

单词 突发

突发 ()

burst out suddenly
sudden outburst

突发 noun

flash n


突发的一阵 n

stab n

突发事件 n

contingency n


sudden occurrence

See also:

break through
rush out
move forward quickly

External sources (not reviewed)

因此在对此问题作出决定之前,咨询委员会建议不 突发事 件应激反应管理股设立这 4 个 P-4 职等辅导员员额。
Accordingly, pending a decision on that question, the Committee recommends against the establishment of four P-4 posts for counsellors in the Critical Incident Stress Management Unit.
受袭击的对象还有那些被认为与之对抗的集 团,或与保安部队合作或属于这些集团或保安部队的人,或者那些正巧在 突发 生地区的人
Attacks have also targeted those who were perceived as collaborating with or belonging to rival groups or to security forces, or who happened to be in an area of dispute.
然而,由于资金需求具有时间紧 突发 的 特 点,出于非常现实的原因,上 述方法在过去未被作为可行的解决方案予以采用。
The temporary limited and unexpected nature of cash needs is such, however, that the above-mentioned procedures have not been retained as viable solutions in the past for practical reasons.
这种杀戮绝突发和 出 乎预料的偶发事件,而是持续遭受暴力迫害过程中蒙受的终极暴力行为。
Such killings are not isolated
[...] incidents that arise suddenly and unexpectedly, [...]
but represent the ultimate act of violence
which is experienced in a continuum of violence.
安全和安保部负责制定关突发事件应激反应管理的联合国综合政策,包 括特别针对不同性别的规定;对外勤各个地点所 突发 事 件(包括工作人员在恶 意伤害情况下的死亡、绑架人质和疏散)做出迅速反应,并在外地一级和总部进 行协调;向所有受影响的工作人员提供适当的心理减压机会和心理压力辅导,包 括涉及不同性别的特有问题,并确保能够得到这种协助;建立和提供心理压力调 控训练服务,包括在维持和平特派团组织同伴互助培训和为各个区域的辅导员开 办证书培训,为外勤工作编制适当的心理压力管理训练材料;主持一个关于心理 压力管理的机构间工作组。
The Department of Safety and Security is responsible for the development of a comprehensive United Nations policy regarding the management of critical incident stress, including gender-specific requirements; provision of a rapid response to all critical incidents in field locations and coordination at the field level and at Headquarters, including the death of staff members under malicious circumstances, hostage-taking and evacuations; provision of appropriate stress debriefing and counselling to all affected staff, including on gender-specific issues, and ensuring that such assistance is available; establishing and providing stress management training, including organizing peer helper training in peacekeeping missions and conducting certification training for counsellors in their respective regions, and preparing appropriate stress management training materials for the field; and chairing an inter-agency working group on stress management.
本文件还探讨了更广泛的相关问题,如性 别问题突发事件 的防备及渔业和水产养殖生态系统方法等。
It also examines broader related issues such as gender, emergency preparedness and the ecosystem approach to fisheries and aquaculture.
会议指出,不论疾病突发是自 然 产生还是人为造成的,都需要确保所采取的努力是有效的,并涵盖可能伤害人 类、动物、植物或环境的疾病和毒素。
The Conference notes the importance of ensuring that efforts undertaken are effective irrespective of whether a disease outbreak is naturally occurring or deliberately caused, and cover diseases and toxins that could harm humans, animals, plants or the environment.
突发事件 和和平时期都对非政府组织提供食物的活动加以规范,以 更好地促进活动顺利开展,包括政府资金的划拨。
Regulating the NGOs’ activity towards food provision, both in times of emergency and peace, in order to better facilitate their activity, including the allocation of governmental funds.
前秘书长布特罗斯·布特罗斯-加利在其题为“和平 纲领:预防性外交、建立和平和维持和平”的报告中(A/47/277-S/24111),将预
[...] 防性外交界定为“防止当事方之间发生争端的行动、防止现行争端升级为冲突和突发生时限制其范围”。
In his report entitled “An Agenda for Peace: preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peace-keeping” (A/47/277-S/24111), former Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali defined preventive diplomacy as “action to prevent disputes from arising between
parties, to prevent existing disputes from
[...] escalating into conflicts, and to limit [...]
the spread of the latter when they occur”.
[...] 不参与社会各层次的决策体系,她 们 就 不 可能参与关于冲突或突发生后的和平 进程的决策。
If women do not participate in the decision-making
structures of a society, they are unlikely to become involved in
[...] decisions about the conflict or the peace [...]
process that follows.
宣布与提供疾突发信息( 特别是似乎不同寻常的传染突发和 毒 素引起的类 似情况) 的国家网站或国际、区域或其他组织网站的电子链接,也可满足表格B 的宣布要求。
The declaration of electronic links to national websites or to websites of international, regional or other organizations which provide information on disease outbreaks (notably outbreaks of infectious diseases and similar occurrences caused by toxins that seem to deviate from the normal pattern) may also satisfy the declaration requirement under Form B.
她承认大家都普遍重视 保护突发事件 和武装冲突影响的儿童的问题,强调儿童基金会在儿童保护工作 [...]
组中的作用,并指出,保护儿童是儿童基金会“人道主义行动中造福儿童的核心 承诺”一个重要组成部分。
Acknowledging the widespread interest in
protecting children affected by emergencies
[...] and armed conflict, she highlighted [...]
the organization’s role within the Child
Protection Working Group and noted that child protection was a significant part of the UNICEF Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action.
此外, 本章详细介绍了服务指南的 XML
[...] 结构,以及如何用它提供相关信息来执行云 服务(如供应虚拟机、云请求和 突发 功 能 )的示例。
Additionally, this section includes details about the service guide’s XML structure and examples of how it can be used to provide relevant
information for implementing cloud services, such as provisioning VMs, cloud requests as
[...] well as cloud bursting capabilities.
(b) 拟议指导文件未述及的任何变化 突发 事 件 ,应由联合国与派遣国依照 合理性条款逐案予以处理。
(b) Any variations or contingencies not covered [...]
in the proposed guidance document would be dealt with on a case-by-case
basis by the United Nations and the contributing countries, with the reasonability clause being applied in such cases.
对未来至关重要的是各国应达成协议,同意按照《国际卫生条例》(2005 年), 共享病毒样本突发疫情 的其他资料和数据;建立协调的长期筹资机制以援助穷 国;确保世卫组织和联合国合作伙伴及时获得所需资源,以便履行该条例规定的 义务。
Essential for the future are States reaching agreement on sharing samples of viral and other materials and data on outbreaks, in line with the International Health Regulations (2005); establishing coordinated long-term financing mechanisms for supporting poorer countries; and ensuring that WHO and United Nations partners have the resources they need, on a timely basis, to fulfil their obligations under the Regulations.
[...] 在关键地区存在的活动将持续进行到公布选举结果之后,以期减缓当地潜在突 发安全局势。
The increased show of United Nations presence in key areas will continue until
after the announcement of the results, with a view to
[...] mitigating potentially emerging security situations [...]
on the ground.
宏观经济政策也应高度重视避突发 性 经 济波动对收入分配和资源分 配产生不利影响。
They should also attach high
[...] priority to avoiding abrupt economic fluctuations [...]
that negatively affect income distribution and resource allocation.
我们的沟通系统CLICS(封闭突发事件 沟通系统)帮助我们在整个集团范围内及时统计和分析与安全、健康和环境有关的事件。
For this reason, we maintain a communication system known as CLICS (Closed Loop Incident Communication System), which helps us record real-time data on incidents anywhere in the company that are relevant to the environment, health and safety.
(l) 颁布涉及共和国管理组织、地方部门设立以及公共信贷调整的法律; (m) 签发涉及自然灾害突发公共 事件的紧急状况法
(l) Enact laws on the organization of the administration of the Republic, for the purpose of establishing decentralized bodies and administering public credit
第二部分强调目前正在实施的若干工作领 域,包括:粮农组织/世卫组织在一些区域开展的耐药性方面的联合工作;针对最近建立 粮农组织跨界动植物病虫害紧急防治系统 – 粮食安全计划来预防食品安突发事 件 的活 动;世卫组织的食源性疾病负担和监控的工作计划;为开展基于风险的食品检查而进行 的能力建设,以及与政府和非政府机构为改进食物链良好卫生操作规范而一直在进行的 工作。
Part 2 highlights selected areas of work currently under implementation including: the joint FAO/WHO work on antimicrobial resistance undertaken in several regions; activities focussed on the prevention of food safety emergencies through the recently established FAO EMPRES-Food Safety Programme; WHO’s programmes of work on surveillance and burden of foodborne disease; development of capacities for implementing risk-based food inspection, and the ongoing work with governmental and non-governmental agencies to improve good hygienic practices along the food chain.
(e) 为研究诸如近地物体和慧星这种关系到
[...] 全球安危的重要目标建立快速反应设施 因为这些 物体可能突发性的 气体物质短暂喷发而改变轨 迹
(e) To provide a quick reaction facility for the study of important targets of global
interest, such as near-Earth objects and comets, which may change
[...] trajectory as a result of sudden temporary outgassing.
世界卫生组织在收到可能构成国际关注 突发 公 共 卫生事件的信息后, 应该表示愿意与有关缔约国合作,评估疾病国际传播的可能性、对国际交通 的可能干扰和控制措施是否适当。
When WHO receives information of an event that may constitute a public health emergency of international concern, it shall offer to collaborate with the State Party concerned in assessing the potential for international disease spread, possible interference with international traffic and the adequacy of control measures.
突发是指 云消费者将其基础设施从一个云提供商横向扩展至 另一个,通常是从私有云提供商向公共云提供商扩展。
Capacity bursting refers to a [...]
cloud consumer scaling out their infrastructure from one cloud provider to another, typically
from a private cloud provider to a public cloud provider.
烟草行业工商安全管理系统解决方案,基于国家《数据烟草发展纲要》对烟草行业信息化建设的总体规划,按照“统一标准、统一平台、统一数据库、统一网络”的要求,实现烟草全行业日常的各项安全管理工作,发挥行业垂直管理体制优势,实现统一管理流程、分级管理、逐级汇总、监督检查的管理机制,最终实现系统集成、资源整合、信息共享,实现行业安全信息的集中宏观调控管理,提高应对安全生 突发 事 件 的应急和指挥决策能力。
Based on general planning for IT construction in the tobacco industry in Digital Tobacco Development Outline by the government, and according to the requirements of “uniform standard, platform, database and network”, the solution can realize routine safety management in the tobacco industry, utilize vertical management system advantage of the industry, realize uniform management flow, level management, stage summarizing, supervision and checking management mechanism, so as to finally realize system integration, resource integration, information sharing, realize concentrated macro control management for industrial safety information, improving abilities of handling emergency, directing and decision making during safe production.
[...] 自国家内部和外部的冲击时维护经济和金融的稳定;这些政策将有助于避突发的经济波动,否则就可能对收入分配和资源分配产生消极影响。
Countries need to utilize the full scope of appropriate countercyclical policies to maintain economic and financial stability in the
face of domestic and external shocks; they
[...] would help avoid abrupt economic fluctuations, [...]
which could have a negative impact
on income distribution and resource allocation.
他指出最近发生的一系列食品安突发 事件,诸如日本食品遭到放射性物质污染,德国暴发肠出血性大肠杆菌疫情,以及故 [...]
意使用邻苯二甲酸盐污染食品和饮料等事件均表明食品市场的全球化已经达到何种高 度,世界一个国家或一个地区发生的事件会多么迅速地影响到其它国家和地区。
He pointed out that recent
[...] food safety emergencies, such as the [...]
contamination of food with radioactive substances in Japan,
the outbreak of EHEC in Germany, or the intentional contamination of food and beverages with phthalates had illustrated how globalised the food market has become and how rapidly incidents in one country or part of the world can impact others.
例 如,格鲁吉亚发展成果的评估[3 ]强调指出,“在 突发 生 后 数周内便设计并执行 了一项干预措施,不仅说明反应极为迅速,也是从紧急援助向发展援助十分良好 [...]
For instance, ADR Georgia [3] highlights an
intervention “designed and implemented within
[...] weeks after the conflict that not only [...]
presents high standard in responsiveness but
also as a very sound transition from emergency assistance towards development assistance” [3].
叙利亚坚持认为,有必要保护各缔约国退出《条 约》的主权权利,特别是在一国认为其国家利益突发事件而面临风险时。
Syria affirmed the need to protect the sovereign right of States parties to withdraw from the Treaty, particularly if a State considered its national interests to be placed at risk by unexpected events.




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