

单词 求同存异

See also:


seek for continued existence
the struggle eke out a living


differences and similarities

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 行“团结合作”,并敦促各国和民间社会共同努力,本着合作伙伴和相互尊重的 精神并为了我们共同的未求同存异。
She called for ―solidarity cooperation,‖ urging States and civil society to work together, building on their
commonalities and surmounting differences in the spirit of partnership and mutual
[...] respect, for the sake of our common future.
在《1960 年埃尔姆斯-多拉德条约》中, 荷兰和德国就数百年来一直存在争议的埃尔姆斯-多拉德地区的一段边界 求同 存异”。
In the 1960 Ems-Dollard Treaty, the Netherlands and Germany “agreed to disagree” with regard to a boundary in the Ems-Dollard area, which had been under dispute for several hundred years.
We will have to overcome our prejudices and tame our passions.
[...] 多年的讨论和谈判之后,现在是我们努力达成共识的 时候了求同存异,力争制订将获得尽可能广泛的政 治支持的安理会改革办法。
In conclusion, let me reiterate that, after years of discussions and negotiations on this crucial issue, it is now time that we
strive for consensus, bring together those
[...] elements that unite us and strive for a solution [...]
that will garner the widest possible
political acceptance for a reformed Council.
中国呼吁该地区国家应相互尊重,相互信 赖求同存异,维护地区的和平与稳定,并通过对话和 友好协商来解决包括领土主张和海洋权益和利益在内的 所有争端。
China calls on countries in the region to respect
each other, increase
[...] mutual trust, seek common ground while putting aside differences, safeguard regional [...]
peace and stability,
and settle disputes including those over territorial claims and maritime rights and interests through dialogue and friendly negotiation”.
正如肯尼亚案例所示,多重标准分析可采 求同存 异的方法。
As the case in Kenya demonstrates, an MCA allows for the
[...] combination of divergent interests and methods.
应该鼓励创造交流机会,使冲突各方的人民能 求同存异 ; 应 该创建解决冲突和化解 冲突的先进经验数据库,向学校、非政府组织和青年议员开放,从而交流信息,评估各项行 动。
The creation of opportunities for exchange, allowing people from
conflicting parties to get to know each other and
[...] define their commonalities, should be encouraged [...]
and a database of best practice
in conflict resolution and conflict transformation should be created and made available to schools and NGOs and youth parliaments in order to exchange information and evaluate actions.
尽管过去几年的谈判取得 了一些进展,但由于只剩下一个月左右,需要快马加鞭,努 求同存异。
Though progress had been made in the negotiations over the previous three
months, but with only one more month left, the process needed to be
[...] accelerated and efforts made to overcome some differences.
[...] 能够宽容地对待不同的观点,同时提供有助于人们作出明智决策的信息,并且 把不同的观点汇聚在一起求同存异 , 通过对话来面对丰富多彩的世界。
We must strengthen our efforts to build a media that is critical of inherited assumptions yet tolerant of alternative perspectives; a media that provides the information that enables people to make well-informed decisions; a
media that brings competing
[...] narratives into a shared story of interdependence; a media that responds [...]
to diversity through dialogue.
确认联合国实行多种语文政策,以此促进、保护和保全全球语言和文化的多 样性,并确认真正使用多种语文有助 求同存异 和 国 际谅解
Recognizing that the United Nations pursues multilingualism as a means of promoting, protecting and preserving diversity of languages and cultures globally and that genuine multilingualism promotes unity in diversity and international understanding
培训班与国际新闻记者求同存异中 心 合作,帮助掌握新闻报道技 巧,思考媒体在报道和缓解冲突方面的作用,探索在数字时代报道政治和社会问 [...]
Carried out in collaboration with
the International Center for
[...] Journalists and Search for Common Ground, the training [...]
courses were aimed at building journalistic
skills, reflecting on the role of the media in covering and mitigating conflict, exploring tools for reporting on political and social issues in the digital age and reporting on “Muslim-West” relations.
三是构建LED技术及产品专利池,引导我国LED企业相互授权,联合应对涉及知识产权的侵权行为和法律诉讼,使企业 求同存异 的 原则下实现利益分享与合作共赢。
Three is to build a LED technology and patent pool products, guiding China's LED enterprise mutual authorization, joint response to the infringement of intellectual property rights and legal proceedings, make the enterprise
the benefit sharing under
[...] the principle of seeking common ground while putting aside differences and win-win [...]
其中包括求同存异相互 平等”项目,项目包括对反歧视措施的分析,对劳动力市场歧视 的研究,对律师、决策者、雇员和雇主代表以及非政府组织的培训,传媒宣传运 动和启动一个倡导者网站。
Those had included the “equal in diversity” project, which had encompassed an analysis of anti-discrimination measures, a study on labour market discrimination, the training for judges, policymakers, representatives of employees and employers and NGOs, a media campaign and the launching of the Advocate’s website.
中共中央同各民主党派中央政治协商的主要程序是:中共中央根据年度工作重点,研究提出全年政治协商规划;协商的议题提前通知各民主党派中央、无党派人士,并提供相关材料;各民主党派中央组织相关人员阅读文件,调查研究,对协商议题进行集体研究后,提出意见和建议;在协商过程中充分发扬民主,广泛听取意见 求同存异 ; 中 共中央认真研究民主党派中央、无党派人士提出的意见和建议,对重要意见和建议的采纳情况及时进行反馈。
Their political consultation proceeds in the following steps: The CPC Central Committee brings forward an annual plan for political consultation according to the priorities of work of that year; the central committees of democratic parties and personages without party affiliation are informed of the topics for consultation and are provided with relevant materials in advance; the central committees of democratic parties make arrangements for relevant people to read the documents, conduct surveys and research, discuss the topics and bring up suggestions and proposals; democracy is fully exercised in the course of consultation, suggestions and
proposals widely
[...] solicited, and common ground sought while reserving differences; and the CPC Central [...]
Committee studies the
collected suggestions and proposals carefully, and gives prompt feedback to the central committees of democratic parties and personages without party affiliation about the follow-up actions on their suggestions and proposals.
The special characteristic of an immigrant nation is “finding common ground amidst diversity”.
委员会大多数委员同 存在着第 10 条草案所载述的求援助 的义务,但另一些委员表示反对。
The existence of the duty to seek assistance as set out in draft article 10 [...]
was supported by a majority of the members of
the Commission, but opposed by others.
投决定票。如果异议的委员求, 可将 不 同 意 见列入报告的附件。
Dissenting opinions may be attached to any report if those in dissent so desire.
[...] 法律文化方面存在根本差异的地方是有限的,如,关于机密的规定和法院的证据求存在根本差异的地方。
This solution is, of course, limited where there are
fundamental differences in the legal culture of regimes, such as rules on
[...] confidentiality and evidence demands in courts.
RFID应用浩繁,各种应用的需求也千差万别,读写距离从几厘米到几百米,成本要求从几分到几百美元,同时读取标签数从一个到几百个等等,这些 异 要 求 不 仅 存 在 于 不 同 R F I D应 用系统, 同 时 存 在于同一RFID应用系统,同架构超限技术融合主被动通讯技术在不同或同一RFID系统中能使不同通讯技术发挥其互补的性能特点和成本在同一体系下满足RFID应用的不同要求。
Application of RFID voluminous, various application requirements also differ in thousands of ways, read distance ranging from a few centimeters to several hundred meters, cost requirements from a few hundred dollars, while reading the number of tags from one to
hundreds, and so on, these
[...] differences requires not only exists in different RFID application system, also exist in the same [...]
RFID application system, the
same architecture - technology integration passive communication technology in different or the same RFID system can make different communication technology plays its complementary characteristics and cost in the same system to meet the different requirements of RFID application.
同时 亦 需要充分认识到联合监管的复杂性以及每一边境口岸在实施联合监管过 程存在的差异,而 且还需要在实施联合监管之前对每一边境口岸进行具 体、全面和详细的研究与设计。
However, the complexity of joint controls and differences from border crossing to border crossing in the implementation of joint controls needs to be fully recognized and specific comprehensive and detailed studies and designs for each border crossing need to be undertaken before implementing joint control.
也有人担心,这样的解决办法自存 在 着风险,就是鼓励 一求异感,而不是帮助国家努力实现团结,这只会使国家永久分裂。
There are also concerns that such solutions run the inherent risk of encouraging a sense of difference and, instead of helping a country work towards unity, only serve to make it permanently divided.
中国各地在经济增长水平、环境监测能力、公众的环境意识以及对环境质量的 求存 在 很大 的地方异,因 此全国统一的环保法规和标准在各地的执行力度并不完全一致。
The regional disparities in level of economic growth, environmental
monitoring capacities, and public
[...] environmental awareness and demand for a clean environment, the [...]
national environmental regulations
and standards are sometimes not faithfully followed at a local level.
委员会的使命是完全独立地调查国内过去和现在发生的社会政治事件 的真相,求在尊重差异和科 特迪瓦人民 同 生 活 的前提下实现民族和解。
Its purpose is to work independently to ascertain the truth about past and recent national socio-political events in order to achieve national reconciliation based on respect for the Ivorian people’s differences and coexistence.
马塞卢信息中心在国际和平日协同巴哈教和发展促进和平教育一起,组织 了一次祈祷会,作为促进莱索托不同宗教团体之 存异求同 的 一 种方式。
On the International Day of Peace, the United Nations Information Centre in Maseru, together with the Baha’i Faith and Development for Peace Education, organized a prayer session as a way of encouraging unity in diversity among various religious groups in Lesotho.
委员会指出,按照《任择议定书》第五条第二款(甲)项和(乙) 项的求,同 一事 由不在任何其他国际调查或解决程序的审查之中,还注意到对已经用尽国内 补救措施这一点没异议。
8.2 The Committee notes, as
[...] required by article 5, paragraph 2 (a) and (b), of the Optional Protocol, that the same matter is not being examined under any other international procedure of investigation [...]
or settlement
and that it was uncontested that domestic remedies have been exhausted.
为此,会上着重说明了此种采购方法与第 43 条中通过对话征求建 议书的方法之间的区别,以及此种采购方法与第 41 条中不通过谈判求建议书 的方法之间异同。
The differences between this procurement method and the request for proposals with dialogue method in article 43 on the one hand, and the similarities and differences
between this procurement
[...] method and the request for proposals without negotiation method in article 41 on the other hand, were highlighted [...]
in this regard.
第一种用途是提供资金进行同筹资 安排的试点项目,以便动 用资金实现最大的气候和其他环境惠益;第二种备选办法是力争在持续不断或者以“一次 过”的方式,从公共和私人来源取得额外的现金资源;第三种备选办法立足于当前与其他 筹资实体建立关系的工作,包括统一项目核准进程以及把融资机制当作其他实体为了加快 向各机构发放资金所预付资金的储备;第四中备选办法是力争发展融资机制,使之能够为 了气候变化和其他环境惠益,或为了全球碳市场消除消耗臭氧层物质而 求 、 存 放 和 管理 信贷。
The first use would make funds available to undertake pilot projects for co-financing arrangements to mobilize resources to achieve maximum climate and other environmental benefits; the second option would be to attempt to obtain additional cash resources from public and private sources on either an ongoing or one-off basis; the third option built upon ongoing work in establishing relationships with other funding entities, including harmonization of project approval processes, and offering the Facility as a store of funds advanced from other entities for expedited disbursement to agencies; and the fourth option would attempt to develop the facility further to enable it to seek, house and manage credits for climate change and other environmental benefits or ODS destruction from global carbon markets.
现在可以提出一种要求较低的类别(与模式 2 的“暴力罪行”办同级,或 许更低),在这类别中,求存在暴 力犯罪或危险,或两者之一(按等级列为模式 3)。
A less demanding category (ranking with, or arguably even below, the “violent crime” approach of model 2) may now be introduced, in terms of which a violent crime or danger is required — either will do (this will be ranked as model 3).
[...] 的諮詢正進行得如火如荼,目前正是政制發展向前邁進的關鍵時刻,社 會各界應該摒除成見求同存異, 按照《基本法》盡早就有關的行政長 官及立法會產生辦法達成共識,以利最終落實人大的《決定》,在 [...]
2017年 普選行政長官及2020年全面普選立法會才是。
As for the issue of the constitutional system of Hong Kong mentioned in the original motion, I very much wish to stress that the consultation exercise on the 2012 elections is now in full swing, and it is now the critical moment for the constitutional development to move forward. Different sectors of the
community should
[...] discard biases and seek common ground and accommodate differences, and forge [...]
a consensus on the methods for selecting the Chief Executive
and for forming the Legislative Council as soon as possible in accordance with the Basic Law, in order to facilitate the ultimate implementation of the Decision of the NPC and attain universal suffrage for election of the Chief Executive in 2017 and the Legislative Council in 2020.




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