单词 | 三个女人一台戏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 三个女人一台戏 —three women are enough for a drama [idiom.]See also:一个人 adv—alone adv 一个人 n—one person n 一个个—each and every one
根据NVIDIA,新技术提供了一个无与 伦比 的 三 维 立 体的 游 戏 , 电 影爱好者 和 台 式 机 和笔记本电脑的摄影爱好者的3D体验。 technologeeko.com | According to NVIDIA, the new 3D technology [...] delivers an unparalleled stereoscopic 3D experience for gamers, movie-lovers and photo enthusiasts on desktop and notebook PCs. technologeeko.com |
本组织提供了一个平台,可以让妇女 领 导 人 讨 论 妇女问题,并提出反馈意见, 促进分配妇女在信贷联盟中的领导席位和设立妇女咨询委员会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The organization provides a platform for women leaders to discuss women [...] issues and put forward responses that has resulted [...]in the allocation of women seats in the leadership of credit unions and the creation of an advisory committee for women. daccess-ods.un.org |
公职部 2002 年对政府部门进行的普查显示,妇女 人 数 占 公务员的 33.0%,即 每三个公务员中有一个女性。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the census of civil servants carried out by the [...] Ministry for Civil Service Affairs in 2002, 33.0 per cent of civil servants were women. daccess-ods.un.org |
台灣人氣美女DJ Charlene 將於7月7日駕臨Club Lotus,聯同來自美國的Rapper MC Kozmc一起同台獻技。 yp.mo | On July 7 the hottest DJ from Taiwan DJ Charlene will be performing together with rapper MC Kozmc from the US at Club Lotus. yp.mo |
在WEB2.0概念深入人心,如猫游记等AJAX游戏都能够 有 人 去 玩 的今天,利用JAVA开发的平台无视,且能如RMXP由普通用户即可制作的游戏框架(而且,利用Java特性,完全可以做到由用户通过网页定制 游 戏 并 展 示,甚至可以考虑提 供 一个 类 似 于土豆的 平 台 , 用以展示用户DIY自己的游戏或相关图形资源。 javakaiyuan.com | WEB2.0 concept deeply rooted in , such as cats are able to travel and other AJAX was to play the game today , ignoring the use of [...] JAVA development platform [...] , and can as RMXP by ordinary users to make the game framework (and the use of Java features , completely can be customized by the user through the web and game shows, and even potatoes can be considered to provide a similar platform to showcase their games DIY usersOr related graphics [...]resources. javakaiyuan.com |
小说证明了Rowling并不是只会一种把戏 的 小 马驹, New Yorker决定看看这些书背后的这个女人 , 而 不是作者。 ba-repsasia.com | The novel proves that [...] Rowling isn’t a one trick pony and the New Yorker decided to take a look at the woman, not the author, behind [...]the books. ba-repsasia.com |
(d) 得到这类保护的受害者人数、向她们提供保护的具体形式,以及根据 《婚姻法》第三条、《妇女权益保障法》第四十五条 第 一 款 和其他相关法律对犯 罪者判刑的人数。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Number of victims that have received such protection and the specific form of protection they received as well as the number of perpetrators sentenced under article 3 of the Marriage Law, article 45(1) of the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests and other relevant legislations. daccess-ods.un.org |
48 第三十一届国际戏剧学 会世界双年度大会(菲律宾马尼拉市)1 大 会, 认识到戏剧表演艺术作为一种教育工具以及表现和反 映 人 类 生 活中的文化多样性的一种手段发 挥着重要作用, 意识到它可以作为培养社会意识的一种催化剂,能够促进不同民族之间的文化理解; 忆及国际戏剧学会(以下简称“ITI”)与教科文组织保持着正式协作关系,是教科文组织在表 演艺术领域中的主要国际非政府组织伙伴,并且拥有近九 十 个 国 家 中心和 ITI 协作中心作为其 成员, 认识到国际戏剧学会的宗旨是推动包括 舞 台 戏 剧 、舞蹈和音乐剧在内的戏剧表演艺术知识及实 践的国际交流,巩固各民族之间的和平与团结互助,加深相互了解,增进各民族之间在戏剧表 演艺术创作领域的合作 unesdoc.unesco.org | Recognizing that the aim of ITI is to promote the international exchange of knowledge and practice in the theatrical performing arts, including drama, dance, and music theatre, in order to consolidate peace and solidarity between peoples, deepen mutual understanding, and increase creative cooperation between all people in the theatrical performing arts unesdoc.unesco.org |
在这种背景下,我将集中谈论三个优 先 领域:第 一,需要进一步确定和澄清建设和平委员会的行动范 围和模式;第二,落实文职人员能力审查;第三,加 强妇女在建设和平中的参与。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is against that backdrop that I would like to [...] focus my remarks on three priority areas: first, the need to further develop and clarify the scope and mode of action of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC); secondly, the implementation of the civilian capacities review; and thirdly, the strengthening of women’s participation [...]in peacebuilding. daccess-ods.un.org |
最基本的福利和娱 乐设施,又称“福利包”,将包括以下内容:(a) 一个配备适当锻炼器械的室内 [...] 健身房;(b) 一个多功能娱乐中心,可用作休息室、网吧和酒吧,提供室内 游戏 和一台带有 DVD 播放机的电视机;(c) 一个阅览室和祷告/默思室(A/62/663,第 57 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The minimum welfare and recreation facilities, or “welfare kits”, would consist of (a) an indoor gymnasium with appropriate equipment to exercise; (b) a multi-purpose recreation centre [...] that would serve as a [...] lounge, Internet café and bar and be provided with indoor games and a television set with [...]a DVD player; and [...](c) a library and a prayer/meditation room (A/62/663, para. 57). daccess-ods.un.org |
达尔富尔混合行动还记录了在 达尔富尔非边境地区的绑架案件,其中包 括 一个女 孩 在 北达尔富尔 和 三 个 男 孩在 南达尔富尔被绑架。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNAMID also documented cases of [...] abductions in non-border regions of Darfur, [...] including that of a girl in Northern Darfur and three boys in Southern Darfur. daccess-ods.un.org |
日内瓦是一个独特的平台,三大主 要 国际行为体,即欧洲联盟、欧安组织和联合国,再加 美国和俄罗斯正在为促进该区域的安全和稳定而密 [...] 切合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Geneva is a unique [...] forum in the sense that three major international actors [...]— the European Union, the OSCE and the United [...]Nations — plus the United States and Russia, are working closely together for security and stability in the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
Petya Hristova 女士是国际戏剧协会的代表,她一开 始就强调了要重视通过表演艺术来 有效地促进文化间对话,培养年轻人 的 自 信心,提高妇女和少数群体的能力和地位,最终实 现全社会的和谐,她认为这是经济繁荣的前提。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Ms Petya Hristova, representative of the International Theatre Institute (ITI), began her presentation by emphasizing the importance and effectiveness of using the performing arts to nurture dialogue between cultures, to instil self-confidence in youth, to empower women and minority groups, and finally to attain overall social cohesion, which she described as a prerequisite for economic prosperity. unesdoc.unesco.org |
首先,每个人都 在想我们如何将引擎从 第 三人 称 射击 游 戏 转 变 为动作游戏,但我们有Marvel Ultimate Alliance游戏的相关经验并且具有核心战斗系统,我们重写了它们并将其应用到虚幻技术中,然后它就有效了。 unrealengine.com | At first everyone was wondering how we were going to turn the engine from a third person shooter into [...] an action game, but we had the experience from [...]Marvel Ultimate Alliance as well as the core combat systems and we rewrote re-wrote them all and applied them right to Unreal and it took. unrealengine.com |
在坦桑尼亚联合共和国,作为对区委员会利用广播 电 台 劝 说 妇 女 竞 选 公职 的 一个 积极 反应,妇女网络鼓励她们参加竞选。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the United Republic of Tanzania, as a positive [...] reaction to the [...] District Commission, use of radio to persuade women to run for office, [...]women’s networks are encouraging them to stand for election. daccess-ods.un.org |
该理事会的三大支 柱,即方案问题高级别委员会、管理问题高级别委员会和联合 国发展集团,提供了重要的平台,妇 女 署 通 过这些 平 台 可 在全 球 一 级 和国家一级 促进与性别平等直接有关的政策的一致性,并确保联合国系统所有政策都反映出 适当的性别平等观点。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its three pillars, the High-level Committee on Programmes, the High-level Committee on Management and the United Nations Development Group, provide important platforms through which UN-Women can promote coherence [...] in policies directly relating to gender equality at the global and country levels and ensure that [...]all United Nations system policies reflect the appropriate gender perspective. daccess-ods.un.org |
分布于店内五个立柱 的超高清显示器由全球领先的数字显示技术平达系统有限公司制造,它们将用于显示时装秀的图片,其 中 三台 用 于显 示 女 装 秀 ,二台用 于显示男装秀。 gucci.com | Five columns of super high resolution displays manufactured by Planar [...] Systems, a global leader in digital display technology, will show images of the fashion show – three for the women's show and two for the men's show – located in the respective areas of the store. gucci.com |
前列腺的分泌物是很重要的,可使 一个女人 的 卵 子成功受精。 cn.iherb.com | Prostate secretions are important in [...] successful fertilization of a woman's egg. iherb.com |
15 时零分,为 Hazzanu 村 [...] Mutawasitah 橄榄油公司服务的律师 [...] Riyadh Saimu ‘bin Muhammad 向 Ma‘arrat Misrin 的行政官报告说,2012 年 4 月 13 日,有 数人闯进该公司的房舍,并偷走一部 车 牌号为 730890 的车辆和三台电脑。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 1500 hours, a lawyer, Riyadh Saimu‘ bin Muhammad, who works for the Mutawasitah olive oil company in the village of Hazzanu, reported to the administrator of Ma‘arrat Misrin that on 13 April 2012, a number of [...] persons had broken [...] into the premises of the company and stolen a vehicle, licence plate No. 730890 (Idlib), and three computers. daccess-ods.un.org |
新加坡揭露玷污论战的偏见和 虚伪,随着时间的推移,偏见和虚伪使 第 三 委 员会 成为了一个指责他人的地 方,实行双重标准政策, 玩弄政治游戏,一 味教训别人而不是通过对话努力 达成共同目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Because of the hypocrisy and partisan spirit that had marred [...] the discussions, the [...] Committee had over the years turned into a forum for recriminations, double standards, political games and sermonizing, rather [...]than a place for dialogue [...]and the pursuit of common goals. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011年: [...] 在巴塞尔钟表展上推出“21点”(21 Blackjack)腕表,带来一个纯 正的迷你赌场。它包 含 三个 游 戏 : 21 点(抽取纸牌使之点数等于或尽可能接近21点,每次要牌显示一张牌)、轮盘与骰子。 hautehorlogerie.org | 2011 : Presented at Baselworld, the [...] 21 Blackjack watch [...] is a fully functioning casino with three games: blackjack, where players draw cards [...]to equal or come [...]as close as possible to 21 points - the watch strikes each time a card is displayed - roulette and dice. hautehorlogerie.org |
的士一路开到李先生的单位附近停下,两人都下了车,远远看两人说了几句什么,然后就见李先生一人向单位的办公楼走去,那女人还站在原地不动,目送李先生离去,直到李先生进了楼门,这个女人才开始朝前走,令我们感到意外的是这个女人也走进了李先生单位的大门,我们紧随其后发现那女人没有进电梯,而是顺着大堂的楼梯上了二楼,进了李先生单位另外的部门,这个部门是接待联络单位各部门之间的业务窗口, 那 个女人 竟 然 在 一个 柜 台 里 坐 下,原来她和李先生是在一个单位工作的。 pt.wdk007.net | All the way to the taxi stopped near Lee's unit, both out of the car, well look at what they said a few words and then see Mr. Lee's office one person went to the unit, the woman still standing of the original to not move, watched Mr. Lee left, until Mr. Lee into the doors of the parlor, the women finally began to move forward and so we are surprised that this woman is also the door into the Lee unit, and we followed that The woman is not into the elevator, but down the stairs on the second floor of the lobby, into the Lee unit to another department, this department is the reception of [...] contact between the various [...] departments of business window, the woman even sat down in a counter [...], because she and Mr. Lee is a unit of work. wdk007.net |
ARMADA嵌入式Foresight平台可将电视、游 戏 、 流 视频和Web应用程序汇集 到 一台 设 备 中,从高清和3D流视频到 令 人 沉 醉的声音,凭借这一点,电视可以转变为互联生活方式的命令中心。 marvell.com.cn | From HD and 3D streaming video to immersive sound, the ARMADA embedded Foresight Platform is designed to transform the TV [...] into the command center of the connected [...]lifestyle by powering the convergence of TV, gaming, streaming video, and web applications in a single device. marvell.com |
OLED的多点触摸用户界面 [...] :NGP拥有多触摸,5英寸的OLED显示屏前; NGP在后面加上一个多触摸板提供了前所未有的 游 戏 让 玩“ 在 一个三 维 般 的议案”,通过“摸,抢,跟踪,推拉“的手部动作。 technologeeko.com | OLED Multi Touch User Interface: NGP has a multi touch, 5-inch OLED front display; coupled with a multi touch [...] pad on the rear NGP [...] offers unprecedented game play allowing playing “in a three dimension-like motion”, [...]through “touch, [...]grab, trace, push and pull” hand movements. technologeeko.com |
在双年度计划的第一年,通过妇女赋 权增能倡议,包括信息与知识的获取 (其中尤为 强调表达自由),女记者安全问题, 妇 女 在 社区 电 台 中 的代表情况等,推行性别平等视角。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Gender equality perspectives have been promoted in the first half of the biennium through initiatives [...] to empower women through access to information and knowledge with special emphasis on freedom of expression, the safety of female journalists, and the representation of women in community radio. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在 2002 年至 2007 年期间,国家出台了全 国妇女政策,这也是洪都拉斯以及 世界妇女运动经过长期不懈斗争的结果,这项政策旨在推动实现男女平等,践行 国家在签署《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》、12 参加国际人口与发展大会以及 参加第四次妇女问题世界会议时所做出的国际承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | Between 2002 and 2007, as a result of the historic struggles of the women’s movement in Honduras and around the world, the National [...] Policy on Women was put in place in order [...] to promote gender equity and implement the international commitments of Honduras under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women,12 the International Conference on Population and Development and the Fourth World Conference on Women. daccess-ods.un.org |