单词 | 下挫 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 下挫verb—declinevless common: dropv 下挫—slump (of sales, prices etc) fall See also:挫—fail dampen obstructed repress bend back oppress lower the tone
大家可以看到,市民对特区政府和中央政府的信任程度 均严重下挫超过10%,而对中央的信任程度的下挫幅度更厉害,是近年的新 低,只有超过 40%。 legco.gov.hk | As we can see, while public confidence in the SAR [...] Government and the Central Governmenthas droppedsignificantly by 10%, public confidence [...]in the Central Authorities [...]has plunged more seriously to a recent record low of slightly more than 40%. legco.gov.hk |
尽管价格跌幅不及二零一零年较後期间的跌幅 明显,焦煤已避过因水灾引发的价格下挫。 glencore.com | Coking coal retreated from the spike induced by the flooding, [...] although the decline is less pronounced [...]than that seen in the later stages of 2010. glencore.com |
业绩倒退的原因是二零一一年首六个月减价情况加剧,加上其後毛利下挫及经营 开支总额增加。 cre8ir.com | The results deteriorated due to the increased price erosion that [...] materialized during the first six months of 2011 and [...] the subsequent decline in grossprofit [...]and increased total operating expenses. cre8ir.com |
根据最新的數字显示,2011年 1月的短期成交宗數 较 2010年 11月下挫34%。 legco.gov.hk | According to the latest figures, the number of [...] short-term resalecases inJanuary 2011 decreasedby 34%as compared [...]to November 2010. legco.gov.hk |
回顾 过 去 一 年,SARS 的 出现令香港经济进一步 受 到打击, 各 行 各 业的生意 也 一度往下 挫,至今 仍未完全复 苏 。 legco.gov.hk | In the past year, SARS dealt a further blow to our economy, plunging the various trades and industries into a state of downturn from which they have yet to recover. legco.gov.hk |
业界预期首饰产品在日本的销情或会下挫,然而,由 於香港首饰产品主要出口欧美和内地市场,因此,估计日本的灾情对 首饰业的整体营业额不会构成重大影响。 legco.gov.hk | The sector expects a drop in the sale of jewellery products in Japan; nevertheless, [...] since the jewellery products of Hong [...]Kong are mainly exported to the European, the United States and Mainland markets, it is estimated that the disaster in Japan will not have significant impacts on the overall turnover of the jewellery sector. legco.gov.hk |
如今在新的入境酒税免税措施之下,烈酒零售业务 将会再度下挫,雪上加霜;明年,我相信政府从烈酒所徵收得的税收必将再 度减少。 legco.gov.hk | I believe that the Government's revenue from liquors next year will certainly declinestill further. legco.gov.hk |
在这种情况下,当市场遭受大幅下挫是绝望,然后认识的任何方法效率不高,因为有一个B计划,因为如果他们保护了操作,相信,市场是有主权的,可以四处走动,你的愿望,一直在关注,并准备运动相反他的位置。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | In those caseswhen the market suffers sharp falls there is despair and then recognizing the inefficiency of any method since there is a plan B, because if they had protected the operation, believing that the market is sovereign and can move around as you wish, would have been concerned and prepared for movement contrary to his position. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
(b) 挂鈎资产的不稳定性 – 发生导致挂鈎股份或指数的单日市价出现重大波动及 /或挂鈎 资产的流通性在极短时间内严重下降的事件 ─ 例如,日本於 2011 年 [...] 3 月 11 日发生 地震,导致日经指数於紧接期间大幅下挫,以及令有关权证价格出现波动。 markets.rbs.com.hk | (b) underlying uncertainty - the occurrence of events causing the intraday market price of the underlying stock or index to experience significant fluctuations and/or a material reduction in liquidity of the underlying - for example, Japan’s earthquake on 11 March [...] 2011 which resulted in a drastic fallin Nikkei index [...] in the immediately followingperiod and fluctuation [...]in prices of the related warrants. markets.rbs.com.hk |
以2011年为例,虽然大家记忆犹新 的欧债危机,令全球经济普遍下挫,但其实截至年底,美国股票及债 [...] 券市场的全年回报仍分别有5%及 9%,大幅“跑赢”香港强积金同期的 回报。 legco.gov.hk | Take 2011 as an example, although the European debt crisis, which all Members still [...] have a fresh memory of, led to a general [...] global economic downturn, asat the end [...]of last year, the annual return of the American [...]stock and bond markets still recorded a return of 5% and 9% respectively, far outstripping the return for MPF schemes in Hong Kong in the same period. legco.gov.hk |
中长期而言,因美国量化宽松的货币政策带来後遗症,美元持续 [...] 疲弱,反映美元兑一篮子货币汇率的美汇指数持续下挫;基於港元与 美元挂鈎,美元走弱的趋势不仅带来资产价格的上升,而且对以进口 [...]为主的本港市场,也会引来输入性通胀,甚至恶性通胀,令中下阶层 的生活更困难。 legco.gov.hk | The US Dollar Index, which is used to reflect the exchange rates [...] of US dollar to a basket of currencies, [...] has continuedto fall. Since the Hong [...]Kong dollar is pegged to the US dollar, the [...]weak trend of the US dollar will not only bring about an upsurge in asset prices, but also induce an imported inflation and even vicious inflation to the Hong Kong market which mainly relies on imports. legco.gov.hk |
沈联涛先生表示,部分细价股的 股价於 2002年 7月 26日下 挫,对整个股票市场并没有构成重大影响。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Andrew [...] SHENG said that the drop in the share prices [...]of some penny stocks on 26 July 2002 did not have a significant impact on the overall stock market. legco.gov.hk |
文章分析,非典型肺炎事件令中央及特区政府失信,香港市民对中央及特区政府的信任程度、对中港前途及「一国两制」的信心均全面下挫。 hkupop.hku.hk | The article pointed out that the SARS epidemic has weakened the credibility of the HKSAR and Beijing Central Governments, such that people's trust in the two [...] Governments and their confidence in Hong Kong's future, China's future and "one country, [...] two systems" hasall declined. hkupop.hku.hk |
泰国采取了限制资金流入的措施,导致该国的金融资产价 格出现意料之外的下挫─股市在一天内下跌约 15%,债券回报上升了 [...] 20 至 30 个基点,以致债券价格大幅滑落,泰铢的汇率亦贬值。 legco.gov.hk | Measures in Thailand to limit capital inflow produced a [...] surprisingly sharpdownward adjustmentin the [...]prices of financial assets there ― the [...]stock market fell by about 15% in one day, bond yields went up by 20 to 30 basis points, savagingly slashing bond prices, and the exchange rate of the Thai Baht depreciated. legco.gov.hk |
金管局总裁回应时表示,欧洲主权债务危 机在2010年第2季爆发,环球股票市场股价下挫,外汇基金持有的外国股票因而出现亏损。 legco.gov.hk | CE/HKMA responded that when the European sovereign debt crisis broke out in the second quarter of 2010, [...] share prices in the global [...] stock markets dropped, leading to losses in the Exchange Fund's holdingof foreign equities. legco.gov.hk |
在经济方面,金融海啸已经令香港金融环节的增长动力大幅减慢, 加上环球经济前景转差和资产价格下挫,对消费需求和投资意欲均带来 负面影响。 legco.gov.hk | On the economic front, the financial tsunami has significantly slowed down the momentum of growth of the Hong Kong financial sector. legco.gov.hk |
因此 ,他要 求 财经事务及库务局局长保 证 , 当 独 立 小组完 成 调 [...] 查 工 作後,便尽快向 事务委员会简 报 调 查 的结果 ,向事务委 员会解 释 [...] 细价股股价於 2002年 7 月 26日下 挫是否由於任 何市场操控活 [...]动 所致,就谁 人 应 在法理上负责作出公平 的 判 断 ,以及安排向立法会议员发表调查 报告的全 文 。 legco.gov.hk | He therefore sought assurance from SFST that upon completion of the inquiry by the independent panel, he would promptly brief the Panel on the findings of the inquiry, explain to the Panel [...] whether there had been any market manipulation [...] leading to the plunge of penny stocks [...]on 26 July 2002, to make a fair judgement [...]as to who should legitimately be held responsible, and to cause the full report of the inquiry to be released to LegCo Members. legco.gov.hk |
这些大力促销给公司带来了损失,中国电信第一季度利润下降6.5%,对于出人意料的大幅下挫,人们大都指责其攻势过强的3G策略。 youngchinabiz.com | Those heavy promotions took a toll on the company’s bottom line, with China Telecom’s profit falling 6.5 [...] percent in the first quarter, as the company largely blamed its aggressive 3G strategy [...] for the unexpectedly big decline. youngchinabiz.com |
若 投 资 者 持 有 一 篮 子 的 股 票 及 想 为 市场下 挫的风险 进 行 对 冲 , 他 们 可 以 沽 空 ETF基 金 单 位 , 以 对 冲 该 等 股 票 价 格 下 跌 的 风 险 , 惟 需 受 到 有 关 法 律 、 规 则 及 规 例 所 限 制 。 bank.hangseng.com | If investors hold a portfolio of stocks and they want to hedge against the risk of a marketdownturn,they can, subject to applicable laws, rules and regulations, short sell ETF units to hedge the risks posed by falling prices of that portfolio of stocks in case of market downturn. bank.hangseng.com |
即使银行股依然显现颓势 市场对这些 措施与进展的反应反而十分平静 市场并未 出现崩盘 欧元的汇率也没有大幅下挫综上所述 这样的情况意味着各类救市举措的 效果依然不甚明朗 也不能确定市场是否终 将拨云见日 亦或是一蹶不振 欧盟区经济 上依旧纷纷扰扰 而为寻找危机的解决方案 当前政治因素也使局势显得更加复杂 apecscmc.org | While confusion on the economics of the situation continues, concern is now growing over the political complexities of finding a solution to the crisis. apecscmc.org |
流动性限额 [...] 定出流动性限制,以便在市况不利期间,市场活动下挫,损害机构为其头寸进行对冲、融资或抵消的能力时,可以限制 [...]未平仓风险。 tma.org.hk | Liquidity limits They are set to limit exposure that may [...] arise when adecline in market activities [...]amid unfavourable market conditions [...]adversely affects the ability of an institution to hedge, finance, or offset its position tma.org.hk |
众多国家中, 菲律宾、新加坡和泰国表现最强劲,印尼则市况下挫。 aia.com.hk | During the period, stocks in the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand performed the best, while [...] stocks inIndonesiadeclined forthe period. aia.com.hk |
截 至 二 零 零 零 年 六 月 三 十 日 止 上 半 年 的 租 金 收 入 总 额 为 [...] [...] 港 币 二 十 二 亿 七 千 九 百 万 元 , 低 於 一 九 九 九 年 同 期 录 得 的 港 币 二 十 三 亿 三 千 一 百 万 元 , 这 主 要 是 由 於 重 订 租 金 及 再 租 租 金 下 降 , 惟 租 金 收 入 自 一 九 九 七 年 後 期 亚 洲 市场下 挫时开始 显 着 出 现 的 缩 减 情 况 现 似 已 告 一 段 落 , 预 期 二 零 零 零 年 下 半 年 的 收 入 将 较 上 半 年 为 佳 。 swirepacific.com | Gross rental income for the half-year to 30th June 2000 amounted to HK$2,279 million, lower than the HK$2,331 million reported in the corresponding period in 1999, mainly due to rent reviews and relettings secured at lower rentals. swirepacific.com |
股市下挫,失业率急升,特区政府苦无对策。 hkupop.hku.hk | Unemployment rate surged, the stock market crumbled, and the legislature has become a rubber stamp. hkupop.hku.hk |
23 (v) 经济对冲价值变动 该项目反映二零一二年上半年度为抵御股市在欧元区前景极不明朗时期大幅下挫而提供下跌保障的短期对冲合约所提取的成本。 prudential.co.uk | This item represents the costs on short-dated hedge contracts taken out in first half of 2012 to provide downsideprotection against severe equity market falls through a period of particular uncertainty with respect to the Eurozone. prudential.co.uk |
投资者们或自满,或乐观,而这种心态下,一旦出现负面消息,市场就会下挫。 china.blackstone.com | Investors are complacent or optimistic, and that often creates the background [...] for a market decline when the news [...]turns negative. blackstone.com |
卢森堡在此次金融危机中 也受到显着影响:国内对冲基金以及 对冲基金的基金受到流动性危机的 冲击,在2007年底与2009年初之间, 资产规模下挫。 pwc.lu | Since then, Luxembourg has enjoyed significant and consistent growth in both assets and fund numbers with a notable surge since the turn of the century reflecting the increasing attractiveness of Luxembourg as a hub for global fund products in both mainstream and alternative asset classes. pwc.lu |
由於欧债危机和美国主权评级下降等因素,本年度全球证 券市场股指下挫,行情低迷,投资气氛因而受到拖累。 htisec.com | Due to various factors such as the European debt crisis and downgrade of the sovereign rating of the United States, the global stock markets slumped and performed weakly, which dragged down the investment sentiment. htisec.com |
梁志坚先生告知专责委员会,政府未 [...] 有回应发展商於2003年 3月就补价提出的反建议,而在2003年 2 月/3 月又爆发严重急性呼吸系统综合症,令楼市进一步下 挫,发展商急於收回该发展项目所招致的全部开支款项。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Stewart LEUNG told the Select Committee that the Government had not responded to the counter premium offers made by the developer in March 2003, [...] and the property market [...] had further plummetedas aresult of the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in [...]February/March 2003. legco.gov.hk |
综 合这两 个重要的 竞 争 力研究报告, 自 1997 年 以後, 香港竞 争 力排名 不断下 挫,各项指标 更 是 每 下 愈 况 , 其 中 尤 以管治 能力不断 下 降 , 拖累了 香港的 竞 争 力 。 legco.gov.hk | We can even see a steady worsening of various indicators. In particular, the constant decline in governance ability has harmed Hong Kong's competitiveness. legco.gov.hk |