secretariat at the stage of their preparation, as appropriate, and in the course of their implementation.
因 此,非争议方的书面提交材料提交之后,由 裁 庭 酌 情 决 定是否可采信为证据 以及在最终断案时是否可对之加以依赖。
Therefore, it is within
[...] the tribunal’s discretion to admit into [...]
evidence the nondisputing party’s written submission once
filed and whether to rely on it in its final determination of the case.
此 外 , 為 了 容許土 地裁 處有更 大酌 情 權,條例草案賦 予 土 地裁 處 權 力 , 可 以 處 理 業 主 或 租 客 未 能在法定時限內送 達 通知書的個案。
Besides, in order to
[...] give the Lands Tribunal a greater power of discretion, the Bill proposes to empower the Lands Tribunal to hear cases [...]
in which the landlord
or the tenant fails to observe the statutory time limits in serving or submitting notices.
(3) 除作出移交命令的審裁處、法庭或法院所作出的命令 另有規定外,整項訴訟或法律程序在移交前及移交後的訟費,均由 接收被移交的該訴訟或該等法律程序的法庭、法院或 裁 處 酌 情決 定。
(3) The costs of the whole action or proceedings both before and after the transfer are in the discretion of the court or the Tribunal to which the action or proceedings are transferred subject to any order made by the Tribunal or the court which ordered the transfer.
虽然安理会谴责 这些行径,但尚未采取更严厉的措施,如呼吁 裁 和 酌 情 追 究有关会员国的责任。
While the Council condemns such acts, it
has not yet applied firmer measures, such
[...] as calling for sanctions and holding Member [...]
States accountable, where applicable.
(b) 各方之間或律師與客戶之間就任何有關仲裁產生之成本及附帶開支須由可就 此釐定金額或指示有關款項須繳稅之仲裁員或(視情況而定 裁 決 人 酌 情 處 理。
(b) The costs of and incidental to any such arbitration shall be in the discretion of the arbitrators or (as the case may be) of the umpire who may determine the amount thereof or direct the same shall be taxed whether as between party and party or solicitor and client.
还令委员会感到关切的是,法官拥有施加这 些裁的广泛酌处权 ,而且包括妇女在内的不同群体可能会由于歧视原因而遭受 制裁
It is also
[...] concerned at the wide discretionary powers of judges to impose these sanctions and that they [...]
may be imposed in a
discriminatory way against different groups, including women (arts. 1 and 16).
所以,我雖然不 反對增加罰款,但我仍同時要求執法人員在適當的情況下,可以不採用定額 罰款的方法,而改用票控的方法,因為採用票控方法的好處在於:首先,被
[...] 告會較為麻煩,因為他要親身前往法庭;第二 裁 判 法 官可 酌 情 處 理,視 乎被告的情況來決定有關罰款,這不會引致被告因未能負擔罰款而入獄。
Therefore, though I have no objections to an increase on the amount of penalty, I also still request that law enforcement officers should issue summons instead of imposing a fixed penalty, because the advantage of issuing summons lies in: Firstly, the accused would have to go through more troubles
because of the need to appear in
[...] court in person; secondly, the magistrate could deal [...]
with the case in light of the defendant's
circumstances and award the amount of the fine accordingly, and thus the accused would not be sentenced to imprisonment because he could not afford to pay the fines.
应根据明确的基准有效执行和监测 裁 , 并 应 酌 情 订立终止日期或作定期审 查,以便根据人道主义状况并视目标国家和其他各方履行安全理事会有关规定的 [...]
Sanctions should be implemented and monitored [...]
effectively with clear benchmarks and should, as appropriate, have an expiration
date or be periodically reviewed with a view to lifting them or not, or to adjusting them, taking into account the humanitarian situation and depending on the fulfilment by the target State and other parties of the requirements of the Security Council.
亚非法律协商组织维持下列目标:(a)促进亚洲和非洲 区域的国际商事仲裁;(b)协调和协助现有仲裁机构的活动,特别是这两个区域 内部的现有仲裁机构的活动;(c)在进行特别仲裁时提供协助,特别是在《贸易 法委员会仲裁规则》下进行的特别仲裁;(d)协助强制执行 裁裁 决 ; 以及 ( e )酌 情对 在两个中心主持下的仲裁作出规定。
AALCO maintains the following objectives: (a) Promoting international commercial arbitration in Asian and African regions; (b) Coordinating and assisting the activities of existing arbitral institutions, particularly among those within the two regions; (c) Rendering assistance in the conduct of ad hoc arbitrations, particularly those held under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules; (d) Assisting in the enforcement of arbitral awards; and (e) Providing for arbitration under the auspices of the two centres where appropriate.8
(c) 不得在未經上訴法庭或審裁處許可下,針對符合以下
[...] 說明的審裁處命令而提出上訴︰該命令是在有關各方 同意下作出的,或純粹關乎交由裁 處 酌 情 決 定的訟 費。
(c) without the leave of the Court of Appeal or the Tribunal, against an order of the
Tribunal made with the consent of the parties or relating only to costs that
[...] are left to the discretion of the Tribunal.
刑 事 訴 訟 條 例 第 1 3 A 條 賦裁 判 司酌 處 權 , 使 能 對 被 告 施 加 “ 足 [...]
以 令 他 出 庭 應 訊 ” 或 是 “ 維 護 司 法 公 正 或 防 止 罪 行 所 必 頇 的 保 釋 條 件 ” 。
Section 13A of the Criminal Procedure
[...] Ordinance grants magistrates a wide discretion in the imposition [...]
on a defendant of conditions
of bail which are "likely to result in his appearance" or "necessary in the interests of justice or for the prevention of crime.




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