单词 | 求存 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 求存 —survivalless common: the struggle eke out a living • seek for continued existence Examples:求同存异—seek common ground while holding back differences (idiom); to agree to differ
这包括创造 让平民有效行使其权利的合理条件,并 要 求存 在必 要的安全环境,以便人道主义援助进入。 daccess-ods.un.org | That includes the creation of reasonable conditions allowing civilians [...] effective exercise of their [...] rights and implies the existence of the safe environment needed to facilitate [...]access to humanitarian assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
当然,这种解决在制度的 [...] 法律文化方面存在根本差异的地方是有限的,如,关于机密的规定和法院的证据 要求存在根本差异的地方。 daccess-ods.un.org | This solution is, of course, limited where there are [...] fundamental differences in the legal culture of regimes, such as rules on [...] confidentiality and evidence demands in courts. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,硬盘会将这些写入请求存储在缓存中,直到这些 512 字节的数据块能够组成一个 4K扇区。 seagate.com | Therefore, hard [...] drives can store these write requests in cache until there [...]are enough sequential 512-byte blocks to build a 4K sector. seagate.com |
当美国的许多工业基地正在挣扎求存 的 时 候,Blackstone 能够帮助特拉华市一家由其前所有者在 [...] 2009 年关闭的倒闭炼油厂重新开张。 china.blackstone.com | At a time when much of America’s industrial base is [...] struggling to survive, Blackstone was [...]able to help reopen a shuttered refinery [...]in Delaware City, which was shut down by a previous owner in 2009. blackstone.com |
然而,也有些国家的国内法或判例法不 要 求存 在 这 样的联系,规定可以 对不在起诉国境内的战争罪嫌疑人提起诉讼(奥地利、加拿大、意大利、德国、 卢森堡、新西兰和联合王国) 。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, there are other States whose national legislation and case law do not require this link, providing for the possibility of commencing proceedings against a suspected war criminal that is not present in the territory of the prosecuting States (Austria, Canada, Italy, Germany, Luxembourg, New Zealand and the United Kingdom). daccess-ods.un.org |
如同第 16 条评注所言,不要求存在具 体的规避意图。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the commentary on article [...] 16 explains, the existence of a specific intention [...]of circumvention is not required. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果再次選擇做中國人的話,是否仍 [...] 然選擇憑良知說話和行事,還是垂下頭在專權和跨國企業的剝削下掙扎 求存,甚或接受權力腐化的遊戲規則,在無法即時改變社會時,倒過來 [...] 改變自己成為腐敗的一部分,成為他們曾經痛恨的人呢? legco.gov.hk | If we choose to be Chinese again, would we still choose to speak and act according to our [...] conscience, or would we lower our heads [...] and struggle to survive under autocracy [...]and exploitation by multi-nationals, or [...]even accept the rule of the game that power corrupts and when it is impossible to change society, we turn ourselves into part of the corrupt system, into people we once hated instead? legco.gov.hk |
中国各地在经济增长水平、环境监测能力、公众的环境意识以及对环境质量的 要 求存 在 很 大 的地方差异,因此全国统一的环保法规和标准在各地的执行力度并不完全一致。 ecegp.com | The regional disparities in level of economic growth, environmental [...] monitoring capacities, and public [...] environmental awareness and demand for a clean environment, [...]the national environmental regulations [...]and standards are sometimes not faithfully followed at a local level. ecegp.com |
結果顯示,67%認為訴求存在, 證明巿民已開始關注這個問題。 hkupop.hku.hk | Results indicated that 67% [...] believed that the demand was there, which [...]proved that the issue was on people's agenda. hkupop.hku.hk |
所有出 席會議第一節的團體代表(只有一個除外)在回應時 均表示他們寜可不要條例草案;如要將之推行,則 [...] 鑒於現時經濟不景,許多中小企已因此而在掙 扎求 存,故 部分代表促請當局把條例草案押後實施。 legco.gov.hk | In response, all but one of the deputations attending the first session of the meeting said they would rather not have the Bill and, if it was to be taken forward, some urged that its implementation [...] be deferred in view of the current economic downturn, as a result of which many SMEs [...] were already struggling to survive. legco.gov.hk |
以喪屍為題的產品一直廣受歡迎,相關的電影、電玩遊戲、漫畫和小說等不斷登場,當中更有「如何在喪屍世界中生還」 的 求存 手 冊 出版。 think-silly.com | Zombie-themed products have been hugely popular, such as film, video game, comic, [...] novel, and even a ‘survival guide’. think-silly.com |
注意:如果您的应用程序曲解您的影像数据而且没有按照您的 要 求存 储您的影像,您可能需要更改此选项。 graphics.kodak.com | NOTE: You may want to change this option if your application misinterprets the [...] image data and stores your image in [...]reverse of what you expect. graphics.kodak.com |
第一种用途是提供资金进行共同筹资安排的试点项目,以便动 用资金实现最大的气候和其他环境惠益;第二种备选办法是力争在持续不断或者以“一次 过”的方式,从公共和私人来源取得额外的现金资源;第三种备选办法立足于当前与其他 筹资实体建立关系的工作,包括统一项目核准进程以及把融资机制当作其他实体为了加快 向各机构发放资金所预付资金的储备;第四中备选办法是力争发展融资机制,使之能够为 了气候变化和其他环境惠益,或为了全球碳市场消除消耗臭氧层物质而 寻 求 、 存 放 和 管理 信贷。 multilateralfund.org | The first use would make funds available to undertake pilot projects for co-financing arrangements to mobilize resources to achieve maximum climate and other environmental benefits; the second option would be to attempt to obtain additional cash resources from public and private sources on either an ongoing or one-off basis; the third option built upon ongoing work in establishing relationships with other funding entities, including harmonization of project approval processes, and offering the Facility as a store of funds advanced from other entities for expedited disbursement to agencies; and the fourth option would attempt to develop the facility further to enable it to seek, house and manage credits for climate change and other environmental benefits or ODS destruction from global carbon markets. multilateralfund.org |
现在可以提出一种要求较低的类别(与模式 2 的“暴力罪行”办法同级,或 许更低),在这类别中,要求存在暴 力犯罪或危险,或两者之一(按等级列为模式 3)。 daccess-ods.un.org | A less demanding category (ranking with, or arguably even below, the “violent crime” approach of model 2) may now be introduced, in terms of which a violent crime or danger is required — either will do (this will be ranked as model 3). daccess-ods.un.org |
缺乏天然资源的新加坡,在逆境求存 的 过 程中,逐渐累积出自身的特殊经验。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Going forward, the success of Business China hinges on the participation and support of every member of the community. english.sccci.org.sg |
挣扎求存的地区通常缺乏这种地理密度和自然连接。 china.blackstone.com | Struggling regions often lack this geographic density and natural connectivity. blackstone.com |
您要求存取本网站网页时,我们的服务器可能记录您的IP位址和网域名称,并记录您的导引页(如另一个网站或搜寻引擎)、您曾于本网站浏览的页面、您离开本网站后浏览的网站、曾经浏览和/或点击的广告、有关您所使用的网络浏览器、电脑、平台、有关软件和设定类型的其他资料、在本网站或导引网站输入的搜寻关键字,以及我们的网站服务器记录的其他网站使用活动和数据。 graffdiamonds.com | Our server may also record the referring page [...] that linked you to Us (e.g., another website [...]or a search engine); the pages you visit [...]on Our Site; the website you visit after Our Site; the ads you see and/or click on; other information about the type of web browser, computer, platform, related software and settings you are using; any search terms you have entered on Our Site or a referral site; and other web usage activity and data logged by Our web servers. graffdiamonds.com |
根据第 129 条,只有 在对单独表决请求存在异 议时才能投票决定是否分 组表决。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to rule 129, a motion for division would be voted upon only if an objection [...] was made to the request for a separate vote. daccess-ods.un.org |
倘若客戶没有按照要求存入额 外保证金,百利好金业有绝对酌情決定权将为客戶进行交易 [...] 之合约平仓, 即是「斩仓」。 plotiobullion.com | If the Client does not deposit the additional [...] Margin as required, PBL has absolute discretion to close out the contracts transacted for the Client. plotiobullion.com |
将 IBM 一流的视窗和服务器技术与 NetApp 在业界领先的存储解决方案相结合,可以为数据中心 寻 求存 储 效 率和虚拟化解决方案的客户创建令人信服的价值主张。 netapp.com | Combining IBM’s leading windows and server technologies [...] with NetApp’s [...] industry-leading storage solutions creates a compelling value proposition for customers who are seeking storage efficiency [...]and virtualization solutions in their data centers. netapp.com |
自卫权还要求存在必要性和对等性。 daccess-ods.un.org | The right to self-defence [...] also requires the existence of necessity and parity. daccess-ods.un.org |
施大衛先生續道:「一些出版商在2010年仍在金融危機的陰影下爭 扎 求存 , 但 我們亦看到,部份同業已走出經濟下滑的陰霾,業績逐步上揚,從印刷頁數的增加、新科技的廣泛應用和廣告費的增長,都反映出業界的整體營商環境已在逐步改善。 sopasia.com | While 2010 was a year where some publishers still struggled, the second half saw an improvement in the industry as a whole with more pages added, an industry-wide embracement of new enabling technologies and an increase in ad rates that all reflected an improving operational environment. sopasia.com |
香 港(IFRIC)詮 釋 第''規 定 如 何 評 估 香 港 會 [...] 計 準 則 第''號 僱 員 福 利 下 的 限 度,對 於 與 指 定 的 福 利 計 劃 有 關 的 未 來 勞 務 貢 獻 的 增 加 或 減 少 的 [...] 金 額,在 最 低 資 金 要 求 存 在 時,應 確 認 為 一 項 [...]資 產。 zte.com.cn | HK(IFRIC)-Int '4 addresses how to assess the limit under HKAS '9 Employee Benefits, on the amount of a refund or a reduction in future contributions in relation [...] to a defined benefit scheme that can be recognised as an asset, in particular, when a [...] minimum funding requirement exists. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
尽管就相对较弱的经常账户状况而言,外部 需 求存 在潜在脆弱性,但是国内需求持续增长,资本账户状况也十分良好。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite potential fragility in external balances in [...] terms of relatively weak current account [...] positions, domestic demand continued to [...]grow with strong capital account positions. daccess-ods.un.org |
“智能网”,其中能源系统的不同要素(包括生产、灵 活的需求、存储和能量转换)进行互动,提供一个稳定 高效的能源系统,这对整合大组分可再生能源将是至关 重要的。 climatecongress.ku.dk | Setting a credible long-term price for carbon and the adoption of policies that promote energy efficiency and low-carbon technologies are central to effective mitigation. climatecongress.ku.dk |
2) 生態系統和環境的惡化 網上 中 氣候變化所帶來的影響已經愈來愈嚴重和頻繁:極端氣候災 害、糧食減產、地球溫度上升、生態系統改變等等已經對人頖 造成極大的生命財產損失,世界許多地方的人正為氣候危機掙 扎求存 susdev.org.hk | 2) Deteriorating the Ecosystem and Environment Online C The impact of climate change has become increasingly severe and frequent: extreme weather disasters, food product ion, global warming, and ecosystem changes have caused great loss of l ife and property. susdev.org.hk |
香港太空館由3月1日起至8月31日推出最新全天域電影《北極熊心》,把觀眾帶到北極圈,了解北極的野生動物如何在全球暖化威脅下,在日漸惡劣的環境中掙 扎 求存。 news.gov.hk | The Space Museum's new Omnimax show To the Arctic will be screened from March 1 to August 31, showing the Arctic Circle and how its wildlife is coping with a worsening environment under the threat of global warming. news.gov.hk |
捐助资金出现短缺 虽然计划生育、生殖健康和实现《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》目标和千 [...] 年发展目标之间有着牢固的联系,但是捐助方的供资却与所做承诺和 需 求存 在差 距。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite the strong linkages between family planning, reproductive health, and achieving the International Conference on Population and [...] Development Programme of Action and Millennium Development Goals, donor funding is [...] falling short of commitments and needs. daccess-ods.un.org |
为此,我们以“应对经济危机”为主题,举办各种研讨会、工作坊、对话会、讲座、课程等,重点研究和推广中小企业逆 境 求存 的 经 营策略和技巧,强化财务管理、风险管理等领域的能力。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | These will include seminars, workshops, dialogues, talks [...] and courses, focusing on and promoting [...] SMEs’ business survival strategies and [...]techniques, strengthening financial management, [...]risk management, and other key areas. english.sccci.org.sg |