单词 | 辄 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 辄 —alwaysless common: then • (archaic) luggage rack on a chariot • at once Examples:动辄—at every turn • easily • readily • at the slightest pretext 动辄得咎—faulted at every turn (idiom); can't get anything right
第五,安理会必须抵制动辄诉诸 第七章所赋权 力的诱惑,而应根据第六章促进争端的和平解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fifthly, the Council must resist the temptation to resort to its Chapter VII powers instead of promoting the pacific settlement of disputes under Chapter VI. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 国际关系中,应避免动辄使用武力或威胁使用武力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The use or threat of use of force must be avoided in international relations. daccess-ods.un.org |
不幸的是,安全理事会仍然不能认真处理巴勒斯 [...] 坦问题,因为其五个常任理事国之一实行双重标准, 动辄威胁 对任何寻求实现这一目标的决议草案行使 [...]否决权。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately, the Security Council remains unable to seriously address the Palestinian question, owing to the [...] application of double standards and the [...] exercise of the constant threat of veto [...]by one of its permanent members with regard [...]to any draft resolution that seeks to meet that objective. daccess-ods.un.org |
哪个国 家的政府动辄向其 他国家投下数以千计的炸弹,但在 为索马里或其他地方遭遇饥荒的灾民提供些许粮食 援助时却思前想后、犹豫不决? daccess-ods.un.org | Which Governments are ever ready to drop thousands of bombs on other countries but ponder and hesitate to send a bit of food aid to famine-stricken people in Somalia or elsewhere? daccess-ods.un.org |
和汽车工业上的动 辄数百 万的部件相比工业应用数量相对较少。 schaeffler.com | This applies to relatively small batch sizes for industrial applications in the same way as to components produced in their millions for the automotive industry. schaeffler.com |
鉴于占领国以色列动辄在西岸实施不人 道的禁运等做法,我们要求采取一切可能的必要措 施,使巴勒斯坦平民免遭以色列的侵略。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the inhuman embargo and practices routinely carried out in the Gaza Strip, we call for every possible measure necessary to protect the civilian population of Palestine from the aggression of Israel, the occupying Power. daccess-ods.un.org |
简而言之,这个世界必 须寻找各种办法使产品更经久耐用、更易于修理:如果我们继续那种 动 辄 就 扔掉 的文化,我们就只会在原地打转。 daccess-ods.un.org | Put very plainly, the world has to find ways to make products more durable and repairable: if we continue the throw-away culture we are just spinning in place. daccess-ods.un.org |
近年来导致了大量死亡和动辄数十 亿美元损失的大洪水影响 显示了气候变异性升高今后可能带来的后果。3 在另一个极端,最近十年来发生 的影响着越来越多人的更严重干旱被认为与气温升高和降水减少的趋势有关。 daccess-ods.un.org | The impacts of recent major flooding, which has resulted in many deaths and has cost billions of dollars in damages, are an indication of what could lie in store from increased climatic variability in future.3At the opposite extreme, the more intense droughts seen in the past decade, affecting an increasing number of people, have been linked to trends in higher temperatures and decreased precipitation. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于上述独特的性质, 认为国际投资仲裁有下述缺点:牵涉巨额费用、理赔时间增多、投资人与国家 间争议案件的管理难度越来越大、担心 动 辄 兴 讼 和缠讼、因投资仲裁制度影响 一个主权国家的措施而普遍担心其合法性以及仲裁完全注重支付赔偿而不注重 维护当事各方之间的长期关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | Resulting from these unique attributes, the disadvantages of international investment arbitration are found to be the large costs involved, the increase in the time frame for claims to be settled, the fact that ISDS cases are increasingly difficult to manage, the fears about frivolous and vexatious claims, the general concerns about the legitimacy of the system of investment arbitration as it affects measures of a sovereign State, and the fact that arbitration is focused entirely on the payment of compensation and not on maintaining a long-lasting relationship between the parties. daccess-ods.un.org |
当前,世界上的危机比以往任何时候都更加复 杂,动辄使用 武力和暴力解决冲突,而联合国确保国 际和平与安全的工作的确不是一件容易的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a world in which crises are more complex than ever, where the resolution of conflicts often favours the use of the force and violence, ensuring international peace and security, as is done by the United Nations, is no easy task. daccess-ods.un.org |
跳线测试引线组和端子插孔-当人为错误导致公司 动 辄 损 失几百万美元或产生更大损失时,将这种错误的发生几率降至最低显得尤为重要。 digikey.cn | Jumper Test Lead Sets and Terminal Jacks - When the cost of a human error can easily cost your company millions of dollars or more in lost revenue, minimizing errors is critical. digikey.ca |
还特别告诫,虽然以可接受的仲裁条款的例子 来说明这一规定或许有帮助,但应注意不要将这些例子视为一种标准,今后动 辄就以 这些标准来严格评判《规则》中提到的任何同意形式。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also urged that, while illustrating the provision with examples of acceptable arbitration clauses could be helpful, care should be taken that the examples not become regarded as a standard against which any form of consent under the Rules might be strictly judged in future. daccess-ods.un.org |
行预咨委会仍然认为,工作人员应以某种形式的参与和捐款补充向工作人员 提供法律援助,并认为这将确保工作人员在这一进程中有切身利益,并能够阻止 动辄提起诉讼(另见 A/63/545,第 33 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee continues to hold the view that the provision of legal assistance to staff should be complemented by some form of participation and financial contribution by staff, which, it considers, would ensure that staff have a stake in the process and could discourage unnecessary recourse to litigation (see also A/63/545, para. 33). daccess-ods.un.org |
只有这样,人权理事会 才有可能避免重蹈人权委员会的覆辄 , 按 其创立构想,切实成为真正的对话与合 作机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | Only then will it be possible for the Human Rights Council to avoid repeating the same failure as that of the Commission on Human Rights and become a mechanism of genuine dialogue and cooperation in the real sense as envisaged by its founding ideals. daccess-ods.un.org |
涉及摩托车和前战斗员转业而成的摩托车出 租司机的交通事故越来越多,这些出租司机一般都有组织,而且 动 辄 诉 诸 暴力。 daccess-ods.un.org | An increasing number of traffic accidents involve motorcycles and ex-combatants who have become motorcycle taxi drivers, and who tend to be organized and easily resort to violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
第三,在商 业利益和国家战略考虑的驱动下,国际社会的一些成 员公然违反国家和国际不扩散规则与义务,其中包括 采取选择性做法、动辄例外行事、实行歧视对待和采 用双重标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thirdly, there are blatant violations of national and international non-proliferation rules and obligations by the international community, including the pursuit of selectivity, exceptionalism, discrimination and double standards, guided by commercial and national strategic considerations. daccess-ods.un.org |
我敦促那些支持这项决议草案的国家不要在联 合国内部助长一种动辄提出 指责的趋势。 daccess-ods.un.org | I urge those who support the draft [...] resolution not to help an accusatory tendency to grow in the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
经社文权利委员会 鼓励该缔约国建立随生活费用调整的工资执行机制, 便利追讨欠薪,并对拖欠工资和加班费 、对工人动辄 罚 款和处罚 的 雇 主进行制 裁。 daccess-ods.un.org | CESCR encouraged the State party to establish a wage enforcement mechanism adjusted to the cost of living, facilitate the redress of wage claims, and take sanctions against employers who owe wages and overtime pay and impose fines and penalties on their workers.105 A/HRC/WG.6/4/CHN/2 Page9 daccess-ods.un.org |
保护记者委员会和很多其它消息来源指出,叙利 亚当局继续动辄拘留 记者、中断互联网和电话服务、 禁止国际记者进入该国、完全不许人员进出动乱地 区。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee to Protect Journalists and numerous other sources note that the Syrian authorities continue to detain journalists on a regular basis, disrupt Internet and telephone service, prohibit the entry of international journalists into the country, and block all access to areas of unrest. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于现有的LED设计多数都是低功率的,受成本的压力均采用被动PFC(填谷式),PF可能最高90,远远小于主动P FC 动 辄 9 9 的 效 率,对国家而言用LED取代发光效率非常接近的荧光灯是个压力。 tmlight.com | Since most of the existing LED design are low power, cost pressures are used by the passive PFC (valley-fill), PF may be up to 90, far less than 99 active PFC efficiency at every turn, replaced with LED for countries luminous efficiency of fluorescent lamps is very close to the pressure. tmlight.com |
美国能源交易咨询商Cameron Hanover总裁Peter Beutel周二表示,由于石油行业投入资金增加,政府似乎 动 辄 就 要 采取强硬策略,这是2008年种种不同寻常的变化之一。 hilonggroup.com | U.S. energy trading advisor, president of Cameron Hanover, said Peter Beutel on Tuesday, due to increased capital investment in the oil industry, the Government must take tough policy seems at every turn, this is 2008, one of many unusual changes. hilonggroup.com |