

单词 确切

External sources (not reviewed)

薪酬确切数额要依照既定程序与人力资源管理厅协商 后确定(另见上文第 11 段)。
The exact level of remuneration is determined in consultation with the Office of Human Resources Management in accordance with established procedures (see also para. 11 above).
[...] 适用情况作出说明,并就此建议说,需要说明法律委员会在审议和适用受理标准中 确切 作 用 和权限。
One member asked for clarification about the application of the admissibility criteria by the Secretariat and in this
regard suggested the need for clarification
[...] regarding the precise role and competence [...]
of the Legal Committee in considering
and applying the admissibility criteria.
[...] 力,确保所提供的每一内有或被怀疑内有地雷的雷区信息尽可能完备,即:包括 所确定的每一雷区的名称确切的地 理位置、面积、该雷区布设的杀伤人员地雷 [...]
数量估计、清除过的地带、使雷区不再构成危险而采取的措施、销毁的杀伤人员 地雷数量、地带清除完毕的日期以及仍待清除的雷区面积。
Accordingly, these State parties must make a particular effort to ensure that the information they provide on each area that contains mines or is suspected to contain mines is as comprehensive as possible,
i.e. that it includes the name of each area
[...] identified, its precise geographical location, [...]
its size, the estimated quantity
of anti-personnel mines emplaced in the area, the area of land released, the methods used to make the area non-hazardous, the quantity of anti-personnel mines destroyed, the date of land release and lastly the size of the area still to be cleared, if applicable.
在克罗地亚和执行委员会签订的协定中,2005 年附件 A 第一类(氟氯化碳)的最大 允许消费量是 65 ODP 吨,2010 年为 0 ODP 吨;对其间年份,协定没有设确切 数 字 ,但 规定:“消耗臭氧层物质的法律(1999 年 1 月 30 日)列有条款,规定在 2006 年至 2009 年期间,作为一项特例,最多可进口 21.9 ODP 吨附件 A(第一类和第二类)和/或附件 B (第二类和第三类)或含有这些物质的产品,但这些物质和/或产品得用于维护人、植物和 /或动物的生命;国防、安保和消防;和科学研究安全,以及这些产品不能以对环境友好和 在经济上可行的代用品取代”。
In the agreement between Croatia and the Executive Committee, the maximum allowable consumption for Annex A, Group I (CFCs) for the year 2005 was 65 ODP tonnes, for 2010 0 ODP tonne; and for the years in between, the agreement provides no exact figure but stipulates that "The By-Law on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (of 30 January 1999) includes a clause on importing on an exceptional basis between 2006 and 2009 up to 21.9 ODP tonnes of Annex A (Groups I and II) and/or Annex B (Groups II and III) or products containing these substances, when these substances and/or products are for preserving human, plant and/or animal life; national defence, safety and fire-fighting; and scientific research safety, when such products cannot be replaced by environmentally-sound and economically-viable alternatives”.
经济及社会理事会在其第 1997/232
[...] 当为预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会关于提案草案的总共 12 次非正式协商会议和不 限成员名额工作组会议提供全面的口译服务,各类会议 确切 时 间 分配由委员 会在题为“通过议程和工作安排”的议程项目下确定,但所持理解是,最多只 能同时举行两场会议,目的是确保代表团尽可能充分与会。
In its decision 1997/232, the Economic and Social Council decided that the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, in addition to plenary meetings, should be provided with full interpretation services for a total of 12 meetings for informal consultations on draft proposals and for meetings of
openended working
[...] groups, with the precise allocation of time for the different types of meetings to be determined by [...]
the Commission under
the agenda item entitled “Adoption of the agenda and organization of work”, on the understanding that no more than two meetings would be held concurrently, in order to ensure maximum participation of delegations.
查明雷区确切位 置 和范围将有助于随之进行的清理方案。
The identification of the exact location and extent of the minefields will be useful for subsequent clearance programmes.
服务机构确切配置 取决于具体国情, 但在所有情况中都需要:有充裕资金和共担风险;训练有素、薪酬适当的劳动力 队伍;作为政策和管理决策依据的资讯;把药品和疫苗送往受影响地区的物流; [...]
The exact configuration of services will depend on the country context, [...]
but will in all cases require adequate financing
with pooling of risk; a welltrained and adequately remunerated workforce; information on which to base policy and management decisions; logistics that deliver medicines and vaccines to where they are needed; well-maintained facilities organized as part of a referral network; and leadership that provides clear direction and harnesses the energies of all stakeholders, including communities.
然而,需 要进行正式调查,才能知确切的发 病率。
However, formal studies are needed to find out the exact prevalence.
可以看出,该准则依据的是《维也纳条约法公约》第 20 条第 4 款,其中规 定的一般规则是:“(a) 保留经另一缔约国接受,就该另一缔约国而言,保留国
[...] 保留经另一缔约国反对, 则条约在反对国与保留国间并不因此而不生效力,但反对 确切 表 示相反之意思 者不在此限;(c) 表示一国同意承受条约拘束而附以保留之行为,一俟至少有另 [...]
As can be seen, this guideline is based on the provisions of article 20, paragraph 4, of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, which sets out a general rule that: “(a) acceptance by another contracting State of a reservation constitutes the reserving State a party to the treaty in relation to that other State if or when the treaty is in force for those States; (b) an objection by another contracting State to a reservation does not preclude the entry into force of the treaty as between the objecting and reserving
States unless a contrary
[...] intention is definitely expressed by the objecting State; (c) an act expressing [...]
a State’s consent
to be bound by the treaty and containing a reservation is effective as soon as at least one of the contracting States has accepted the reservation”.
[...] 利国际公约》中的大多数权利,同时在《基本法》和普通法律中都 确切 的 或类 似的对应条文,其中多数条文在《公约》适用于澳门特区前已经存在。
Human rights have long been protected by the fundamental principles of the MSAR legal order, and
the majority of the rights contained in the
[...] Covenant have exact or analogous correspondence [...]
in the BL and in ordinary legislation,
most of which was already in place prior to the application of the Covenant in the MSAR.
委员会请缔约国提供资料,阐明有关此案 确切 情 况 以及任何新的司法进展 情况。
The Committee requests the State party to provide information on the exact circumstances of this case, as well as on any new judicial development.
规 则 117 至 119 试图在有关不公开检察官或被告方掌握的保密资料的来源 确切内 容 的规定与确保充分尊重另一方权利的公平审判的必要性之间达成一种平衡。
In rules 117-119, an attempt has been made to strike a balance between the requirement not to disclose the source or the exact content of confidential information in the possession of the prosecution or the defence and the need to ensure a fair trial that is fully respectful of the rights of the other party.
今天,当我们回顾过去的实际情况并展望未来 时,我们可确切地说 ,第二轮民主选举标志着刚果 民主共和国一个时代的最终结束,在这个时代中,权 [...]
力的移交并非基于民主准则,并且选举进程的资金主 要由国际社会提供。
Today, when we look back at what
really took place and when we look to the future,
[...] we can say with certainty that the second [...]
round of democratic elections represent
a definitive end in the Democratic Republic of the Congo of an era during which the transfer of power was not based on democratic norms and the funding of the electoral process was provided mainly by the international community.
我们知道 上海合作组织会召开会议确切地说是开很多会议,有 首脑峰会、外交和国防部长会议及工作组会议等等。
We know the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation holds meetings – a lot of them, actually: summits, foreign and defense ministerials, working groups, and so on….
因此,项目的总估 计数额不是根据软件和所有系统整合服务 确切 合 同 费用确定的,而是 实施和部署企业资源规划系统的估计费用,它考虑到了目前市场价格、 其他联合国组织的企业资源规划项目费用以及业界咨询意见。
The overall estimate for the project has therefore not been established on the basis of firm contract costs for software and all system integration services, but represents an estimate of the cost of the implementation and deployment of the ERP system, taking into account current market pricing, the ERP project costs of other United Nations organizations and advice sought from industry sources.
确切地说 ,这份报告提到了改善向委员会提出的目前尚未得到解决的归还文化 财产要求所涉及的国家间的双边关系、调整关于调解和协调的内部条例草案、确定国 家对文化财产的所有权的示范条款的起草工作、联合国教科文组织关于文化遗产的国 [...]
际合作(尤其是在海地以及在各大洲组织培训),以及通过出版物、音像产品以及与 艺术市场的联系开展的动员行动。
More specifically, the report gave an account of the promotion of bilateral relations between countries [...]
concerned by pending
requests for restitution of cultural property brought before the Committee; the progress of the draft rules of procedure on mediation and conciliation; the preparation of model rules defining State ownership of cultural property; the UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws; the draft declaration of principles relating to cultural objects displaced in connection with the Second World War; the status of the Fund of the Committee; international cooperation (focusing on Haiti and the organization of training workshops on every continent), and awareness-raising initiatives using publications, audio-visual materials and links with the art market.
现确定,2011 年为不限成员名额工作组提供服务 的
508 900 美元所需资源总额,可从为大会提供服务 的经费内匀支,条件是不限成员名额工作组不得与大
[...] 会和/或其它工作组同时开会;其会 确切 日 期将由 实务秘书处与大会和会议管理部协商确定;不限成员 [...]
It is determined that the total resource requirements of $508,900 in 2011 to service the Openended Working Group could be absorbed from within the provisions to service the General Assembly on the understanding that the Open-ended Working Group cannot meet in parallel with the General Assembly
and/or other working groups, the exact dates of its
[...] meetings will be determined in consultations [...]
between the substantive
Secretariat and the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, and the documents of the Open-ended Working Group are submitted in time and within the estimated word count.
这一过程将确定流离失所者确切人 数 , 特别是收集所有与来自科索沃的流离失所者有关的 信息,以便加强区域工作的协调性。
The process would determine their exact number, and collect all relevant information on displaced persons from Kosovo in particular, in order to improve coordination of regional efforts.
他回顾缔约方过去的一些 决定支持及时缴纳捐款,并支持或是在银行存款说明中、或是在另行给他的说明中,列明 向基金缴纳捐款确切数目 和所使用的货币。
He recalled previous decisions of the Parties supporting timely payment of contributions and of the practice of indicating clearly, either in banking deposit information or under separate cover to him, the exact amounts and the currency used in making payments to the Fund.
和提议完全一样,他的建议是可 以接受的,因为它是对条款一字不差 确切 引 用
His suggestion was acceptable, exactly as proposed, since it introduced an exact quote from the article.
这些目标各自所需的援确切金 额 仍是未知,但每年可能达到数百亿美元。
The exact amount of assistance needed for each of these purposes is not known, but it could amount to tens of billions of dollars per year.
(c) 索马里境内不稳定和不可预测的安全局势 确切 说 明 侵犯行为和犯罪 者的情况造成了困难;关于每种侵犯行为的数字并不能代表索马里儿童所受侵害 的规模和范围。
(c) The precarious and unpredictable security situation in Somalia presented a challenge to the provision of a definitive account of violations and perpetrators; hence the total figures provided on each violation were not representative of the scale and scope of violations committed against Somali children.
它们还应协助家庭成员 提出查询,鼓励承担这一任务的组织作出努力,并提供墓 确切 位 置 和标记的清 单以及墓地所葬死者的数据。
They should also facilitate enquiries made by members of families, encourage the work of organizations engaged in this task and provide lists showing the exact location and markings of graves, together with data on the deceased interred therein.
确切的影 响仍然难以用数字表 示,商品价格上涨和波动往往因金融因素而加剧,包括期货市场的大规模投机以 [...]
Even though the precise impact remains difficult [...]
to quantify, commodity price increases and volatility tend to be exacerbated
by financial factors, including large-scale speculation in futures markets and a volatile and downward trending United States dollar.
通过免提,您可确切地选 择:什么时候想要自己动手管理您的智能手机,什么时候想要快速轻松地访问电话、歌曲和多媒体;不用任何线缆,没有任何麻烦。
By going hands
[...] free, you choose exactly when you want [...]
to manage your smartphone hands-on and when you want quick and easy
access to your calls, songs and media without any wires or hassle.
不过,委员会对以下情况表示遗憾:缺乏信息,无 确切 知 道儿童权利 是否被纳入学校课程;执法人员、医护专业人员、教师、保健人员以及社会事务 人员是否尤其被列为此种培训和讲习班的对象,或者,是否采取了任何其它措 施,以便向这几类人员宣传《公约》和介绍委员会的审议情况。
However, the Committee regrets lack of information as to whether children’s rights are included in the school curricula and whether law enforcement officials, health professionals, teachers, health workers, and social workers are particularly included as targets of such training and seminars or if there are any other measures taken to disseminate information to such groups on the Convention and the Committee’s deliberations.
[...] 将包括大幅减少对贸易产生扭曲作用的农业补贴、以及适宜地解决各发展 中国家的关切问题,其中包括订 确切 的 、 有效的和易于执行的特殊和有 区别的待遇。
A successful conclusion would include a sharp reduction in trade-distorting agricultural subsidies and would duly address the concerns of
developing countries, including provisions for special and differential
[...] treatment that were precise, effective and [...]
为此,我们可以将残疾问题称之为“有机关注”,且在最新的相关公共机构的 工作报告中,我们可以将之认定为一类政府的假定关联,此类政府将其社会政策 非政治化了,确切地说 ,是将其社会方案非政治化了,将其转化为各类旨在弱 化贫困影响的机制,通过在评估其社会投资的影响时出现的,虽然没 确切 涵义 但却至关重要的概念予以消化。
This could be described as a “structural approach” to disability issues; in the latest working papers published by public institutions on the subject, it is
defined as adherence
[...] to the principles of a form of governance which involves de-politicizing social policies or, to be more precise, social programmes, and using them to mitigate poverty and to overcome apparently insignificant factors [...]
that turn out to be
crucial in assessing the impact of social investments.
98 93. 从这些事例可以看出若干国家对“国家安全概念”的定义要素;这方面的法 学家放弃系统地研究每个法律制度如何试图界定这一概念的范围,并写道:“目前
只需看到:(a) 这个词语既包括外部也包括内部威胁似已得到普遍接受;(b) 各国
[...] 政府似不急于对这个词作出准确的定义(更不必说非限制性的定义),可能是为保 留其行动自由;(c) 这个概念确切带来 的风险经常受到民间社会、甚至有时受 到各国法院的诟病”。
Some elements for a definition of the “notion of national security” in a few countries have been found here and there; and, refraining from examining systematically how each legal system has attempted to fix the limits of this notion, the author of that exercise writes: “For the time being, it suffices to note that: (a) it seems generally accepted that the term covers both external as well as internal threats; (b) Governments seem to be in no hurry to give a precise definition (or a non-restrictive definition) of this term in order, probably, to maintain
their freedom of action; and (c) the
[...] risks arising from the imprecise nature of the notion [...]
have often been denounced by civil
society and at times even by national courts”.99 94.
然而,有关国家法律义务确切内容、如何或应如何落实这些义务以及各国 就冲突期间对平民造成合法伤害的赔偿问题采取的相关新行动的法律和事实性研 [...]
Yet there is a dearth of legal and factual
[...] research on the precise content of States’ [...]
legal obligations and how those obligations
are, or should be, implemented in practice, as well as on emerging State practice relating to amends for lawful harm to civilians during conflict.




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