

单词 断绝关系

See also:

关系 n

relations n
link n
connection n
bond n
tie n


have to do with

External sources (not reviewed)

没有父母或者能够证明您父母已与 断绝关系。
have no parents or can show you have been disowned by your parents.
塔利班领导层中的一些人现在可能愿意 宣布与基地组断绝关系,作 为谈判最后阶段的组成部分。
Some in the Taliban leadership may now be ready to renounce Al-Qaida as part of the end state of negotiations.
如果缴款要求被拒,居住在厄立特里亚的亲属往往会被要求与侨居国外的家 庭成员正断绝关系,否 则就要承担后果。
If the demand for payment is rejected, then relatives in Eritrea are often required to formally repudiate the diaspora family member or suffer the consequences.36 99.
正如我们先前强调的那 样,这一进程必须伴之以有包容性的政治进程和阿富 汗内部的对话,并且包括放弃暴力、与恐怖团 断绝 关系以及尊重《阿富汗宪法》,特别是它对人权,包 括妇女权利的保护。
As we have stressed earlier, that must be accompanied by an inclusive political process and intra-Afghan dialogue and include a renunciation of violence, the cutting of ties to terrorist groups and respect for the Afghan Constitutions, with its protections for human rights, including the rights of women.
[...] 放下武器、承认阿富汗政府和《宪法》并与基地组织 等恐怖结断绝关系的人进行对话。
Dialogue is possible only with those who have laid down their weapons,
recognized the Government and Constitution of
[...] Afghanistan, and broken their ties with [...]
Al-Qaida and other terrorist structures.
[...] 尊严和有包容性和平的要求和愿望,我们将作出努 力,使愿意放弃暴力、与恐怖团 断绝关系 并 且接受 我们的《宪法》,包括尊重人权,特别是妇女的权利 [...]
的所有武装反对派成员回到社会、经济和政治生活 中。
To help end the conflict and meet the demands and aspirations of the Afghan people for a durable, dignified and inclusive peace, we will work to bring back to social, economic and political life all
members of the armed opposition willing to
[...] renounce violence, sever ties with terrorist [...]
groups, and accept our Constitution,
including respect for human rights and women’s rights in particular.
印度完全支持由阿富汗主导并由阿富汗自主的 包容性、透明的和解进程,这一进程不能由国际主导, 与此同时应当开展包容各方的政治进程和阿富汗内 部对话,包括要求放弃暴力、与恐怖团 断绝关系以 及 遵守含有保护包括妇女权利在内各项人权内容的 《阿富汗宪法》。
India fully supports an Afghan-led and Afghanowned inclusive and transparent process of reconciliation, as opposed to an internationally led process, accompanied by an inclusive political process and intra-Afghan dialogue that should include a renunciation of violence, a cutting of ties to terrorist groups, and abiding by the Afghan Constitution, with its protections for human rights, including the rights of women.
巴西支持阿富汗领导的和解与重返社会进程,该进程 针对的是那些放弃暴力、与恐怖团 断绝关系 和 接受 《阿富汗宪法》的人。
Brazil supports the Afghan-led reconciliation and
reintegration process, aimed at those who
[...] renounce violence, break ties with terrorist [...]
groups and accept the Afghan Constitution.
[...] 邦政府与“邦特兰”当局的关系在今年恶化,原因是后者 2011 年 1 月 16 日断绝 关系并禁止过渡联邦政府政治领导人和公务员进入“邦特兰”领土。
The Transitional Federal Government’s relations with the “Puntland”
authorities worsened this year after
[...] the latter severed relations on 16 January 2011, [...]
and barred the Transitional Federal
Government political leadership and civil servants from entering “Puntland” territory.
遗憾的是,人们常常鼓励新信徒去同他们 未信主的朋友断绝关系,而把他们全部的时间花在同信徒在一起上。
Unfortunately, new believers are often encouraged to separate from their unsaved friends and spend all their time with believers.
未来几个月,这些公司在其他国家的许多客户可能将限制或完全与 断绝关系 , 部 分原因是他们不想惹怒美国。
Many of these companies’ customers in other countries
will probably limit or
[...] completely sever their relations in the months ahead, [...]
partly because they don’t want to anger the US.
[...] 让未参与反阿富汗人民罪行、已经摈弃暴力并且与基 地组断绝关系、承认《阿富汗伊斯兰共和国宪法》 的非法武装团体成员重新融入社会。
We back the policy of the Afghan leadership for national reconciliation and the reintegration into society of those members of illegal armed groups who are
not tainted by crimes against the Afghan
[...] people, who have rejected violence and links [...]
with Al-Qaida and who recognize the
Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.
这一进程必须由阿富汗人主导,叛乱分子必 需满足众所周知的三项条件,即承认《宪法》、与基 地组织和其他恐怖主义和极端组 断绝关系 , 以 及解 除武装。
That process must be steered by the Afghans, and the insurgents will need to meet three well-known conditions:
recognition of the Constitution,
[...] breaking with Al-Qaida and other terrorist and extremist organizations, and disarmament.
如果塔利班想要加入和平谈判, 就必须停止暴力和恐怖袭击,包括自杀炸弹袭击、埋 设简易爆炸装置、绑架和针对性暗杀,并与基地组织 和其他恐怖团断绝关系。
If the Taliban wants to join peace talks, it must end violence and terrorist attacks, including suicide bombings, the planting of
improvised explosive devices,
[...] kidnappings and targeted assassinations, and sever ties with Al-Qaida and other [...]
terrorist groups.
12.欢迎阿富汗政府再次做出努力,包括定于今年举行全国和平支尔格, 促进与准备放弃暴力、与基地组织和其他恐怖组 断绝关系 、 谴 责恐怖主义和接 受阿富汗《宪法》,尤其《宪法》有关性别和人权问题内容的反政府派成员进行 对话,鼓励阿富汗政府充分尊重安全理事会第 1267(1999)号、第 1822(2008)号 和第 1904(2009)号决议及安理会其他相关决议提出的措施和程序的执行工作,酌 情利用联阿援助团的斡旋,支持这项工作; 13.又欢迎政府承诺制订和执行一个有效、包容各方、透明和可持续的全 国和平与重返社会方案,强调联阿援助团按本决议的授权在支持这一方案方面的 作用,鼓励国际社会协助阿富汗政府在这方面作出努力,包括设立和平与重返社 会信托基金
the renewed efforts of the Afghan Government, including through the national Peace Jirga to be held this year, to promote dialogue with those elements in opposition to the Government who are ready to renounce violence, break ties with Al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations, denounce terrorism and accept the Afghan Constitution, particularly as it relates to gender and human rights issues, and encourages the Government of Afghanistan to make use of UNAMA’s good offices to support this process as appropriate, in full respect of the implementation of measures and procedures introduced by the Security Council in its resolution 1267 (1999), 1822 (2008) and 1904 (2009) as well as other relevant resolutions of the Council
12.欢迎阿富汗政府再次做出努力,包括定于今年举行全国和平支尔格, 促进与准备放弃暴力、与基地组织和其他恐怖组 断绝关系 、 谴 责恐怖主义和接 受阿富汗《宪法》,尤其《宪法》有关性别和人权问题内容的反政府派成员进行 [...]
1267(1999)号、第 1822(2008)号 和第 1904(2009)号决议及安理会其他相关决议提出的措施和程序的执行工作,酌 情利用联阿援助团的斡旋,支持这项工作
the renewed efforts of the Afghan Government, including through the national Peace Jirga to be held this year, to promote dialogue with those
elements in opposition to the
[...] Government who are ready to renounce violence, break ties with Al-Qaida and [...]
other terrorist organizations,
denounce terrorism and accept the Afghan Constitution, particularly as it relates to gender and human rights issues, and encourages the Government of Afghanistan to make use of UNAMA’s good offices to support this process as appropriate, in full respect of the implementation of measures and procedures introduced by the Security Council in its resolution 1267 (1999), 1822 (2008) and 1904 (2009) as well as other relevant resolutions of the Council
两个国家之断绝外交关系,或 者如果一个使团是永久或暂时召回
If diplomatic relations are broken off between [...]
two States, or if a mission is permanently or temporarily recalled
2011 年 1 月进行的一项非官方民意测验表明,73% 的人并不断绝与联合王国关系(比 2007 年民意测验的 63%高),14%据称赞成 独立(比原先的 25%低)。
A January 2011 unofficial opinion poll indicated that 73 per cent of people did not want to sever ties with the United Kingdom (up from 63 per cent in a similar 2007 poll).
美军的撤出有助于伊拉克在巴格达主办阿拉伯 首脑会议,原因是,萨达姆 1990 年入侵科威特后与 伊拉断绝外交关系的一 些阿拉伯国家由于伊拉克 境内有外国军队而在 2003 年之后拒绝恢复其与伊拉 克的外交关系,或者拒绝在巴格达设立使馆。
The withdrawal of United States forces helped Iraq to host the Arab summit in
Baghdad as some Arab
[...] countries that severed diplomatic relations with Iraq after Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990 refused to restore [...]
diplomatic relations with
Iraq after 2003 or to open their embassies in Baghdad so long as there were foreign forces in the country.
美国同阿富汗政府一道努力谋求通过和解来政 治解决阿富汗暴力问题,只要叛军同 断绝 与 基 地组 织关系,通 过放下武器放弃对阿富汗国家的暴力行 为,以及同意遵守《阿富汗宪法》,包括其保障妇女 [...]
The United States joins the Afghan Government in its efforts to seek a political resolution to the violence in Afghanistan
through reconciliation, insofar
[...] as insurgents agree to cut ties to Al-Qaida, renounce violence [...]
against the Afghan State by
laying down arms and agree to abide by the Afghan Constitution, including its provisions guaranteeing the rights of women and all ethnic groups and religions.
制裁委员会会 积极地看待这类活动,继续以个案为基础对待所有除名提议,并要寻找明确证据
[...] 以证明,与阿富汗政府接触的任何被列名的塔利班成员不是一个机会主义者,若 是机会主义者就不会打算长期遵守阿富汗政府制定并得到国际社会赞同的三条 红线,即放下武器断绝与基地组织 关系 和 遵 守《阿富汗宪法》。
The Committee is likely to look favourably on such activity, and it will continue to regard all de-listing proposals on a case-by-case basis, searching for clear evidence that any listed Taliban who engages with the Afghan Government is not simply an opportunist who has little long-term intention of observing the three red lines set by the Afghan Government and
endorsed by the
[...] international community concerning laying down arms, severing links with Al-Qaida and [...]
observing the Afghan Constitution.
43% 的答复评定与国家工作队关系为“ 绝 佳 ” ,19%评为“很好”和“满意”,而仅 划定为“好”或“差”的比例,分别为 [...]
14%和 5%。
The quality of the relationship with UNCTs was [...]
qualified as excellent by 43 per cent of the respondents, as very good and
satisfactory by 19 per cent, as simply good or poor by 14 per cent and 5 per cent, respectively.
9.请总干事对已被接纳与教科文组织保持关系并在南非共和国、南罗得西亚或葡属非洲领土内有分 支机构、会员或其它分子的所有非政府国际组织的政策、活动或招聘中推行的种族歧视或种族隔离 问题,以及他们与南非共和国政府种族隔离政策任何形式的合作进行调查,并就此向执行局提交报 告; 10.要求执行局根据总干事的报告,采取一切必要的措施,从1971年12月31日起,与这样一些非政府 国际组断绝一切关系,这 些组织迄今尚未使执行局满意地证实,他们在南非共和国、南罗得西亚 或葡属非洲领土内的分支机构、会员或其它分子在他们的政策、活动或招聘中并不推行种族歧视和 种族隔离,而且他们也不跟南非共和国政府的种族隔离政策进行合作
Calls upon the Executive Board to take the necessary measures, in the light of the DirectorGeneral’s report, to break off, as from 31 December 1971, all relations with those international non-governmental organizations in respect of which it has not been established, to the satisfaction of the Board, that their branches, sections, affiliates or constituent parts in the Republic of South Africa, Southern Rhodesia or Portuguese-dominated African territories neither practise racial discrimination or segregation in their policies, their activities or in their membership, nor cooperate in any way with the Government of the Republic of South Africa in the latter’s apartheid policy;’.
此外,该交流网还正在提高 参加公共广播电台的新工作人员的专业水平。 让他们参与共同制作节目,并恢复在战争期断绝的记 者和其它专业人员之间的人 关系 和 联 系。
In addition, ERNO improves the professionalism of the news staff of participating public broadcasters, by involving them in
co-productions and
[...] reestablishing personal relations and links between journalists and other professionals severed during the war.
   UL 研发部门 (Corporate Research Center) 现正积极着手研究 PV AFCI 的测试方法,基于 PV AFCI 必须要能够在各种不同的情境下及时准确地侦测到故障电弧并 断系 统 电 源,研究的首要工作是设计可模拟各种真实故障电弧状况的测试机具,包括接点松脱、接触不良、接 线 断 裂 、 绝 缘 材 碳化、电线受潮、绝缘材破裂…等;另研发的工作尚涵盖仿真一些伪讯号, 系 统 启 动时的突波、直流 关 切 换 、变频器的相变化等,由于这类的讯号特征十分接近故障电弧,而良好的 PV AFCI 则必须能分辨出两者的不同。
UL R & D department ( Corporate Research Center ) is actively working on PV AFCI test methods, based on the PV AFCI must be able to in a variety of different situations timely and accurately detect the
fault arc and cut off
[...] the power supply system, the primary research work is the design can simulate a variety of real fault arc status testing equipment, including contact loose bad contact, connection, fracture, insulating material, insulating material moisture, carbide wire rupture ... ; other R & D work still covers some pseudo signal simulation, such as the system startup surge, [...]
DC switching converter,
phase change, because this kind of signal characteristic is very close to the arc fault, and good PV AFCI must be able to distinguish between the two different.
阿富汗的和平和重返社会工作能够获得成功,条 件是它们要完全由阿富汗人牵头、由阿富汗人主导,
[...] 并使阿富汗各阶层参与进来;要遵守伦敦会议商定的 红线,即放弃暴力断绝与恐 怖主义的一切 系 ,以及接受《阿富汗宪法》的民主和多元价值观,包括妇 [...]
Peace and reintegration efforts in Afghanistan can succeed provided they are fully Afghan-led and Afghan-owned and bring all sections of Afghanistan’s population together, and provided they abide by the redlines
agreed to at the London
[...] Conference: giving up violence, cutting off all links with terrorism, [...]
and accepting the democratic
and pluralistic values of the Afghan Constitution, including women’s rights.
我国代表团祝贺整个联合系统, 在极端困难的 条件下,继续坚定不移地努力支持和平进程,根据波 恩会议关绝大多数外国军队在 2014 年撤离的决定, 在该进程结束后,阿富汗将能够掌握其自身的命运。
My delegation congratulates the entire United Nations system as it continues to work steadfastly, in an extremely difficult context, to support [...]
the peace process, at the end of which Afghanistan
will be able to take control of its own destiny, in line with the decision taken at the Bonn Conference stipulating the departure of a large majority of foreign forces in 2014.
秘书长表示支持“居家 2”办法,他指出, “居家 4”、“居家 5”和“居家
[...] 6”等办法将使采用特别业务办法的各组织现行补 偿额减少 60%至 70%,这将严重影响不带家属工作地点的方案执行工作,而且断绝现行制度向这些组织的业务提供 关 键 支 持。
The Secretary-General expressed his support for the HOME 2 option, noting that the options HOME 4, HOME 5, and HOME 6 would result in a 60 to 70 per cent decrease in the compensation package currently offered by the organizations applying SOA, and that this would have severe repercussions on programme delivery in
non-family duty
[...] stations and would eliminate the critical support that the current system provided [...]
to the operations of those organizations.
例如,一个信息技系统的 重大故障的影响可以被估计为 严重(预计会断关键的业务流程几天),其可能性/概率可参考现有控制措施和各 部门现有的故障统计数字,加以计算,为从统计上说,小于 5%。
For instance, while the impact of a major
[...] information technology system failure can be estimated as significant (anticipating that it would interrupt critical business processes [...]
for more than a
few days), its likelihood/probability could be calculated, taking into account existing control measures and available failure statistics in departments, as statistically less than 5 per cent.
我们重申致力于扩大并加强发展中国家和经济转型期国家在国际经济决策 和规则制定方面的参与,为此强调继续改革国际金融 系 的 重 要意义,还注意到 加强发展中国家和经济转型期国家在布雷顿森林机构的发言权和参与,依然是我 们断关注的问题。
We reaffirm the commitment to broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in international economic decision-making and norm-setting, and to that end stress the importance of continuing efforts to reform the international
financial architecture,
[...] noting that enhancing the voice and participation of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in the Bretton Woods institutions remains a continuous concern.




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