单词 | 紧凑型车 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 紧凑型车 —compact car modelSee also:紧凑型 adj—compact adj 紧凑 n—compactness n 紧凑 adv—compactly adv 紧凑—terse • tight (schedule)
2007年,中国首家国有汽车制造商一汽集团 将 紧凑型 轿 车 ( 由 天津一汽夏利汽车股份有限公司生产)送往澳大利亚接受OBD(车载诊断)挑战。 australiachina.com.au | FAW Group, China’s first [...] state-owned automaker, sent compact cars (made by FAW [...]Tianjin Xiali Automobile) to Australia in [...]2007 to undergo the OBD (on-board diagnostics) challenge. australiachina.com.au |
虽然液压混合动力系统初期将应用于 紧凑型 轿 车 , 但 对于其它乘用车或轻型城市运输卡车,这一系统同样适用。 bosch.com.cn | In principle, this technology can be [...] combined with any [...] conventional engine. In an initial phase, it is to be used in the compact car segment, but [...]it is also suitable [...]for other passenger-car segments and light delivery trucks in urban traffic. bosch.com.cn |
Mercedes-Benz品牌传播总监Anders Sundt [...] Jensen说:“通过情感化和先进的设计,全新A-Class目标给千篇一律 的 紧凑型 轿 车 市 场带来时尚风潮。 ba-repsasia.com | Anders Sundt Jensen, Head of Brand Communications at Mercedes-Benz says, “With it’s highly-emotional and [...] progressive design, the new A-Class is all set to bring the trend [...] toward monotony in the compact car segment to an end”. ba-repsasia.com |
在一辆紧凑型汽车,大 众Polo,身上具备轿车的所有优点。 schaeffler.cn | With the [...] Polo, VW promises a compact car with all the [...]advantages of a sedan. schaeffler.jp |
1966年,面向高速成长的日本汽车市场,丰田汽车公司首次推出了这款在当时颇具吸引力的 “ 紧凑型 轿 车 ”。 shautomuseum.gov.cn | In 1966, facing the high-speed growth of Japanese car market, Toyota launched the first paragraph at the [...] time of the appeal of "compact cars". shautomuseum.gov.cn |
自从梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)公司于2011年推出新一 代 紧凑型 B 级 车 和 A 级 车 型 以 来,大家都知道,全轮驱动4 MATIC车型将在以后加入该系统。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Ever since the launch of Mercedes-Benz’s [...] new generation of compact B-Class and A-Class models in 2011, it [...]has been known that all-wheel drive 4MATIC versions would later be added to the range. drivelinenews.com |
其范围从紧凑型Fiesta两厢车到更 具份量的Focus系列,以及几近高级型的新一代Mondeo轿车和旅行车,以及B-Max、C-Max、 [...] S-Max和星河系列面包车。 cn.drivelinenews.com | These range from the compact Fiesta hatchback to the [...] much-more-substantial Focus portfolio, as well as the near-premium, [...]next-generation Mondeo sedan and station wagon and the B-Max, C-Max, S-Max and Galaxy range of minivans. drivelinenews.com |
宝马新开发的 i3 系列紧凑型电动车最早将于 2013 年实现批量生产,该车型中采用了碳纤维结构部件。 news.groz-beckert.com | BMW will be putting its new electric-motor compact model i3 - with [...] structural components made from carbon fibre - into serial production as early as 2013. news.groz-beckert.com |
作为一款年轻、个性以及沃尔沃史上最安全的豪 华 紧凑型 五 门 掀背车,V40在中国的上市,必将在中 国 紧凑型 豪 华 车 市 场 掀起一场强劲的旋风。 volvocars.com | Attending the Prime Minister's visit [...] were, among others, Volvo Car Corporation CEO & President Stefan Jacoby and Volvo Car Corporation Chairman of [...]the Board Li Shufu. volvocars.com |
拥有紧凑、窄小和宽大底架型号以 及重型构造技术,Yale拥有一系列可以几乎满足所有狭窄走廊操作要求的前移式 叉 车。 yale.com | With compact, narrow and wide chassis models and high and heavy duty configurations Yale has a wide range of reach trucks that meet almost every narrow aisle [...] application requirement. yale.com |
混合驱动采用功率强大的紧凑型电动 机作为内燃机(ICE)动力的补充,在发展零排放电 动 车 的 道 路上迈出了第一步。 wacker.com | Hybrid drives, which [...] use a powerful, compact electric motor to supplement the internal combustion engine (ICE), represent a first step on the path to emissions-free electric vehicles. wacker.com |
它将功能性场所与分属于欧米茄,斯沃琪及开创性的斯沃琪 微 型紧凑车 的 公众博物馆相连接。 iontime.ch | The new central building is created in timber frame construction and combines functional areas with public museums dedicated to Omega, Swatch and the pioneering Swatchmobile. iontime.ch |
特许运 营商获得塞内加尔农村电气化局的补贴,将购买和 安装紧凑型荧光灯管。 undpcc.org | The government install the compact fluorescent light [...] bulbs, which will be subsidized by ASER. undpcc.org |
32 位 Windows 兼容性和大容量紧凑型闪存 卡允许用户本地安装特定应用程序 和驱动程序。 igel.com | The 32-bit Windows compatibility and [...] the generously sized compact flash memory make [...]it possible to install specific applications or drivers locally. igel.com |
在"创新与环保"版块的一等奖授奖上,评委们高度肯定了摩托车ABS对于道路安全的重要性:不仅因为最新一代产品尺寸尤 为 紧凑 , 其 成本优化的设计更首次实现了将ABS成功应用于各级别摩 托 车型。 bosch.com.cn | Not only is the latest generation of this [...] system especially compact: its cost-optimized design also makes it affordable for all classes of motorcycle for the first time. bosch.com.cn |
通过高度灵活的电缆组件和紧凑型 PCB 连接器可实现多种配置方案。 hubersuhner.com | A broad range of configurations with highly flexible cable [...] assemblies and compact PCB connectors [...]are available. hubersuhner.com |
这种紧凑、轻量型的调压阀为高 密度的紧凑型 OEM 设备及其它应用场合提供了一种理想的压力控制解决方案。 swagelok.com | This compact and lightweight regulator provides an ideal pressure-control solution within high-density compact OEM equipment, [...] as well as other applications. swagelok.com |
这些控制器采用紧凑型封装 、集成 I/O 和通信,且易于使用,是传送带自动化、安全系统以及建筑和 停 车 场 照 明等应用项目的理想选择。 ab.rockwellautomation.com | Compact packaging, integrated I/O and communication, and ease of use make these controllers an ideal choice for applications such as conveyor automation, [...] security systems, and building and parking lot lighting. ab.rockwellautomation.com |
公司可提供各种光源,包括 LED、白炽灯、荧光灯、紧凑型荧光 灯、高压气体放电灯、卤素灯、微型白炽灯、霓虹灯和其它专用照明灯。 digikey.cn | We offer a complete range of light sources including [...] LEDs, incandescent lamps, [...] fluorescent, compact fluorescent, high intensity discharge, halogen, miniature incandescent, [...]neon and other specialty lamps. digikey.ca |
森精机制作所很高兴地宣布新一代 紧凑型 加 工中心 MILLTAP 700 推出,这是我们与德国的商业合作伙伴吉特迈集团 [...] (以下简称“DMG”)首次合作开发的产品。 moriseiki.com | Ltd. is pleased to announce the [...] MILLTAP 700, the compact machining center [...]of next generation, which is the first corporate [...]development with German business partner, GILDEMEISTER AG (hereafter, "DMG"). moriseiki.com |
COMPACT 一体化紧凑型系统 可配合大量配件一起使用,对生产制程进行控制,如激光加工头、监控摄 [...] 像头、扫描振镜或带高温计的扫描振镜等。 dilas.com | The COMPACT diode laser systems can be [...] combined with a wide range of accessories for process control, including laser processing [...]heads, cameras, pyrometer, galvo scanner and galvo scanner with integrated pyrometer. dilas.com |
高效紧凑 的设计实现了内部负载匹配,你可利用 PEII 系列多种不同的阻抗接头, 而无须另外的硬件,相比其它型号的电源来说,极大地节省了空间。 advanced-energy.net.cn | Their efficient, compact design offers internal load matching, which enables you to take advantage of the PEII series’ wide tap range without additional hardware and at significant space savings over other types of power supplies. advanced-energy.com |
回路的合理化可大大地简化您的温 度控制系统的使用:结构紧凑、易 接近、可识别、流线型,等。 staubli.com | rationalisation of your circuits [...] considerably simplifies the use of your [...] regulation systems: compactness, accessibility, identification, streamlining, etc. staubli.com |
博世公司的Martin Kruessmann认为,CVT尺寸紧凑,重 量轻,而且具有良好的舒适性和极出色的经济性,这些对用户来说都很有说服力;而JATCO公司的Shinji Morihiro则总结道,这种解决方案提供了适应全球 汽 车 市 场 不同需求的最佳能力。 cn.drivelinenews.com | For Bosch’s Martin Kruessmann, CVT [...] presented a convincing case to the [...] customer with its compact dimensions, light weight, good comfort and very good economy; for Shinji Morihiro of JATCO it was the solution that offered the best capability of adapting itself to the very different tastes of the world’s automotive markets. drivelinenews.com |
FTB-200紧凑型平台和FTB-7200D LAN/WAN接入网OTDR是承包商测试任何光纤类型的理想之选,可结合另一个模块(如OLTS或以太网测试仪)实现完整的测试解决方案。 exfo.com | The FTB-200 Compact Platform and the FTB-7200D [...] LAN/WAN Access OTDR make it ideal for contractors to test any fiber type, [...]along with another module such as an OLTS or Ethernet tester for a complete test solution. exfo.com |
拥有专为汽车设计的超紧凑设计 和扩展的操作温度范围,泰利特UC866-AK是中级到高级m2m应用,尤其是汽车行业的完美平台。 telit.com | With its ultra-compact design for automotive requirements [...] and extended operating temperature range, the Telit UC864-AK is [...]the perfect platform for medium to high volume m2m applications especially for the automotive sector. telit.com |
如果需要在多点进行更深入的先导系列试验,囊括了全部实验项目 的 紧凑 易 用 汽 车 测 试 管理软件也能配置为当前所需要的试验/报告的性能规格。 bksv.cn | If a more extensive pilot series testing at [...] several contact points is [...] needed, the Automotive Test Manager system covers the full testing envelope in a compact, easy to use package [...]that can be configured [...]to match the current testing/reporting specifications bksv.com |
作为BTI移动回程和以太网商业服务解决方案的一个基本组成部分,Service Access 810是一款紧凑型运营 商级基站接入平台,具有强化的服务级管理功能,提供可扩展服务并有助于降低运营成本。 tipschina.gov.cn | A foundational component of BTI's Mobile Backhaul and Ethernet Business Services [...] solutions, the Service [...] Access 810 is a compact, carrier-grade, [...]cell tower-ready access platform with enhanced service-level [...]management that delivers scalable services and helps reduce operational costs. tipschina.gov.cn |
Tokyo Bike公司位于谷中郊区,紧凑式直线车 把 、 耐用结构、略微小巧和纤薄的车轮(方便更快加速和旋转)使之成为其原产地城市的完美之选,伦敦、柏林、悉尼、墨尔本和新加坡都有Tokyo [...] Bike的生产基地。 mechanicsofstyle.com | Based in the suburb of [...] Yanaka, Tokyo Bike’s compact straight handlebars, durable construction, [...]and slightly smaller-and-thinner wheels (for speedier acceleration and [...]turning) make it perfect for its city of origin—as well as London, Berlin, Sydney, Melbourne, and Singapore, all home to Tokyo Bike outposts. mechanicsofstyle.com |
这款紧凑、创新的OBDII(车载诊 断)设备给我们的生态系统和企业客户带来了给车队管理增加即插即用易于安装的能力,或者以合理的价格获得按使用量计算的保险应用的能力。 tipschina.gov.cn | This compact, innovative OBDII (on-board diagnostic) [...] device offers our ecosystem and enterprise customers the ability to [...]incorporate plug-and-play easy installation into fleet management or usage-based insurance applications at an affordable price point. tipschina.gov.cn |