

单词 三人成虎

See also:







External sources (not reviewed)

This one is very similar
[...] with the story of "Threepeople makeatiger".
斯里兰卡受泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织()之害,直到 2009 年 5 月开展了从恐怖分子魔掌中解义行动后,才将其消灭。
Sri Lanka was a victim of Liberation TigersofTamil Eelam (LTTE) terrorismfor nearly threedecades until its eradication in May 2009, [...]
following a humanitarian operation
to liberate the people from the clutches of the terrorists.
截至 2009 年 1 月,尔富尔混合行源科的一部分,作为征聘股,保留着授予老虎小组的所有权限。
As at 1 January2009,theTiger teambecame part of the UNAMID Human Resources [...]
Section as a Recruitment Cell, retaining
all authorities given to the Tiger team.
议事规则第 23 条规定,大会辩论某一个已由总务委员会建议列入议程的项 目应否列入议程时,发言言反对者各三人
Rule 23 of the rules of procedure provides that debate on the inclusion of an item in the agenda, when that item has been recommended
for inclusion by the General Committee, shall be
[...] limited to three speakers in favour of, and threeagainst, the inclusion.
(c)三 人星汇筹备 委员会,对音 乐会的筹办工作缺乏 [...]
认 识 , 与 行 内 的 专家也 不 稔熟, 倍 增 他 们 的工作困难(报告摘 要 第 18段 )。
(c)The three-member Harbour Fest Organizing [...]
Committee was handicapped by their lack of knowledge in concert promotion and
their lack of acquaintance with experts in the field (paragraph 18 of the Executive Summary of the Report).
在 2009 年进行的最近一次审查中,该委员会利用以准进行识别:(a) 人均国民总收均估计数(低于 905 美元,列入最不 发达国家名单,超过 1 086 美元则从名单毕业);(b) 人力资产指数,其中考虑 到营养方面的指数(营养不良者占人口比例)、健康(5 岁及 5 岁以下儿童死亡率)、 教育(中学入学总比率)成人率;(c) 该委员会界定的经济脆弱指数,其中 考虑到人口规模、偏远性、商品出口集中程度、农业、林业和渔业占国内总产值 的比重、自然灾害所致的无家可归情况、农业生产、货物和服务出口不稳定等指 标。
In its most recent review, in 2009, the Committee used three criteriafor their identification: (a) athree-year average estimate of the gross national income (GNI) per capita (under US$ 905 for inclusion in the list and over US$ 1,086 for graduation); (b) the human assets index, which takes into account indicators in the areas of nutrition (percentage of the population undernourished), [...]
health (mortality rate for children
aged five years and under), education (gross secondary school enrolment ratio) and adult literacy rate; and (c) the economic vulnerability index defined by the Committee, which takes into account indicators of population size, remoteness, the merchandise export concentration, the share of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in GDP, homelessness due to natural disasters, instability of agricultural production and instability of exports of goods and services.
国家儿童保护局最终的结论是建议根据 失踪男童及一位据称曾经负责绑架及招募儿童的前供的 信息,进一步展开调查。
The Authority concluded with a recommendation to further investigate on the basis of information provided by families of the missing boys, as well as by a formerLTTE member who was reportedly responsible for child abduction and recruitment in the past.
首先对于事件或系列事件而 言,如果要认定为条款草案所说的“灾难性”,事件须成三能后果中的一 个或更多:普遍生命损失、巨大苦和危难,或大规模物质和环境损害。
First for the event, or series of events, to be considered “calamitous”, in the
sense required by the
[...] draft articles, it has to result in oneor more of threepossible outcomes: widespread loss of life, or great [...]
human suffering and
distress, or large-scale material or environmental damage.
Secondly, the Government should enhance the support for the PCPD and provide it with additional resources to increase its manpower
to facilitate effective
[...] enforcement, rather than turning the PCPD into a "toothlesstiger"or one withbroken teeth which has difficulty in enforcing [...]
the law.
The parties
[...] agree that anyarbitration conducted under this section must be conducted in English, by a panel of three arbitrators,the third ofwhom must [...]
be selected from one
of the following neutral countries: England, Germany, Singapore or Thailand.
调查结果显示,三成九 (38.8%) 的被访者表示有信心学生验毒的结果,不 会被其他不应该知道验毒结果三成(34.6%) 表示没有信心, 一成六 (16.4%) 表示「一半一半」。
Survey results show that 38.8% of the respondents were confident that students’ drug test results would not be made known to those who were not supposed to know the results, and 34.6% were not. 16.4% of the respondents answered “fifty-fifty”.
I Xiuying District, Haikou Yongxing Town, village Ru Wu Yongde village, back in high school to interest on agriculture, where in 1984 I accepted the fruit of copper Chang professional elementary education teacher in 1985 after graduating from high school to seek The Way to Wealth I have to try to grow a variety of cash crops such as coffee, pepper, papaya, guava, pineapple, orange, yellow, sapodilla, etc., but always felt wrong, because the
bulk of Yongxing
[...] farm income has always been to from litchi, since ancient times,"Thunder TigerLychee - Lychee dyedthree," the nameallusions (Thunder Tiger is theancient name of the town, Yongxing, threesets tothe ancient road, state [...]
units, county-level
units of government), why not based on local resources in order to make money, litchi it?
2010 年 8 月 30 日,应斯里兰卡外交部、国家儿童保护局以及 警察部门的请求,启动了一项调查,目的是确定与“虎人组织仍有关联的 5 名男童(卡鲁纳派由印尼亚·巴拉蒂领导)的下落。
On 30 August 2010, upon the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Child Protection Authority and its police section, an investigation was initiated to establish the whereabouts of the five boys who remain associated withTMVP (formerelements ofKaruna faction, under the command of Iniya Barrathi).
Recently, we have learned from a chapter in Ni Yibin 2008 that there is another trio representing the Three Teachings: the Song-dynasty friends Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, and Foyin.
If we do not do so, we
[...] will become "toothlesstigers"and cando nothing but talk.
原因有二:一是打败和解散了猛虎组织,此前 报告的斯里兰卡儿童兵招募案件绝大部分与该组织有关;二是斯里兰卡政府及 “虎人组织承诺遣散“虎人组织以前招募的儿童兵。
This is owing both to the defeat and disbanding of LTTE, responsible for most of the child recruitment cases reported in Sri Lanka, and the commitments of the Government of Sri Lanka and TMVP to release children recruited previously by TMVP.
[...] 员会的成员,几乎一致要求社会福利署(“社署”)重新检讨就调查该宗惨 剧三人的职权范围,以便能够扩阔层面,从而取得足够的经验 [...]
Precisely because of this, members of the Legislative Council Panel on Welfare Services have almost unanimously urged the Social Welfare
Department (SWD) to review the terms
[...] of reference of thethree-member panel set up [...]
to investigate the recent tragedy, so
as to broaden the scope of investigation and thus enable us to gain more experience and learn more lessons for the avoidance of similar mistakes.
中山大学的袁伟时教授在他很多着作中分析中国现代化、洋务运动 失败的原因,他说中学技术,而不肯学当中的精神,不肯接受 多元包容的精神,自行画地为牢,维持长官意志,不单所学的技术未能 更新,不能与时并进,学习时更未能学其神髓,犬,香港 现时就是有这个危机。
Prof YUAN Weishi of the Zhongshan University analysed the reasons for the failure of modernization and the Westernization Movement in China in many of his works.
The Management Board may consist of Polish citizens or/and foreigners.
8 赞同总干事的建议,即在与大会主席和执行局主席磋商之后,将教科文组织三大 机构领导人的会议制度化,定期或三人何一人的要求而举行会议,找出理 事机构和秘书处之间互动时在期望上的差异、职能重复及其他困难,以便改善它 们的工作关系,提高本组织的工效率,并决定该机制的运作必须透明, 会须分别向大会和执行局及时报告。
Endorses the proposal made by the Director-General, after consultations with the President of the General Conference and the Chairperson of the Executive Board, to institute
meetings between the Heads of the threeinstitutional organs of UNESCO at regular intervals, or upon request
[...] by one of the three, to identify differences in expectations, duplications of functions and other difficulties in the interaction between the governing bodies and the Secretariat, in order to improve their working relations and enhancethe effectiveness and efficiency of the Organization, and decides that the functioning of this mechanism must be transparent and that the outcome of [...]
the meetings must be
duly reported to the General Conference and the Executive Board respectively.
指导委员会由五名成员成(三利比名卡 塔尔人和一名法国人)。
The Steering Board was
[...] made up of five members(three Libyan, one Qatari and [...]
one French).
据 8 月 18 日《明报》报道,一名拾荒维生的八旬老妇,昨晨在葵涌马 路边用手推车运送捡拾的纸皮时,被的士撞倒,头部重创,送院抢救後身亡今年拾荒长者。
The Mingpao Daily reported on 18 August that an old woman in her eighties making a living out of scavenging was knocked down by a taxi the morning before while pushing her handcart along the road to transport the waste paper she had collected.
调查结果显示,七成五 (75.4%) 的被访者表示赞成在完成处理程序後,要 将学生验毒的销毁,成三(12.8%) 表示不赞成。
Survey show that 75.4% of the respondents agreed that the personal records of the drug test results should be destroyed after completing all the necessary procedures, and 12.8% did not.
主席,民主党多年来要求制定竞争法,消费者委员会亦争取了很 久,议会内也有很,现在提出法案来了,但又要脱掉这只牙, 又要脱掉那只牙,我们的何俊仁议员也说会崩牙
President, for years, the Democratic Party has been demanding the formulation of a competition law, and so have the Consumer Council and many in the legislature.
2010 年全年,联合国作出持续努力,鼓励全面落实并米尔虎人放”组织(“猛虎人解”组织)、斯里兰卡政府和儿童基金会在 2008 年 12 月签 署的行动计划。
In 2010, sustained efforts were made by the United Nations throughout the year to encourage the full implementation and completionof the action plan signed by the Tamil Makkal Viduthalai Pulighal (TMVP), the Government of Sri Lanka and UNICEF in December 2008.
於本公布日期,本公司董事会由十一名董事行董事徐惠中先生、王立新先生 及任锁堂先生;五名非执行董事周中枢先生(主席)、沈翎女士、张寿连先生、宗庆生先生及生;立非执行董事刘鸿儒先生、陈维端先生及丁良辉先生。
As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of the
Company comprises 11
[...] directors, ofwhichthree areexecutivedirectors, namely Mr. Xu Huizhong, Mr. Wang Lixin and Mr. Ren Suotang; six are non-executive directors, namely Mr. Zhou Zhongshu (Chairman), Ms. Shen Ling, Mr. Zhang Shoulian, Mr. Zong Qingsheng andMr. CuiHushan; and three are independent non-executive [...]
directors, namely
Mr. Liu Hongru, Mr. Chan Wai Dune and Mr. Ting Leung Huel, Stephen.
关于以色列修建安全隔离墙问题的咨询意见已 发表五周年,下面几点:尽管国际法院发表 意见,隔离墙修建工作已成三二;以色列藐视 国际法院裁决,违反了作为联合国会员和主权国家应 承担的义务;联合国无力推动执行国际法院裁决,再 [...]
次表明巴勒斯坦人的权利未获尊重,以色列享有事实 上的有罪不罚;以色列安全部队粗暴镇压巴勒斯坦人 的和平示威。
The fifth anniversary of the advisory opinion on the construction of a security wall by Israel called attention to several points: despite the opinion
rendered by the
[...] International Court of Justice, construction of the wallwas two thirds complete; Israel’s defiance of the Court’s ruling [...]
was a violation of
its obligations as a Member of the United Nations and as a sovereign State; the failure of the United Nations system to implement the Court’s decision was another indication that Palestinians’ rights were not respected and that Israel enjoyed de facto impunity; and Israeli security forces had brutally repressed non-violent Palestinian demonstrations.
本报告下文还载有 2009 年尼泊尔政府与尼泊 尔联合共产党-毛主义(尼联共-毛主义)、摩洛伊斯兰解放阵线和苏丹人民解放军 (苏丹解放军)签署的行动计划,以及 2008 年“泰米尔虎人放”组织(“虎人组织)签署的行动计划的执行进展情况最新资料。
Updates on progress made in the implementation of action plans signed by the Government of Nepal and the Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (UCPN-M), the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in 2009 and the Tamil Makkal Viduthalai Pulighal (TMVP) in 2008 are also reflected below.
With respect to specific factors in selecting a candidate, 47% considered a candidate's pastperformance to be most important, 35% opted for platform and political alignment, and 3% regarded a candidate's personal background and performance during election to be most important.
根据民主党所进行的调查, 有接近七成人不同意这种说法(即从调查结果得知的)三成人过去 10 年并没有改善,三成是差了。
According to a survey conducted by the Democratic Party, close to 70% of the people disagree with the remark (judging from the findings of the survey). 30% of the people think that there has been no improvement over the past 10 years; more than 30% of the people think it is worse than before.




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