

单词 求医癖

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濫用物質或逐漸有癖癮的人應立即 向專業人求助。
Substance abuse or a person heading towards substance
[...] dependency should immediately seek help from a professional.
我們並為吸毒者提供治療和康復計劃,協 助他們戒除癖和再次融入社會。
We provide treatment and rehabilitation programmes to wean drug addicts away from this pernicious habit, and to reintegrate into society.
据当地 公民说,担心被拘留求医看病 的障碍。
According to local citizens, fear of detention
[...] is a barrier to seeking medical care.
罗马尼亚、秘鲁、以色列和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合 王国的代表团辩称,经明确证明该组织符合理事会第 1996/31 号决议规定的各项 标准,并称关于书面答复的现行求 不 过是拒绝给予男女同性恋权利相关组织咨 商地位的另一条途径,尽管它们认为该组织已就所有可能的问题和指称(包括相 关的恋癖问题 )提供了满意的口头和书面答案。
The delegations of Colombia, Israel, Peru, Romania and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland argued that the organization had clearly proved that it had met the criteria set out in Council
resolution 1996/31, and
[...] that the ongoing requests for written replies were just another way of denying consultative status to an organization concerned with gay and lesbian rights, even though, in their opinion, the organization in question had already provided satisfactory answers, both orally and in writing, to all possible questions and allegations, including to those regarding paedophilia.
[...] 将目标对准传染病,因为男女的生理差异可影响到某些传染病的易感染性,而性 别规范、文化习俗和行为可严重影响疾病的预防 求医 和 治 疗机会。
Finally, USAID global health programmes target infectious diseases, as biological differences between men and women can affect vulnerability to certain infectious diseases, while gender norms,
cultural practices and behaviours can strongly influence disease
[...] prevention and care-seeking, as well as access [...]
to treatment.
我们求所有 的管理人员必须参加戒除 癖 的 培训,以帮助他们辨别员工是否有上瘾倾向或已上瘾,并为此类员工提供专业指导。
All managers are required to attend classes on the prevention of drug dependence that will enable them to recognize employees who are at risk or already addicted, and to encourage them to seek the proper treatment.
正是出于同样的原因,科学研究已越来越 多地考虑社会和民众的要求,例如艾滋病积极 分子求医疗界 增加对此种疾病的医学研究, 而环境学家的努力也促进了野生动物栖息地 的建立和保护。
However, by the same token, scientific research has become
increasingly responsive to
[...] social and public demands – two good examples are the pressure that AIDS activists have exerted on medical science to increase [...]
research on that
disease, and the success of environmentalists in creating and sustaining wildlife habitats alongside fishing or agricultural needs.
然而,在这种情况下,必须向有关移民提供替代性的身份文件,因为他们 在租房、上学或求医时可 能需要这种文件。
However, in such cases, the migrants must be provided with alternative
identification documents, which they may need in order to rent accommodation,
[...] access education, healthcare services, etc.
(c) 利用包括互联网在内的新的信息技术进行剥削构成贩运,如贩运妇女 进入强迫婚姻、强迫劳动和提供服务,并从事性旅游业对她们进行剥削,以及贩 运儿童,尤其是利用儿童从事色情、恋 癖 行 为和强迫劳动和提供服务,以及以 其他形式剥削儿童
(c) The use of new information technologies, including the Internet, for the purposes of exploitation that constitute trafficking, such as for trafficking in women for forced marriages, for forced labour and services and for exploitation in sex tourism, as well as trafficking in children for, inter alia, child pornography, paedophilia, forced labour and services, and any other form of exploitation of children
因此,他们采取步骤教育员工如 求医 进 行一 流的哮喘治疗。
Hence, steps are being taken to educate staff on obtaining premium asthma care.
这一为期 18 个月的活 动旨在动员人们了解其艾滋病毒感染状况;对人们进 行其它重要健康指标,包括结核病、血压、贫血和糖 尿病的筛查;为人们提供重要的预防信息以使他们采
[...] 纳健康的生活方式,无论他们是否感染了艾滋病毒; 加求医问药的行为以及增加获得治疗、护理和支助 [...]
The objectives of the 18-month long national campaign are to mobilize people to know their HIV status; screen people for other key health indicators, including tuberculosis, blood pressure, anemia and diabetes; support people with key prevention messages for a healthy
lifestyle, irrespective of HIV status;
[...] increase health-seeking behaviour; and [...]
increase access to treatment, care and support.
First-level health-care services – primary health care – are highly accessible and have sufficient technical capacity to handle frequently recurring health problems in a comprehensive manner.
本部分包含数千条求医疗器械 租赁与融资信息,涉及:完整系统、零件和医疗供应品--所有这些均可按类型、设备、制造商、型号和位置过滤。
This section contains
[...] thousands of Wanted Medical Equipment Leasing & Financing Leads, featuring: complete systems, parts and medical supplies [...]
- all of which can be
filtered by category, device, manufacturer, model, and location.
日本代表评论了全球卫生政策和教育政策之间的联系,强调说必须解决孕产 妇保健、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、结核病和疟疾等老大难问题,必须提供前往熟医 生处求医问药的机会。
The representative of Japan commented on the links between global health and education policy, emphasizing the need to address persistent issues of maternal health, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, as well as the imperative for access to skilled health providers.
試驗計劃旨在提供經改良的服務和活動,當中包括 加強司法人員參與的感化監管;更加聚焦、有系統和更深入的 治療和輔導服務;以及就業輔助,目的是協助干犯與毒品有關 罪行的青少年戒除癖,改過自新。
The pilot scheme aimed at providing enhanced services and programmes, such as probation supervision with enhanced judicial involvement, more focused, structured and intensive treatment and counselling programmes, and employment assistance to help young drug offenders quit the drug abusing habits and turn over a new leaf.
关于警 察 施 暴 问题,加 拿 大 人 口 与发展行动组织赞 成人权高专办关于易癖 者 谋杀案的评 论,并支持世界禁止 酷刑组织关于针 对 易癖 者的罪 行的声 明 。
Regarding police abuses, ACPD supported OHCHR comments on the murders of transvestites and supported statements by the World Organization Against Torture on crimes against transvestites.
实施了严格监督,确保被定 罪的恋癖者服刑期满,总统最近提出的《刑法典》 修订案加重了对恋癖者的惩罚。
There was rigorous oversight to ensure that
[...] convicted paedophiles served out their sentences and the President had recently proposed amendments to the Criminal Code that increased penalties for paedophilia.
[...] 称在这方面委员会不应背离其规范,或者略微怀疑其任何成员或分支机构有恋癖迹象就对该组织草率做出决定。
The representatives of Qatar, Egypt and Pakistan underlined that the additional questions posed to the organization merited answers, arguing that the Committee should not depart from its norms in this regard, or be hasty in taking decisions about any
organization with the slightest shadow of a doubt regarding the implication of any of its
[...] members or associates in paedophilia.
(d) 缔约国在其报告中确认存在经营所谓“孤儿院”和“街头庇护所”的 外国恋癖者虐待儿童的案件。
(d) Cases of children being abused by foreign paedophiles who run so-called ―orphanages‖ and ―street shelters‖, as recognized by the State party in its report.
多数 难民说 其出逃 的 原 因 与 逃 往 肯尼亚的人相 同,即 索马里生活 没有安全保 障(多数人还来自摩迦 迪沙),失去家人,失去或缺乏生计, 缺乏 粮食或粮食太贵,
等等。一名 最近抵 达 的 妇女描 述 了 她 在索马里分娩 时
[...] 痛苦的状况,她告诉我, 她 一直找机会想离开家里求医疗帮 助,但等了 70 多小时仍然无法离开家里,因为 [...]
所有这段 时 间 在 她 的 街坊里一直 发生着 激烈的 武 装 冲突。
Most of the refugees gave me the same reasons for their flight as those who fled to Kenya, namely insecurity of life in Somalia (most were also from Mogadishu), loss of close family members, loss of or lack of livelihood, lack of or high cost of food etc. In describing her situation when she was in labour pain in Somalia, a woman who arrived recently told me that she
had waited for an opportunity to go out
[...] of her home for medical help for more than [...]
70 hours, but failed to do so because
of raging armed conflict in her neighbourhood all that time.
如果您或您的医疗服务提供者求医疗护 理或服务,而 Keystone Mercy 或行为健康计划没有及时回应您的需求, [...]
If you or your
[...] health care provider request medical care or services, [...]
and Keystone Mercy or your Behavioral Health Plan
has not responded in time to meet your needs, call the CSH.
和睦家医疗集团(UFH)旗下的医院配备了急诊室和紧急护理设施,如果您受伤严重可前去 求医 治。
United Family Healthcare (UFH) hospitals have Emergency Rooms and urgent care facilities that you can turn to for serious injuries.
如果您在澳大利亚的留学时间较长,超过一学年,那么您可能会出于某种原因需要看 求医。
If you're in Australia for more than a semester, chances are that you'll
[...] have to visit a doctor for some reason.
(a) 按刑事罪论处并切实惩治包括所有恋 癖 行 为在内的对儿童的一切形 式性剥削和性凌虐,包括在家庭内部或为商业目的进行的性剥削和性凌虐、儿童 [...]
色情制品和儿童卖淫、儿童色情旅游业、贩运儿童、买卖儿童以及利用因特网及 其他信息和通信技术从事此种活动,并采取有效措施避免将受剥削之害的儿童当 作罪犯处理
(a) To criminalize and penalize effectively all forms of sexual
exploitation and sexual abuse of children, including
[...] all acts of paedophilia, including within [...]
the family or for commercial purposes,
child pornography and child prostitution, child sex tourism, trafficking in children, the sale of children and the use of the Internet and other information and communications technologies for these purposes, and to take effective measures against the criminalization of children who are victims of exploitation
求医生参 加专门课程,这些课程包括一 般人权政策和医疗人员,特别是拘留地点医疗人员的义务等方面的培训。
Physicians should be required to [...]
participate in specialized courses that include training in human rights policy in general
and the obligations of health personnel in places of detention in particular.
C 的 私 隱 權 利 , 其
[...] 中 涵 蓋 這 名 孌癖 患 者 及 其 家 人 的 [...]
權 益、這 項 披 露 若 導 致 民 間 自 行 執 法 對 他 們 相 當 可 能 造 成 的 影 響 , 以 及 這 項 披 露 對 其 尌
業 所 造 成 的 困 難 。
C's privacy rights which encompassed the
[...] interests of the paedophile and his family, [...]
the likely impact which the disclosure
might have on them in terms of vigilantism, and employment difficulties.
关切包括因特网在内的新信息技术被用于利用他人卖淫以图营利、贩运妇女 为新娘、剥削妇女和儿童的色情旅游、儿童色情制品、恋 癖 和 对 儿童的任何其 他形式的性剥削等活动
Concerned about the use of new information technologies, including the Internet, for purposes of exploitation of the prostitution of others, for trafficking in women as brides, for sex tourism exploiting women and children and for child pornography, paedophilia and any other forms of sexual exploitation of children
当我想到 儿童——特别是儿童——被迫从事他们无力从事的、
[...] 损害其健康而只是为了满足贩运者轻易获利的渴望, 或是被堕落者或恋癖者用 于性目的之时——当我 想到这些年幼的受害者之时,我对自己能够作为共同 [...]
推动者,为酝酿这项《行动计划》作出贡献感到很欣 慰。
When I think of the children — and especially children — condemned to labour that they are too weak for and which ruins their health to slake the thirst for easy profit for traffickers,
or who are used for sexual ends by depraved
[...] persons or pedophiles — when I [...]
think of these young victims, I am grateful
that I have contributed, as a co-facilitator, to originating this Plan of Action, which I am sure will make its mark in the annals of the United Nations.
[...] 士讨论有争议的社会问题时所享有的特别广泛的表达自由,该言论是在电台政治 辩论中提出的,且关于恋癖和强 奸犯的说法并不代表将之与索马里人相提并 论。
4.17 It reiterates the Commissioner’s letter to the Regional Public Prosecutor that the statements did not exceed the particularly extensive freedom of expression enjoyed by politicians about controversial social issues, that the statements were made during a
political radio debate and that the statement
[...] about the pedophiles and rapists [...]
did not represent a comparison with Somalis.
我愿首先指出,必须保障关键群体,不仅是男男 性行为者、性工作者和吸毒者,而且还有变性人、异癖者和犯人等群体的人权。
I would point first to the need to guarantee the human rights of key populations, not only men who have sex with men, sex workers and drug users, but also transgendered persons, transvestites and prisoners, among others.




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