

单词 未示出

See also:

出示 v

produce v
show v
display v

External sources (not reviewed)

Not shown.
此外,对此案件人道主义情况的总体评估 未 显 示出 有 任 何极 为非同寻常的情况,可令瑞典当局根据《外籍人法》第2章第4 节考虑批准其居 住许可。
Furthermore, an overall assessment of the humanitarian circumstances of the case,
including his health
[...] status, did not reveal any exceptionally distressing circumstances to make the Swedish [...]
authorities consider
granting a residence permit under chapter 2, section 4, of the Aliens Act.
自卡塔赫纳首脑会议以来,丹麦表示已经制订了一份有 意义的前瞻性计划,乍得和津巴布韦则 示 , 出 于 各 种原因, 未 制 订 计划。
Since the Cartagena Summit Denmark has indicated that it has now
developed a meaningful plan forward
[...] and Chad and Zimbabwe have indicated that, due to various circumstances, [...]
they have not.
(v) 申請㆟必出示未來僱主的聘用信(見註 5)。
(v) He/She must produce a letter of employment from the prospective employer (see Note 5).
据提交人说,这一次警方未向其 出示 任 何 搜查 令,或是有关调查行为的报告。
On this occasion too, according to the
[...] author, she was not shown either a warrant to [...]
search at her home or a report on the investigation acts conducted.
鑒於政府當未有採 取有效行動,對15條約束政府的有關條 例出修訂 使其亦約束中央政府駐香港特區機構,以及未 完成 就《個人資料(私隱)條例》是否適用於中央政府駐香港特 區機構所進行的覆檢,以致該等機構無須遵守該等條例;而 政府當局又遲未將明文規定對" 官方" 具約束力或適用的35 條有關條例作適應化修改,本會示 高 度 關注,並促請政府 當局解釋此方面工作進展緩慢的原因,以及加快對有關條例出修訂和適應化修改的工作。
That, in view of the Administration's failure to take effective action to amend the 15 relevant Ordinances which bind the Government so that they also bind the offices of the CPG in the HKSAR and to complete the review of the applicability of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to the CPG offices in the HKSAR, resulting in these offices not being required to abide by these Ordinances, and as the Administration has delayed the adaptation of the 35 relevant Ordinances which are expressed to bind, or apply to, the "Crown", this Council expresses serious concern and urges the [...]
Administration to explain the reasons for the slow progress of the work and to expedite amendment and adaptation of the relevant Ordinances.
根据这一立场,法院对荷兰根据 2000 年外国人管理法为驱逐一未出示 身份 证件的法国国民而采取羁押措施给予处罚。
Following this position, the Court of Justice ruled against a Netherlands pre-expulsion
detention measure taken against a French national pursuant to the Aliens
[...] Act of 2000 for failure to present an [...]
identity card.
Sabarsky 先生在被逮捕时未被告知逮捕他的理由 未 被 迅速告知对他提出 的指控,构成违反《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第九条第二款规定的权利和 逮捕令必须在逮捕前事先签发并必须在逮捕 出示 以 及 被逮捕的人必须被迅速带 见法官或其他经法律授权行使司法权力的官员的要求。
The failure to inform Mr. Sabarsky of the reasons for his detention at the time of his arrest or to inform him promptly of the charges against him constitute a violation of the rights under article 9, paragraph 2, of the International [...]
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
and of the requirements that an arrest warrant must be issued prior to an arrest and must be presented at the time of arrest and that the arrested person must be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power.
阿拉伯国家集未能达 成一 致意见,荷兰和法国要求对第 A/C.3/64/L.25*号文件 中所及修正案进行记录投票表决,并明确 示出于 上述原因会投反对票。
Since the Group of Arab States had not joined the consensus, the Netherlands and France called for a recorded vote on the draft amendment contained in document A/C.3/64/L.25* and would vote against it for the reasons mentioned.
(d) 未來僱主的聘用證明 申請㆟首次申請許可證時,必 出示未 來僱 主的聘用信。
Prospective Employer On his/her first application for a permit, the applicant must produce a letter of employment from the prospective employer.
环境规划署打算向一个或更多的供资实体 出 一 项 实际的低消费量国家共同筹资提案,以示未来的 低消费量国家共同资金动员展览在获得共同资金方面的可行性。
UNEP plans to submit an actual LVC co-financing
[...] proposal to one or more funding entities to demonstrate the feasibility of accessing co-financing for [...]
future LVC-country
co-funding mobilization strategies.
另外,内阁 2010 年 7 月 20 日第 657 号条例(即第 7 款)规定,对未列入 理 事会 2009 年 5 月 5 日关于建立共同体管制两用物项出口、转让、中介活动和过 境制度的(EC)No.428/2009 号条例附件一清单的物品,委员会有权根据该条例第 4 条和第 13 条赋予的权利(要出示和拒绝发放非两用物品许可证的权利),要出示和拒绝发放许可证。
In addition, Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 657 of 20 July 2010, namely section 7, provides that the Committee has the right to ask for the licence and to
[...] [...] refuse the issuance of licences for goods that are not listed in annex I to Council Regulation (EC) No. 428/2009 of 5 May 2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items, in accordance with the rights conferred by article 4 and article 13 of the Regulation — the rights to request and deny a licence [...]
for non-dual-use goods.
但秘书处代表出 澄清表示,未承付 余额的大部分与尚未到达财务结算阶段的项目是一致的。
He did however clarify that, for the most part, unobligated balances corresponded to projects that had not yet reached financial completion.
尽管如此,但 Huaying、CMM 和 AMR
[...] Mugote 2 月份继续从 Bisie 采购,而未出示任何 记录, 表明对间接资助武装团体和刚果(金)武装部队内的犯罪网络的风险进行了评估 [...]
(见附件 45)。
Nevertheless, Huaying, CMM and AMR Mugote had continued their
purchases from Bisie in February and
[...] thereafter without showing any documented [...]
effort of having assessed the risk of indirectly
financing armed groups and criminal networks within FARDC (see annex 45).
许多住宅未 出示任何 司法命令的情况下被闯入搜查,这构成对那些住宅神圣性的公然侵犯。
Numerous homes were broken into and searched without any
[...] such order being shown, which constitutes [...]
a clear violation of the sanctity of those homes.
(iii)申請㆟在提交申請前的兩年內,必須曾在 香港合法㆞執行保安工作,而且累積至少 ㆒年工作經驗(見註 4);或 (v) 申請㆟必出示未來僱主的聘用信(見註 5)。
(iii) He/She must have not less than 1 year of cumulative working experience in performing security work lawfully in Hong Kong over the past 2 years immediately before submitting his/her application (Note 4); or
其 中 一 項在 2003 年 作出修訂的準 則,是 在 申 請 甲、乙 及 丙 類 許 可 證 時, 以“對 保安工作 的 熟練程 度"的 準 則,最終取出 示未來僱 主 聘 用 證 明的規 定 。
One of the criteria for making amendments in 2003 was that in applications for a permit of Category A, B or C, the criterion of "Proficiency in Security Work" would eventually replace the requirement for producing the employment certificate issued by a prospective employer.
作為過渡 安 排 , 當 時 亦 訂 明 直 至 2004 年 3 月 31 日為止出 示 “ 未來僱 主的聘 用 證 明 " 仍 然 是申請 許 可 證 的 有效條件之 一 。
As a transitional arrangement, it was stipulated that the production of an employment certificate remains a valid criterion for applying for SPP until 31 March 2004.
利用IT优势:尽管很多矿业公司 示出 创 新的意愿,但它们在利用如数据分析法等后端技术、或并购结束之后有效整合不同技术平台方面 未 能 成 功。为了在降低成本的同时改善运营,它们应当重新审视其IT策略,并且考虑投资可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)、检测控制和数据采集(SCADA)系统、制造执行系统(MES)、商业智能系统、数据分析法以及高级制造系统。
At the IT edge: Despite demonstrated willingness to innovate, many mining companies fail to leverage back-end technology, such as data analytics or properly integrating [...]
disparate technology platforms following
an M&A. To improve operations while reducing costs, they should revisit their IT strategies and consider investing in programmable logic controllers (PLCs), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, manufacturing execution systems (MES), business intelligence systems, data analytics and advanced manufacturing systems.
根据收到的信息,Wangmo 女士被逮捕时警未出示逮捕证。
According to the information received, Ms. Wangmo was presented with no arrest warrant.
在 2003 年 作出修訂前 , 由 於首次 申 請 有關許 可 證 的人均出 示未來僱 主的聘 用 信 , 因此有些申 請 是 透過僱 主提 出 的 。
Prior to the amendment exercise in 2003, persons who were first-time applicants for SPP for performing the relevant categories of security work had to produce letters of employment from prospective employers.
这些 人要求他在两名官员陪伴下,开自己的汽车跟随他们;他们未作任何解释,未 出示逮捕证。
When the victim returned from his lunch break, at around 1 p.m., they asked him to
follow them in his own vehicle, accompanied by two officers; they provided no
[...] explanation, nor did they show a warrant.
本案的实情是,Al-Lami 先生于2010年2月4
[...] 日被国家安全总局便衣人员 逮捕,便衣人员当未出示逮捕证,未将拘留理由通知
The fact is that Mr. al-Lami was arrested on 4
February 2010 by plain-clothes officers of the Directorate General of State
[...] Security without being shown an arrest warrant.
如贖回原有基金之示未能成功執行,但卻能成功完成認購新基金之指示(例如由於 出 贖 回 指示時已過有關基金之本行截數時間、基金贖回 申請於特殊情況下不被有關之基金經理接納、原有基金暫停交易等),客戶將因此而須同時持有及投資於原有基金及新基金,因而須同時承擔該 [...]
If the application to redeem the Original Fund fails (due to reasons such as: the redemption order is submitted after [...]
the Bank’s cut-off time of the
relevant fund, the redemption application has been rejected by the relevant fund manager under exceptional situations, the Original Fund is suspended for trading) but the application to subscribe for the New Fund succeeds, you will then be in a position of concurrently holding and investing in both the Original Fund and the New Fund and will have to bear all the investment risks associated therewith, including but not limited to the relevant fund price fluctuations and exchange rate fluctuations.
為了作過渡 安 排,管 理 委 員會建 議 把 現行出示未來僱 主的聘 用 證 明 " 這項條件的有效期延 長 6 個月, 直 至 2004 年10 月 1 日 才 失 效。
As a transitional arrangement, the SGSIA proposes to extend the validity of the existing "Certification of Employment by Prospective Employer" criterion for six months, that is, the criterion will cease to have effect on 1 October 2004.
不論上述條款已有任何其他一般性規定,鑒於吾等同意接受閣下根據上述第 6 條之規定形式向吾等發 出 指示及/或通過傳真及/或吾等不時允許的其他電子方式及/或其他任何與帳戶之操作相關的文件/指 示,閣
[...] [...] 下同意在吾等提出要求時就吾等因接受該等指示及/或其他任何文件/指示中存在的任何錯誤或疏 漏,或 該等指示及/或其他文件/指示未經閣下正式授權而 出 所 引致的任何索賠、請求、訴訟、法律程序、損失、 罰款、稅負、損害、成本、費用和開支(包括所有吾等支付的法律費用)及任何其他責任立即作出彌償。
Without limitation to the generality of the foregoing, in consideration of us agreeing to accept Instructions pursuant to Clause 6 above and/or to accept any other documents/Instructions in relation to the operation of the Account(s) by facsimile transmission and/or such other electronic means as may from time to time be permitted by us, you shall indemnify us immediately on demand against all claims, demands, actions, proceedings, losses, penalties, fines, taxes, damages, costs, charges and expenses (including all legal costs incurred by us) on a full indemnity basis and
any liability
[...] whatsoever arising out of or in connection with our acceptance of the aforesaid Instructions and/or [...]
any other documents/Instructions
in the event of any error or omission in such Instructions and/or any other documents/Instructions, or such Instructions and/or other documents/Instructions having been issued without proper authorization on your part.
提交人强调,参加突击搜查的检察官和警察既没有 未出示 授 权 逮捕 Osío Zamora 先生的逮捕证、书面命令或法院决定。
The source highlights that the public prosecutors and police officers who took part in the raid neither had nor presented an arrest warrant, written order or court decision authorizing the arrest of Mr. Osío Zamora.
Montagnier 教授和Collizi 教授的专家报告,尽管
[...] 他们的报告足以确定提交人无罪;搜查其中一名共同被告人住所时,被告和律师 均不在场;检方未出示搜查报告。
The Committee also notes the author’s allegations that the expert report of Professors Montagnier and Collizi was dismissed without sufficient reasons, despite every indication that it exonerated the author; that searches of the house of one of the co-defendants were carried out
without the presence of the accused or a defence lawyer; and that the prosecution
[...] never produced the records of the searches.
倘 於 上 市 首 日 上 午 收 市 前 是
[...] 項 貸 款 之 欠 款 未 能 全 數 清 還 及 閣未 有 發 出 有 關 沽 售 指 示 或 該 沽 售示 未 能 於 上 市 首 日 上 午 收 市 前 被 執 行 , [...]
則 本 行 有 權 於 上 市 首 日
持 續 交 易 時 段 之 午 市 內 任 何 時 間 或 任 何 本 行 認 為 適 當 之 時 間 , 在 不 向 閣 下 作 出 要 求 、 通 知 或 任 何 行 動 之 情 況 下 , 代 閣 下 出 售 全 部 或 部 份 認 購 所 得 之 股 份 及 ( 如 適 用 ) 在 本 行 視 為 適 當 時 或 任 何 時 間 , 就 閣 下 未 能 於 上 市 首 日 上 午 收 市 前 成 功 全 數 執 行 之 沽 售 認 購 所 得 股 份 之 指 示 作 出 取 消 或 更 改 ( 不 論 全 數 或 部 份 ) 。
If the sum outstanding under this Loan is not fully repaid
and no such sell
[...] order is placed or such sell order cannot be executed before the Morning Closing on the First Listing [...]
Day, the Bank shall
be entitled to, without demand, notice or any other action with respect to you, sell or otherwise dispose of all or some of the subscribed shares on your behalf at any time during the afternoon session of the continuous trading session on the First Listing Day (or at any time the Bank deems expedient) and (if applicable) to cancel or amend (whether in whole or in part) any selling order that you have placed in relation to the subscribed shares that cannot be fully executed before the Morning Closing on the First Listing Day to the extent the Bank considers appropriate or at any time and in any way the Bank deems expedient.
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略,及时填补 所有工作地点现有未来的 语文员额空缺, 示 注 意 到秘书长关于会议时地分配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 [...]
工作人员竞争性征聘考试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工作地点
In section V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more
effective strategy to fill
[...] current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph [...]
92 of the report
of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, and to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.




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