单词 | 掘出 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 掘出—exhumeless common: unearth dig out See also:掘—dig
这 些矿工目前采掘出来的钻石尺寸平均而言非常小,需要 8 至 10 个钻石才能达到 一克拉的重量。 daccess-ods.un.org | On average the stones currently recovered bythese miners are very small in size, requiring 8 to 10 stones to achieve one carat in weight. daccess-ods.un.org |
缔约国告知委员会,他 无法根据申诉人的请求掘出尸体,因为这一事项已经 得到主管机构的处理,而且没有出现任何新的资料证 明有必要掘出尸体。 daccess-ods.un.org | It informed the Committee that it could not pursue the complainant’s request to exhumethe body as this matter has already been considered by the authorities and [...] no new information [...]has come to light to justify such a reopening. daccess-ods.un.org |
与采矿活动有关的环境影响,因地区而有差异,视采矿和处理的技术以及当 地的特征而定;其中包括:矿石/矿物的性质;矿床的深度;掘出物质及其周围 岩石的化学成分;原生物质;地形;气候和修复方法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The environmental impacts associated with mining activities, which vary from region to region depending on mining and disposal technologies and local features, include the nature of the ore/mineral; the depth of the deposit; the chemical composition of the extracted matter and the surrounding rocks; naturally occurring substances; topography; climate; and reclamation practices. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的故事受在启德挖掘出的龙津石桥的启发。 venicebiennale.hk | Our story is inspired by the unearthing of the Lung Tsun Stone Bridge in Kai Tak. venicebiennale.hk |
申诉人认为,委员会在决定中的建议十分 清楚,掘出尸体,在有四位国际上派来的医生在场的 情况下再做一次验尸,这才是对建议做出的公正反 应。 daccess-ods.un.org | The complainant submits that the [...] Committee’s recommendation in its decision is [...] clear andthatanexhumation of the body, followed [...]by a new autopsy in the presence [...]of four international doctors would be a fair response to it. daccess-ods.un.org |
在一 些被挖掘出的遗体的身份问题上,仍然存在一些疑问,摩洛哥王国应当着手进行 DNA daccess-ods.un.org | Doubts remain as to the [...] identity of some exhumedbodies, which [...]the Moroccan Government has a duty to dispel by performing DNA testing. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些国家认 为尚未发现的或通过考古发掘已经发掘出的文物的所有权属于当局(安哥拉、阿根廷、波斯尼亚 [...] 和黑塞哥维那、中国、厄瓜多尔、匈牙利、意大利、墨西哥、波兰和乌克兰)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Some States consider that ownership of cultural objects that have not yet been [...] discovered or have already been extracted from [...] archaeological excavationslies withthe public [...]authorities (Angola, Argentina, Bosnia [...]and Herzegovina, China, Ecuador, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Poland and Ukraine). unesdoc.unesco.org |
他的用光不仅呈现服装本身的生命和色彩,同时也挖掘出了穿在模特身上后的质地和深度。 ba-repsasia.com | His lighting is painterly and brings the clothes alive while giving depth to themodel. ba-repsasia.com |
大雄发掘出一个土球,形状像一个鸡蛋。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Nobita unearths a ball of soil,shaped like an egg. en.seekcartoon.com |
上海对其多所具有地区性与全国性重要地位的博物馆引以为傲,例如: 上海博物馆 (含艺术博物馆与历史博物馆),该馆有世上最珍贵的中国历史文物馆藏,包括 1949 之後陆续发掘出土的考古文物。 seagate.com | It boasts several museums of regional and national importance such as the Shanghai Museum of art and history which has one of the best collections of Chinese historical artifacts in the world, including important archaeological finds since 1949. seagate.com |
2004 年重新开始工作。至今,已掘出585具遗体,完成了196 项身份确 [...] 认工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | To date, 585exhumations and 196identifications [...] have been made.143 86. daccess-ods.un.org |
(f) 只有本组织在项目鉴别、编写和提交方面投入大量资金,非物质文化遗产的预算 外资金潜力才能被充分挖掘出来。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (f) The extrabudgetary funding potential of the intangible cultural heritage can only be fully tappedif the Organization makes considerable investments in project identification, formulation and presentation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
格罗茨•贝克特和最新落成的技术和研发中心(TEZ)可以帮助纺织机械生产商和用户将未来市场的潜力全部发掘出来。 news.groz-beckert.com | With Groz-Beckert and the new Technology and Development Centre (TEZ), textile [...] machine producers and users are being given new [...] opportunitiesto makefull use of [...]the potential offered by this future market. news.groz-beckert.com |
一个相关的发展情况是,2010 年 5 月 6 日一支由红十字国际委员会、伊拉克、 [...] 科威特、美利坚合众国和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的专家和法医专家组成的 小组在科威特北部发现并挖掘出55具伊拉克军事人员的遗骸。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a related development, a team of experts and forensic specialists from ICRC, Iraq, Kuwait, the United States of America and the United [...] Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [...] discoveredandexhumed the remains of [...]55 Iraqi military personnel in northern Kuwait on 6 May 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使佩戴多年,佩戴者仍可以不停地发掘出腕表新的一面。 iwc.com | The owner may wear the watch for a [...] few years, but he will never stop discovering surprising new [...]things about it. iwc.com |
然而与西方的不同之处在于,这些中国克隆网站已经挖掘出Pinterest模式相对来说未被发现的潜能。 spla-t.com | Unlike the West however, these Chinese clones have realized the relatively untapped potential of thePinterest format. spla-t.com |
CIC每月通过我们的自然语言分析挖掘系统分析挖掘出包括竞争车型在内的各类产品体验反馈,并通过指标量化各个反馈内容,为广州丰田提供了关于产品和服务反馈的定量定性数据,帮助他们调整相应的服务改进体系。 ciccorporate.com | At CIC we quantifiy this feedback through our text mining technology to provide a quantitative and qualitative analysis for Toyota Camry, to help them audit and improve the whole service system. ciccorporate.com |
用户可以使用的内容,如视频,社交网络冲浪的指尖从他们的互联网和访问,以及挖掘出的信息和电子邮件。 technologeeko.com | Users can consume content such as video, surf the Internet and access social networks from their [...] fingertips, as wellas tapout messages and email. technologeeko.com |
但Ramesh先生正是通过这种严格要求发掘出了学生的潜力,再说人的极限只有通过勤奋的练习才能提高。 cn.lsbf.edu.sg | However, it is through this that Mr Ramesh optimise the potential of his students and with diligent practice, limits can be stretched. lsbf.edu.sg |
麦当娜表示:“斯米诺夜生活交流项目已经从全球各地挖掘出了很多了不起的舞蹈天才。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project has uncovered amazing dance talent from all over the world," said Madonna. tipschina.gov.cn |
自本公司 2002 年成立开始,我们的客户总是给我们带来惊讶和惊喜,他们给我们的产品找到了无数用武之地,从最讲求实际的用途到最具创意的用途,应有尽有! 由于我们的新型手持式 3D 数字化仪使用起来如此简单方便,所以我们完全可以预期客户同样可以发掘出它的更多用途。 goscan3d.com | Since the foundation of Creaform in 2002, our clients have never ceased to surprise and amaze us with the countless uses of our products they’ve come up with, from the most pragmatic to the most creative! Since it is so simple and accessible, we fully expect that the same is going to happen with our newest handheld 3Ddigitizer. goscan3d.com |
他们要克服个人主义,并在信仰的光照下,发掘出他们在团体间有责任感地与他人相处的特殊使命。 catholic.edu.hk | They are to overcome their individualism and discover, in the light of faith, their specific vocation to live [...] responsiblyin a community with others. catholic.edu.hk |
任何使用 XANGO 赞果产品的人都不免会在自己的交际圈内谈论起这个话题,引起别人的好奇,甚至发掘出真正对经营这些产品有兴趣的人。 xango.com.tw | Any individual who uses XANGO products will generate general curiosity or even genuine interest within their circle. xango.co.uk |
在体育力量的感召下,智力残障人士可以发掘出新的强项、能力、技能并获得成功。 specialolympics.dev.1over0.com | Through the power of sports, people with intellectual disabilities discover new strengths and abilities, skills and success. specialolympics.dev.1over0.com |
XANGO 赞果公司成立於 2002 年,是率先推出此饮品的公司,它洞烛先机,发掘出一片有潜力的市场 — 此後,每年有越来越多眼光独到的经销商发现,此商机有发展出一系列相关产品的无限潜能。 xango.com.tw | XANGO began in 2002 as a category creator with a spectacular ground-floor opportunity — and, each year since, more and more discerning distributors have found the opportunity as compelling as anything available. xango.com.au |
当我们平常的脑波转换成Theta脑波的状态时,我们能够创造的疗癒可以涵盖各个层面:我们可以挖掘出问题的根源,转化情绪的障碍,拉出负面信念,清除世代相传的家族模式,疗癒身体的疾病甚至细胞的深层记忆,并且下载正面的新的程式和想法。 shufangwang.net | This cutting edge method is working in the Theta brainwave state, we are able to create the healing on all levels: we candig out the root of problems, transform emotional blocks, pull out negative beliefs, clear genetic family patterns, heal physical ailment down to cellular level and install positive new programs and beliefs. shufangwang.net |
本文提出了在蛋白质互相作用网络中复合物的相对稠密概念,并给出了一种新的算法能够挖掘出相对稠密的蛋白质复合物。 chinese.eurekalert.org | This paper presents an analysis of the topological properties of protein complexes to show that although proteins from the same complex are more highly connected than proteins from different complexes, many protein complexes are not very dense. chinese.eurekalert.org |