单词 | 诉论 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 诉论 —accusationless common: legal action • lawsuit Examples:诉诸公论—appeal to the public See also:诉—sue
本条第1和第2段所述人员如属法籍,不得向法国法庭就有 关公务以外之事务之法律诉论要求 豁免。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The persons mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article may not, if they are of French nationality, claim immunity in the French courts in respect of judicial proceedings concerning matters extraneous to their official duties. unesdoc.unesco.org |
申诉人只向委员会提交了逮捕令的副本和关于这些决定的判决,并没有同 时提交判决的理由,因此,缔约国认为 申 诉 人 的 论 据 具 有误导性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since the complainant submitted to the Committee only the rulings of the decisions, without their [...] justification, together with the arrest warrant, the State party [...] considers the arguments of the complainant to be misleading. daccess-ods.un.org |
它还注意到申诉人的论点, 即,司法复查驱逐前 风险评估的负面决定由于法律援助被拒绝,所以是事实上不存在的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also notes the author’s argument that judicial review of the negative PRRA assessment was de facto not available, as legal aid had been denied. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,高等法庭的裁决并不反映提交人在 上 诉 时 对 论 点 提 出的认真彻底的审查。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, the higher tribunal’s judgment did not reflect a meticulous and thorough [...] investigation of the arguments put forward by the author on appeal. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,收到了起诉足球比 赛中的种族言论的诉状。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, indictments were filed [...] against defendants who shouted racial remarks during soccer matches. daccess-ods.un.org |
5.4 司法管辖权: 双方特此不可撤销地同意,新加坡法院将具有关于解决任何可能因本协议所引起或与之 相关的争议的司法管辖权,而这些争议无法通过新加坡调解中心 (SMC) 或新加坡仲裁 员协会 (SIArb) 予以解决;并同意,据此任何因本协议所引起或与之相关的法律诉讼 [...] (以下称“诉讼”)可以提交给这些法院进行处理,而且双方不可撤销地服从这些法院 的司法管辖权,但前提条件是:本条款中的任何规定均不会限制任何一方向具有同等司 [...] 法管辖权的其他任何法院提起诉讼,而且一方在一个或多个司法管辖区提起诉讼亦不会 妨碍该方在其他任何司法管辖区另行提 起 诉 讼 ( 不 论 是 否 同时进行)。 insworldsch.com | The parties hereby irrevocably agree that the courts of Singapore are to have jurisdiction to settle any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement which cannot be settled successfully through the Singapore Mediation Centre (SMC) or Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) and that, accordingly, any legal action arising out of or in connection with this Agreement (“Proceedings”) may be brought in those courts and the parties irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of those courts PROVIDED THAT nothing in this Clause shall limit the right of any party to take Proceedings in any other court of competent jurisdiction nor shall the taking of Proceedings in one [...] or more jurisdictions preclude that [...] party from taking Proceedings in any other jurisdiction, [...]whether concurrently or not. insworldsch.com |
(e) 确保为移民工人建立有效的申诉机 制, 无 论 其 是否获得移民地位 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Ensuring an effective complaint mechanism for migrant workers, regardless of their immigration status daccess-ods.un.org |
(2) 每位股东同意放弃其原可因董事在履行本公司职责时采取的任何行动 或未有采取任何行动而针对董事提起的申索或 起 诉 权 利( 不 论 个 别 或根据或凭借本 公司的权利),惟该权利的放弃不延伸至任何与董事欺诈或不忠诚有关的事宜。 aactechnologies.com | (2) Each Member agrees to waive any claim or right of action he might have, whether individually or by or in the right of the Company, against any Director on account of any action taken by such Director, or the failure of such Director to take any action in the performance of his duties with or for the Company; PROVIDED THAT such waiver shall not extend to any matter in respect of any fraud or dishonesty which may attach to such Director. aactechnologies.com |
十名法官、预审分庭和上诉分庭成员 讨 论了 检察官办公室所收集证据的价值。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ten judges, members of [...] the Pre-Trial and Appeals Chambers, discussed the value of [...]the evidence collected by the Office of the Prosecutor. daccess-ods.un.org |
争议法庭在诉讼程序中无论何时 ,包括在听讯期间,均可提议各当事方将案 件交付调解和暂停诉讼。 daccess-ods.un.org | At any time during the proceedings, including at the hearing, the Dispute Tribunal may propose to the parties that the case be referred for mediation and suspend the proceedings. daccess-ods.un.org |
投诉本身必须包含被申诉的机构 [...] 或实体的名称、申诉人名和任何第三方当事人名或机构名、申诉事由发生的日期、 申 诉 内 容、 论据和任何与此案相关的正式文件的副本(如拒绝申请的通知)(第 [...]54 条)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The complaint must contain the names of the agency or entity, the person making the complaint and any third [...] parties, the date the cause of the complaint arose, the subject [...] matter of the complaint, the arguments and a copy of any [...]formal documents relating [...]to the case (such as a notice of refusal of access) (Article 54). unesdoc.unesco.org |
对收到的申诉登记留档;无论是家 属或其他人、律师或监管机构或主管司 法当局人员进行的探访;以及被拘留者的个人物品清单。 daccess-ods.un.org | Maintenance of a [...] record in the register of complaints received; visits, whether [...]by family or others, by lawyers, or by members [...]of supervisory bodies or of a competent judicial authority; and an inventory of the personal effects of persons who are detained. daccess-ods.un.org |
在开发署的支持下,公设辩 护人办公室还定期举办诉诸司法论坛 , 以期提高公民对于所有司法机构的作用和 任务及其与传统司法系统的相互作用的认识和理解。 daccess-ods.un.org | Justice forums, supported by UNDP, were also regularly organized by the Office of the Public Defender with the aim of raising awareness and understanding among citizens about the role and mandate of all justice institutions and their interaction with the traditional justice system. daccess-ods.un.org |
回顾大会于 2008 年 6 月 3 日举行的关于人口贩运问题的专题辩论使会员国 有集中讨论预防、保护和起诉问题的 论 坛 , 并回顾大会于 2009 年 5 月 13 日举行 的主题为“采取集体行动制止人口贩运”的互动式专题对话,其重点是必须加强 [...] 各会员国和包括区域和国际组织、非政府组织、私营部门和媒体在内的其他利益 攸关方的集体行动 daccess-ods.un.org | Recalling the thematic debate on human trafficking held by the General Assembly on 3 June [...] 2008, which gave Member [...] States a forum for discussion concentrating on the three Ps, prevention, protection and prosecution, and the interactive [...]thematic dialogue [...]on the theme “Taking collective action to end human trafficking”, held by the Assembly on 13 May 2009, which underlined the importance of strengthening collective action by Member States and other stakeholders, including regional and international organizations, non-governmental organizations, the private sector and the media daccess-ods.un.org |
新 西兰告诉大家,在讨论会上,已经在 2008 年 12 月经历过普遍定期审议的图瓦卢 代表向 来 自 其他太平洋 国 家 的 同 僚 提 供 了 宝贵的见解 , 为 讨论会的成功 作出了巨 大的贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | New Zealand informed that, at the seminar, Tuvalu representatives who had already gone through the UPR in December 2008 were able to provide valuable insights for their colleagues from other Pacific countries and had contributed greatly to making the seminar a success. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会促请缔约国在其下次定期报告 [...] 中载列通过劳工检查收集到的侵犯第七和第八条权利的统计数据和关于已立案的 申诉、相关调查、结论和实 施制裁的统计数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee invites the State party to include in its next periodic report statistics on violations of rights in articles 7 and 8, as collected through labour [...] inspections, as well as [...] statistical data on registered complaints, related investigations, [...]findings and sanctions imposed. daccess-ods.un.org |
尤其是,它建议马耳他在必要时向面 临行政拘留或其他措施的人提供免费法律援助,无论其是否作为寻求庇护者,也 无论其处于上诉还是审查程序中。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, it recommended that Malta provide free legal assistance, where necessary, to those subject to [...] administrative detention or [...] other measures, regardless of their status as asylum-seekers and in appeal and review proceedings. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于经社文权利与公民权利和政治权利的 可 诉 性 的 传统 辩 论 , 正 是围绕着这些简单化 的二分对比进行的,这种辩论最成问题的是忽略了权利请求人及其视角。 socialrights.ca | What is particularly problematic about the [...] traditional framing of debates about the justiciability [...]of ESC and civil and political [...]rights around these simplistic dichotomies was that the debates themselves tended to exclude the claimants, and the claimants’ perspective. socialrights.ca |
本部分在最后讨论了调查和起诉 恐怖主义案件时必然出现的某些困难。 daccess-ods.un.org | Part I concludes with a discussion of some of the difficulties inherent in the investigation and prosecution of terrorist cases. daccess-ods.un.org |
会议的目的是为了让您讨论正当程序 申 诉 及 构成 申 诉 基 础的事实,以便校区有机会解决纠 纷。 spsfc.com | The purpose of the meeting [...] is for you to discuss your due process complaint, and the facts that form the basis of the complaint, so that [...]the school district has [...]the opportunity to resolve the dispute. spsfc.com |
大会还决定,人权理事会应:(a) 应负责 促进普遍尊重对人人没有任何形式的区分,公正、平等地享有所有人权和基本自 由的保护;(b) 充当关于所有人权问题的专题对话的 论 坛 ;(c) 承担、审查并在 必要时改进及合理调整人权委员会的所有任务、机制、职能和职责,以便保持一 个包含特别程序、专家咨询和申诉程 序的制度;(d) 在举行理事会首届会议后一 年内完成此项审查。 daccess-ods.un.org | It decided also that the Council should: (a) be responsible for promoting universal respect for the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of any kind and in a [...] fair and equal manner; [...] (b) serve as a forum for dialogue on thematic issues on all human rights; (c) assume, review and, where necessary, improve and rationalize all mandates, mechanisms, functions and responsibilities of the Commission on Human Rights in order to maintain a system of special procedures, expert advice and a complaint procedure; and (d) [...]complete the review [...]within one year after the holding of the Council’s first session. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们支持在联络小组内讨论便利起 诉的其 他实际措施,包括海员作证的规定,即建议 10。 daccess-ods.un.org | We support discussion within the Contact Group of other practical measures to facilitate the conduct of prosecutions, including [...] the provision of testimony [...]by seafarers — that is proposal 10. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这后一项决定中,部长代表得出结 论认 为,申诉人没 有任何酷刑风险,因此,没有必要在风 险与对社会的危害二者之间作出权衡,以确定申诉人 的情况服从“特殊环境”是否可作为理由,表明尽管 [...] 有遭受酷刑的危险,仍应将申诉人遣送回国。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this latter decision, the Minister’s [...] delegate had concluded that there was no risk of torture to the complainant and thus it was [...]not necessary to balance [...]the aspect of risk with that of danger to society to determine whether the complainant’s situation gave way to “exceptional circumstances” justifying his return despite the risk of torture. daccess-ods.un.org |
无论申诉人因 何抵达盖特威克机场,即便是通过欺诈或非法手段抵达的, 也是在英国领土上。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whatever the reason for the applicant being at Gatwick [...] Airport on the tarmac, whether his arrival there had been obtained [...]by fraud or illegal means, he was there. daccess-ods.un.org |
移民局的结 论认为,申诉人虽 是未成年人,但仍可被送回科特迪瓦,并认为,他在父亲过世 之后,能够照料自己,能设法到瑞士,能说几种语言,按其年龄来看,显然已相 [...] 当独立和成熟。 daccess-ods.un.org | ODM concluded that, although a minor, the complainant could be sent [...] back to Côte d’Ivoire, considering the fact that since [...]his father’s death he had been able to take care of himself, had arranged for travel to Switzerland, spoke several languages and was apparently independent and mature for his age. daccess-ods.un.org |
法院认为,按照加拿 大最高法院的先例,若可论证诉讼在被告援引的仲裁协议范围之内,则应请当 事双方诉诸仲裁,因而法院将诉讼交付仲裁。 daccess-ods.un.org | The court referred the action to arbitration after having held that pursuant to Supreme Court of Canada precedent, parties should be referred to arbitration when it is arguable that the action falls within the arbitration agreement invoked by the defendant. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组委员会强调它当时所提建议的重要性,26 特别是需要为所有警 务人员定期提供明确、毫不含糊的指令,必须绝对禁止任何形式的酷刑或虐待, [...] 还需要在有理由相信已出现酷刑或虐待行为时,采取迅速、公正的调查, 无 论提 出正式申诉与否。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee emphasizes the importance of the recommendations which it made at that time,26 particularly with respect to the need to provide regular, explicit, unequivocal instruction for all police personnel about the absolute, imperative prohibition of any form of torture or ill-treatment and the need to undertake a prompt and impartial investigation whenever there is reason [...] to believe that an act of torture or ill-treatment has been committed, [...] whether or not a formal complaint has been lodged. daccess-ods.un.org |
无论此起诉讼案 件的最终结果如何,乔丹体育必将蒙受一定的损失,而且恐怕是巨大的损失,因为迈克尔·乔丹对乔丹体育公司的起诉已经对其产生了巨大的负面影响。 servcorp.com.cn | Regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit, Qiao Dan Sports [...] must be suffering losses — likely huge losses, I would say — as [...] result of MJ coming out against the company, and the resulting negative publicity. servcorp.com.cn |