

单词 求取

External sources (not reviewed)

在这种背景下,格林纳达一贯求取 消 美利坚合众国通过经济、商业和金融 封锁对古巴实施的措施。
Against this backdrop, Grenada has consistently called for the removal of the measures imposed on Cuba by the United States through its economic, commercial and financial embargo.
有些组织必 要时确实求取得外 部第二意见,但是别的一些组织只是在工作人员的部门或科 [...]
While some
[...] organizations do request external second [...]
opinions, when required, others do so only when the staff member’s department
or section is willing to absorb the costs.
(a) 法律 — 取消對與香港律師事務所進行聯營的內地律師事務所 的專職律師人數求;取消香 港律師事務所駐內地代表機構的代 表在內地的居留時間要求;允許有內地執業律師資格的香港居民 從事涉港婚姻、繼承案件的代理活動;允許香港大律師以公民身份 [...]
職業資格的香港居民,在內地律師事務所設在香港的分所,按照 內地規定進行實習。
(a) Legal service – to waive the requirement on the number of full-time lawyers employed by
Mainland law firms that
[...] operate in association with Hong Kong law firms; to waive the residency requirement for representatives [...]
stationed in representative
offices of Hong Kong law firms in the Mainland; to allow Hong Kong residents qualified for practice in the Mainland to act as agents in matrimonial and succession cases relating to Hong Kong; to allow Hong Kong barristers to act as agents in civil litigation cases in the Mainland in the capacity of citizens; and to allow Hong Kong residents who have acquired Mainland lawyer qualifications or legal professional qualifications to undergo internship in a branch office of a Mainland law firm set up in Hong Kong.
爱沙尼亚有两个城市,即塔林和纳尔瓦,供水要抽地表水,也就是说,全 国人口有几乎三分之一消费从地表水 求取 的 饮 用水。
Surface water is extracted for the water supply in two Estonian cities, in Tallinn
and in Narva, i.e. almost a third to the country’s population
[...] consumes drinking water extracted from a surface water body.
(e) 政府當局應研究如何可 提 高 機制的透明度, 並顧求 取 平衡的 需 要,既 要保障 公務員在退休後從事業務或工作 [...]
的 個 人 權 利,又 要 維護公 眾 利益及滿足 市民對 公務員廉 潔公正 的期望 。
(e) The Administration should examine how the
transparency of the mechanism could be
[...] enhanced, taking into account the need to strike [...]
a balance between the rights of individual
civil servants to pursue employment or business after retirement on the one hand, and the public interests and the aspirations of the community regarding the integrity and impartiality of the civil service on the other.
一些对虾养殖国继续禁止养殖这一外来物种,孟加拉国对虾养殖者和 海产品出口商近来求取消禁令。
Some shrimp-farming countries maintain bans on the farming of
this exotic species, and Bangladeshi shrimp growers and seafood
[...] exporters have recently requested a lifting of the ban.
在下述情形下可能出现同样 的情况:(a)设保人求取得排 他性许可,这种情况将作为知识产权本身的转让 [...]
处理;(b)许可人如被提供额外保护,这种额外保护超出其简单终止许可协议所 得,将愿意发放非排他性许可;(c)被许可人作为次级许可人仅在能够取得次级
被许可人权利和任何对次级次级被许可人应付次级被许可人的次级许可使用费 受付权上的担保权的情况下,愿意发放非排他性次级许可;(d)购置款融资非由 所有权人作为转让人或作为许可人提供,也非由被许可人作为次级许可人提 供,而是由第三方出贷人提供。
The same situation could occur where:
[...] (a) the grantor seeks to acquire an exclusive [...]
licence, which is treated as a transfer
of the intellectual property itself; (b) a licensor would be willing to grant a non-exclusive licence on credit if it is granted additional protection beyond that which it would get by simply terminating the licence agreement; (c) a licensee, as a sub-licensor, is willing to grant a non-exclusive sublicence only if it can acquire a security right in the rights of a sub-licensee and any rights to payment of sub-royalties payable to the sub-licensee by a sub-sub-licensee; and (d) the acquisition financing is provided not by the owner as transferor or as licensor, nor by the licensee as sub-licensor, but by a third-party lender.
[...] 术和商业技能才能全面进入的非常具体明确的市场窗口);消费者问题(例如,进口市 场求取得影响生产惯例的特殊证书);基础设施和设备能力(例如充分的空运、冷藏 [...]
These include, inter alia, market drivers (for example, very specific market windows that require the appropriate combination of technical and business skills to access
fully); consumer issues (for example,
[...] importing markets requiring specific certifications [...]
impacting production practices);
infrastructure and installed capacity (for example, sufficient airfreight, cold room facilities); and large enough consumption of a given material or product to develop a market for it and ensure availability, and others.
(c) 利用教科文组织现有的地区网络和全世界教科文组织国际技术和职业教育与培训 的中心(UNEVOC)网络,促进地区合作以及各国教育部之间的双边和三边机构 合作,包括南南合作、南北合作和北南南三边合作, 求取 得 最 大效果。
(c) facilitating regional cooperation as well as bilateral and trilateral institutional cooperation between national education ministries, including South-South, South-North and South-South-North cooperation, using the existing UNESCO regional networks and the UNEVOC networks worldwide as a means of maximizing impact.
(c) 如果在办理登记之后未订立任何担保协议(或未以其他任何方式对登
[...] 记加以授权),或如果恶意办理登记,登记即为无效,设保人便能够通过简易 程序求取消登记(见建议 72)。
(c) If no security agreement was concluded (or registration was otherwise not authorized) after the registration, or if the registration was made in bad faith, the registration
would be ineffective and the grantor
[...] would be able to seek cancellation of the registration [...]
through a summary procedure (see recommendation 72).
第二是必须一方面在安全理事会与非盟和平与 安全理事会之间另一方面在联合国秘书处与非盟委
[...] 员会之间建立一种战略性的和更有效的伙伴关系,求取得长期的成功,并确保该两个组织对以下问题具 [...]
有共同的理念:如何提高非盟提供快速反应的能力并 加强联合国保障持续行动的能力,据此处理维持非洲 和平的问题。
Secondly, it is necessary to establish a strategic and more effective partnership between the Security Council and the AAU Peace and the Security Council, on the one hand, and between the United Nations
Secretariat and the AU Commission on the
[...] other, in order to achieve long-term success [...]
and ensure a joint vision of the two organizations
on how to address peacekeeping in Africa by enhancing the ability of the AU to provide a rapid response and bolster the United Nations capacity to guarantee sustained operations.
在土地估 值 中 , 我 們 採 用 基 準 地 價 修 正 法 , 是 利 用 城 鎮 基 準 地 價 和 基 準 地 價 修 正 系 數 等 評 估 成 果 , 按 照 替 代 原 理 , 將 待 估 宗 地 的 區 域 條 件 和 個 別 條 件 等 與 其 所 處 區 域 的 平 均 條 件 相 比 較 , 並 對 照 修 正 系 數 表 選 取 相 應 的 修 正 系 數 對 基 準 地 價 進 行 修 正 , 從求 取 待 估 宗 地在估 價 基 準 日 價 格 的 一 種 估 價 方 法 。
We have adopted the land datum value approach in the valuation of land. The land datum value approach represents an asset appraisal method of determining the price of the assessed land as at the valuation date by using assessed results such as the land datum value in towns and cities, as well as the correction coefficient of the land datum value, and in accordance with the substitution principle, comparing the area and individual conditions of the assessed land with the average conditions of the area it is located in, adjusted by the correction coefficient chosen in the correction coefficient table for the land datum value.
(a) 被 查 車 輛 的 車 主 或 車 輛 被 查 時 候 的 負 責 人 在 下 列 第 ( 9 ) 款
[...] 內 指 定 的 限 期 前求 取 得 搜 查 紀 錄 副 本 ; 以 及
(a) the owner of a vehicle which has been searched or the person who was
in charge of the vehicle at the time when
[...] it was searched asks for a copy of the [...]
record of the search before the end of
the period specified in subsection (9) below; and
关于法官的任命、停职和解职的法定程序进一步保证了法官的独立性;案 件和其他事务的处理程序、为通过司法判决而举行的秘密审议以及禁止 求取消 这种秘密性等保证了法官的廉正;切合法官身份的其他保障和为法院工作提供的 必要组织和技术条件保证了对蔑视法院或干预法院活动的行为应负的责任。
The independence of judges is, furthermore, ensured by the statutory procedure for their appointment, suspension and removal from office; their integrity is ensured by the procedure for processing cases and other matters, by the holding of confidential deliberations for the adoption of
judicial decisions and by
[...] a prohibition on requests for any lifting of that confidentiality; liability for contempt of [...]
court or interference
in the court’s activities is secured by other guarantees befitting the status of judges, as well as by the provision of the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the work of the courts.
这就求取水许 可是一种可以进行完全交易的制度,只需要改变其用途或适 用地点就能够改变对环境的直接影响以及对其他用户的影响。
This requires that abstraction licences are [...]
fully tradable subject only to modification for direct environmental impacts
and the impact on other users from a change of use or location.
还必须注意到,提供如设备和培训班这类货物和服务本身对客户可能没有价 值;效率求取得实 际的成果,如下文谈及的实现千年发展目标。
It must also be noted that delivering goods and services like equipment and courses may not in themselves be useful to clients; effectiveness requires the achievement of actual results such as the Millennium Development Goals, which are dealt with below.
编写该 会议室文件是基于这样的认识,即各国与合法药物有关的经验、能力、文化和 需要有着广泛差异,在任何特定国家实现公共卫生的最佳结果有何 求取 决于 其具体情况。
The conference room paper was developed with the understanding that countries’ experiences, capacities, cultures and needs related to licit drugs vary widely and
that what is required
[...] to achieve the optimum public health outcome in any particular country will depend on its particular [...]
(ix) 於 貴 集 團 之 正 常 辦 公 時 間( 星 期 一 至 星 期 五上午 九 時 正 至 下 午 五 時 正 及 星 期 六 上 午 九 時 正 至 下 午十二 時 三 十 分 )內 工 作 及可能 須 於 該 等 正 常 辦 公 時 間 以 外 工 作 而 無 額 外 薪 酬 ; 及 (x) 在 香 港 或 董 事 會 可 能 合 理 要 求 或 就 貴 集 團 可 能 合 理求 取 得 或 董 事 會 可 能 視 作 合 宜 之 權 益 、 需 要 、 業 務 及 機 會 在 世 界 各 地 履 行 其 職 責 。
(ix) to work on the normal office hours of the Group (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday) and may be required to work outside these normal hours without additional pay; and (x) to carry out his duties in Hong Kong or in such other parts of the world as the Board may reasonably request or as the interests, needs, business and opportunities of the Group may reasonably require or be deemed advisable by the Board.
为支持本次级方案的执行工作, 亚太经社会将与次区域其他主要政府间机构和发展行为体建立战略伙伴关 系,并按照本组织“求取得协 调一致”的精神,以连贯和协调划一的方式 制订和执行方案,同时利用联合国发展系统在次区域和国家两级的整体资源 来弥合在发展方面存在的那些重大差距。
In support of the implementation of the subprogramme, ESCAP would build strategic partnerships with other key intergovernmental institutions and development actors in the subregions, and develop and implement programmes in a coherent and coordinated manner in line with the efforts of the Organization to “deliver as one”, utilizing the full assets of the United Nations development system at the subregional and national levels to bridge key development gaps.
[...] 公開、公正及不偏不倚的方式進行,從而在各方訴求之 求取 平 衡
And, how will the Government ensure that the review
will be conducted in a open, fair and impartial manners so as to strike a balance between
[...] different parties’ aspirations?
澳大 利亚积极求取得全球性的气候变 化对策,包括各主要经济体承担可 信赖、具有约束力的减排目标,并 向最易受气候变化影响的国家提供 援助。
Australia is actively pursuing a global response to climate change that includes credible and binding mitigation contributions by all major economies and assistance for countries most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
妇女署的目的是加强联合国系统在总部 以及世界各地的合作与凝聚力,在尊重各机构的特殊 性的前提下求取得预期成果。
Its purpose was to strengthen coordination and synergy within the system, both at Headquarters and in the field, so as to make it possible to obtain the desired results while respecting the specificities of each entity.
在此情况下,厄立特里亚谨求取消 这 一决议。
In the circumstance, Eritrea kindly requests the repeal of this [...]
此外,「「生」保留延遲執行任何「口頭通訊」之 權利,「「生」亦可於認為恰當時, 求取 得 該 「口頭通訊」之進一步資料。
Furthermore, Hang Seng reserves the right to defer acting on any Verbal Communications and to require further information with respect to such Verbal Communications as Hang Seng may consider appropriate.
2009年7 月在联合国尼泊尔和平基金下发起的“以 正求取和平”项目以后,人权高专办与政府和公民社会密切合作,努力支持该 国建立能够尊重冲突受害者及其家属要求的过渡期司法机制。
With the launch of a “peace through justice” project in July 2009 under the United Nations Peace Fund for Nepal, OHCHR, in close coordination with the Government and civil society, has intensified its efforts to support the establishment of proper transitional justice mechanisms which will respect the needs of conflict victims and their families.
b. 南 德 意 志 各 邦 加 入 了 關 稅 聯 盟 , 組 成 了 一 個 叫 Zollparliament 的 「 關 稅 會 議 」 。 之 後 , 基 於 以 下 因 素 , 南 德 意 志 各 邦 與 北 德 聯 盟 簽 署 了 一 項 防 衛 聯 盟 條 約 : 民 族 共 同 性 的 重 視 、 在 關 稅 聯 盟 中 的 合 作 ﹑ 反 對 法 國求 取 得 萊 茵 河 區 和 盧 森 堡 藉 以 捍 衛 德 意 志 的 利 益 ﹑讓 軍 事 勝 利 的 榮 耀 照 亮 德 意 志 這 個 徽 號 ﹑ 北 德 聯 盟 在 1866 年 以 後 對 南 德 和 奧 地 利 的 寬 大 。
By emphasizing the common nationality, by association in the Zollverein, by championing the interests of Germany against France over French demand for Rhineland compensation and Luxemburg, by giving military glory to the German name and by the generosity and leniency shown to them and Austria after 1866, South German states signed treaties of defensive alliance with the North German Confederation after joining in the Zollverein to form a customs Parliament called Zollparliament.
把個別樣本之認同感評分乘以同一樣本之重要度評分 求取 幾 何 平均數後再乘以10,就得出0至100分的『身份認同指數』,0分代表絕不投入,100分代表絕對投入,50分代表一半半。
Taking the geometric mean of the strength and importance ratings of each respondent and then multiply it by 10, we have an 'identity index' for the respondent for a certain identity between 0 and 100, with 0 meaning no feeling, 100 meaning extremely strong feeling, and 50 meaning half and half.
古巴代表团在其他一些代表团的支持下 求取 消 这 一限制,因为食典委授权召开 的技术会议已经举行,并认定如果按照使用乳过氧化物酶体系保存生奶的准则(CAC/GL [...]
The Delegation of Cuba, supported by several
[...] other delegations, requested the removal of the restriction [...]
since the FAO/WHO Technical
Meeting on the Benefits and Potential Risks of the Lactoperoxidase System of Raw Milk Preservation mandated by the Commission had taken place and had concluded that the lactoperoxidase system was safe if used in accordance with the Guidelines for the Preservation of Raw Milk by Use of the Lactoperoxidase System (CAC/GL 13-1991) and had recommended that this restriction be lifted.
委員會獲董事會授權對外徵詢委員會 求取 得 的 法律或其他的獨立專業意 見,並在其認為需要時邀請具備相關經驗和專長的外來人士出席。
The Committee is authorised by the Board to obtain external legal or other independent professional advice if required by the Committee and to invite the attendance of outsiders with relevant experience and expertise if it considers necessary.




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