

单词 花瓶

花瓶 ()

flower vase
fig. just a pretty face


花瓶以 n

vases n

See also:


vase n
bottle n
jar n

classifier for objects in a handheld bottle, vial, or flask, such a bottle of water

External sources (not reviewed)

在中国河北吴桥杂技艺术学校,女生们正在练习用双脚旋转鼓 花瓶。
Here, in Wuqiao Acrobatic School, girls practise
[...] spinning a drum-like vase with their feet.
穆里尔·蒂普顿先生在前面犯了错,并且他射击她,却没有意识到,她已经退休前一段时间,也意外,Moseby先生在酒店打破 花瓶。
Muriel makes a mistake in front of Mr. Tipton and he fires
her, not realizing that she had already retired some time ago, also Mr. Moseby
[...] accidentally breaks the vase in the hotel.
Chor集市是孟买有名的小偷市场,这里是喜欢砍价的游客在琳琅满目的商品中翻出明朝和楼 花瓶 , 并 以一口价成交的地方。
Chor Bazaar is Mumbai's famous thieves market where bargain-hungry tourists rummage for Ming vases and Muranos at [...]
throwaway prices.
而像11岁的杂技学徒任培苑这样的女孩,能够用双脚不停旋转一个鼓状 花瓶。
Girls, including 11-year-old apprentice acrobat Yuan,
[...] spin a drum-like vase with their feet.
雖然特首不是普選產生,但他們始終是巿民代表,不是政 花瓶。
Although the CE is not elected by universal suffrage, the audiences are indeed people's
[...] representatives, not political foils.
在玻璃柜里,花瓶、碗 碟、厨具等等。
In the display
[...] cabinet, there are vases, culinary, plates, [...]
bowls and so on.
要紓緩香港的貧富差距,最重要的是政府對扶貧工作的誠意和決心,若 政府沒有決心解決問題,繼續以“大市場、小政府”作藉口,認為單單股市 暢旺便能解決問題的話,我相信無論重置多少個扶貧委員會也是於事無補, 最終也只不過是多設一花瓶,多 一個“吹水”場所而已。
If we want to narrow the wealth gap in Hong Kong, the most important thing is the Government's sincerity and determination in helping the poor. If the Government has no determination in solving the problem and continues to use "big market, small government" as the excuse, thinking that we can rely on a bullish market alone to solve the problem, I believe no matter how many CoPs are re-established, at the end of the day, we will only have one more showcase and forum for empty talk.
此外,大连也因其产量丰富的玻璃器皿、玉器、丝绸、珠宝、工艺品、雕塑和古 花瓶 而 闻 名于世。
Dalian is also known for its abundance of glassware,
jade, silk, jewellery, handicrafts,
[...] sculptures and antique vases, all of which can [...]
be purchased at the city’s local markets.
来自亚洲各地的商品种类繁多,有瓷罐和 花瓶 、 香料、纺织品(丝绸、亚麻织物和绵 [...]
布)、扇子、梳子、镶饰盒、挂毯、小地毯、手绢、橱柜、象牙雕像、药品(麝香、硼砂和 樟脑)等,这些商品被运送到马尼拉,并在那里被装上大型货船,亦称大帆船。
Merchandise from various parts of Asia such as
[...] porcelain jars and vases, spices, textiles [...]
(silk, linen, and cotton), fans, combs,
inlaid boxes, tapestries, rugs, handkerchiefs, chests, ivory statues, “drugs” (musk, borax, and camphor), among many others, were brought to Manila where they were loaded aboard large ships called galleons.
大家在互聯網上可以看到,一些曾參加反高鐵撥款的年輕人現身說 法,清楚表明不是要求政府委任他們加入甚麼委員會,充當裝飾性花 瓶,草草說數句便離開,完全不理意見會否被採納。
From the Internet, we can notice that some young people who have participated in opposing the Express Rail Link (XRL) have personally made it very clear that they are not asking the Government to appoint them to any committees for embellishment purpose, to let them say just a few words and then leave without bothering whether their opinions are accepted.
使用随心插可以将玻璃杯、瓶、花瓶 和玻璃瓶摆放在整个篮筐中的任意位 置。
By using the easy prongs, drinking glasses, baby bottles, sports bottles, vases and carafes can be placed anywhere in the basket.
弗洛尼奥斯陶瓶)它被认为是现存世界最美 花瓶。
In January 2008, the Metropolitan
Museum of Art in New York returned to Italy a
[...] 2,500-year-old vase (the Euphronios [...]
Krater), considered to be one of the finest in the world.
新手媽媽通常喜歡收花,所以我們有多款嬰 花 束 丶 瓶花 和 花 籃 選 擇,通常新生男嬰可以送有淺藍色綉球花籃的到醫院,初生女嬰可以送粉紅玫瑰或太 花 連 花瓶 的 花 束。
Many mothers of new born love to receive new born baby flower, we have many
baby and mother flower
[...] bouquet flower in vase flower basket for choice. Usually for new born baby boy flower basket there is light blue hydrangea for the Hong Kong hospital nursery, and for new born infant girl flower gift there is pink roses or pink geberra lilies in vase.
许多岛专门从事特殊工艺品,例如,最好的漆器产于Thulaadhoo岛,那里盛产漂亮的壶 花瓶 和 盒 子。
Many islands specialise in a particular handicraft, for
example, the best lacquer work can be seen on the island of Thulaadhoo, where
[...] delightful pots, vases and boxes can be found.
During your visit you can not resist you to
[...] buy some dishes, vase or blue-painted [...]
white ceramic mug.
设计师们从爱马仕杰尔巴(Djerba) 花瓶 系 列中汲取灵感,实现了圆珠式设计(圆形透明小窗遍布整个钟表球形表面),带来奇特的光影效果。
To create this clock, our designers took their inspiration from a
[...] collection of Hermès vases called Djerba, adorned [...]
with pearls (like mini-portholes throughout
the surface of the timepiece) and reflecting large amounts of light.
国王喜欢向他的贵宾展示保存在那里的金 花瓶 、 宝 石和勋章,这些物品也为穹顶的装饰带来了灵感,我们还可以在那里看到位于门上方的王室的大帆船。
The king liked to show his distinguished guests
[...] the silverware vases, gems and medals [...]
which were kept here and which inspired
the decor of the vault, where one can see in particular the great royal vessel depicted above the doorway.
在这个时代,艺术和房地产居住舒适,除了忽略对方(也许是因为我们还没有推出)杂志鼓励一个幸福的协同作用 - 提供,在这桩婚姻中的艺术不成为室内设计,像美丽的女人关在自己的家园,或科克托曾经说过诗意,像花插 花瓶 里 结束了,希望增长。
In an era where art and real estate live comfortably apart ignoring each other (perhaps because we have not introduced them) your magazine encourages a happy synergy – provided that in this marriage art does not become interior design, like beautiful women shut
away in their homes, or as Cocteau once said more
[...] poetically, like flowers that grow in the hope of ending up in a vase.
这款香水具有Trump最爱的香气,魔力、玫瑰和 花 , 瓶 子 的极简设计从Art Deco获得灵感。
The fragrance has some of Trump’s favorite notes such as
[...] jasmine, rose and peach blossom and sports a minimalist Art Deco-inspired bottle.
事实上 ,布兰兹在拍卖会上半数 是 小 型 作
[...] 品 :主 要 有 小 灯  花 瓶  、盒 子 和 玻 璃 制 品  。
Indeed, they represent half of the Branzi lots offered at auction:
[...] essentially small lamps, vases, boxes and glasses.
现在这个房间里的大部分家具和艺术品当时都是属于王后的:例如,里厄泽纳最美丽的创作之一,为王后在马利宫的寝宫制作的五斗橱,或橱柜上面来自她在圣克卢的居室的“中国式”塞夫 花瓶。
The majority of the pieces of furniture and works of art found there today belonged to the queen: for example, the chest of drawers, one of Riesener’s most beautiful creations, was created
for her bedroom in Marly, and the
[...] “Chinese-style” Sevres vases that sit on top [...]
it are from her apartment in Saint-Cloud.
花上三年時間研究質料、光線和設計細節,United Crystal
Woods的四個系列捕捉的是大自然之美 — Forest of Dreams (La
[...] Forêt des Songes)的水晶燭台花瓶反映 Baccarat的非凡工藝;Kings [...]
of Forest (Les Rois de la Forêt)氣派懾人的酒杯澄明剔透儼如王者;自稱美酒快樂主義者的Wanders在Woods
of Euphoria (L’Ivresse des Bois)的酒杯刻上他的小丑鼻簽名式以作點綴;Spirits of the Woods (Les Esprits des Bois)則巧妙地將鹿的形態約化成巨型燭台。
Taking three years to research on material, light and design detail, the four series of United Crystal Woods capture the beauty of nature — Forest
of Dreams (La Forêt des Songes) crystal
[...] candlesticks and vases reflect Baccarat’s [...]
expertise and style in crystals; Kings
of Forest (Les Rois de la Forêt) features four majestic, clear crystal vases that resemble the monarchs; Wanders, a self-proclaimed hedonist of great wines, infuses his talents and humour into Woods of Euphoria (L’Ivresse des Bois) wine glasses by engraving them with his favourite clown’s nose seal.
设备不能滴入或溅上水滴,装满液体的物体( 花瓶 ) 不 应放在设 备上。
equipment must not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no objects filled with
[...] liquid, such as vases, should be placed [...]
on the equipment.
第二届巴黎世界博览会上,巴卡拉展示了一对瑰丽的红底透明水晶浮雕轮 花瓶 ( 雕 刻师为Jean-Baptiste Simon),以及一座高达七米的水晶喷泉。
During the second Universal Exhibition in Paris, Baccarat
presents a pair of magnificent
[...] ruby-overlay clear crystal vases, wheel-engraved [...]
by Jean-Baptiste Simon, as well as a crystal fountain seven meters high.
另外,在Kuznetskiy 的Podium Concept Store
[...] 可找到各式各樣的家居用品,例如枕頭、地氈、碗碟、銀器,甚至石像 花瓶 等。
In Podium on Tverskaya street one can find D&G, Seven Jeans, Paul Smith, and the Podium Concept Store on Kuznetskiy there can also be a
found a vast choice of household items – pillows, rugs, dishware and silverware plus
[...] goodies like statues, vases, and more.
走进座落在Korkeavuorenkatu的赫尔辛基二手批发市场不到10分钟,经过一番讨价还价,我终于入手了第一件物品——一个小小的阿拉伯奶罐,8欧元,这已经是相当便宜的了,还有一个名人设计师Pentti Sarpaneva 设计的几何图花瓶,29欧元。
Within 10 minutes of entering the higgledy-piggledy Helsinki Secondhand warehouse on Korkeavuorenkatu, I was clutching my first finds – a dinky Arabia milk jug for €8
that’s pretty enough to display on its own, plus a gorgeous
[...] 1960s geometric vase by noted designer [...]
Pentti Sarpaneva for €20.
1759年大小和卓木之亂鎮壓之後,水晶大概和其他石料一樣,連續不斷地運往中原;果然, 清朝中葉出現了為宮廷雕琢的水 花瓶 等 器 的激增,尺寸比較大,多數是無瑕水晶作的。
During the mid-Qing period, beginning apparently at some time during the second half of the eighteenth century, there
was a sudden surge in the production of large and generally
[...] flawless crystal vases and other vessels [...]
made for the court.




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