

单词 股民

External sources (not reviewed)

本 构成部分涵盖联合国警察、法治、司法系统和监狱咨询科、人权科、两性平等问 题咨及通信和新闻司的活动。
This component incorporates the activities of the United Nations police, the Rule of Law, Judicial System and Prison Advisory
Section, the Human Rights Section, the Gender
[...] AdvisoryUnit, theCivil Affairs Section [...]
and the Communications and Public Information
Division, which work in partnership with the parties to the Darfur Peace Agreement and subsequent agreements.
Circular transaction, the company results are used PDF format, and investors view the daily needs of these PDF documents numerous loopholes so that the potential threat caused by huge.
The Rosen Law Firm today announced that it has filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of all purchasers of UCBH Holdings, Inc.
就 何议 员 进 一 步询问 他 为何於较早前向市 民 道 歉 ,邝先生表 示,正 如 他在事务委员会2002年 7月 31日的特别会议席上
[...] 发言时表示,对 於 因 市场对谘询文件部分建议的反 应 , 令 一股 民损失, 他 深 感 歉 意 。
On Mr HO's further enquiry about the reasons for his apology made earlier to the public, Mr KWONG said that as stated in his speech at the special Panel meeting
held on 31 July 2002, he felt deeply
[...] regretful for those shareholders who had suffered financial [...]
losses as a result of the
market reactions to some of the proposals in the Consultation Paper.
As the most critical production system, the security of SAP system of Aluminum Corporation of China Limited is not only directly
related to vital interests of its
[...] business, clients andshareholders,but also related [...]
to corporate image of Aluminum Corporation of China Limited.
有 关 标 的 股 票 之 成 本 以 本 公 司 之A股 股 票 於 深 圳 交 易 所 於 首 度 同 意 有 关 本 计 划 之 董 事 会 之 前 的 一 个 交 易 日 的 收 市 价 为 基 准 为'0.0'元。
The subscription price is RMB30.05 per share, being the closing price of the Company’s A shares as quoted on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on the trading day immediately preceding the date on which the board meeting for reviewing the shareincentive scheme was convened for the first time.
为明确这方面的问题,欧 安组织通过其反恐行度和人权办公室组织了相关活动,包括反恐行 动股和执行局与乌兹别克斯坦政府合作、于 2010 年 [...]
12 月在塔什干联合举办的“防 止恐怖主义:反煽动和暴力极端主义的有效战略”研讨会。
OSCE, including through
[...] the Actionagainst Terrorism Unit and the Officefor DemocraticInstitutions [...]
and Human Rights, has
held events to clarify the issue, including a workshop co-organized in December 2010 by the Action against Terrorism Unit and the Executive Directorate in Tashkent, in cooperation with the Government of Uzbekistan, on “Terrorism Prevention: Effective Strategies for Countering Incitement and Violent Extremism”.
(b) 鉴於公司的架构复杂,股东可透 过各种方法把物业权益转移至非 香港永久性民股以逃避缴 付买家印花税。
(b) in view of the complicated
structure of a company, the
[...] shareholders could circumvent BSD through transferring property entitlement to non-HKPRshareholders by various ways.
[...] 为二零零零年六月三十日止年度备考20,000,000 元代表由 Timor 支付予其 [...]
The dividend of RMB 20,000,000 for the period ended 30th June 2000 (also the pro-forma year ended 30th
June 2000) was the payment made by
[...] Timor to itsthen shareholderspriorto the completion [...]
of the Reconstruction on 1st December 2000.
未来我们将力求在人民币债券 指数产品、人民币结算的首次公开券交易 等方面早着先机,以进一步巩固海通国际在香港市场人民 [...]
币产品上的领导地位,以人民币产品的创新带动资产管理 的品牌建设和规模提升。
In the future, we will strive to become the
first mover in RMB bond index products,
[...] RMBdenominated IPO and RMB bond trading, [...]
with an aim to further consolidate our
leading position in RMB products in the Hong Kong market, and to promote the brand building and scale of our asset management business.
登记处” 指关於任一种類的股份股本,本公司在中理 人之主要营业处所,董事可能决定将该股份股本之股东名册 存放於该营业处所,(除非董事会另有指示)该股份股本或其 他所有权文件之转让应送交该营业所供登记并进行登记,或 台湾集中保管结算所。
(xxv) Registration Office in respect of any class of share capital, the principal place of business of such security agent of the Company located in the ROC as the Board may from time to time determine to keep a branch register of Members in respect of that class of share capital and where (except in cases where the Board otherwise directs) the transfers or other documents of title for such 7 class of share capital are to be lodged for registration and are to be registered, or Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation.
本 公 司 以 股 权 登 记 日 总 股 本 2,866,731,684股(其中A股股数为2,342,077,146股,H股股数为524,654,538股)减去 62,407,186股股权激励限售股,计2,804,324,498数,103元现 金(含税);记日总股本2,866,731,684股(其中A股股数为2,342,077,146股, H股股数为524,654,538股)为基数,每10股转增2股。
The Company made a profit distribution RMB3 for every 10 shares (including tax) in cash based on a share capital of 2,804,324,498 shares, namely total share capital of 2,866,731,684 shares (comprising 2,342,077,146 A shares and 524,654,538 H shares) as at the record date less 62,407,186 restricted shares under the share incentive scheme; and a bonus issue of 2 shares for every 10 shares based on a share capital of 2,866,731,684 shares, namely total share capital of 2,866,731,684 shares (comprising 2,342,077,146 A shares and 524,654,538 H shares) as at the record date.
监 於 : (i) 股 权 转 让 协 议 的 主 要 条 款 乃 由 参 与 的 各 方 经 过 公 平 磋 商 後 厘 定 ; (ii) 在 厘 定 抚 顺 上 马 收 购 事 项 的 代 价 时 , 董 事
已 参 考 若 干 因 素 , 其 中 包 括 铁 矿 石 行 业 之 前 景 、 於 评 估 日 抚 顺 上 马 净 资
[...] 产 的 账 面 值 及可比 较 案 例 ; 及 (iii) 抚 顺 上 马 收 购 事 项 的 代 价 人 民 币 100 百 万 元 较 估 值 师 编 制106 百 万 元 折 让 约 6%。
Given the fact that (i) the principal terms of the Equity Transfer Agreement are determined by the parties involved after arms-length negotiation; (ii) the Directors have made reference to several factors, among others, the prospect of the iron ore industry; the book value of net assets of Fushun Shangma as at the Valuation Date as well as comparable cases in determining the consideration of the Fushun Shangma Acquisition; and (iii) the
consideration of the Fushun
[...] Shangma Acquisition atRMB100 millionrepresents a discountof approximately 6% when compared with the Equity Valuation prepared [...]
by the Valuer atRMB106million.
截 至 二 零零九 年 九 月 三 十 日 止 九 个 月
的 本 公 司 股 权 持 有 人 应 占 纯 利 乃 於 贷 记( 其 中 包
[...] 括 )利 息 收 入 约 人 民 币 1.3 百 万 元 、 汇 兑 收 益 约 人 民 币 0.2 百 万 元 、 政 府 补 贴 约 人 民 币 13.9 百 万 元 和 解 除 财 务 担 保 负 债 约 人 民 币 2.4 百 万 元 , 和 扣 除( 其 中 包 括 )折 旧 及 摊 销 开 支 约22.7 百 万 元 、 以 权 益 结 算款 开 支 约13.5 百 万 元 、 已 计 入 损 益 账 与 本 公 司 现市 有 关 的 专 业 费 用 约9.1 百 万 元 、 税 项 支 出 约127.9 百 万 元 和 少益 约11.0 百 万 元 後 计 算 得 出 。
The net profit attributable the equity holders of the Company for the nine months ended 30 September 2009 was arrived at after crediting, among other things, interest income of approximately RMB1.3 million, exchange gain of approximately RMB0.2 million, government subsidies of approximately RMB13.9 million, and the release of a financial guarantee liability of approximately RMB2.4 million, and charging, among other things,
depreciation and amortization charges of
[...] approximatelyRMB22.7 million, equity-settled share-based payments expenses of approximately RMB13.5 million, professional fees allocated to the listing of the Company’s existing shares of approximatelyRMB9.1million charged to the profit and loss account, tax expense of approximately RMB127.9 million, and minority interests of approximately RMB11.0million.
依 前 行 政 院 金 融 监 督 管 理 委 员 会 ( 以 下 简 称 金 管 会 ) 规 定 , 股 票 於 证 券 交 易 所 上 市 或 於 证 券 商 营 业 处 所 买 卖 之 公 开 发司 , 应102 年 会 计 年 度 开 始 日 起 , 依 金 管 会 认 可 之 国 际 财 务 报 导 准 则 、 国 际 会 计 准 则 、 解 释 及 解 释 公 告 (IFRSs) 及 预 计 於 民 国 102 年 适 用 之 「 证 券 发 行 人 财 务 报 告 编 制 准 则 」 编 制 财 务 报 告 。
Pursuant to the regulations of the Financial Supervisory Commission, Executive Yuan, R.O.C., effective January 1, 2013, a public company whose stock is listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation or traded in the GreTai Securities Market should prepare financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”), International Accounting Standards (“IASs”), and relevant interpretations and interpretative bulletins that are ratified by the Financial Supervisory Commission.
建议 3(非殖民化):非特别委员会协商,继续努力改进 16 份工 [...]
Recommendation 3 (Decolonization): In
consultation with the Special Committee,
[...] the Decolonization Unit should continue [...]
its efforts to improve the quality and scope
of the 16 working papers, including by exploring with the Special Committee alternative forms of presentation.
国泰航空於二月与信德集团有限公司达成一宗价值港币一亿九千四百万元的交易,收购 其附属公司持有的香港华民航空有限公司(「」)百分之二十,使成为国泰的全资附属公司。
Cathay Pacific in February made AHK Air Hong Kong Limited (“AHK”) a wholly owned
subsidiary by acquiring the 25%
[...] stake held by a subsidiary of ShunTak Holdings Limited, in a transaction worth HK$194 [...]
大多数代表团对审评的以下结果表示高兴,即贸发会议援助巴勒斯坦民 股(股)尽管不利的外地条件,仍然取得了积极的成果。
Most delegations were encouraged by the evaluation’s findings that UNCTAD’s Assistance to the Palestinian People Unit (APPU) had achieved positive results despite the adverse field conditions.
於 收购日期,中国西部 BVI 由该反收购所引致的净值产的公允值与帐面值的差额达341,304,000 元,载列备中。
The difference between the fair value and carrying amount of net assets of West China BVI
at the acquisition
[...] date amounted to RMB341,304,000 resulting from this reverse acquisition was recognised in equityreserve.
目前为条约事务司有组织犯罪和刑事司法科以及为业务司执法、有组织犯 罪和反洗钱股与打击贩运人口和偷运民股的员额大多数将重新部署到条 约事务司的有组织犯罪和非法贩运处。
Most of the posts currently approved for the Organized Crime and Criminal Justice Section of the Division for Treaty Affairs and for the Law Enforcement, Organized Crime and Anti-Money
Laundering Unit and the Anti-Human
[...] Traffickingand Migrant SmugglingUnit ofthe Division [...]
for Operations will be redeployed
to the Organized Crime and Illicit Trafficking Branch in the Division for Treaty Affairs.
建议 2(非殖民化):非其所有的工作产品和过程制定明确的准 则,包括支持特别委员会会议,编制 [...]
16 份工作文件和其他法定报告,以及 就非殖民化网站和非殖民化信息材料同新闻部进行合作。
Recommendation 2 (Decolonization):
[...] The DecolonizationUnit shoulddevelop clear [...]
and precise guidelines for all of its work
products and processes, including supporting Special Committee meetings, preparing the 16 working papers and other mandated reports, and working with the Department of Public Information on the decolonization website and decolonization information materials.
此外,郑先生亦担任多间香港上市 公司之董事,包括新创建集团有限公司、新世界中国地产有限公司及中国产保限公司。
Mr. Cheng is a director of several listed
companies in Hong Kong,
[...] including NWS HoldingsLimited, New World China Land Limited and PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited.
如果作为一缔约国居民的一公司从另一缔约国获得利润或收入,则该 另一缔约国不得对该公司支付的股息征收任何税款(但此种股息支付给该另 一国的的持设在该另一国的常设单位实际有关的 情况除外),也不得对公司的未分配利润征税,即使支付的股息或未分配的 [...]
Where a company which is a resident of a Contracting State derives profits or income from the other Contracting State, that other State may not impose any tax on the dividends paid by the company, except
insofar as such dividends
[...] are paidto aresident of thatother State or insofar as the holding in respect of which thedividends are paid is effectively [...]
connected with
a permanent establishment or a fixed base situated in that other State, nor subject the company’s undistributed profits to a tax on the company’s undistributed profits, even if the dividends paid or the undistributed profits consist wholly or partly of profits or income arising in such other State.
另一个例子是最近经过改造 的援助巴勒斯坦民股页。
Another example is the recently revamped webpage of the Assistance to the
[...] Palestinian People Unit (APPU).
另有消息来源告诉专家组,一名法国R.M.的罗伯特·蒙托亚先 生,正在白俄罗斯(他通常常驻多哥)商讨一项涉及航空物资以及可能涉及三架米-24 [...]
Additional sources informed the
Group that a French national, Mr. Robert
[...] Montoya of R. M.Holdings,was inBelarus (he [...]
is usually based in Togo) to discuss
a deal involving aeronautic materiel and possibly three Mi-24 helicopters.
此外,根据本公司章程,本 公司保留利润约为5,567,000,000元可以分派。
In addition, according to the Articles
of Association of the Company, the Company had retained
[...] profits of about RMB5,432 million for distribution as dividend.
随着国泰航空收购香港华民航空有限公司()余该公司成为了国泰的全 资附属公司,使国泰得以紧密地把两者的货运业务结合,从而能更有效地调配 [...]
B747-400 型长途货机,亦使华民航空得以发展其亚洲网络。
Following Cathay Pacific’s
[...] acquisition of the outstanding stake in AHKAir Hong Kong [...]
Limited (AHK) to make it a wholly owned
subsidiary, operations between the two carriers have been integrated to allow Cathay Pacific to deploy its longer-range B747-400 freighters more effectively and AHK to develop its network in Asia.
彼亦为公司号:8085)、奥栢中国集团有限公司(股份代号:8148)、三和集团 有限公司(股份代号:2322)、国中控股有限公司(股份代号:202)及中国天然投资有限公司 (股份代号:8250)的独立非执行董事。
He is also an independent non-executive director of ZMAY Holdings Limited (stock code: 8085), Aurum Pacific (China) Group Limited (stock code: 8148), Sam Woo Holdings Limited (stock code: 2322), Interchina Holdings Company Limited (stock code: 202) and China Natural Investment Company Limited (stock code: 8250).
就本第15段而言,「受限制持有人」指身为 香港以外任何司法权区股股而根据 其所在司法权区的法律及法规,有关可换股优先股股东行使换股 [...]
权或本公司履行本附件明示将由其承担的义务或配发及发行及持 有兑换股份属非法或未经本公司事先於有关司法权区采取若干行 动前属非法。
For the purposes of this paragraph 15, a “Restricted
[...] means a CP Shareholder whois a resident or national of any jurisdiction [...]
other than Hong Kong under the laws and regulations of which an exercise of Conversion Rights by such CPShareholder or the performance
by the Company of the obligations expressed to be assumed by it under this Schedule or the allotment and issue and holding of the Conversion Shares cannot be carried out lawfully or cannot be carried out lawfully without the Company first having to take certain actions in such jurisdiction.
[...] 一份指导文件,供新建的隶属内政和司法部的土着,以确保在土 着乌瓦族人土地上进行任何活动之前,与之进行充分和有效的磋商。
This resulted in a clearer understanding of the issue and the preparation of a guiding document which serves as a
reference tool within the newly
[...] establishedunit onindigenouspeoples underthe Ministry [...]
of Interior and Justice to ensure
full and effective consultation of the U’wa indigenous peoples prior to any activities on their lands.




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