单词 | 狂欢节 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 狂adj—wildadj 狂—mad 狂欢n—partyn revelryn 狂欢—whoopee merriment hilarity carouse carousal
游泳者和观众们都蜂拥至黄金海岸,尝试富有挑战的海浪,并感受沙滩狂欢节的气氛。 danpacplus.hk | Both swimmers and spectators flock to the Gold Coast for the challenging [...] course andbeachcarnival atmosphere. danpacplus.hk |
澳门法国文化协会,法国尼斯市和澳门索菲特 16 浦酒店将於19日於酒店举办法国尼斯狂欢节图片展。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The AFM, the city of Nice and the Sofitel Macau at [...] Ponte 16 join the Second Macau Parade through a wonderful exhibition of [...] pictures and carnival postersof the [...]City of Nice. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
此种展演若要成形,日常生活中必须存在某种限制,已故俄罗斯哲学家巴赫钦(Mikhail Bakhtin)指出,欧洲中古世纪的农奴背负沉重的阶级压力,狂欢节即逃脱的出口;几百年後,都会单车骑士则面对世俗政治,汽车与单车之间始终不断争夺权力,骑士受到限制,必须与又重、又快、马力又大的汽车分享道路。 thisbigcity.net | The late russian brain, Mikhail Bakhtin, proclaimed that thecarnival inthe medieval Europe served as an escape from the heavily structured hierarchies of serfdom. thisbigcity.net |
这一天刚好是我在纽西兰的第一个圣诞节!昨晚的圣诞除夕,大家在饭店里的酒吧狂欢并倒数,我也有在场。 4tern.com | On this day, it was my first Christmas in New Zealand. Yesterday, during the Christmas eve, I was in the countdown party with other staffs. 4tern.com |
当晚的特备娱乐节目是由老牌乐队 Gerry and the Pacemakers 倾力献唱,精彩演出令人击节赞赏,而来宾亦随着强劲的节奏起舞,彻夜狂欢。 aswatson.com | This year's evening entertainment was a showstopper with Gerry and the Pacemakers getting the crowd going, followed by a French band and a disco into the wee hours! aswatson.com |
对很多人来说,九七年六月是个狂欢庆祝的日子,因为殖民地时代即将结束,新纪元即将来临。 hkupop.hku.hk | To some people, June may be a happy month to celebrate the end of the colonial rule. hkupop.hku.hk |
香港踏入和暖季节,气温持续上升,有什麽比得上在春日阳光下,参加落水狗狂欢日的一连串好玩娱乐活动,与人类最好的朋友同欢? ipress.com.hk | As the Hong Kong weather continues to warm up, there is no better way to spend a Sunday than soaking up the springtime sun and enjoying the various entertainment options at Bark & Splash, while the lucky canine attendees enjoy ipress.com.hk |
接下来就是10/2-2013癸 [...] 已肖蛇年的到来﹐即是华人春节大好日子﹐如今中国综合国力提升﹐为国际第二经济体大国﹐农历新年气氛自然水涨船高﹐全世界每个角落﹐华人市场到处充满红红 洋溢喜庆﹐中国佳节气氛﹐舞龙舞狮﹐中国传统庆祝文化活动纷纷亮相﹐恭喜发财狂欢的流行音乐响澈大街小巷﹐放眼世界是国际普天同庆﹐浓浓欢腾大节日。jia-xiang.biz | The next step is 10/2-2013 capric Shaw Snake arrival, that is the big day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, is now China's comprehensive national strength, enhance the Lunar New Year atmosphere naturally gone up for the second economies country, in every corner of the world, the Chinese The market is full of red filled with festive Chinese festive atmosphere, dragon and lion dances, Chinese traditional celebration of cultural activities [...] have appeared the [...] pop music rang Che Kung Hei Fat Choy carnival streets,the world International celebrate big festival, thick jubilant. jia-xiang.biz |
书面申述全文的版权全面公开,欢迎传媒节录或全文转载。 hkupop.hku.hk | The copyright of the written representation is [...] entirely open, the media is welcome to carry it [...]in all or in part. hkupop.hku.hk |
狂欢倒数派对前夕,美高梅宝雅座法国餐厅隆重推出除夕夜五道菜晚宴,澳洲M7和牛肉眼扒、皇家亚拉斯加大蟹、精选法国鸭肝、线钓法国海鲈、鲟龙鱼子酱、法国黑松露等奢华食材,配以精致的法式烹调手法带来丰富而华丽的除夕夜晚宴,每位澳门币1,488元,查询及预订请致电(853) 8802 2319。 yp.mo | For the New Year’s Eve, Aux Beaux Arts’ talented chef Elie Khalife will craft a MOP$1,488 gourmet 5-course set dinner menu, featuring the freshly grilled Australian M7 Wagyu rib eye, Royale Alaskan crab served with Oscietra caviar, pan-seared foiegras, pan-fried French line caught sea bass fillet served on freshly shaved Perigord black truffles. yp.mo |
正忙於灌录专辑的Kelis 将抽空驾临澳门,与澳门的乐迷一同狂欢! 门票订价为澳门币350元。 yp.mo | On November 16, Kelis will come to Club Cubic and party all night long with party animals in Macau! yp.mo |
随着与亚洲五号卫星共同定位,亚洲八号卫星将在这个广受中东、欧洲、亚洲及国际性节目供应欢迎的广播平台以外,额外提供无可比拟的卫星功率与具备波束间转换功能的Ku波束覆盖,作为直接到户电视、私人网络及宽频连接等服务用途。 asiasat.com | Co-locating with AsiaSat 5, Asia’s most established satellite platform for Middle Eastern, European, Asian and international programming, AsiaSat 8 will provide exceptional power and additional Ku beam coverage with inter-beam switching capability for services including DTH television, private networks and broadband services. asiasat.com |
本周,中央电视台蛇年春节联欢晚会进行了首次带妆彩排,除了备受关注的语言类节目外,最大的惊喜和亮点莫过於天后席琳迪翁(Celine [...] Dion)的加入。 ktsf.com | CCTV Spring FestivalGala,the highly [...] anticipated variety show held on the eve of the lunar New Year, carried its first rehearsal Monday in Beijing. ktsf.com |
镜头中的漫无目的,眼睛里的司空见惯,喧闹暴戾的杂讯,空寂淩乱的画面,略带散漫的影像,给你带来的也许不是享受,不是思考,而是进一步的混乱———你会看到煞有介事满月,一本正经的促销,光天化日下的暴力,不动声色的悲哀,看似天真的成人游戏,举国欢腾的万众狂欢,幽灵一般的焰火和让人战栗的爆裂———像是祭奠着这个喧嚣的年代。 yec.com | The flanerie in lens, the indifference in eyes, the sound and fury, the emptiness and mess, the rambling images, possibly, all that bring to you is not entertainment, not reflection, but further confusion: the seemingly serious birthday, the no-nonsense sales promotion, the violence in broad daylight, the apparently naive adult games, the nationwide whoopee, the spookish fireworks and the trembling blowout: as if it isasacrific for the riproaring time. yec.com |
透过加入区内最受欢迎的中文节目卫星平台,我们有信心凤凰卫视香 港台能迅速地打入亚洲区内庞大的华语观众市场。 asiasat.com | By joining the region’s leading platform for Chinese programming, Phoenix Hong Kong can instantly access a massive Chinese audience across the region,” said Liu Qing Dong, Vice President of International Sales of Phoenix Satellite TV. asiasat.com |