

单词 花生秀

See also:



show (loanword)
ear of grain

External sources (not reviewed)

例子包括:番茄 泥花生醬(一花生烘烤 並磨碎,然後加 花生 油 而 成的可供塗抹糊)、 其他果仁醬(例如腰果醬),以及南瓜醬。
Examples include:
[...] tomato puree, peanut butter (a spreadable paste made from roasted and ground peanuts by the addition of peanut oil), other [...]
nut butters (e.g. cashew butter), and pumpkin butter.
其他一些項目包括: 學生會、舞台工作人員訓練、新聞寫作、 秀生 榮 譽 學會和意大利文學會。
Some of our other programs include student government, stage crew, Journalism, Aptos Beta Club, AVID, and Italian Club.
当晚他还表演了一 场由各种消费品烟花组合成的花秀,效果精彩令人难忘。
That night, he also staged a show using a
variety of consumer
[...] fireworks devices specially fused to provide an impressive and exciting aerial show, demonstrating the versatility of consumer fireworks.
Tsubaki,山花,蕴 含丰富的油酸(Oleic acids),与肌肤的天然油酸非常接近,能深层修护受损发根,焕活美丽 生秀 发。
Tsubaki, or Camellia flower, is packed with oleic acids that are extremely compatible with human skin, repairing damaged hair follicles while nurturing and giving new life to hair.
但现在主流新闻媒体 的相关性受到了非主流渠道日益流行的挑战,新闻传播平台正在迅速扩张,并不 断花样翻 新,社交媒介工具也在改变着人们获得和共享信息的方式,因此,咨 询委员会试想,现在是否已到新闻部作出以下评估的时候:如何使其新闻活动更 好地为本组织需求服务,如何提高其工作的创造力和创新性,如何继续以较贴近 世界各地人们日生活的 方式促进联合国工作。
However, now that the relevance of the mainstream news media is being challenged by the rising popularity of alternative sources, news distribution platforms are rapidly multiplying and diversifying and social media tools are revolutionizing the way in which people access and share information, the Committee wonders whether the time has come for the Department of Public [...]
Information to assess how it can enhance
the responsiveness of its public information activities to the Organization’s needs, how it can bring greater creativity and innovation to its work, and how it can continue to promote the work of the United Nations in a way that is more relevant to the daily lives of individuals all around the world.
(c) 推行學生為本活動及發展計劃-為學生舉辦交換生計劃及交
流活動,以擴闊他們的視野和推動院校國際化;把社區及社 會服務列為常規課程的一部分、發展全人教育、提供結合實 習機會的教育活動,以及提升學生的領袖才能及關鍵能力,
[...] 藉以促進學生的發展;設立獎學金表揚 秀 學 生 ; 以 及提高 香港在國際教育界的地位。
(c) Student-oriented activities and development programmes - to conduct student exchange programmes and activities for students to widen their exposure and to promote internationalisation; to further student development by including community and social services as part of the regular curriculum, developing whole-person education, providing work-integrated education activities, and enhancing students’ leadership skill
and core competence; to provide
[...] scholarships for outstanding students; and to strengthen [...]
Hong Kong’s position in the international education arena.
[...] 学金方案提供部分支助,这些奖学金提供给来自贫困家庭的 秀 学 生 , 还开展了 一些提高教育质量的发展项目,缩小教育过程中的差距,更有效地教授在今后的 [...]
These are implemented through regional pre-school education programmes and are partially financed out of local and
regional scholarship programmes addressed to
[...] particularly gifted students from the poorest [...]
families, and through development projects
improving the quality of education, narrowing the educational gap in the process of education, more effective teaching of key competences needed in future education and in the labour market.
1974 年,Chapin 博士作为康涅狄格大学的秀毕业生 获 得 化学理科学士学位。
Dr. Chapin was an honors scholar graduate of the University of Connecticut, with a bachelor of science degree in chemistry in 1974.
一些发言者呼吁在下列方面实现早期收获:(a) 全面实施世界 贸易组织关于给予最不发达国家所有产品免关税和免配额市场准入的《香港部长 宣言》的规定;(b) 对最不发达国家的服务和服务供应商实施优惠和更有利待遇 的特准决定;以及(c) 在与棉花贸易有关的方面取得重大、迅速和具体的成果, 特别是取消扭曲贸易的国内花生产 支 助措施和出口补贴,并对最不发达国家的 棉花和棉花产品给予免关税和免配额的市场准入。
Some speakers called for an early harvest on (a) the full implementation of the provisions of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration concerning duty-free and quota-free market access for all products originating from all least developed countries; (b) a waiver decision on preferential and more favourable treatment for services and service suppliers of least developed countries; and (c) an ambitious, expeditious and specific outcome for cotton trade-related aspects, in particular, the elimination of trade-distorting domestic support measures and export subsidies, and the granting of duty-free and quota-free market access for cotton and cotton by-products originating in least developed countries.
不論是否添加 了其他配料均不獲得豁免的食物 花生 、 杏 仁、腰果、南杏、北杏等果仁,蓮子等種子, 米或其他穀物,燕窩及燕餅。
Foods which could not be exempted irrespective of addition of
other ingredient include
[...] nuts, such as peanuts, almonds, cashew nuts, South Apricot and North Apricot, [...]
Seeds, such as Lotus
seed, rice or other cereal grains, Bird’s nest and Bird’s nest cake.
在 2009 年 3 月 3 日第 4 次会议上,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国代表针对捷 克外 交 共和国部长卡雷尔·施瓦 岑贝格先生(代表欧洲联盟 、阿尔巴 尼亚、 亚美尼 亚 、 波 斯 尼亚和 黑塞哥维纳、克罗地亚、 黑山、 摩尔多瓦共和国、前南斯拉夫 的 马 其顿共和国、土耳 其和乌克兰)的发言和大韩民国外交通 商 部次官申秀先生的 发言行使答辩权发言。
At the 4th meeting, on 3 March 2009, a statement in exercise of the right of reply was made by the representative of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the statement of Mr. Karel Schwarzenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic (on behalf of the European Union, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Republic of Moldova, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey and Ukraine), and the statement of Mr. Shin, Kak-Soo, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea.
(d) 應避免提供黏性過高的食物,如糯米粽子及農 曆新年糕點,以及質地過硬的食物, 花生及 核桃。
(d) foods that are too sticky such as glutinous rice
flour dumplings and Chinese New Year cake or foods that are hard
[...] in texture such as peanuts and walnuts should [...]
be avoided.
总医院的帐篷里挤满了婴儿床和装 花生 酱 的 硬纸板箱。
The tents at General Hospital are crowded with cribs and
[...] cardboard boxes of fortified peanut paste.
这里的留生花在住 宿、膳食、服装、休闲娱乐、交通和电话方面的平均费用每周大约为 360澳元。
An average
[...] international student in Australia will spend about A$500 [...]
a week on accommodation, food, clothing, entertainment, transport and telephone.
为了解决农村贫困地区的营养不良难题,粮农组织和国际农业发展基金(农 发基金)已在许多国家协助地方项目,建立和维持种植藜、小米、苋菜、绿叶蔬 菜和一花生作物 的家庭菜园,这也成为妇女的创收活动。
To address the challenges of nutritional deficiencies in poor rural areas, FAO and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have supported local projects in numerous
countries to establish and
[...] maintain home gardens producing species such as quinoa, millet, amaranth, leafy vegetables and some groundnuts, which have [...]
also resulted in income-generating activities for women.
(c) 审查现有的奖学金制度(该制度为高中毕业考试中成绩最 秀 的 考 生颁 发 去海外学习的全额奖学金),力求使这一制度更为公平,为低收入家庭的秀 学生提供 机会,否则他们尽管十分出色,也可能拿不到奖学金。
(c) The review of the existing laureate scheme (which offers fully funded scholarships for overseas studies to the best candidates
at the Higher
[...] School Certificate examinations) aims at bringing more equity into the system and providing opportunities to bright students from low-income families who would [...]
otherwise have been
deprived of a scholarship although they are highly meritorious.
持续评估计划》凭借其规律性、反馈和基于业绩的任务等优势,可 令生成为更优秀的学习者,培养 生 的 自 信心和自律。
The Continuous Assessment Scheme, with its merits of regularity, feedback and performance-based tasks, will make students become better learners, develop self-confidence and perform autonomously.
Espinola补充道:“Ballard & Tighe英语教学产品系列将提供必要的支持、系统的教学和严格的培训,帮助 生 取 得 优 秀 的 英 语学业成绩,使学生作好进入亚洲和海外高等学院的准备。
The Ballard & Tighe English language teaching line will provide the necessary support, systematic instruction, and rigor to help students achieve academic success in English and prepare them for entry into institutions of higher learning both in Asia and abroad," adds Espinola.
该系统以一种公平、客观和高效的方式为 3M吸引和甄选最秀的毕业生人才
This has attracted and selected the best graduate talent for 3M in a fair, objective and efficient way.
研究所还设立了向这些学院提供教育服务的正式框架(研究方案、监督、考 试和向秀毕业生颁发学位证书)。
The Institute also constitutes the official framework for the provision of pedagogical services to these colleges (study programs, supervision, examinations and issuing of diplomas to successful graduates).
戴爾公司 (Nasdaq 交易代號:DELL) 為全球首要的電腦系生產商,通過 秀 的 產品和服務,協助客戶建立資訊科技及互聯網基建。
(NASDAQ: DELL) is a premier provider of products and services required for customers worldwide to build their information-technology and Internet infrastructures.
要他花㆒生的積 蓄,購買㆒個本來就屬於他們的單位,並 不是如房委會想像的㆒件理所當然的事情。
Thus to ask them to spend their life savings [...]
on a flat that is in effect theirs is not a task as "taken-for-granted" as the HA had imagined.
在美国,李氏杆菌爆发导致100起事件和18人死亡,召回约5000个新切的甜 瓜,而花生酱有 关的沙门氏菌爆发导致43个州的500多起事件,召回价值 [...]
In the United States of America, a Listeria outbreak resulted in 100 cases and 18 deaths, leading to recalls of about 5 000 freshly
cut cantaloupes, while a Salmonella
[...] outbreak linked to peanut butter resulted in more [...]
than 500 cases in 43 states and led
to recalls worth US$1 billion.
梦达驰是一个正式通过了ISO 9001,ISO 14001,及ISO/TS 16949的公司,经常获得令人羡慕的荣誉,如:欧宝/通用的“年度最佳供应商奖”及福特汽车公司的“Q1质量奖”,并经常性地获得一流汽 生 产 商的 优秀 供应商评价。
Montaplast is an official certified ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO/TS 16949 company, has frequently won the coveted "Supplier of the Year Award" from Opel/GM, has won the "Q1 Quality Award" from the Ford Motor Company and has repeatedly received excellent supplier evaluations from these and a range of top-flight auto manufacturers.
澳洲奖学金包括两类:成就类——旨在吸引海外最 秀 的 学 生 、 研究人员和专业人士来澳学习和从事研究工作,同时也鼓励澳洲公民赴海外从事上述活动;发展类——旨在构建发展中国家的能力。
The Australia Awards are comprised of two streams: an
achievement stream that targets the
[...] best and brightest students, researchers and [...]
professionals to come to Australia and
for Australians to do the same offshore; and a development stream that builds capacity in developing countries.
为了进一步改善学生的社会条件,根据政府关于将奖学金数额增加三倍的 行动计划目标,从 2005 年 2 月 1 日开始,可获得政府预算资助的奖学金的学生 所占比例已从 40%增至 70%,奖学金和秀学生奖学 金比例也在不断增加。
With the purpose to improve social conditions for students and pupils in accordance with the objective of the Activity Plan of the Government on tripling of the number of scholarships, starting with February 1, 2005, the ratio of scholarships was increased from 40% to 70% of budgetary students, the ratio of the scholarships and merit scholarships being also increased.
本届的参赛队伍包括:澳洲的高宝烟花公司、韩国的汉华烟花公司、菲律宾的汉娜烟花公司、台湾的思源烟花公司、葡国的比洛非烟花公司、泰国的太平洋烟火有限公司、德国的力高烟花公司、日本的森上烟火工业所(Morikami)、中国的湖南 秀 烟 花 和 法 国的西奥烟花公司。
The fireworks teams for this year includes: Global Pyrotechnics from Australia, Hanwha Corporation from Korea, Hannah Corporation from the Philippines, Sy-Yuan Fireworks from Taiwan, Pyrofel - Pirotecnia, Lda. from Portugal, Pacific Pyro Co.
值 得注意的新的合作领域包括伊斯兰会议组织成员国的铁路运输、旅游和改善 花生 产加 工,此外还包括为摆脱内部冲突和自然灾害的成员国调集人道主义资源。
Noteworthy new areas of cooperation were
railway transport, tourism and the
[...] improvement of cotton production and processing [...]
in OIC member States, in addition to the
mobilization of humanitarian assistance for its member States that were emerging from internal conflicts or natural disasters.
[...] 茶));戊唑醇(鲜食葡萄,干葡萄,桃(包括欧盟层面的油桃),苹果,梨,青椒,樱桃 和杏);吡唑醚菌酯(柑橘,油籽(除 花生 外 )) ;螺虫乙酯(可食用内脏(哺乳动物)); [...]
The Delegation of the European Union expressed its reservation on a number of MRLs proposed for the following pesticide / commodity combinations: tebuconazole (lettuce, head); acephate / methamidophos (rice); hexythiazox (hops, dry and tea, green, black (black, fermented and dried)); tebuconazole (table grapes, dried grapes, peaches (includes nectarines at EU level), apples, pears, peppers, cherries and
apricots); pyraclostrobin (papaya, citrus,
[...] oilseeds (except peanuts)); spirotetramat [...]
(edible offal (mammalian)); acetamiprid
(spring onions and plums) and isopyrazam.




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