

单词 股市



stock market
stock exchange

对股市行情看跌的人 n

bear n

External sources (not reviewed)

陳茂波議員認為,應規定上市法團須在香股市交易 時段以外的時間披露股價敏感資料,以 [...]
Mr Paul CHAN opined that listed corporations should be required to
disclose PSI outside the trading hours of the
[...] Hong Kong stock market so as to allow [...]
time for digestion of the relevant information by the market.
此外,还有更多的BM交易所(BM&FBOVESPA以前被称为仅作为喊价交易 Bovespa指数):再也看不到尖叫为什 股市 在 上 个世纪已成为众所周知的。
Moreover, there is more outcry trading on the BM & FBovespa (formerly BM &
FBovespa was known only as Bovespa): No longer see that
[...] screaming why the stock market has become known [...]
in the last century.
了解更多有关在中国大陆A股市场上 市的好处,发行A股的基本要求及主要步骤等。
Learn about the advantages to get listed
[...] on the A-share market in the Mainland, basic listing rules and [...]
major steps involved.
於2006年4月12日,本公司A股市場相 關股東會議表決通過了本公司股權分置改革方案,股權分 置改革的方案為A股流通股股東每10股獲得3股股票。
(1) On 12 April 2006,
[...] the relevant shareholders’ meeting of A share market of the Company approved [...]
the share reform plan,
pursuant to which the holders of tradable A shares would be offered 3 shares for every 10 A shares held.
適逢友邦保險最近 被納入作為香股市領先 指標的恒生指數,設立有保薦美國預託證券計劃是讓更廣泛的投資者參與 本集團未來發展的進一步舉措。
After our recent inclusion in Hong Kong’s benchmark Hang Seng Index, the sponsored ADR programme is a further step taken to enable a wider range of investors to participate in the Group's future.
本行配股市轉趨 活躍及大型招股活動進行,推出多項推廣宣傳 ,以促 進 客戶開立證券戶口及提升營業額。
Riding on
[...] the buoyant stock market and large IPO issues, [...]
promotional campaigns were launched to grow securities accounts and boost trading turnover.
至少比2022年早了一些⋯⋯)股神巴菲特早在2002年便指出緩慢成長將成為「新的常態」,投資人卻抱著「只要長期投資 股市 表 現 終將超越群倫」心態。
(OK, at least that is slightly better than 2022...) Even Warren Buffett mentioned a “new normal” of slow growth back in 2002, when it fell on deaf ears.
根据德勤中国全国上市业务组,2012年香港和中国大陆(以下简称 ‘ A 股市 场 ’)IPO市场双双创下自2009年金融海啸以来的最疲弱表现。
According to the National Public Offering Group of Deloitte
[...] China, both the IPO markets of Hong Kong [...]
and the Chinese Mainland in 2012 saw the
weakest performance since the financial tsunami in 2009.
[...] 變化,例如經濟衰退持續或惡化及就業市場波 動超出一致預測者;匯率及利率變動 股市波 動 ;批發融資市場流通性不足;國家的房地產 [...]
市場流通性不足及出現價格下調壓力;各國央 行為金融市場提供流動資金支持的政策出現
不利變動;市場對過度借貸的國家 / 地區的主 權信譽憂慮加劇;私人或公營機構的界定福利 退休金的資金狀況出現不利變動;及消費者如 何理解持續可用信貸以及滙豐提供服務所在 市場的價格競爭情況。
changes in general economic conditions in the markets in which we operate, such as continuing or deepening recessions and fluctuations in employment beyond those factored into consensus forecasts; changes in
foreign exchange rates and interest rates;
[...] volatility in equity markets; lack of liquidity [...]
in wholesale funding markets; illiquidity
and downward price pressure in national real estate markets; adverse changes in central banks’ policies with respect to the provision of liquidity support to financial markets; heightened market concerns over sovereign creditworthiness in over-indebted countries; adverse changes in the funding status of public or private defined benefit pensions; and consumer perception as to the continuing availability of credit and price competition in the market segments we serve
A 股市场目 前是中国公司筹资的主要来源,其系列 广泛的各种股票应该能为基金提供大量投资机会。
The A-shares market is now the major place [...]
for Chinese companies to raise funds, and its broad array of equities should
provide the Fund with substantial investment prospects.
由於平安保險旗下保險業務所持股權證券因 當股市波動 而錄得市價估值虧損,故該公司的 貢益減少,但其銀行業務的收益增加,抵銷了上 述部分減幅。
The contribution from Ping An
[...] reduced, due to market valuation losses on equity securities held by their insurance business, which reflected volatile domestic equity markets, [...]
partly offset by increased
income from the banking business.
股市在19 89年年底崩盤,當時的日經指數接近40,000點。
The Japanese stock market crashed at the end [...]
of December 1989, when the Nikkei was close to 40,000.
基 金 經 理 並 無 酌 情 權 , 逐 個 挑 選 股 票 或股 市 下 趺 時 採 取 防 御 措 施 , 任 何 有 關 指 數 的 下 跌 將 會 致 使 有 關 「 [...]
恒 生 之 ETF 」 的 價 格 相 應 下 跌 。
The Manager does not have the discretion to
[...] select stocks individually or to take defensive positions in declining market. Hence, any fall [...]
in the relevant Index
will result in a corresponding fall in the value of the relevant Hang Seng's ETF.
由於本公司是多倫多證交所和香港聯合交易所的上市公司,其 普通股價格也受眾多因素影響,包 股市 的 整體趨勢及個別公司或行業的股價。
As the Company is a listed company on the TSX and the HKEX, its common share price will also be
subject to numerous influences
[...] including broad trends in the stock market and the share prices [...]
of individual companies or sectors.
這 個 直股 市 的 強 大 交 易 平 台 , 能 助 您 當 [...]
機 立 斷 ,迅速把握市場良機。
It enables you to make critical decisions [...]
with the speed and confidence you need to take advantage of market opportunities.
投资 委员会在第 205
[...] 次会议期间,在北京与顶级经济学家和监管官员举行会议,目的 是确定如何在充满活力的中国“A” 股市 场 上审慎地增加投资。
During the 205th meeting of the Investments Committee, meetings were held in Beijing with top economists and regulatory
officials, with the aim of determining what additional investments would be prudent in the
[...] very dynamic China A-shares market.
鑑於悲觀的情況或會股市帶來 嚴峻的後果,現時我們調整股票投資組合的風險,在 資產配置的層面轉持比重偏低的部署。
As the consequences for equity markets in this negative [...]
scenario are dire, we are now positioned for risk in the equity
portfolios and have moved to an Underweight position at the asset allocation level.
二零零九年全年度亞洲的投資回報短期波動為 4.37 億英鎊,反股市表現 強勁的影響,尤其是分紅業務及單位連繫式業務方面, [...]
The short-term fluctuations in investment returns in Asia for full year
2009 of £437 million reflect the
[...] effect of strong equity market performance in particular [...]
for participating business and
unit-linked business where the in-force value benefits from increases in shareholder transfers and from the capitalisation of increased projected fees due to the higher asset base at the end of the year.
每个经纪人采用不同的系统,但作为一项规则,他们都拥有自己的,多和其他人用更少的资源,但他们都不给了这个系统,如果你想保持竞争力,因为的存在,个人 股市 越 来 越多的。
Each broker adopts a different system, but as a rule they all have their own, some with more and others with less resources, but none of them
give up this system if you want to be competitive, since the presence of
[...] individuals in the stock market is increasing.
上证综合指数终于开始活跃,A 股在 2013 年上涨超过 20%,与此相对的是,上年中股市下 跌 ,而有些发展中国家的市场,尤其是印度,却在上涨。
The Shanghai Composite finally comes alive and the “A” shares are up more than 20% in 2013, in contrast with the previous year when
[...] Chinese stocks were down and some developing markets, notably India, rose.
由於 香港市場對全球市場的高度敏感性,本 股市 受 到 了歐美 和內地市場的極大衝擊,港股表現遠遜於歐美主要指數。
As Hong Kong is highly sensitive to the global market, the local stock market has been greatly impacted by the European, United States and Mainland markets and performed far poorer than the major European and United States indices.
基金的目的是透過投資在大中股市 而 為 基金客戶提供長線資本增值,重點投資在香港或主要業務與中國有關的公司,但基金經理亦可考慮投資在其他亞洲市場。
The aim of the fund is
[...] to provide unit holders with significant long-term capital growth through investments predominantly in the equity markets of [...]
the Greater China region,
with emphasis on Hong Kong and quoted companies whose business relates substantially to the PRC.
[...] Kantons)是一家在百慕大注册的有限责任公司,公司在香港股票联合交易所 市 ( 股 票 代码:934)。
Sinopec Kantons is a company incorporated in Bermuda with limited
[...] liability, with shares listed on The Stock [...]
Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Stock Code: 934).
就本集團於非市股本基 金及貨幣市場基金的投資而言,由於基金中的股本證券與相關市場指數 或基金中的貨幣市場投資與相關利率走勢的相互關係難以估計,加上基金的多元性質,其風險不能可靠地 [...]
For the Group’s
[...] investments in unlisted equity funds and money market funds, due [...]
to the difficulty in estimating the correlation
with the market indexes of the underlying equity securities of the funds or the correlation with the interest rate trend of the underlying money market investments and the diversified nature of the funds, no sensitivity analysis for price risk is performed as it cannot be reliably estimated.
上述非市股本證券乃指多個非市股 本證 券投資,並於報告期末按成本減減值計量(如有),原因為合理公平值估計範圍極為廣泛,故本公司董事 認為其公平值無法被可靠計量。
The above unlisted equity securities represent a number of investments in unlisted equity securities, [...]
which are measured
at cost less impairment, if any, at the end of the reporting period because the range of reasonable fair value estimates is so broad that the directors of the Company are of the opinion that their fair values cannot be measured reliably.
(i)  於 二 零 零 九 年 四 月 三 十 日,本 公 司 之 間 接 全 資 附 屬 公 司 星 力 富 鑫 國 際 發 展 有 限 公 司(「星 力 富 鑫」)與 買 方(為 雅 域 集 團 有 限 公
司(「雅 域」,為 於 百 慕 達 註 冊 成 立 之 有 限 公 司,其 已
[...] 發 行 股 份 於 聯 交 所 主 板市(股 份 代 號:1229))全 資 附 屬 公 [...]
司)、本 公 司 及 雅 域 訂 立 有 條 件 出 售 協 議(「出
售」),以 現 金 總 代 價100,000,000港 元(可 予 調 整)出 售 由 星 力 富 鑫 持 有 之 銷 售 股 份(相 當 於 緊 接 出 售 完 成 前 本 公 司 間 接 全 資 附 屬 公 司 星 力 富 鑫 國 際 投 資 有 限 公 司(「星 力 富 鑫 國 際」之 51% 股 本 權 益)。
(i) on 30 april 2009, star Fortune international Development Company limited (the “sFiD”), an indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into a conditional disposal agreement (the “Disposal”) with the purchaser, a wholly-owned subsidiary of artfield Group limited (the “artfield”) (a company incorporated in
Bermuda with limited liability and
[...] the issued shares of which are listed on the main [...]
board of the stock exchange (stock
code: 1229)), the Company and the artfield for the disposal of the sale shares, representing 51% equity interests in star Fortune international investment Company limited (the “sFii”), an indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company (immediately before the completion of the Disposal), held by sFiD for a total cash consideration of HK$100 million (subject to adjustment).
本公司就該等股份保存的股 東名冊(無論是股東名冊總冊或股東名冊分冊)倘以符合適用於或應當適 用於該等市股份的 上市規則所規定的其他方式記錄,則可以清晰易讀以 外的形式記錄公司法第 40 條所規定的詳情,惟其須能夠以清晰易讀形式複 製。
The register of members maintained by the Company in respect of such listed shares (whether the principal register or a branch register) may be kept by recording the particulars required by Section 40 of the Law in a form otherwise than legible (provided it is capable of being reproduced in a legible form) if such recording otherwise complies with the Listing Rules that are or shall be applicable to such listed shares.
(二零零五年十二月二十九日 ─ 香港)中国最大连锁零售营办商联华 市股 份 有 限公司(「联华超市」或「该公司」及其附属公司,统称「该集团」;股份编号:980) [...]
欣然宣布集团的供应链管理系统获2005中国供应链管理大奖(China SCM Awards
(29 December 2005 – Hong
[...] Kong) Lianhua Supermarket Holdings Company Limited [...]
(“Lianhua Supermarket” or the “Company”, and
its subsidiaries collectively known as the “Group”; Stock code: 980), the largest retail chain operator in the PRC, is pleased to announce that the Group’s International Supply Chain Management System accredited “SCM Awards China 2005”, “Best Solutions for Retailing” and “Best Consultation of Supply Chain Management” in China SCM Awards 2005.
儘管有大部分回應者支持當中所建議的:如發行人的 市股 份 可能集中於幾 個股東手中,則發行人應不獲給予豁免,但也有部分回應者認為,不論上市 [...]
While a majority of the respondents supported the
proposal that the exemption should not be
[...] available where the listed shares of the issuer [...]
might be concentrated in the hands
of a few shareholders, some respondents considered that the proposed exemption should apply regardless of whether the shares of the listed issuer are concentrated in the hands of a few shareholders.
陳先生現任華基光電能源控股有限公司 (於百慕達註冊成立之公司,其股份於香港聯合交易所有限公司主板 市 , 股 份 代 號:155,認股權證代號: 932)及流動電訊網絡(控股)有限公司(於 開曼群島註冊成立之公司,其股份於香港聯合交易所有限公司創業 板市,股份代號:8266)之執行董事,以及世紀金花商業控股有限公司(前稱中國金展控股有限公司)(於百 慕達註冊成立之公司,其股份於香港聯合交易所有限公司主板 市 , 股 份 代號:162)之獨立非執行董事。
Mr. Chan now serves as an executive director of China Solar Energy Holdings Limited, a company
incorporated in Bermuda whose shares are listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (stock code: 155; warrant code: 932) and Mobile Telecom
[...] Network (Holdings) Limited, a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands whose shares are listed on the Growth Enterprise Market of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (stock code: 8266), and as an independent non-executive director of Century Ginwa Retail Holdings Limited (formerly known as China Golden Development Holdings Limited), a company incorporated in Bermuda whose shares are listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (stock [...]
code: 162).




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