单词 | 罄笔难书 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 罄笔难书 —too numerous be cited (of atrocities or misdeeds) [idiom.]
其目的是增强各大 学教学人员的能力,以及将他们的读 书笔 记 转 换为电子学习材料的技能。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The goal is to empower academic staff in the various universities with the skills to convert their lecture notes to electronic learning materials. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些团体完全无视人的生命的劣迹罄 竹难书,而且,它们继续对国家各地儿童所面临的危 险负有绝大部分责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | Their complete disregard for human life is well documented, and they continue to bear overwhelming responsibility for the danger to children across the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
据秘书长称,这笔经费是依据最近与总部保险商签订 的合同规定计算的。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the Secretary-General, the costs [...] under this provision are based on the terms of the contracts recently signed [...]with insurance providers at Headquarters. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列的所作所为给巴勒斯坦人民造成的 苦 难罄 竹难书,而 且每天、每周、每年都在继续加剧。 daccess-ods.un.org | The list of the suffering of the Palestinian people caused by Israeli action is long and continues to grow by the day, the week and the year. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于这种 事例不胜枚举、罄竹难书,我 们非常鼓励特别代表以 后提交的报告会对这方面的情况作进一步的说明,而 [...] 不只是附带提及。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the abundance of accounts and documentation [...] of such incidents, we strongly encourage future reports of the Special [...]Representative to further elaborate on this aspect, rather than mentioning it in passing. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据这项政策,以色列官员根本不回应世界舆论 对以色列政权不遵守一切人道主义和人权原则的空 前记录和历来罄竹难书的罪 行和暴行的指责,包括它 犯下的占领、侵略、军国主义、国家恐怖主义和危害 人类罪,而却总是对其他国家发表煽动性的言论或提 出无端的指控。 daccess-ods.un.org | In line with this policy, Israeli officials, instead of answering to world public opinion for their unparalleled record of non-compliance with all humanitarian and human rights principles and their long and dark history of crimes and atrocities, including occupation, aggression, militarism, State terrorism and crimes against humanity, have always made inflammatory remarks and baseless allegations against other countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
讲课人应当最好是人权问题 特别报告员以及曾主持过 1948 年以来为调查以色列 罄竹难书的罪 行所成立的很多视察队和实况调查团 工作的人。 daccess-ods.un.org | The lecturers should, preferably, be the special rapporteurs on human rights and those who have chaired the many inspection teams and factfinding missions formed since 1948 to investigate the repeated crimes of Israel. daccess-ods.un.org |
然后在点阵纸上书 写以将新笔记与现有录音链接。 livescribe.com | Then write on dot [...] paper to link your new notes to the existing audio. livescribe.com |
在 美元继续疲弱,石油输出国组织生产实行配额,方便的供应来源接近 告 罄 的情 况下,石油市场面临的种种不确定因素,使 人 难 以 评 估石油价格则中短期动 态。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a context of continuing weakness of the United States dollar increasing demand, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) production quotas, and near exhaustion of easily accessible sources of supply, the oil market faces uncertainties which make it a challenge assessing the development of oil prices over the short and medium term. daccess-ods.un.org |
正是德国给其邻国,并因此给其本国公民, 带来了罄竹难书的痛苦。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was Germany [...] that brought unspeakable suffering upon [...]its neighbours and, as a consequence, also upon its own citizens. daccess-ods.un.org |
在该决议同一节第 8 段,大会还请秘书长增加承包笔译的 比例,以期除其他 外进一步提高效率,但这一交付方式产生的最后产品的质量须相当于内部翻译, 并就此向大会第六十六届会议提出报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | In paragraph 8 of the same section of the [...] resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to increase the proportion of translation [...]done contractually, with [...]a view to achieving, inter alia, further efficiencies where this mode of delivery yielded a final product that was of comparable quality to in-house translation, and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书处还 要求环境规划署在这项 计划中列入规定,确保提供给执行氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的经费 用 罄 后 ,这项计划仍能继续 进行。 multilateralfund.org | The Secretariat also requested UNEP to ensure that provisions are included in this scheme to ensure its sustainability after funds for HPMP implementation run out. multilateralfund.org |
这时,瓦岗军首领李密发布了讨伐隋炀帝的檄文,宣布隋炀帝有十大罪状,号召百姓起来推翻隋炀帝,其中有 “ 罄 南 山 之竹 , 书 罪 未 穷;决东海之波,流 恶 难 尽。 chinesestoryonline.com | One sentence of the declaration was that "Even if all bamboos on the south mountain were cut, they are not enough to inscribe his crimes; even if all water was in the east sea drained up, they are not enough to cleanse his sin. chinesestoryonline.com |
这笔开支难以落实,因此,专家组断 定这些飞机不会再飞了。 daccess-ods.un.org | This expenditure is unfeasible and the Group, therefore, concludes that the aircraft will not fly again. daccess-ods.un.org |
与声音部分一起展示的还有一块黑板,上面重 叠 书 写 着 数字, 粉 笔 灰 收 在下方,反应貌似永无止境的生产已经不存在的知识。 shanghaibiennale.org | In tandem with the sound piece, the exhibition includes a chalkboard work with numbers written one over the other, and the collected chalk dust below, reflecting the seemingly endless markings that acknowledge those who no longer exist. shanghaibiennale.org |
2.1 本奖由一份证书和一笔奖金组成,其名称为《贾比尔·艾哈迈德·贾比尔·萨巴 赫埃米尔弱智者特需教育研究和培训奖》。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 2.1 The Prize, consisting of a certificate and a sum of [...] money, shall be entitled “The Emir Jaber alAhmad al-Jaber al-Sabah [...]Prize for Research and Training in Special Needs Education for the Mentally Disabled”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在核查 2006 年氟氯化碳出口情 况期间,消耗臭气层物质进出口办通知核查员进口商已经出示了欧盟准许向 联合王国出口 32 ODP 吨 CFC-113 [...] 的证书,但消耗臭气层物质进出口办和出 口商(常熟 3F 公司)都没有提供证明这笔交易的书 面 单 据。 multilateralfund.org | During the verification of 2006 CFC exports, IEMO advised the verifier that the importer had shown the permission from EU for export of 32 ODP tonnes of [...] CFC-113 to UK, but both IEMO and the exporter (Changshu 3F) failed to present the [...] written document certifying the transaction. multilateralfund.org |
所翻译的文件包括缔约国的案件书 状和其他函件;听讯的逐字记录;法院判决书、咨询意见和命令的草稿及其各种 工作文件;判决书所附的法官笔录、 意见和声明;法院和及其下属机构的会议记 录,包括预算和行政委员会和其它委员会的会议记录;内部报告、说明、研究报 告、备忘录和指示;院长和法官向外界机构发表的演讲,以及给秘书处的报告和 函件等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Documents translated include case pleadings and other communications from States parties; verbatim records of hearings; draft judgments, advisory opinions and orders of the Court, together with their various working documents; judges’ notes, opinions and declarations appended to judgments, advisory opinions and orders; minutes of meetings of the Court and of its subsidiary bodies, including the Budgetary and Administrative Committee and other committees; internal reports, notes, studies, memorandums and directives; speeches by the President and judges to outside bodies; reports and communications to the Secretariat, etc. The Department also provides interpretation at private and public meetings of the Court and, as required, at meetings held by the President and members of the Court with agents of the parties and other official visitors. daccess-ods.un.org |
父亲需要费很大劲才能看懂我幼稚的 、 难 以 辨认 的 笔 迹。 embassyusa.cn | Because I did not understand English, I would inadvertently [...] switch the “b”s and “d”s and the “p”s and the “q”s. [...] My father had a difficult time trying to [...]decipher my childish scrawls. eng.embassyusa.cn |
以色列凌驾于法 律之上,给 40 多年来在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒 斯坦被占领土受它压迫的巴勒斯坦人民带来 了 罄竹 难书的痛苦和毁灭。 daccess-ods.un.org | Acting above the law, Israel has inflicted untold suffering and devastation on the Palestinian people it has oppressed for over four decades in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem. daccess-ods.un.org |
会话总是包含录音,也可选 择包含关联的书写笔记 (页面)。 livescribe.com | A session always contains audio and optionally can contain associated written notes (pages). livescribe.com |
生活在科特迪瓦的平民沦为巴博先生恐怖统治 下的牺牲品,他的暴行罄竹难书,包 括他的民兵亵渎 清真寺和杀害穆斯林教士,设法刺激穆斯林社区做出 类似反应,从而挑起族裔之间后果难以想象的冲突。 daccess-ods.un.org | Civilians living in Côte d’Ivoire are victims of Mr. Gbagbo’s reign of terror, whose atrocities include a propensity by his militias to desecrate mosques and assassinate Muslim clergy, in the hope of provoking a similar reaction by the Muslim community, thereby sparking an inter-ethnic conflict of incalculable consequences. daccess-ods.un.org |
倘若劉健儀議員就我的動議所提出的修訂獲得通過,則正如黃宏發 議員指出,在數個月後,我便須為了同㆒目的,再次前來本局,因為假如在㆒九九 [...] 五年㆒月稅款沒有按建議作出增加,到明年㆓、㆔月間,援助基金便會 用 罄。 legco.gov.hk | If the amendment to my motion now proposed by the Honourable Mrs Miriam LAU were carried, I would have to, as the Honourable Andrew WONG pointed out, come before this Council again in but a few months’ time for the same purpose, [...] because without the proposed increase in levies in January 1995, the TAVA Fund could [...] only last until next February/March. legco.gov.hk |
三台汽车均已售罄,每 台各采用意大利国旗中的一种颜色——绿色、白色、红色,从而交织成一部三部曲,彰显独特魅力。 lamborghini.com | The three [...] cars sold to customers each feature [...]a single color of the Italian national flag, together a triology in green, [...]white and red accents and thus representing each a unique piece. lamborghini.com |
支助论坛秘书处的第三笔赠款 是在 2008 年核准的,用于支助在国家一级宣 传和执行《联合国土著人民权利宣言》和《联合国发展集团关于土著人民问题的 [...] 准则》。 daccess-ods.un.org | A third grant in support of the secretariat of the Forum [...] was approved in 2008 and will support the dissemination and implementation [...]of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations Development Group’s Guidelines on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues at the country level. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组得到了 Joel Guehi Bleka 2011 年 5 月在 Youbor 书写的 名单上有关人员姓名的照片,以及此人 2011 年 8 月书写的笔迹样 本,为辨认 Youbor 案件涉案人员的身份提供了新的重大证据。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Panel obtained a photograph of Guehi Bleka writing the names on the list in Youbor in May 2011, as well as a writing sample from that individual in August 2011 to further substantiate evidence as to the identification of those involved in the Youbor case. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了避免因等待第四次增资生效而造成环境基金作出资助承诺的能力出现中断,如果托管人 [...] 已收到合计出资不少于3.10 亿特别提款权的认缴参加国向托管人交存的《承诺书》或《有附 加条件承诺书》2 [...] ,托管人在生效日期之前,可将已为其交存《承诺书》或《有附加条件承诺 书》的每笔出资 的总金额的四分之一视作预支出资,除非认缴参加国在其《承诺书》或《有 [...]附加条件承诺书》中另有规定。 thegef.org | (a) In order to avoid an interruption in the GEF’s ability to make financing commitments pending the effectiveness of the Fourth Replenishment, and if the Trustee shall have received Instruments of Commitment or Qualified Instruments of Commitment from Contributing Participants whose contributions aggregate not less than SDR 310 million2, the Trustee may deem, prior to the Effective Date, one [...] quarter of the total [...] amount of each contribution for which an Instrument of Commitment [...]or Qualified Instrument of Commitment has been deposited [...]with the Trustee as an advance contribution, unless the Contributing Participant specifies otherwise in its Instrument of Commitment or Qualified Instrument of Commitment. thegef.org |
藝術及體育發展基金 分別在2003年 7月及2005年 2月用罄原先 獲注入的1億 6,000萬元(藝術部 分 )及 1億 4,000萬元(體育部分)後,政府當局已運用原先注入資金的投資 收入,來支付從藝術及體育發展基金批出的額外撥款及資助。 legco.gov.hk | With the exhaustion of the sum of $160 million and $140 million initially injected into the arts and sports portions of the Fund in July 2003 and February 2005 respectively, the Administration had used investment income generated from the initial injection to cover the excess of the grants and funding support made under ASDF. legco.gov.hk |
獲資助機構必須把所有項目資金存 放於項目帳戶,直至有關資金按照項目協議悉數 用 罄 或全 數歸還政府為止。 smefund.tid.gov.hk | All project funds shall be kept in the project account by the applicant until such funds are spent (paid) in compliance with the project agreement or returned to the Government by the applicant in accordance with the project agreement. smefund.tid.gov.hk |
委员会认识到太平洋诸岛屿因其人口较少、土地面积分散、以及 灾害频发而面对着独特的困难,因 此请 秘 书 处 继 续努力增进太平洋的 连通及其获得和使用卫星图像的方便程度,并请秘书处进一步协助太 平洋诸岛屿开展侧重灾害管理工作的空间应用能力建设,包括远程医 疗、电子教学、电子政务、以及社区电子中心等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cognizant that the Pacific [...] islands face unique difficulties due to their small population, scattered land areas and frequently recurring disasters, the Committee requests that the secretariat continue its [...]efforts to improve [...]Pacific connectivity and access to and use of satellite imagery and that it further assist the Pacific islands with capacity-building in space applications, including telemedicine, e-education, e-governance, and community e-centres with a focus on disaster management. daccess-ods.un.org |