

单词 索要

索要 ()

ask for


索要者 n

claimant n

External sources (not reviewed)

咨询委员会要求今后任何拟议预算都 须提供足够的信息,免其接索要之 累
The Advisory Committee requests that any future budget proposal provide sufficient information to avoid follow-up requests.
只要是使用粘合剂,就必须考虑到日常安全守则,以及参考粘合剂生产商 索要 材 料 安全数据表)提供的安 全使用详细说明。
Where adhesives are used, the usual safety regulations must be taken in consideration,
together with the specific directions for safe use given by the adhesive
[...] manufacturer (ask for the material safety [...]
data sheet).
有关材料的完整资料,请向材料分销商或零售 索要 材 料 安全数据表 (MSDS)。
For complete
[...] information about your material, request [...]
MSDS from distributor or retailer.
盖嘎的经历只是联合国儿童基金会收到的儿童遭绑架 索要 赎 金 或被征作儿童兵数量不断上升的事例之一。
The Garga’s story is just one of an increasing number UNICEF is receiving where children are held for ransom or used as child soldiers.
虽然在地震前,由于海地国家警察与联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团)密 切合作,成功逮捕参与绑架儿童的武装分子和帮派头目,被绑架儿童的数量下降 了(2008 年 89 起案件;2009 年 21 起案件),但 2010 年被绑架儿童数目略有增加, 27 名儿童(包括 13 名女孩)被绑架,包括被武装分子绑架,目的 索要 赎 金 或伤 害,这些主要发生在太子港。
Although there was a decline in the number of child abductions prior to the earthquake owing to the arrest of armed elements and gang leaders involved in child abduction by the Haitian National Police in close cooperation with the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) (89 cases in 2008; 21 cases in 2009), the numbers increased slightly in 2010, with 27 children (including 13 girls) abducted for ransom or for assault, including by armed elements, predominantly in Port-au-Prince.
[...] 式的要求,她回顾说,目前已有可供各成 索要 的 顾 问预算项目细目,执行委员会也被告 [...]
知所有的返还或未动用的节余,包括通过在基金账目文件中加注的方式,表明具体项目下 的已返还或已结转的节余。
In response to a request that, in future, the budget be presented as an explanatory narrative table – a format used by other convention secretariats, she recalled that a breakdown of
consultant budget lines was already
[...] available to members upon request and that [...]
the Executive Committee was always advised
of all savings returned or used, including by means of the footnotes in the Fund accounts document showing the savings returned or carried forward for particular lines.
(g) 确保旅行和运输科妥善发挥其管理合同的作用,监测航空旅行供应商 的表现及是否充分遵守合同,包括提供联合国管理实体和监督机 索要 的 所有 资料。
(g) To ensure that the Travel and Transportation Section properly performs its contract management role by monitoring the performance of air travel vendors and their full compliance with contract provisions, including the provision of all information requested by United Nations management entities and oversight bodies.
这可能包括向索要某些 据以识别身份的信息,尽管这些信息未经您同意不会被添 加到征信机构的信息库中。
This may involve asking you for certain identification details, although these cannot be added to the credit reporter’s database without your consent.
(3) 本條在以下情況下不適用:註冊計劃的計劃成員已達到退
[...] 休年齡,但他沒有向該計劃的核准受託人提交 索 , 要 求 根 據本部支付 該成員的累算權益。
(3) This section does not apply in a case where a scheme member of a registered
scheme who has reached the retirement age
[...] has not lodged a claim with the approved [...]
trustee of the scheme for payment of the
member’s accrued benefits under this Part.
In the meantime, all the information is available upon request to the NGO section.
索要资料所涉领域包括:关于管理局当前的活动和职能的一 般信息;海洋法会议;北极权利;西北海峡的捕鱼活动和航行;海底块状硫化物 [...]
矿床的可持续开采;甲烷水合物及管理局在这方面的工作;企业的建立;以及关 于海底块状硫化物矿床的一般资料。
Some of the areas for which requests were received
[...] included: general information on the current activities [...]
and the functions of the Authority;
law of the sea conferences; rights to the Arctic; fishing and navigation in the north-west passage; sustainable mining of sea floor massive sulphide deposits; methane hydrates and the work of the Authority in this area; the establishment of the Enterprise; and general information on sea floor massive sulphide deposits.
如果警官、监狱管理人员、司 法 机构的公务员、法官 、 检察官和律师 以 是否向他们行贿 ,是否送给他们其他不正当的钱财或 好 处为标准区 别对待 被剥夺 自由的人,整 个保障系统就会有名无实,形 同 虚 设 , 毫 无意义 ;这样 ,没有能力 或 拒 不 奉索要的 贿赂金 的人就完 全没有任何 保护,从 而进一步降低整个 司 法 系 统的信誉。
When police officers, prison administration staff, judicial civil servants, judges, public prosecutors and lawyers approach individuals deprived of their liberty varyingly, depending on whether or not bribes or other irregular payments or favours have been received, then the whole system of guarantees becomes devoid of any content, empty and meaningless; it renders defenceless all those who cannot or refuse to pay the amounts that are asked from them and in turn further reduces the credibility of the entire system of administration of justice.
联合国儿童基金会记者盖.迪艮对中非共和国的两名被绑架的儿童和中 索要 赎 金 的情况进行了报道。
UNICEF correspondent Guy Degen reports on two children in CAR who were kidnapped and held for ransom in CAR.
鑑於 320DS 號工程計劃下預留作處理索償事宜的應 急費用已差不多用盡,我們認為須在 12
[...] 月為這項工程計劃取得額外 撥款,以承擔因解決索要求而可能急需償付的款項。
Since we have almost depleted the contingency provision under 320DS which is used for handling claims, we consider it necessary to secure additional
funding under the project by December to cover the financial commitments that might arise
[...] imminently from claims settlement.
该计划包括,满足发展中国家和最不发达国家提出 索要 公 共 对外宣传和教育材料的要求,以及为 开展国家知识产权提升意识活动提供咨询。
This includes servicing the strong demand from developing countries and LDCs for public outreach and educational materials, as well as for advice in conducting national IP awareness-raising campaigns.
在这方面,我还要强调有必要重新开 设科索沃物业局驻塞尔维亚办事处,这些办事处对
[...] 于有效处理境内流离失所者提出的财产 索要 求而言,是很关键的,因此,对于创造必要条件以鼓励他 [...]
In this context, I would also emphasize the need to reopen the Kosovo Property Agency offices in
Serbia, which are key to the efficient
[...] processing of property claims filed by IDPs [...]
and are therefore important for creating the
conditions needed to encourage returns.
无论如何讲,索要补充信息方面需要有所节 制,因为需要列入的细节越多,登记人出错的风险和对隐私的关注也就越大。
In any case, there is a need for restraint in demanding supplementary information, since the more detail that is required to be included the greater the risk of registrant error and privacy concerns.
( 结论性意见中具体说明的情况除外) ,因此委员会只在其结论性意见 具索要过这 种资料的情况下,才审议从缔约国之外的其他方面接到的资料并就 其采取行动。
Not being in a position to consider and act upon such information without reopening its dialogue with a State party (except in cases specifically addressed in concluding observations), the Committee will consider and act upon the information received from sources other than a State party only in cases where such information has been specifically requested in its concluding observations.
如果政府官员或雇员请求索要任何 此类好处,请 立即将此事举报至守则末尾列出的任何资源。
If a government official or employee requests or demands any such benefit, report this immediately to any of the resources listed at the end of the Code.
根据上文(b)和(c) 项索要的资 料,如未在规定时限内提供或提供后显然 不能令人满意,可授权主席会同主席团成员,继续与缔约国跟进处理这一问题。
(f) If the information requested in accordance with (b) and (c) above is not provided by the specified date, or is patently unsatisfactory, the Chairperson, in consultation with the members of the Bureau, could be authorized to follow up the matter with the State party.
如前 所述,我国当局在国家和实体等级都 索要 文 件 和查 阅政府档案的请求作出了迅速而充分的响应。
As stated, authorities of my country, at both the State and entity levels, have responded promptly and adequately to all the requests for documents and access to Government archives.
向服务提供索要一份 过去其为别的客户所做类似工作的报告、将为您工作的其工作人员的简历、以及其客户的推荐信。
Ask for a sample of similar work that the provider has done for others, resumes of the personnel who will be performing the work, and client references.
预计将在 2010 年第一季度了结这些事项,但不包括工程承包合同,因在该合同上,教科文组织根据 合同规定的义务质疑有关公索要的 金 额。
These files are scheduled to be closed during the first quarter of 2010, with the exception of the contract for the architectural and engineering team, for which UNESCO, based on the contractual obligations, is contesting the amounts requested by the company.
由於 Sea Launch 一方出現延誤,本集團已提出該索 , 要 求 退回 本集團根據舊 Sea Launch 合約支付之款項。
In view of the delays on the part of Sea Launch, the Group has filed the Claim for a refund of the amount paid by the Group under the Old Sea Launch Contract.
自 1975 年计划开始实施至 2001 年 7 月底,免费为 90 个以 上的发展中国家和 14 个政府间组织和处于过渡阶段的国家进行了 15000 项索要求。
Since the start of the program in 1975, until the end of July 2001, almost 15,000 search requests have been processed free of charge from over 90 developing countries and 14 intergovernmental organizations and countries in transition.
工作组或报告员除了进行书面交涉并会晤缔约国正式委派的代表以外,可向 来文提交人和受害人以及其他有关来 索要 资 料
In addition to written representations, meetings with duly accredited representatives of the State party, a Working
Group or Rapporteur may seek information from the author(s) and victim(s) of the
[...] communications and other relevant sources.
美 国 支持布 基 纳索要 求 国 际社会和人权事务高级专员办事处提供 适当的技术援助,巩固当 地 在人权方面 所取得的进展。
It supported Burkina Faso’s request for appropriate international community and Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights technical assistance in consolidating human rights advancement on the ground.
小组委员会还敦促缔约国采取必要的措施,防止被拘留者为了避免在 警察局遭到不必要的拘留而被迫向执法人员支付任 索要 的 罚 款。
The Subcommittee also urges the State to implement the necessary measures to prevent detainees from being forced to pay arbitrary fines to law enforcement officers in order to avoid being subjected to unnecessary detention in police stations.
謹此提述本公司於二零零九年六月二十六日刊發的公告,內容關於本集團對 Sea Launch Limited Partnership(「Sea Launch」)提出申索(「該索」), 要 求 退 回本 集團根據於二零零六年五月八日訂立的舊發射合約(「舊 Sea Launch 合約」)向 Sea Launch 支付總額為 31,500,000 美元(相當於約 245,700,000 港元),以及 Sea Launch 根據美國破產法令第十一章就重組向位於特拉華區美國破產法院(「破產法院」)提 交第十一章破產呈請(「Sea Launch 重組」)。
Reference is made to the announcement dated 26 June 2009 of the Company relating to a claim (the "Claim") made by the Group to Sea Launch Limited Partnership ("Sea Launch") for a refund of a total sum of US$31.5 million (equivalent to approximately HK$245.7 million) paid by the Group to Sea Launch under an old launch contract dated 8 May 2006 (the “Old Sea Launch Contract”), and the filing of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition by Sea Launch in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the "Bankruptcy Court") for reorganisation under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (the “Sea Launch Reorganisation”).




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