单词 | 琼瑛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 琼瑛 —jade-like stoneSee also:琼—jasper • exquisite (e.g. wine, food) • fine jade • abbr. for Hainan province 瑛—lustrous • (crystal)
假如政府要洗 脫歛財的嫌疑,真正向低㆘階層「賣大包」,就必須放棄以市價掛 的方式訂價。 legco.gov.hk | If the Government is to clear itself of this suspicion, it must now offer really "good deals" to the low income groups by giving up its policy of pegging the prices with prevalent market prices. legco.gov.hk |
同時,不滿兩鐵公 司盈利多,而強求政府介入其運作,但又不顧及其盈利究竟是因為董事是歛財狂,還 是其管理手法高明所致,則大有機會導致公務員㆗的門外漢對商營公司的運作,弄巧 反拙。 legco.gov.hk | At the same time, for those requests made forcibly on the Government to interfere with the operations of the two railway corporations just because people are dissatisfied with the excessive profits enjoyed by the two corporations without considering whether such profits are earned because they have greedy directors or excellent operation techniques, then it is very likely that the outsiders from the Civil Service would mess up the operation of these public corporations. legco.gov.hk |
注意到,2010 年,儿童继续与苏丹人民解放军驻 Duar(联合州)第 4 师、 驻 Wunyik(北加扎勒河州)第 3 师、驻 Mapel(西加扎勒河州)第 5 师、驻上尼罗州 [...] 第 7 师、驻东部和中部赤道州第 2 师和驻琼莱第 8 师的队伍有关联。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ongoing association of children within the ranks of SPLA Division 4 in Duar (Unity State), Division 3 in Wunyik (Northern Bahr el-Ghazal State), Division 5 in Mapel (Western Bahr el-Ghazal State), Division 7 in [...] Upper Nile State, Division 2 in Eastern and Central Equatoria States and [...] Division 8 in Jonglei State were noted [...]in 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
很多人也是這樣說,覺得馬會有正式的賭波制度 後,外圍投注活動一定會略為收歛,而鄭議員亦表示沒有資料令他覺得政府 未能有效打擊外圍賭博。 legco.gov.hk | A lot of people also say so, thinking that with the formal system of football betting put in place by the HKJC, illegal bookmaking will definitely run low and Mr CHENG also said that there was no information convincing him that the Government had failed to clamp down on illegal gambling effectively. legco.gov.hk |
我更希 望 劉健儀議員不要那 麼 失 望 ,王國興議員亦 無 須 那 [...] 麼 嘆 息 , 像 演 出 白 燕 及張 瑛 主 演 的 戲 般 。 legco.gov.hk | I also hope that Ms Miriam LAU will not feel so disappointed, and that [...] Mr WONG Kwok-hing will not feel so sad, as if they were playing the roles of PAK [...] Yin and CHEUNG Wood-yau in the movies. legco.gov.hk |
联合国在布隆迪的作用是在这一巩固和平和复兴经济的进程中支持政府和协助政 [...] 府,因此,在联合国系统方面不得不进行了各种调整,并且教科文组织 布 琼 布 拉 办事 处积极促进了这一进程。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As the United Nations role in Burundi is to provide support to the government and assist it in the task of peacebuilding and economic recovery, various [...] readjustments at the United Nations system level were made, and the [...] UNESCO Office Bujumbura was actively [...]involved in that process. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在此期间,布隆迪政府还努力实施重返社会方案,主要是通过锡比托克省、 布班扎省和布琼布拉 乡村省为支持受冲突影响的人们重新融入社会经济生活的 支助项目、灾难受害者遣返和重返社会的支助项目(难民署和 PARESI)、自愿回归 方案、居住在当地山丘周边难民营的流离失所者的重新安置和重返社会方案,更 常见的是通过支持受冲突影响的人们重新融入社会经济生活的综合方案(联发援 框架+)——布隆迪政府和联合国于 2010 年 3 月推出的联合方案,该方案在受危 机影响最大的各个省份(锡比托克省、布班扎省和 布 琼 布 拉乡村省、布鲁里省、 马坎巴省、鲁塔纳省、鲁伊吉省和基隆多省)实施。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the same period, the Government has been working on the implementation of reintegration programmes, principally through the support project for the socio-economic reintegration of those affected by the conflict in the provinces of [...] Cibitoke, Bubanza and Bujumbura Rural [...] (P3P), the support project for the repatriation and reintegration of disaster victims (UNHCR and PARESI), the programme of voluntary return, resettlement and reintegration for displaced persons living in camps to their native hillsides and more generally through the integrated programme of support for the socio-economic reintegration of those affected by the conflict (UNDAF+) — a joint programme of the Government and the United Nations, launched in March 2010 and operating in the provinces most affected by the crisis (Cibitoke, Bubanza, Bujumbura Rural, Bururi, Makamba, Rutana, Ruyigi and Kirundo). daccess-ods.un.org |
看到這些情況,大家均希望這可 能只是一時之氣,希望議員會逐步收歛這些行為,或相關的議員會遵 守《議事規則》。 legco.gov.hk | We hope that they will gradually restrain their conduct and come to comply with the RoP. legco.gov.hk |
5.34 關於劉健儀議員對針對私煙活動的執法行動的關 注,海關關長表示,由於當局持續致力打擊這類活動,偷運和 販賣私煙活動已受控,規模及程度均已有所收歛。 legco.gov.hk | 5.34 In relation to Ms Miriam LAU's concern about enforcement actions against illicit cigarette activities, C of C&E advised that with the sustained efforts to combat such activities, the smuggling and sale of illicit cigarette had been kept under control and reduced in scale and magnitude. legco.gov.hk |
12GB 號工程計劃的範圍包括沿現有由西( 白鶴洲) 至東( 沙頭角) 的 邊界巡邏通路( 全長約 21.7 公里) 南緣興建輔助邊界圍網,以及在落馬 洲河套及蠔殼圍、白虎山和蓮麻坑村和白虎山沿深圳河岸興建主圍網 和邊界巡邏通路的新段( 全長約 9.6 公里) 。 legco.gov.hk | The scope of 12GB is to construct an SBF along the southern edge of the existing BPR (approximately 21.7 kilometres) from Pak Hok Chau in the west to Sha Tau Kok in the east, and to construct new sections of the PBF and the BPR (approximately 9.6 kilometres in total) along Shenzhen River near Lok Ma Chau Loop and Hoo Hok Wai, Pak Fu Shan and Lin Ma Hang. legco.gov.hk |
李慧琼 議員 要求政府當局提供資料,說明 海外司法管轄區規管上市結構性產品的做法( [...] 例如 是否由同一機構負責批准結構性產品上市和規管 該等產品買賣),以及回應以下事項:由聯交所負責 批准結構性產品上市和規管此等產品買賣的現行 安排會否引起利益衝突。 legco.gov.hk | Ms Starry LEE requested the [...] Administration to provide information on the practices of overseas jurisdictions on the regulation [...]of listed structured products, e.g. whether the same body was responsible for approving the listing and regulating the trading of listed structured products, and to address the issue of whether the present arrangement that the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong was responsible for approving the listing and regulating the trading of listed structured products would give rise to a conflict of interest. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 當局若接獲收數公司使 用不法手段 的 投訴,應 公 開 有關銀行及收數公司的名 稱,希望藉輿論 壓 力 使 其收收歛 legco.gov.hk | (a) On receiving complaints about illegal practices of debt collection agencies, the regulatory authority should disclose the names of those banks and debt collection agencies for public information in the hope that such activities would be curbed legco.gov.hk |
這種變相的㆟頭 稅或「買路錢」簡直是完全不考慮公眾利益的歛財手法。 legco.gov.hk | This is really a sort of poll tax or toll, or a trick to make profits, having no regard to public interests. legco.gov.hk |
維他命A和E,具再生、保護和減緩肌膚老化的作用;含金縷梅萃取物,具有收歛和暢通功效,是對付油性皮膚的卓越成份。 ainhoacosmetics.com.hk | Vitamins A and E, that regenerate, protect and slow down the aging of the skin, together with the hamamelis extract that has an astringent action and decongestive power, are excellent components to treat the oily skins. ainhoacosmetics.com.hk |
對現行的房屋政策,政府勾劃出㆒幅「居者有其屋」的美麗圖畫,但所推出的公 營房屋單位卻是供不應求,而私㆟住宅又在㆞產發展商及大小炒家的推波助瀾之 ㆘,變成了「沈萬山」的「聚寶盤」,將原本是民生基本需要的房屋,當作歛財的奇 異商品。 legco.gov.hk | With developers and various speculators fuelling the flame, private residential property has become a money spinner in that housing units that are supposed to be the basic necessity of the people have now been turned into a kind of rare commodity that makes money. legco.gov.hk |
同時,增加車輛首次登記稅及牌費又被批評為歛財措 施,「寓禁於徵」只能收短期效果,可見政府在此問題㆖㆒開始已走錯了方向。 legco.gov.hk | At the same time, the proposals of increasing First Registration Tax and Annual Licence Fee have also been criticized as "money-grabbing" measures. legco.gov.hk |
政府向申請免入息審查貸款的學生徵收 1.5%的 風險利率,根本完全說不過去,說得難聽一點,這樣可說是歛財,因為政府 根本沒有理據徵收這個額外的風險利率。 legco.gov.hk | To put it bluntly, this can be called an accumulation of wealth by foul means because the Government has no justification to charge such an extra interest indeed. legco.gov.hk |
兩者可能都是錯的,我們的態度應該是「既患寡,亦患不均」,所以希望兩派 以後辯論時收歛言詞,否則,香港很難有共識政治。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, I hope the two parties can restrain themselves in future debates, otherwise consensus can hardly be reached in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
此次活動,特別感謝外交部與駐奧克蘭台北經濟文化辦事處的贊助;王彥嵐、何劉文莉、江滄樑、陳閩雄等常務理事,張曉君、盧百城、潘以明、郭明雯、楊經南等理事,王乾元、陳榮輝、周明政監事和前常務理事 程美樑等多位理監事及家人的熱心幫忙,以及 許 瑛 娟 、 陳淑惠、李冰玲等多位鄉親義務幫忙,讓這次活動熱鬧且圓滿的結束。 hwahsia.org.nz | THHSNZ would like to give special thanks to the sponsorships from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Auckland, Mr. Bert Jiang, THHSNZ Vice-Chairman Ms. Yen-Lan Wang, Executive Director Mr. Min-Hsiung Chen, Ms. Wendy Ho, Eva Chang, Benjamin Pan, Director Andy Lu, Ms. Nancy Kuo, Supervisor Mr. Chien-Yuan Wang, Mr. Jung-Hui Chen, Mr. James Chou, and former executive director Mei-Liang Cheng, as well as a number of other directors, supervisors and their family members who were eager to help out with the festivities. hwahsia.org.nz |
这里的员工好极了,比如护士们、阿思势医生和宋 科 瑛 医 生。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | The staff – both nurses and Doctors Maskay and Song – were fantastic. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
於本公佈日期,執行董事為何沛田先生及周栢華先生;非執行董事為黃偉昇先生及曾浩嘉先生;以及獨 立非執行董事為郭錦添先生、何志威先生及 崔 瑛 女 士。 cre8ir.com | As at the date of this announcement, the executive Directors are Mr. Ho Pui Tin, Terence and Mr. Chow Pak Wah, Oliver, the non-executive Directors are Mr. Wong Wai Sing and Mr. [...] Tsang Ho Ka, Eugene, and the independent non-executive Directors are Mr. Kwok Kam Tim, Mr. Ho [...] Chi Wai and Ms. Cui Ying. cre8ir.com |
所謂公司化,若根據這個隧道收費的原則來處理,不但不能減低 成本和改善效率,反而成為政府歛財的工具。 legco.gov.hk | Members of this Council were stunned to learn about it. If the way the tunnel toll is set indicates what corporatization means, I am afraid corporatization will not help to lower operation cost and improve efficiency but become a means for the Government to reap profits. legco.gov.hk |
代理主席,現在的問題正是非法外圍未見收歛,賭風卻越加熾熱。 legco.gov.hk | Deputy President, the present problem is, while illegal bookmaking has not weakened, gambling has become increasingly rampant. legco.gov.hk |
我在学校里的同事们都已经听说过阿思势医生和宋 科 瑛 医 生了——他们俩是我最喜爱的医生!有赏心悦目的医生照料你,对于疾病的痊愈也肯定是有帮助的。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | All my colleagues at school have heard about Doctors Maskay and Song – they’re my favorites! beijing.ufh.com.cn |
故此,令㆟懷 疑政府提出有關建議的真正動機,是「改善交通為名,變相歛財為實」的「搶錢」政 策。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, it has led to the speculation that the real motive behind these proposals is to implement a "money-spinning" policy by which the Administrative seeks to "profiteer under the guise of improving traffic". legco.gov.hk |
於本公告日期,本公司之執行董事為陳志列先生、曹成生先生及朱軍先生;獨立非執行 董事為凌鎮國先生、戴琳瑛女士 、王昭輝先生及安健先生。 evoc.cn | As at the date of this announcement, the executive Directors of the Company are Mr. Chen Zhi Lie, Mr. Tso Cheng Shun and Mr. Zhu Jun; the independent non-executive Directors of the Company are Mr. Ling Chun Kwok, Ms. Dai Lin Ying, Mr. Wang Zhao Hui and Mr. An Jian. evoc.com |
早在那个时 候,它就已致力于成为一个让各界贤达、知识 菁 瑛 、 科 学家等属于我们今天笼统归于《民间 社会》一词所覆盖领域的人士进行交流和探索的论坛。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO has, from the outset, distinguished itself by playing a pioneering role as a forum for exchange and future-oriented research bringing together eminent persons, intellectuals and scientists, all belonging to what is covered today by the expression “civil society”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
静脉曲张常见于工作时长时间站立的人,尤其是学校教师。上海和睦家医院负责操作新型静脉腔内激光术的资深外科医生是宋 科 瑛 医 生,他领导一支医疗小组,为患者的安全和这种革命性治疗方法的疗效提供了保障。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | SHU’s senior Surgeon responsible for the new EVLT procedure is Dr. Song Keying, who leads a small team of medical professionals that ensure patient safety and the efficacy of this revolutionary treatment. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
第㆔種,是內心矛盾的㆒類,㆒方面覺得相對承擔能力高的住戶,應交多些租;但 另㆒方面,在房委會明明有盈餘的情況㆘,仍要年年加租和推行雙倍租金政策,令㆟ 感到房委會在「 歛財」,而真正的富裕住戶,又不會因加點租而搬出,問題根本並未解 決。 legco.gov.hk | On the one hand, they feel that those who are more resourceful economically should pay more rent; but on the other hand, they have a feeling that the Housing Authority is in fact profiteering with the yearly rent increase and the implementation of the Double Rent Policy, given the fact that it is apparently enjoying a surplus. legco.gov.hk |
柔淨亮肌系列內含全新研制的溶脂緊肌元素 (Sebo-Regulating–收歛毛孔),有效平衡油脂分泌及緊緻毛孔,讓您享受肌膚柔滑無瑕的喜悅。 hk.eternal.hk | The CLEAR & PERFECT line was created so that people with combination to oily skin may re-discover the pleasure of healthy, velvety and soothed skin thanks to the GATINEAU SRP Complex™ (Sebo-Regulating – Pore refiner) which regulates sebum production and unblocks pores. hk.eternal.hk |