单词 | 断然 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 断然 —categoricallyless common: definitive 断然 adjective —resolute adj断然 adverb —absolutely advExamples:断然的 adj—flat adj 突然折断... v—snap sth. v
朝鲜不承认、因而也断然拒绝 针对朝鲜 民主主义人民共和国的所谓“决议”,以及这些“决议”所强加的“特别报告 [...] 员”职权。 daccess-ods.un.org | It did not recognize and [...] therefore categorically rejected the [...]so-called “resolutions” against the Democratic People’s Republic [...]of Korea, as well as the mandate of “special rapporteur” imposed by them. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,以色列断然拒绝 本报告草案,依据是报告 没有包含结果文件的文本,而仅仅提到该文件将在后一阶段插入。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, Israel categorically rejected the [...] present draft report on the ground that it did not contain the text of the outcome [...]document, but only a reference that it would be inserted at a later stage. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近的非政府组织和媒体报道指称卢旺达支持 M23 运动,卢旺达政府对此断 然否认。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to recent NGO and media reports alleging Rwandan support to M23, the Rwandan [...] Government has categorically denied them. daccess-ods.un.org |
确保回返权等于断然拒 绝承认族裔清洗行为的收益,并提出重要措施为流离 [...] 失所者伸张正义,从而消除将来可能出现紧张和冲突 局面的根源。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ensuring the right to return [...] constitutes a categorical rejection of [...]the gains of ethnic cleansing and offers important measures [...]of justice to those displaced from their homes and land, thereby removing a source of possible future tension and conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们断然拒绝 非法的“哥本哈根协议”,其中允许发达国家在自愿和单个的 [...] 基础上提出不足的温室气体减排目标,侵害了母亲地球的环境完整性,使我们面 临走向全球气温上升 4°C 的局面。 daccess-ods.un.org | We categorically reject the illegitimate [...] Copenhagen Accord, which allows developed countries to offer insufficient greenhouse [...]gas reductions based on voluntary individual commitments, violating the environmental integrity of Mother Earth and leading to an increase in global temperatures of about 4 degrees Celsius. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,在本届会议 [...] 期间,联大必须做出一切努力,向以色列传达其明 确的谴责和断然拒绝 此种敌对和不负责任的行为, [...] 重申要求以色列承担起责任,对因本次浮油扩散所 带来的环境破坏而向黎巴嫩和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 予以及时和充分的赔偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the current session, the Assembly must therefore make [...] every effort to convey to Israel its clear [...] condemnation and outright rejection of [...]such hostile and irresponsible behaviour, [...]and reiterate the demand that Israel assume responsibility for prompt and adequate compensation to Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic for the environmental damage caused by the spread of the oil slick. daccess-ods.un.org |
几年前,这软件(雨果・ Pribor)博士的一位原始的作者说“如果您不认为 诊 断 , 然 后 您 不可能做这个诊断”。 cn.diagnosispro.com | A few years ago, an original author of this software (Dr. Hugo Pribor) said "If you don't think of [...] the diagnosis, then you can't make the diagnosis. en.diagnosispro.com |
降低压力,先关断然后再接通泵开关,重新启动泵。 graco.com | Reduce pressure and turn pump switch OFF and ON to restart pump. graco.com |
在这方面,阿塞拜疆共和国认为对亚美尼亚共和国非法活动坐视不理 是 断然 不能 接受的,这与国家间关系原则背道而驰,等同于把侵略者与受害者划上等号, 相当于容忍在国际社会成员的国家领土内采取针对阿塞拜疆共和国主权和领土 完整的行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, the Republic of Azerbaijan considers it unacceptable and inconsistent with the principles of inter-State relations to turn a blind eye to illegal activities of the Republic of Armenia, to proceed from the approach based on equating the aggressor and its victim and to tolerate within the national territories of the members of the international community the actions directed against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们谨写信表示严重关切和断然反对 占领国以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内 的巴勒斯坦被占领土继续挑衅性地采取单方面非法行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | We write to express our grave [...] concern and total objection to the illegal unilateral actions that continue to be aggressively perpetrated [...]by Israel, the occupying [...]Power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们还注意到,伊朗带着偏见解读该协定,存心 把它看作是进行无限度浓缩的理由, 断然 拒 绝 制裁和 原子能机构的视察,并且作为避免同 E3+3 讨论其核 计划的托辞。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have also noted Iran’s biased reading of the agreement, choosing to view it as a justification for unlimited enrichment, a definitive rejection of sanctions and IAEA inspections, and an alibi to avoid discussing its nuclear programme with the E3+3. daccess-ods.un.org |
驻科霍戈的 [...] 联科行动工作人员告知专家组,在这两个地点,门口的执勤卫 兵 断然 拒 绝 联科行 动人员入内,理由是并未接到关于允许联科行动人员入内检查的上级指示。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNOCI elements in Korhogo informed the Group that the soldiers on guard duty at the gates of [...] the sites have categorically refused permission [...]to enter, stating [...]that they have not received instructions from the chain of command to allow UNOCI personnel to proceed with inspections. daccess-ods.un.org |
77 国集团断然拒绝 一切违背国际法的单方面强制措施, 因为这妨碍本集团各成员国缴纳对本组织各项预算 的摊款。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group rejected all unilateral coercive measures contrary to international law that obstructed payments from members of the Group under the Organization’s various budgets. daccess-ods.un.org |
如前所述,Sonics公司将继续寻求对其广泛的专利组合进行保护,包括在美国发明并获得专利权的那些专利,具体参见2011年11月1日公司提起的最初诉讼请求中的说明,同时,公 司 断然 驳 回 Arteris公司在2012年1月27日的指控中所作出的关于Sonics公司产品的毫无事实依据的反诉请求。 tipschina.gov.cn | As previously mentioned, Sonics will continue to seek protection for its broad patent portfolio, including patents that were invented and granted in the U.S. as [...] outlined in the original complaint November [...] 1, 2011, and categorically rejects the [...]baseless counter claims directed to Sonics' [...]products asserted by Arteris in its January 27, 2012 complaint. tipschina.gov.cn |
有一个礼拜,我参与帮助一位患有结核病的学生,目的在于取得正确的资料,以确认 诊 断 , 然 后 进 行治疗。 amccsm.org | The other week I was involved in [...] helping a student with tuberculosis to obtain the correct investigations to [...] confirm this diagnosis and then receive treatment. amccsm.org |
斐济支持毫不含糊地谴责恐怖主义,以其各种形式和表现、在任何地方、由 任何人员采取的一切行为、方法和手段,不论其动机为何, 并 断然 谴 责 意图鼓励、 支持、资助或掩护任何恐怖主义行为、方法或手段的一切行为或行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fiji supports the unequivocal condemnation of all acts, methods and practices of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, wherever and by whoever, irrespective of the motives, and further condemns outright all acts or actions, irrespective of their instigators or perpetrators, intended to encourage, support, finance or cover up any terrorist act, method or practice. daccess-ods.un.org |
为避免任何此类混淆,应断然重新 起草第 3 条草案。 daccess-ods.un.org | To avoid any confusion as such, draft [...] article 3 should be redrafted affirmatively. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们声明,我们已经断然没有 任何影响力的设计和内容的链接网站,因此不赞成在此内容的所有链接的网页。 dussmann.com.cn | We declare categorically that we have [...] no influence whatsoever upon the design and content of the linked websites and therefore [...]hereby dissociate ourselves from the contents of all linked pages. dussmann.com.hk |
坦率地讲,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 断然 拒 绝 接受韩国代表发言中的指 控――这种指控是严重的挑衅。 daccess-ods.un.org | Speaking honestly, the delegation of the Democratic People’s [...] Republic of Korea categorically rejects the [...]allegation made in the speech by the representative [...]of South Korea – it was a serious provocation. daccess-ods.un.org |
塞内加尔代表称,此刻,由于该组织向委员会提出挑战 , 断然 拒 绝 答复委员 会一致发送的调查表,因此不可能给予咨商地位。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative of Senegal stated that at the current point, since the non-governmental organization was challenging the Committee by refusing categorically to respond to the questionnaire sent unanimously by the Committee, it would not be possible to grant consultative status. daccess-ods.un.org |
14条第7 款、第17条和 [...] 第23条第1 款方面违反《公约》,因此,它断然 拒 绝在本案中有歧视的指称, 并因此要求委员会以缺乏实证驳回这些诉求。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since the State party admits no breach of the Covenant in relation to [...] articles 14, paragraph 7, 17 and 23, [...] paragraph 1, it categorically refutes allegations [...]of discrimination in this case and [...]therefore requests the Committee to dismiss those claims as lacking substance. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过从恰当的传声器中提取时间历程 片 断 , 然 后 将 它们组合在一起,可以创建一个单一时间历程,从而重现汽车通过两个麦克风的效果。 bksv.cn | By extracting sections of the time history from the appropriate microphones and stitching them together, it is possible to create a single time history, which reproduces the effect of the vehicle passing two microphones. bksv.com |
尽 管孟山都公司已经通过私人合同的方式从 种子公司那里收取费用,该公司还是试图从 阿根廷农民那里收取额外的费用——而后 者断然拒绝 了这一要求,不同意为已经进入 公有领域的技术支付任何额外费用。 cgfwatch.org | Although Monsanto obtained royalties for the RR technology under private contracts with seed companies, it tried to obtain an additional payment from Argentine farmers, who refused to pay any extra charge for a technology that is in the public domain. cgfwatch.org |
那个人抬起头瞪大他的眼睛看着他,说:“我就是因为不愿吃带有侮辱性的施舍,才落得这个地步!” 于是断然谢绝黔敖的施舍。 chinesestoryonline.com | Hearing this, the man drew himself up indignantly and [...] looked into the eyes of Qian Ao, saying, “ [...] I have been so famished, just because [...]I am not willing to eat the food handed out in contempt. chinesestoryonline.com |
激 怒了解内情的巴布亚人的不只是雅加达对决议 的 断然 拒 绝 ,而是在整个决策过程中,政府丝毫没有顾及SK14在当地得到的广泛支持,也没有做出任何努力去了解“特别自治”并不等同于盲目遵行国家法律,甚至没有表现出一点商妥的意图。 crisisgroup.org | It was not just the flat rejection that irritated the Papuans who were privy to the process, it was how it was done: without any acknowledgment of the concerns behind SK14; without any effort to understand that “special autonomy” meant something different than the blind application of national law; and without any attempt to meet them half way. crisisgroup.org |
在落实千年发展目标方面,有关部门 显 然 没 有 断然 采 取 行动,这始终困扰着 许多非政府组织和民间社会成员。 daccess-ods.un.org | The blatant shortfall in crucial action steps towards the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals remains a [...] troubling concern for many non-governmental [...]organizations and members of civil society. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后一道 工序是割断,然后可 借助背面加工工位对割断面进行加工 (选项)。 bumotec.ch | The last station is the cutting-off of the [...] part from the bar, then a secondary op can [...]be performed on the cut backside with the retaking unit ( option ) bumotec.ch |
申诉人认为,缔约国称他在引渡前没有酷刑风险的说法,与寻求外交保证 [...] 的决定相矛盾,同样与这种说法矛盾的是,上诉法院认为他的酷刑指控比墨西哥 当局的断然否认更为可信。 daccess-ods.un.org | 8.3 The complainant considers that the State party’s assertion that he ran no risk of being tortured prior to his extradition stands in contradiction with the decision to request diplomatic assurances and with [...] the fact that the Court of Appeal had lent more credence to his allegations of torture [...] than to Mexico’s outright denial. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会必须先解 决上述两个问题,才可断然通过 一项定义,要铭记“武装行动”一词就足以让非 国际性武装冲突陷入困境。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission must resolve the two issues before definitively adopting a definition, bearing in mind that the term “armed operations” was sufficient to encompass non-international armed conflicts. daccess-ods.un.org |