

单词 股本

股本 ()

capital stock



equity ratio

External sources (not reviewed)

本公司亦將於股東週年大會上按股東週年大會通告載列的條款,就授予董事發行授權 提呈普通決議案,以配發、發行及處理不超過本公司於有關決議案通過當日之已發 股本 面值 總額20%之股份,以及於截至下列時間(以最早者為準)止期間內任何時間,將相當於 本公司於授出購回授權後購回之股份面值總額之任何股份,加入將授予董事之發行授權 內:(a)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束時;(b)細則或任何適用法例規定本公司須舉行下屆股 東週年大會之期限屆滿時;及(c)該授權於股東大會上以普通決議案撤銷或修訂當日。
Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders.
除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期,董事並不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類 股本 權益(或與該股本有關 的購股權),而該 股本 附 有 權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
(E) 在考慮有關委任兩名或以上董事擔任本公司或本公司擁有權益 之任何其他公司之職務或受薪職位(包括委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 安排時,須就每名董事分別提呈決議案,而每名有關董事均可就各項決議案投票(及
計入法定人數),惟有關其本身委任(或委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 決議案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他公司之職務或受薪職位)該董事連同
[...] 其任何聯繫人士擁有百分之五(5)或以上之上述其他公司任何類 股本 之 已 發行股份 或該公司任何類別股份之投票權。
(E) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns
five (5) per cent or more of the
[...] issued shares of any class of the equity share capital [...]
of such company or of the voting
rights of any class of shares of such company.
(b) 「股」指於本公司 董事所指定之期間向指定記錄日期名列股東名 冊本公司股本或任 何類別股份的持有人,按其當時持有該等股 份或類別股份的比例提呈發本公司 股本 中 之 股 份 或 提呈發售或 發 行 附 有 權 利 可 認本 公 司 股 份之 認 股 權 證 、 購 股 權 或 其 他 證 券,惟本公司董事有權就零碎股份或經考慮任何本公司受其規管 之司法管轄區或任何本公司受其規管之認可監管機構或證券交易 所之法例或規定所指之任何限制或責任,或就釐定根據上述法例 或 規 定 而 存 在 的 任 何 限 制 或 責 任 或 其 範 圍 可 能 涉 及 之 開 支 或 延 誤,而作出其認為必要或權宜之例外情況或其他安排。
(b) “Rights Issue” means
[...] an offer of shares in the share capital of the Company, or an offer or issue of warrants, options or other securities giving rights to subscribe for shares, open for a period fixed by the directors of the Company to holders of shares in the share capital of the Company or any class thereof whose names appear on the register of members on [...]
a fixed record date in proportion to their then holdings of such shares or class thereof
(subject to such exclusion or other arrangements as the directors of the Company may deem necessary or expedient in relation to fractional entitlements or, having regard to any restrictions or obligations under the laws of, or the requirements of, or the expense or delay which may be involved in determining the exercise or extent of any restrictions or obligations under the laws of, or the requirements of, any jurisdiction applicable to the Company, any recognised regulatory body or any stock exchange applicable to the Company).
待上述第5(A)及5(B)段所載決議案通過後,擴大根據上述第5(A)段所載決議案 授予董事行使本公司配發、發行及以其他方式處 本 公 司 股 份 之權力之一般 授權,加入相當於根據上述第5(B)段所載決議案授予董事購買或以其他方式收本公司股份之 面值總額,惟不得超過本公司於本決議案通過當日已發股 本面值總額之10%。
conditional upon the passing of the resolutions set out in paragraphs 5(A) and 5(B) above, the general mandate granted to the Directors to exercise the powers of the Company to allot, issue
and otherwise deal with shares of the Company pursuant to the resolution set out in paragraph 5(A) above be and is hereby extended by the
[...] addition thereto an amount representing the aggregate nominal amount of shares of the Company purchased or otherwise acquired by the Company pursuant to the authority granted to the Directors under the resolution set out in paragraph 5(B) above, provided that such amount shall not exceed 10% of the aggregate nominal amount [...]
of the issued share capital of the Company as at the date of passing this resolution.
(B) 倘任何股東交出代表其所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本
[...] [...] 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另發兩張或以上代表該等股份之股票替代,則董事 會可於就首張股票以外每張股票支付董事會不時釐定的有關費用(倘為任何於香港證 券交易所上市股本,則 該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金 額,而倘為任何其股本,則 為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區而言屬合理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於各情況下董事會可能不時釐定的有關 [...]
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock
exchange in Hong Kong,
[...] the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency [...]
as the Board may
from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
(J) 倘董事及其任何聯繫人持有該公司(本公司全資附屬公司或董事或其 任何聯繫人於其具投票股本中並無任何權益的本公司附屬公司或聯 營公司除外)任何類別具投票股本 或 該 公司股東擁有的任何類別股 份投票權的百分之五(5%)或以上權益的公司於一宗交易中擁有重大權 益,則該董事亦應被視為於該宗交易中擁有重大權益。
(J) Where a company (other than a company which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company or a subsidiary or associated
company of the Company in
[...] the voting equity capital of which neither the Director nor any of his associates has any interests) in which a Director and any of his associates hold five (5) per cent. or more of any class of the voting equity share [...]
capital of such company
or of the voting rights of any class of shares available to shareholders of the company is materially interested in a transaction, then that Director shall also be deemed materially interested in such transaction.
(2) 在公司法條文、任何指定證券交易所規則及本公司組織章程大綱及細則規 限下,及在不影響本公司任何股份持有人所獲賦予的特別權利或任何類別股份附帶的
[...] 任何特別權利的情況下,股份可按其發行條款或本公司或其持有人選擇按董事會認為 適合的方式(包括股本撥款)贖回。
(2) Subject to the provisions of the Law, the rules of any Designated Stock Exchange and the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, and to any special rights conferred on the holders of any shares or attaching to any class of shares, shares may be issued on the terms that they may be, or at the option of the Company or the
holder are, liable to be redeemed on such terms and in such manner,
[...] including out of capital, as the Board [...]
may deem fit.
(c) 按中華人民共和國(「中國」,就本報告而言,不包括香港、澳門及台灣)之規則及法規之規定,本公司於中國成立之附屬公司須提取 其稅後溢利(經對銷往年虧損後)之10%作為一般儲備金,直至儲備金結餘達至其註 股本 之 50 %為止,其後,可自願作出進一步撥 款並經由各公司之董事會釐定。
(c) As stipulated by the rules and regulations in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”, for the purpose of this report does not include Hong Kong, macau and Taiwan), the subsidiaries of the Company established in the PRC are required to appropriate 10% of their after-tax profit (after offsetting prior years’ losses) to a general
reserve fund until
[...] the balance of the fund reaches 50% of their registered capital thereafter any further appropriation is optional and is determinable [...]
by the companies’ boards of directors.
而第二種方 法,則透過有系統地分析有關公司 股本 成 本 和 借 貸成 本,以及所涉及的風險,訂定投資回報率。
The second approach determines
a rate of return by systematically
[...] analysing the cost of equity and the cost of [...]
debt to the company taking into account the relevant risks involved.
(x) 撥付及參與任何公司或法團的開辦及登記及配售 股本 或 證 券或其他 發行,尤其是(惟在不影響前述一般性的情況下)發起或參與發起任何 [...]
附屬公司或其他公司(其宗旨完全或部分與本公司相似的或其宗旨包括 收購及接管全部或任何資產及負債或在任何方面旨在直接或間接提升
本公司宗旨或利益),並認購、收購及持有股份、股額或證券及擔保支 付任何該等公司發行的任何證券。
(x) To finance and take part in the flotation and
registration of any company or corporation and the
[...] placing of its capital or securities [...]
or other issues and in particular but so as
not to limit the generality of the foregoing to promote or join in the promotion of any subsidiary or other company having objects wholly or in part similar to those of this Company, or whose objects shall include the acquisition and the taking over of all or any of the assets and liabilities of or shall be in any manner calculated to advance directly or indirectly the objects or interests of the Company and to subscribe for, acquire and hold shares, stocks or securities of, and guarantee the payment of any securities issued by any such company.
[...] 聯繫人概無於本公司或任何其相聯法團(定義見證券及期貨條例第XV部) 股 份 、 股本 衍生工具的相關股份及債權證中擁有任何有關權益或淡倉而須根據證券及期貨條例第 [...]
或視作擁有的權益或淡倉);或根據證券及期貨條例第352條須存置的登記冊中的權益 或淡倉;或根據創業板上市規則第5.46條有關上市發行人董事進行交易的最低標準規定 而須通知本公司及聯交所的權益或淡倉。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practicable Date, none of the Directors or chief executive of the Company or their respective associates had any
interests or short positions in the shares,
[...] underlying shares of equity derivative and debentures [...]
of the Company or any of its associated
corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which would have to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions which they are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were required to be kept under Section 352 of the SFO, or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to the minimum standards of dealing by the directors of listed issuers as referred to in Rule 5.46 of the GEM Listing Rules.
28.1.3 本公司已促使在香港每日出版通行的中、英文報章(須為就該條例第 71A 條刊 憲的公開發行出版報章名錄所指定的報章)最少各一份內刊登廣告,表示有意 出售該等股份,而倘若股本在香 港聯合交易所有限公司上市,則須已將其意 向通知聯交所,並且自刊登廣告之日起計已滿三個月。
28.1.3 the Company has caused an advertisement to be inserted in English at least in one English newspaper and in Chinese in at least one Chinese newspaper (each newspaper being published daily and circulating generally in Hong Kong and specified in the list of newspapers issued and published in the Gazette for the purposes of Section 71A of the Ordinance) giving notice of its intention to sell such shares and in the event of any of its share capital being listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited having notified the Exchange of such intention, and a period of three months has elapsed since the date of such advertisement.
(b) 達 成 任 何 保 證 、 保 障 或 擔 保 合 同 , 特 別 是 在 不 損 害 以 上 一 般 性 的 情 況 下 , 無 論 是 通 過 個 人 義 務 還 是 通 過 抵 押 或 收 取 公 司 費 用 的 所 有 或 任 何 部 分 、 目 前 和 將 來 的 財 產 與 資 產 、 未 催 繳股 本 抑 或 是 通 過 這 兩 種 方 式 或 者 任 何 其 他 方 式 來 保 證 、 支 援 或 確 保 履 行 義 務 或 承 諾 並 償 還 或 支 付 任 何 個 人 的 債 務 和 任 何 曾 經 是 本 公 司 的 附 屬 公 司 或 控 股 公 司 , 抑 或 是 本 公 司 的 其 他 附 屬 公 司 或 控 股 公 司 以 及 與 本 公 司 合 作 的 其 他 公 司 的 任 何 保 費 、 利 息 、 股 利 和 任 何 其 他 可 支 付 的 有 價 證 券 。
(b) To enter into any guarantee, contract or indemnity or surety and in particular (without prejudice or secure, with or without consideration, whether by personal obligation or by mortgaging or charging all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company or both such methods or in any other manner, the performance of any obligations or commitments, of, and the repayment or payment of the principal amounts of and any premiums, interest, dividends and other moneys payable on or in respect of any securities or liabilities of, any person including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) any company which is for the time being a subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or another subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or otherwise associated with the Company.
(q) 向於配售或協助配售或擔保配本公 司 股本 中 任 何 股 份 或 本 公 司任何債權證 或其他證券或於本公司成立或創辦或經營其業務中提供或將提供服務的任何 [...]
(q) To remunerate any person or company for services rendered or to be rendered in placing or
assisting to place or
[...] guaranteeing the placing of any of the shares in the Company's capital or [...]
any debentures or other securities
of the Company or in or about the formation or promotion of the Company or the conduct of its business.
修訂第 7.24(5)條為:「如建議進行的公開招股會導致發行人的已發 股本 ( 不包括存庫 股)或市值增加 50%以上(不論單指該次公開招股,或與發行人在下述期間公布的任何其他 公開招股或供股合併計算:(i)建議進行公開招股未公布之前的 12 個月內;或(ii)此 12 個月期 間之前的交易而在此 12 個月期間開始執行此等供股或公開招股中發行的股份包括授予或將 授予股東的任何紅股(發行予庫存的任何該等紅股除外)、權證或其他可換股證券(假設全 部轉換)):」。
Rule 7.24(5) is amended to read: “If the proposed open offer would increase either the issued share capital (excluding treasury shares) or the market capitalisation of the issuer by more than 50% (on its own or when aggregated with any other open offers or rights issues announced by the issuer (i) within the 12 month period immediately preceding the announcement of the proposed open offer or (ii) prior to such 12 month period where dealing in respect of the shares issued pursuant thereto commenced within such 12 month period, together with any bonus securities (other than any such bonus securities to be issued into treasury), warrants or other convertible securities (assuming full conversion) granted or to be granted to shareholders as part of such rights issues or open offers):-”.
(B) 於發行任何股份前,本公司 可以普通決議案作出任何有關發行及配發該等 股份的規定,包括(但在不影響前述條文的一般性的原則下)規定新股份(或其 任何部分)須先行按當時任何類別股份的所有持有人各自持有的股份數目所 佔的持股比例發行予彼等,惟倘未有如此釐訂,則有關股份可視作於有關股 份發行前本公司現股本中的 部分般處置。
(B) The Company may by ordinary
[...] resolution, before the issue of any new shares, make any provisions as to the issue and allotment of such shares including, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, a provision that the new shares or any of them shall be offered in the first instance to all the holders for the time being of shares of any class in proportion to the number of the shares held by them respectively but in default of any such determination, such shares may be dealt with as if they formed part of the capital of the Company existing prior to the issue of the same.
(n) 若閣下在任何時候就進行與交易所合約有關的交易而在吾等以外的香港期貨交易所參與者開立一 個或多個帳戶,及若香港期貨交易所委員會決定該帳戶的未平倉總額為“大額未平倉持倉”,閣下應 即時向吾等或(若吾等要求)向香港期貨交易所報告該“大額未平倉持倉”,並向吾等或香港期貨交
[...] 益人或在公司或團體的情況下,則為公司或團 股本 的 最 終實益擁有人的個人,包括透過代名人或 [...]
(n) if you shall at any time open one or more accounts with exchange participants of the HKFE other than ourselves for the purpose of carrying out transactions relating to Futures or Options Contracts and if the open positions in such accounts in aggregate amount to a Large Open Position as determined by the board of the HKFE, you shall report to us, or if required by us, the HKFE immediately of such Large Open Position and provide us or the HKFE (as the case may be) with such information as we or the HKFE (as the case may be) may require in connection therewith (including your name and the ultimate beneficiary or in the case of a company or body corporate, the
individuals who are the ultimate beneficial owners
[...] of the share capital of the company [...]
or body corporate, including a beneficiary
holding an interest through a nominee or trust) of such Large Open Position and also provide us or the HKFE (as the case may be).
125,000,000股認購股份佔(i)本公司於本公告日期之現有已發 股本 約 7. 45%;(ii)本公 司經配發及發行認購股份擴大後之已發 股本 約 6. 93%(假設除發行認 股 份 外 , 本公 司已發股本自本公告 日期至認購事項完成時並無變動);及(iii)本公司經配發及發行 認購股份、購股權股份及認股權證股份擴大後之已發 股本 約 6. 41%(假設概無配發及 發行其他股份,且於發行認購股份前並無根據購股權計劃授出或行使購股權,亦無創 設或授出任何額外認股權證)。
The 125,000,000 Subscription Shares represent (i) approximately 7.45% of the existing issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement; (ii) approximately 6.93% of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the allotment and issue of the Subscription Shares (assuming that there is no change in the issued share capital of the Company from the date of this announcement to the completion of the Subscription save for the issue of the Subscription Shares); and (iii) approximately 6.41% of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the allotment and issue of the Subscription Shares, the Option Shares and the Warrants (assuming there are no other allotments and issue of Shares and no options under the Share Option Scheme are granted or exercised and no further warrants created and granted).
(d) 如某公司的某董事连同其任何联系人持有百分之五或以上该公司的任何 类股本或该公司的成员可有的投票权而该公司在某宗交易内有重大利 [...]
(d) Where a company in which a Director together with any of his
Associates hold five per cent. or more of
[...] any class of the equity share capital [...]
of such company or of the voting rights available
to members of such company is materially interested in a transaction, then that Director shall also be deemed materially interested in such transaction.
(B) 在公司法與公司細則與新股有關的條文的規限下,本公司所有未發行股 份(包括因增股本而設立的任何新股份)須由董事控制。董事可按彼 等唯一及全權酌情認為屬適當的條款及條件以及時間向其認為屬適當 的人士發售、配發、授予購股權或以其他方式處置該等股份,惟該等股 份不得以折讓方式發行。
(B) Subject to the provisions of the Act and of the Bye-Laws relating to new shares, all unissued shares in the Company including any new shares created upon an increase of capital shall be under the control of the Directors who may offer, allot, grant options over or otherwise dispose of them to such persons, on such terms and conditions and at such times as the Directors shall in their sole and absolute discretion think fit, but so that no shares shall be issued at a discount.
00'年''月'日,根 據 本 公 司'00'年 度 第 二 次 臨 時 股 東 大 會 決 議 和 修 改 後 章 程 的 規 定,並 經 國 務 院 國 有 資 產監督管理委員會國資改革['00']'6'號文批准和中國證券監督管理委員會證監國合字 ['00' ]''號文件核准, 本 公 司 向 境 外 公 開 發 行 境 外 上 市 外 資 股( H股 )'60,''',0'0股,其 中 本 公 司 發 行股''',766,''0股,本 公 司 國 有 法 人 股 東 出 售 存 量 股 份',''',''0股。
On 9 December 2004, pursuant to a resolution adopted at the Company’s second temporary shareholders’ general meeting and the provision under the revised Articles of Association, and upon approval under Document Guo Zi Gai Ge [2004] No. 865 issued by State-owned Assets Suervision and Administration Commission of the State council and verification and approval under Document Zheng Jian Guo He Zi [2004] No. 38 issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Company made an overseas public offering of '60,'5',040 overseas listed foreign invested shares (H Shares), of which '58,766,450 new shares were issued by the Company and ',384,590 shares were sold by the Company’s state-owned corporate shareholders.
(d) 就股份選擇權已獲正式行使的股份(「選擇股份」) 而言,股息(或獲賦選擇權的該部份股息)不得以股
[...] 繳足股份予正式行使上述選擇權的股東的方式償付, 為達致此目的,董事須從本公司未分派溢利或本公司 任何儲備賬(包括任何特定賬目、股份溢價賬 股本 贖回 儲備金)的任何部分(由董事會釐定),撥出一 筆與將按有關基準配發的股份總面值相等的款項,用 於繳足按有關基準向選擇股份承配人配發及分派的適 [...]
(d) the dividend (or that part of the dividend in respect of which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised ("the elected shares") and in lieu and in satisfaction thereof shares shall be allotted credited as fully paid to the members who have duly exercised the said share election on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Directors shall capitalise and apply out of any part of the profits of the Company
available for distribution
[...] or any part of any of the Company's reserve accounts (including any special account, share premium account and capital redemption [...]
reserve fund) as the Directors
may determine, a sum equal to the aggregate nominal amount of the shares to be allotted on such basis and apply the same in paying up in full the appropriate number of shares for allotment and distribution to and amongst the allottees of the elected shares on such basis.
(d) 若減股本只是把股份的面值重新指定為一個較低的款 額,而且有關公司只有一個類別的股份、所有已發行股 份均已全部繳足股款、減少股本由 所有股份均分以及 減少股本是記入股份溢價帳的貸方,便無須徵求法院 批准。
(d) removing the requirement for the court’s approval of the reduction of capital arising from the redesignation of par-value to a lower amount, provided that the company has only one class of shares; the issued shares are fully paid-up; the reduction [...]
is distributed equally
to all shares; and the reduction is credited to the share premium account.
(aa) 可能因行使根據購股權計劃及本集團所採納的任何其他購 股權計劃已授出但尚未行使的全部購股權而發行的股份總 數,不得超過當時本公司已發股本 的 30 %。
(aa) The maximum number of Shares to be issued upon the exercise of all outstanding options granted and yet to be exercised under the Share Option Scheme and any other share option scheme of the Group must not in aggregate exceed 30% of the issued share capital of the Company from time to time.
倘 有 關 購 回 授 權 之 決 議 案 獲 通過, 而 於 股 東 週 年 大 會 舉 行 前 本 公 司 再 無 發 行 或 購 回 任 何 股 份 , 根 據 購 回 授 權 , 本 公 司可於 普 通 決 議 案 通過當 日 至 (i) 本 公 司 下 屆 股 東 週 年 大 會 結 束 之 日 ; (ii) 按 照 章程 細 則 或 任 何 適 用 之 法 例 規 定 , 本 公 司 下 屆 股 東 週 年 大 會 須 予 舉 行 之 期 限 屆 滿 之 日 ; 或
(iii) 股 東 在 股 東 大 會 上以普 通 決 議 案 撤 銷 或 修 訂 購 回 授 權 之 日 三 者 中之最 早 發
[...] 生 日 期 為 止 之 期 間 內 購 回 最 多 達 117,705,618 股股份( 佔 本 公 司 已 發股 本 10 % )。
Subject to the passing of the resolution in relation to the Repurchase Mandate and on the basis that no further Shares are issued or repurchased by the Company prior to the AGM, the Company would be allowed under the Repurchase Mandate to repurchase a maximum of 117,705,618 Shares (representing 10% of the issued share capital of the Company) during the period from the date of the passing of the ordinary resolution up to (i) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (ii) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles of Association or any applicable laws to be held; or
(iii) the revocation or variation of the Repurchase Mandate
[...] by ordinary resolution of the Shareholders in general meeting, whichever [...]
occurs first.
就本段 而言,作為被動或託管受託人的一位董事或其任何聯繫 人所持有的任何股份(彼或有關聯繫人於其中概無擁有 實益權益)、於一項信託(當中如若及只要在其他人士 有權就此收取收入的情況下,則董事或其任何聯繫人的 權益將為復歸或剩餘權益)中的任何股份、於一項獲授 權的單位信託計劃(其中董事或其任何聯繫人僅作為一 位單位持有人擁有權益)中的任何股份,以及並無附帶 權利可在股東大會上投票及無實際價值股息及發 股本 權利的股份將不計算在內。
For the purpose of this paragraph there shall be disregarded any shares held by a Director or any of his associate(s) as bare or custodian trustee and in which he or such associate(s) has/have no beneficial interest, any shares comprised in a trust in which the interest of the Director or any of his associates is in reversion or remainder if and so long as some other person is entitled to receive the income thereof, any shares comprised in an authorised unit trust scheme in which the Director or any of his associates is interested only as a unit holder, and shares which carry no voting right at general meetings and no or nugatory dividend and return of capital rights.
[...] 交易所購回股份,最多為緊隨股份發售完成及資本化發行完成後本公 司已發股本(但不包括因行使超額配股權及購股權計劃而可能發行 [...]
的任何股份)面值總額10%,該授權將於本公司下屆股東週年大會到期 完結時,或細則或適用開曼群島法例規定本公司須舉行下屆股東週年
大會的日期,或股東於週年大會通過一項普通決議案撤銷或更改給予 董事的授權(以較早發生者為準)屆滿。
exchange on which the securities of the Company may be listed and which is recognised by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong and the Stock Exchange for this purpose, of up to 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue immediately
following completion of the Share Offer
[...] and the Capitalisation Issue but excluding [...]
any Shares which may be issued pursuant
to the exercise of the Over-allotment Option and the Share Option Scheme, such mandate to expire at the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company, or the date by which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or applicable Cayman Islands law to be held, or the passing of an ordinary resolution by Shareholders in general meeting revoking or varying the authority given to the Directors, whichever occurs first.
(B) 附於股份或任何類別股份(股本分 為不同類別的股份)的所有或任 何特別權利(除非發行條款另有規定外),在公司條例第 64 條的規限下,經已發 行股份或該類別已發行股份(股本 分 為不同類別的股份)面值不少於四分之三 的持有人書面同意,或股份持有人在股東大會上或該類別股份( 股本 分 為 不同 類別的股份)持有人於另外舉行的股東大會上通過特別決議案批准,可予以修改 或廢除。
(B) All or any of the special rights (unless otherwise provided for by the terms of issue) attached to the shares or any class of the shares (if the capital is divided into different classes of shares) may, subject to the provisions of Section 64 of the Companies Ordinance, be varied or abrogated either with the consent in writing of the holders of not less than three-fourths in nominal value of the issued shares or issued shares of that class (if the capital is divided into different classes of shares) or with the sanction of a special resolution passed at a general meeting of the holders of the shares or at a separate general meeting of the holders of the shares of that class (if the capital is divided into different classes of shares).
待 通過股 東 週 年 大 會 通 告 第 4(B)項 所 載 有 關 授 出 股 份 購 回 授 權 的 普 通 決 議 案 , 及 按 本 公 司 已 發股 本 於 股 東 週 年 大 會 日 期 維 持 不 變 的 基 準 , 董 事 將 獲 授 權 於 股 份 購 回 授 權 維 持 生 效 期 間 內 根 據 股 份 購 回 授 權 購 回 總 面 值 最 多 達 1,000,000 港 元 的 股 份( 相 等 於 100,000,000 股股份 ), 相 當 於 股 東 週 年 大 會 日 期 已 發 行 股 份 總 面 值 的 10 % 。
Subject to the passing of the ordinary resolutionsetoutinitem4(B)ofthenoticeoftheAGMin respect of the granting of the Share Repurchase Mandate and on the basis that the issued share capital of the Company remains unchanged on the date of the AGM, the Directors would be authorized under the Share Repurchase Mandate to repurchase, during the period in which the Share Repurchase Mandate remains in force, an aggregate nominal amount of Shares up to HK$1,000,000 (equivalent to 100,000,000 Shares), representing 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of Shares in issue as at the date of the AGM.




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