

单词 敬若神明

See also:


pray to a God
respect a deity



External sources (not reviewed)

斯洛伐克将尽最大努力满足要求,按期 作出答复解。
Slovakia would do its outmost to meet the requirements, but
[...] asked for understanding if it did not always respondon time.
日访问阿尔巴尼亚。阿尔巴尼亚政府对特别报告员及其工作人员表现出的专 业素养观性表示由衷的赞赏。
The Government wished to express its highest appreciation for the professional competence, commitment and objectivity of the Special Rapporteur and his staff.
再者,石鼓洲与长洲北帝庙 及长洲坟场遥遥相对,在石鼓洲发展综合废物管理 设施会冒神明先人
Besides, the development of IWMF at SKC facing the Pak Tai Temple and Cheung Chau Cemetery
[...] would be offensive todeity and ancestors.
30.9 倘由於一名股东身故、精智紊乱或破产而使有关人士对股份享有权利,本 公司可透过邮递以预付邮资信件方式向其寄发通知,当中收件人应关人士的姓名或身故股东遗产代理人或破产股东受托人或任何类似的 描述,并邮寄至声称享有权益的人士就此所提供的香港地址(如有),或 (在按上述方式提供有关地址之前)沿用有关股身故乱或 破产本可向其发出通知的任何方式发送通知。
30.9 A notice may be given by the Company to the person or persons entitled to a share in consequence of the death, mental disorder or bankruptcy of a member by sending it through the post
in a prepaid letter
[...] addressedto him or them by name, or by the title of representative of the deceased, or trustee of the bankrupt, or by any like description, at the address, if any, within Hong Kong supplied for the purpose by the person claiming to be so entitled, or (until such an address has been so supplied) by giving the notice in any manner in which the same might have been given if the death,mental disorderor bankruptcy [...]
had not occurred.
教职员具 高长师生活跃,两者均认为,本校每个学生都应具备所需基本技能、知识和价值 观,以致在升学就业和职业发展方面皆能作定。
Its highly dedicated faculty/staff and active PTSA believe that every Marshall student should be equipped with the essential skills, knowledge, and values neededto make wise college,career, and vocational decisions.
欧内斯特·巴伊·科罗马总统继续坚持 2007
[...] 年 上台执政时作出的保证,即政府内没有不可侵犯神 明何部长或官现在处理国家稀少资源的 过程中道德操守有问题,就被解除公职并需退赔挪用 [...]
President Ernest Bai Koroma remains committed to the pledge he took on his assumption
of office in
[...] 2007, that there wouldbeno sacred cowsinGovernment and that [...]
any minister or officialfound wanting in moral probity in the
handling of the country’s meagre resources would be relieved of his or her position and also made to refund whatever he or she misappropriated, in addition to facing legal action.
香港政府㆒向对「行政主导」的管治模式「若神明而九七之後,《基本法》 第五十条已经清楚列明,如果特别行政区行政长官拒绝签署立法会再次通过的法案或 [...]
立法会拒绝通过政府提出的财政预算案或其他重要法案,经协商仍不能取得㆒致意 见,行政长官可在徵询行政会议的意见後,解散立法会。
The Hong Kong Government has always enshrined an
"executive-led" mode of government. Article 50 of
[...] the Basic Law has clearly stated that after [...]
1997, if the Chief Executive of the Hong
Kong Special Administration Region refuses to sign a bill passed the second time by the Legislative Council, or the Legislative Council refuses to pass a budget or any other important bill introduced by the Government, and if consensus still cannot be reached after consultations, the Chief Executive may, after consulting the Executive Council, dissolve the Legislative Council.
难民署工 作人员的工作满意度很高,人力资源改革的目的就是实现现代化的劳动力管理, 同时巩固和加强工作人员
The goal of human resources (HR) reform is to modernize workforce management, while building on and reinforcing staff dedication.
主席还回顾说,缔约国已对执行支助股的业绩、效率、 专业能力、反应能力满意,工作队成员普遍同意需要审查执行支 助股的供资模式,使其具有可持续性和可预期性,并更为公平地分摊责任。
The President also recalled that the States Parties have expressed satisfaction with the performance, efficiency, professional competence, responsiveness and dedication of the ISU and that there was general agreement among the Task Force members on the need to review the financing model of the ISU, in order to make it sustainable and predictable, and to achieve more equitable burden sharing.
於作出任何投资决定前资者细阅及了解有关投资项目或产品的所有发售文件,以及其中所 载的风险披露险警告。
Investors should read and fully understand all the offering documents relating to the relevant investments or products and all the risk disclosure statements and risk warnings therein before making any investment decisions.
他们还强调,在任何情况下限制 任何宗教团敬神的任何企图都是不可接受的。
the unacceptability of any attempt to restrict the freedom of worship by any religious group in any circumstance.
重申人人都有思想、良心和宗教或信仰自由的权利,其中包括信奉或持有自 主选择的宗教或信仰的自由,以及单独或集体、公开或非公开地通过教导、实 践遵奉教或信仰的自由,并在这方面重申,表明宗教或信仰的 自由仅受法律规定的、以及为保护公共安全、秩序、健康或道德或他人的基本权 利和自由所必需的限制的约束
Reaffirming that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief, which includes the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of one’s choice, and the freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest one’s religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance, and, in this regard, reaffirming that the freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others
(i) 注册医生在下述情况下 须承担的法律责 任:因 病 人 患有疾病或 正 处清 的 状态,或因 病 人 是未成年人、行为能力的人而 在 未取得病人 同 意下进行器官移植;病 人的亲属 能否代没有能力作出同 意的病 人作出同 意的亲属 无法就是否同意进行器官移植手术 达 成 共识,将如何处理。
(i) Legal liability of the registered medical practitioner for performing an organ transplant on a patient without first obtaining the latter's consent because of his illness or impaired state of consciousness or his being a minor, a mentallyincapacitated person; whether relatives of a patient who could not give consent might give consent on behalf of the patient; and what would happen if the relatives had no consensus on whether to give consent.
[...] 销中使用资料当事人的个人资料、提供有关资料予 他人以供用於直接促销或售卖有关资料,则须在使 用或售卖资料之前,向资料当事人提供(a)有关资料 当事人个人资料面资讯( 下称" 书面通 知 "),以及(b)一项回应设施,让资料当事人可藉此 以书面向资料使用者反对拟定的使用或 售卖,而如果资料当事人在30日内没有向资料使用 者发出回覆表示反对,便会被视为不反对。
Members raised concern about the Administration's proposed “30day response period”, under which a data user who intended to use the personal data of a data subject, or provide such data to other persons for use, in direct marketing or sell such data had to provide, before the use or sale, the data subject with (a) certain written information about the data subject's
personal data ("written
[...] notification"), and (b) a response facility through which the data subjectmight indicatein writing to the data user whether the data subject objected to the intended [...]
use or sale, and the
data subject would be taken not to object if no reply indicating objection was sent to the data user within 30 days.
我们接纳法案委员会的建议,加入第 22A 条,明若的清盘令被法 院作废;或金融管理专员启动赔款的决定被行政长官会同行政会议或法院撤 销,则因该事故而启动的存保计划赔款机制将会当作从未发生,但已经发放 的赔款仍然合法。
We have accepted the recommendation of the Bills Committee and now propose to add a new clause 22A, providing that ifthe trigger decision of the Monetary Authority is revoked by the Chief Executive in Council or set aside by a court, it is deemed that the specified event triggering off payment from the DPS never occurred but that the legality of the compensation already paid will not be affected.
郑家富议员要求政府当局提供资料,明若规定安装 记录仪的建议亦适用於现役公共小巴,有关小巴所须作出的技 术修订及涉及的额外开支。
Hon Andrew CHENG has requested the Administration to provide information on the technical refinement required for the existing PLBs if the proposed mandatory installation of EDRD also applies to them and the additional costs that would be incurred.
通过扩大班级的规模、增加教师的工作量(尤其是对教学的支持本来就比 较差的情况下)、降低师范学院的入学门坎、聘用未经培训或不称职的专业人 员或几乎没有职业保障的合同老师等,都有可能进一步降低教师职业的地位,
[...] 使教师缺乏应有的设备来对付课堂上面临的现实问题,或导致教师丧
Responses to shortages through larger class sizes, by increasing teacher workload, especially if teaching support is already poor, by lowering the entry level to teacher colleges, by hiring untrained or poorly trained professionals or contract teachers with little job security, can further lower the status of the teaching profession,
leave teachers ill-equipped to cope with the realities of the classroom or
[...] result in a lossof professional [...]
最后,美国谨再次赞扬哈吉特别代表的领导东综合团维和人员的工作和贡献、国际社 [...]
会向东帝汶提供的多边和双边支助,以及东帝汶人民 本身继续对东帝汶和平与安全作出的奉献。
In closing,the UnitedStates would like [...]
to once again commend the leadership and dedication of Special Representative Haq,
the peacekeepers of UNMIT for their work and contributions, the international community for its multilateral and bilateral support to Timor-Leste, and the Timorese themselves for their continued dedication to peace and security in Timor-Leste.
有关郭序先生、张志华先生、生、、庞红涛先生及谭泽之先生之履 历载於本通函附录三。
Particulars relating to Mr. Guo
Xu, Mr. Cheung Chi Hwa, Justin, Mr.
[...] Cheung King Shan, Mr. WongMing,Kerry, Mr. Pang [...]
Hong Tao, Peter and Mr. Tam Chak Chi
are set out in Appendix III to this circular.
至於要求日皇公开致歉㆒事,由於是次纪念活动的目标,是希望香港㆟和那些曾 经参与保卫及光复香港的海外㆟士,能够好像主要问题所说的㆒样,有机会对各方面 ㆟士在战争期间表现的牺牲气致并为香港获得重光表示感恩及表达 新的愿望,因此我认为不宜在此大前提之㆘牵涉到日皇。
As regards the request to seek an assurance from the Japanese Emperor, the object of the commemoration is for the people of Hong Kong and for those from overseas who fought for its defence and eventual liberation to, as the words of the principal question read, pay tribute to the sacrifice and courage of the people of the territory during the war years and to give thanks for deliverance and to express renewed hope.
秘书长在报告第四节中决定将目前适用于两法庭常任 法官的养恤金办法(见报告第 15 至第 17 段)扩及持续服务超过 3 年的审 案法官,在经费上便有各种牵涉。
In section IV of his report, the Secretary-General sets out the financial implications of a General Assembly decision to extend the pension scheme currently applicable to permanent judges of the two Tribunals (see paras. 15–17 of the report) to ad litem judges with more than three years’ continuous service.
(d) 根据《教导所条例》(第 280章 )第 3条,止将所 作为教导所用途,并指定励敬惩教所内7A号及7B号囚仓为教 [...]
导所(第 53号法律公告)。
(d) declare the Lai King Training Centre ceases [...]
to be a training centre under section 3 of the Training Centres Ordinance
(Cap. 280) and to appoint Dormitories 7A and 7B in the Lai King Correctional Institution to be used as a training centre (L.N. 53).
为免生疑问,特此和/或其家长/监护人已收到 PEI 或托管银行/保险公司* 依照本协议或主托管协议/主保险协议*就任何事宜或损害而支付的任何款项,则该学生 和/或其家长/监护人应无权依照本协议或主托管协议/主保险协议*中的其他任何条款向 [...]
PEI 或托管银行/保险公司*就同一事宜或损害另行索赔相同款项。
For the avoidance
[...] of doubt, if theStudent and/or his/her parent/guardian receives any payment from the PEI or [...]
the Escrow Bank/Insurance
Company* pursuant to a provision of this Agreement or the Master Escrow Agreement/Master Insurance Agreement* in respect of any matter or damage, then the Student and his/her parent/guardian shall not be entitled to claim against the PEI or the Escrow Bank/Insurance Company* for the same payment in respect of the same matter or damage pursuant to any other provision of this Agreement or the Master Escrow Agreement/Master Insurance Agreement*.
(五 ) 自 ㆖述事件㆗有关 的㆟获 推 选 进 入 校 管 会 起,至本年 6 月
初 传 媒 揭露此 事 前 , 当 局曾否 告 知全校 师 生 该 ㆟ ㆒ 直 未 获
[...] 委任, 以 及事 件 被 揭 发 後 , 当 局 有 否 交 代 事件; 若 有 , 详 情为何 ; 若 否 , 原因 为 何,以 及缺乏 交 代 是 否 违 反 校 本 的 民 主 问 责 及 高 度结果为何 ; 及
(e) during the period from the election of the person involved in the above incident to act as the SMC member to the beginning of June this year when the incident was revealed by the media, whether the authorities have informed all the teachers and students of the school of the fact that the person had not been appointed, and after the revelation of the incident, whether the authorities have explained the matter; if they have, of the details of the explanation; if not, the reasons for that and
whether the lack of
[...] explanation contradicts the spirit ofdemocracy, accountability and high transparency of school-based management; ifthey have, [...]
of the assessment results; and
[...] 素,连带有关规章制度,也在一段长时间内被人若神明敢轻言改革, 造成这套制度失去了与时并进、修正改善的契机。
A highly efficient and honest Civil Service has always been regarded as an important factor for the success of Hong Kong. And, for a long time, the relevant civil service
regulations and system have also been
[...] looked uponassosacrosanct that they cannot be [...]
changed lightly, thus missing many
an opportunity for making amendments and improvements that would enable this system to keep abreast of the times.
He will be remembered for accepting the painful secession of Eritrea in 1993, rather than prolong the civil war, and for his efforts to reach an agreement with Egypt over the use of the Blue Nile waters.
在截取行动方面,专员 观察到,执法机关行事负责,并恪守《条例》的规定和执行权或其中某些部分已无必要或已不符合相 称性的条件,负责的执法机关会尽快终止行动。
With regard to interception operations, the Commissioner made the observation that the LEAs had acted in a responsible manner and complied closely with the requirements and spirit of the Ordinance, in that whenever it was no longer necessary or proportional to continue with the prescribed authorization, or part of it, discontinuance would be undertaken as soon as possible.
关於第一点,我们考虑到立法已积极尝试为大厦购 买第三者风险保险,但遇到实际的困难,并已联络所属地区的民政事 务处求助;或法团因为续保或处理保单过渡问题而未能赶及在新法例 生效前获发保险通知,总署不会即时对法团提出检控。
Regarding the first point, having regard to the spiritof legislation, if the OCs concerned have already made their best endeavour to procure insurance and contacted the District Offices of their respective districts for assistance; or the OCs concerned are not able to obtain the Notice of Insurance in view of renewing or handling the transition of their existing insurance policies before the commencement of the new legislation, the HAD will not immediately prosecute these OCs.
强调人人都有享有思想、良心和宗教或信仰自由的权利,包括信奉或持 有自主选择的宗教或信仰的自由,以及单独或集体、公开或非公开地通过教导、 实践遵奉教或信仰的自由,包括改变宗教信仰的权利
Stresses that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief, which includes the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of one’s choice, and the freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest one’s religion or belief in teaching,practice,worship and observance, including the right to change one’s religion or belief
然而,也要指出,该部门还应在提高效率、侧重计划传播和如何达到预期结果,特别 是在确保增强专业能力加大力度。
Nevertheless, it should also be stated that the Sector needs to strengthen efforts towards achieving efficiency, focus in programme delivery and the attainment of desired results in particular by ensuring high levels of professional competence and commitment.




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