

单词 法例


新法例 n

new legislation n

External sources (not reviewed)

為方便調 查意外和該條例及其附法例所訂的其他罪行,亦建議賦權警 方檢索經認可記錄儀所儲存的任何數據,並訂明有關數據可在 [...]
任何刑事法律程序中獲接納為該數據所顯示的事項的證據,而 無須再作證明。
To facilitate investigation of
accidents and other offences under RTO and
[...] its subsidiary legislation, it is also proposed [...]
to empower the Police to retrieve
any data stored in an approved EDRD and to provide for the admissibility of such data as evidence of the matters appearing from the data without further proof in any criminal proceedings.
(丙) 未成年人契約的法例,應僅限於現 法例 中 執 行時可 能產生困難或導致不公平的若干方面(第 3.8.4 段)。
(c) New legislation on minors' contracts should be confined to [...]
the few aspects of the existing law which are likely, in practice,
to cause difficulties or to lead to injustice (para. 3.8.4).
4.15 為了讓私營和政府化驗所有足夠時間研發測試方法,以測試新附法例載列 的除害劑,以及讓業界有充分時間為遵守新 法例 規 定 作準 備,我們建議給予業界兩年寬限期,才實施這項新的附 法例。
4.15 To allow sufficient time for laboratories (both private
and government) to
[...] develop testing methods for pesticides as listed in the new subsidiary legislation and the trade in complying with the new regulatory requirement, it is proposed to grant a two-year grace period for this new piece of subsidiary legislation.
法例的詳細及明確內容, 請參閱條例的條文。
For a complete and definitive
[...] statement of the law, please refer [...]
to the Ordinance itself.
(c) 將股份或其中任何部分拆細為面額小於本公司組織章程大綱所釐定者 的股份,惟須法例條文規限下進行,而拆細任何股份所依據的決議案 [...]
可釐定在拆細後所產生的股份的持有人之間,一股或多股股份較其他股 份可享有本公司有權對未發行或新股份附加的任何優先或其他特別權
利,或具有或受到本公司有權對未發行或新股份附加的遞延權利或任何 有關限制。
(c) sub-divide its shares or any of them into shares of smaller amount than is fixed by the Memorandum of Association of
the Company, subject nevertheless to the
[...] provisions of the Law, and so that the [...]
resolution whereby any share is subdivided
may determine that, as between the holders of the shares resulting from such sub-division, one or more of the shares may have any such preferred or other special rights, over, or may have such deferred rights or be subject to any such restrictions as compared with the others as the Company has power to attach to unissued or new shares.
[...] 免物質,不屬於《2008年食物內防腐劑(修訂)規例》內的防腐劑及抗氧化劑,但具備該 功能,仍須按照有法例(例如《 食物及藥物(成分組合及標籤)規例》(第132W章))在食 [...]
In replying to an enquiry of a trade representative, the Chairman, Mr. C. L. CHIU and Mr. W. Y. C H A N advised that when a chemical was an exempted substance and was not considered as preservative
or antioxidant under Preservatives in
[...] Food (Amendment) Regulation 2008 but function [...]
as one, its function as preservative
or antioxidant in the food should still be required to be labelled in the food product in accordance with relevant legislations (e.g. Food & Drugs (Composition and Labelling ) Regulations, Cap. 132W).
你在本表格提供的個人資料(和隨後更新的資料),以及以登記用戶身分透過道路貨物資料系統提交的個人資料(如有的 話),香港海關可能會為上文第 1
[...] 段所提及的任何一個目的,或因有關資料已獲授權披露,又或 法例 規 定 ,而向其他政 府部門/決策局或海外執法機關披露。
The personal data you provided in this form (as well as subsequent updates) and the personal data, if any, to be submitted by you through Road Cargo System as a registered user may be disclosed
to other Government departments /
[...] bureaux and overseas enforcement agencies for any [...]
of the purposes mentioned in paragraph
1 above; or where such disclosure is authorized or required by law.
儘管本細則載有任何條文,董事可在適 法例 准 許下 授權銷毀本細則所述任何文件或與股份登記有關的任 [...]
何其他文件,不論以微型縮影或電子方式儲存於本公 司或由股份登記處代本公司儲存者,惟本條細則僅適 用於以誠信態度及在本公司並無接獲任何明確通知指
Notwithstanding any provision contained in
these Articles, the Directors may, if
[...] permitted by applicable law, authorise the [...]
destruction of any documents referred to in
this Article or any other documents in relation to share registration which have been microfilmed or electronically stored by the Company or by the share registrar on its behalf provided always that this Article shall apply only to the destruction of a document in good faith and without express notice to the Company that the preservation of such document might be relevant to a claim.
經審慎考慮後,專責小組認為現階 段毋需修法例,而 應著力落實各項建議的行政措施,在新設立的樹木管理辦事 [...]
處領導下,改善各樹木管理部門之間的協調、加強樹木風險評估、提升樹木管理 的專業知識水平,以及推廣公眾教育和社區參與。
After careful consideration, the Task
Force considered that there was no need
[...] to introduce any legislative change at this [...]
stage and efforts should instead be channelled
to various recommended administrative measures to improve co-ordination among tree management departments under the leadership of the new Tree Management Office, enhance tree risk assessment, upgrade professional expertise in tree management and promote public education and community involvement.
除非根據上市規則或任何其他適 法例 、 規 例 或法 規不 時之規定進行投票表決或除非須按規定或應要 求以投票方式表決,而如屬後者及並非撤回,於主 [...]
席宣布決議案已獲舉手表決通過或一致通過,或獲 特定大多數通過,或不獲通過,並將其加入載有本 公司會議程序記錄的本公司簿冊內後,即為有關事
實的確證,而無須證明該項決議案所得的贊成票或 反對票的數目或比例。
Unless a poll is taken as may from time to time be
required under the Listing Rules or any
[...] other applicable laws, rules or regulations or unless [...]
a poll is so required or demanded
and, in the latter case, not withdrawn, a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has on a show of hands been carried, or carried unanimously, or by a particular majority, or lost, and an entry to that effect in the Company's book containing the minutes of proceedings of meetings of the Company shall be conclusive evidence of that fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against such resolution.
倘若由本人作出任何與本申請有關的陳述、聲明及承諾屬失實或誤導,或本人未能遵守本承 諾及聲明的任何條文,在不影響政府根據本承諾及聲明 法例 所 賦 予的任何權力、權利、補 償及索償的原則下,政府有權即時使本申請失效,或視屬何情況而定,即時取消本幼稚園參 加學券計劃的資格。
If any representation, declaration and undertaking given by me in this Undertaking and Declaration is incorrect or misleading or if I fail to comply with any provisions of this Undertaking and Declaration, without
prejudice to any powers,
[...] rights, remedies and claims that the Government may have under this Undertaking and Declaration or in law, the Government [...]
shall be entitled
to immediately invalidate this application or, as the case may be, immediately terminate the Kindergarten being an eligible kindergarten under the PEVS.
此外,《基本法》第六十八條及附件二給予 立法會寛鬆的酌情權決定規定立法會產生的「具體辦法」 的選法例的內容。
Furthermore, Article 68 and Annex II of the Basic Law give the Legislative Council a broad
discretion in determining the
[...] contents of the legislation which governs the “specific method” forming the Legislative Council.
與稅務機關發生重大稅務糾紛,及本集團的任何成員公司的稅務狀況或稅 法例 或其 詮釋出現任何變動,均可能影響保誠的盈利能力及向股東提供回報或改變給予股東稅後回報的 [...]
Significant tax disputes with tax authorities, and any change in
the tax status of any member of the Group
[...] or in taxation legislation or its interpretation [...]
could affect Prudential’s profitability
and ability to provide returns to shareholders or alter the post-tax returns to shareholders.
(4) 父母的壓力法例的規 定實際上更為重要。
(4) Parental pressure is in fact more
[...] important than what the law might say.
(B) 除任何適法例、規則及規例另有規定外,本公 司可以只提供任何通知、文件或資料(包括但不限於本細則第 [...]
167 條所規定之文件及上市規則規定之「公司通訊」)之英文版本或 中文版本,又或同時提供英文及中文版本。
(B) Subject to
[...] any applicable laws, rules and regulations, any [...]
notice, document or information, including but not limited
to the documents referred to in Article 167 and any “corporate communication” within the meaning ascribed thereto in the Listing Rules, may be given in the English language only, in the Chinese language only or in both the English language and the Chinese language.
除非法律禁止,否則本公司可於任何時間就認購或同意認購(不論絕對或有 條件)本公司任何股份或促使或同意促使認購(不論絕對或有條件)本公司
[...] 任何股份而向任何人士支付佣金,惟支付佣金時須遵守及依 法例 的 條件及 規定,而在任何情況下的佣金不得高於發行股份價格的百分之十。
The Company may, unless prohibited by law, at any time pay a commission to any person for subscribing or agreeing to subscribe (whether absolutely or conditionally) for any shares in the Company or procuring or agreeing to procure subscriptions (whether absolute or conditional) for any shares in the
Company, but so that the conditions and
[...] requirements of the Law shall be observed [...]
and complied with, and in each case the
commission shall not exceed 10% of the price at which the shares are issued.
(iv) 倘行使任何權證之認購權所產生之認購權儲備進賬
[...] 有相等於前述差額之額外股份面額,董事會須動用當 時或其後可動用之任何溢利或儲備(包 法例 允 許下 之股份溢價賬及資本贖回儲備金)作上述用途,直至 [...]
上述額外股份面額繳足以及有關數目之股份已如前 述予以配發,而在此之前概不可就當時已發行之本公
(iv) if upon the exercise of the subscription rights represented by any warrant the amount standing to the credit of the Subscription Right Reserve is not sufficient to pay up in full such additional nominal amount of shares equal to such difference as aforesaid to which the exercising warrantholder is entitled, the Board shall apply any profits or reserves then or
thereafter becoming available
[...] (including, to the extent permitted by law, share premium [...]
account and capital redemption reserve
fund) for such purpose until such additional nominal amount of shares is paid up and allotted as aforesaid and until then no dividend or other distribution shall be paid or made on the fully paid shares of the Company then in issue.
除其他投資限制外,只要 AGIF
附屬基金仍根據香港證券及期 貨條例獲認可,及除非香港證 券及期貨事務監察委員會另行
[...] 批准,否則董事會擬根據盧森法例及規例,採取一切合理 步驟,以便在經營 [...]
AGIF 附屬基 金時,或促使 AGIF 附屬基金的 營運時,遵循證監會的《單位 信託及互惠基金守則》第
7 章 及第 8.2 章的一般投資原則。
In addition to other investment restrictions, for so long as an AGIF Subfund remains authorised under the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Ordinance, and unless otherwise approved by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, it is the intention of the board of
directors of AGIF that all reasonable steps will
[...] be taken in accordance with Luxembourg [...]
law and regulations to operate or procure
the operation of the AGIF Subfund having regard to the general investment principles of Chapter 7 and Chapter 8.2 of the SFC Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds.
倘任何人士法例之執 行、轉讓或其他途徑而有權獲得任何股份,則須受 於其姓名及地址登記於股東名冊前就該等股份向其股份所有權原屬之人士正式 [...]
Any person who
[...] by operation of law, transfer or other [...]
means whatsoever shall become entitled to any share shall be bound
by every notice in respect of such share which prior to his name and address being entered on the register shall have been duly given to the person from whom he derives his title to such share.
受所有適用法例、規 則及法規(包括但不限於上市規則)規限下,以及在取得 所要求的所有必要同意(如有)下, 法例 並 無 禁止的任何方式,向任何人士送交摘 錄自本公司年度賬目的財務報表概要以及其形式及所載資料符合適用法律及規例要求 的董事報告,即視為已就該人士履行章程細則第 155 條的規定,惟倘任何原有權取得 本公司年度財務報表及相關董事報告的人士,向本公司送達書面通告提出要求,其可 要求本公司在財務報表概要以外另向其送交一份本公司年度財務報表及相關董事報告 的完整印本。
Subject to due compliance with all
[...] applicable law, rules and regulations, including, without limitation, the Listing Rules, and to obtaining all necessary consents, if any, required thereunder, the requirements of Article 155 shall be deemed satisfied in relation to any person [...]
by sending to the
person in any manner not prohibited by law, a summary financial statement derived from the Company’s annual accounts and the directors’ report which shall be in the form and containing the information required by applicable laws and regulations, provided that any person who is otherwise entitled to the annual financial statements of the Company and the directors’ report thereon may, if he so requires by notice in writing served on the Company, demand that the Company sends to him, in addition to a summary financial statement, a complete printed copy of the Company’s annual financial statement and the directors’ report thereon.
本公司明白保障股東私隱的重要性, 法例 規 定 者外,不會在獲得股東同意前 擅自披露股東資料。
The Company recognises the importance of
Shareholders’ privacy and will not disclose Shareholders’ information without their
[...] consent, unless required by law to do so.
[...] 述項目完全符合地契、分區計劃大綱圖和《建築物條例》及 其附法例的相 關規定,屋宇署必須按既定程序批准圖則及 同意工程的展開。
The Administration has reiterated that if the abovementioned development project completely satisfies the relevant requirements of the land lease, the Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) as
well as the Buildings Ordinance (BO)
[...] and its subsidiary legislation, the Buildings Department [...]
(BD) has to approve the plans
and grant its consent to the commencement of works in accordance with the established procedures.
12.7.1 批出的撥款協議須受香港法例規 限,協議的每一方須受香港法院獨有 的司法管理權所管轄。
12.7.1 A project agreement if awarded shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong.
該等因素包括但不限於未來市況、利 率和匯率波動及金融市場的整體表現;監管機構的政策及行動,例如包括有關金融危機的新政府措施及歐洲聯盟「償付能力 II」規定對保誠資本維持規定的影響;競爭的影響、通脹及通縮;特別是有關死亡率和發病率趨勢、失效率及保單續新率的事 項;在相關行業內日後收購或合併的時間、影響及其他不明朗因素;保誠及其聯屬公司經營所在司法權區的資本標準、償債 能力標準或會計準則,以及稅務及其 法例 和 規 例變動的影響;以及法律訴訟及糾紛的影響。
Such factors include, but are not limited to, future market conditions, fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates, and the performance of financial markets generally; the policies and actions of regulatory authorities, including, for example, new government initiatives related to the financial crisis and the effect of the European Union's "Solvency II" requirements on Prudential's capital maintenance requirements; the impact of competition, inflation, and deflation; experience in particular with regard to mortality and morbidity trends, lapse rates and policy renewal rates; the timing, impact and other uncertainties of future acquisitions or combinations within relevant industries; the impact of changes in capital, solvency standards or accounting standards, and tax and other legislation and regulations in the jurisdictions in which Prudential and its affiliates operate; and the impact of legal actions and disputes.
受第161條(a)段規限,本公司或會於作出適當安排確定股東、債券持有人及所有有 權收取本公司股東大會通告之其他人士之選擇後,根據適用法律法規於股東大會日 期前至少21日前,向上述每位人士派發或寄發(i)相關財務文件或(ii)財務報告概要副 本,惟本細則並無規定本公司須向任何地址不詳的股東、債券持有人或有權獲發本 公司股東大會通告的其他人士或任何一位以上之任何股份或債券聯名持有人寄交 有關文件,在適法例及規 例容許的其他情況下,本公司亦毋須向上述人士寄交有 關文件。
Subject to paragraph (a) of article 161, the Company may, after it has made adequate arrangements to ascertain the preference of its members, holders of its debentures and all other persons entitled to receive notices of general meetings of the Company and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, deliver or send to each of the aforesaid persons a copy of either (i) the relevant financial documents or (ii) the summary financial report at least 21 days before the date of the general meeting, provided that this article shall not require a copy of those documents to be sent to any member or bolder of debentures of the Company or other person entitled to receive notices of general meetings of the Company of whose address the Company is not aware nor to more than one of the joint holders of any shares or debentures nor in other circumstances permitted by applicable laws and regulations.
董事須不時決定應否公開本公司的賬目及賬冊或其中的任何一種以供非董事的股 東查閱,及公開讓其查閱的範圍、時間、地點,以及根據何種條件或規例而公開
[...] 讓其查閱;任何股東(並非董事),除 法例 授 予 權力或獲得董事或本公司在股 東大會上批准外,均無權查閱公司的任何賬目、賬冊或文件。
The Directors shall from time to time determine whether and to what extent and at what times and places and under what conditions or regulations the account and books of the Company or any of them shall be
open to the inspection of members not
[...] being Directors and no member (not being [...]
a Director) shall have any right of inspecting
any account or book or document of the Company except as conferred by law or authorised by the Directors or by the Company in general meeting.
(C) 倘本公司根據公司條例及一切其他適 法例 及 上 市規則,在本公司 的電腦網絡或循任何其他獲准之方式(包括以任何電子通訊形式發放)刊發有關 之財務文件及(如適用)財務摘要報告(兩者之定義見公司條例),而如細則第 168(B)條所述之人士根據公司條例及一切其他適 法例 及 上市規則,已同意或被 43 視為已同意接受以上述方式刊發或收取有關文件而毋須本公司另行寄發有關文 件之副本,則可視作已符合細則第168(B)條或公司條例須向該細則所述人士寄發 有關財務文件或財務摘要報告(兩者之定義見公司條例)之規定。
(C) The requirement to send
[...] to a person referred to in Article 168(B) the relevant financial documents or the summary financial report (each as defined in the Companies Ordinance), whether under that Article or under the Companies Ordinance, shall be deemed satisfied where, in accordance with the Companies Ordinance and all other applicable legislation and the Listing Rules, the Company publishes the relevant financial [...]
documents and if applicable, the summary financial report (each as defined in the Companies Ordinance), on the Company’s
computer network or in any other permitted manner (including sending by any form of electronic communication), and that person has agreed or is deemed to have agreed to treat the publication or receipt of such documents in such manner as discharging the Company’s obligation to send to him a copy of such documents.
除非細則另有明確規定法例另有 規定或有司法管轄權的法院頒令,否則任何人不 會獲本公司承認以任何信託方式持有任何股份,而本公司亦不受任何股份中的衡平 法權益、或有權益、未來權益或部分權益,或任何股份或不足一股的股份中的任何 權益,或(除非本細則或法律另有規定)任何股份中的任何其他權利所約束及不得被 迫承認該等權益或權利(即使本公司已知悉有關事項),但登記持有人對該股份全 部的絕對權利不在此限。
Except as otherwise expressly provided by the Bye-Laws or required by law or ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, no person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the Company shall not be bound by or be compelled in any way to recognise (even when having notice thereof) any equitable, contingent, future or partial interest in any share or any interest in any fractional part of a share or (except only as otherwise provided by these Bye-Laws or by law) any other rights in respect of any share except an absolute right to the entirety thereof in the registered holder.
本人亦同意,警務處處長會使用本申請表所提供的個人資料,處 法例 第 23 8章《火器及 彈藥條例》相關牌照/豁免的申請/記錄更新/所有現時及日後的調查/執行發牌條件。
I also agree that the personal
[...] data provided by means of this form will [...]
be used by the Commissioner of Police for processing
applications/updating record/conducting all kinds of present and subsequent investigations/enforcing licensing conditions in connection with licences/exemption under the Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance (Cap. 238).




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