

单词 招股





initial public offering (IPO)


offering circular
prospectus (setting out share offer)

See also:

a move (chess)
a maneuver

External sources (not reviewed)

待建議首次公招股完成後,倘GM Holdings的股份以有利價格買賣, 則 貴公司可透過出售首次公招股後權 益變現其投資所得收益。
Upon completion of
[...] Proposed IPO, if the shares of GM Holdings trade at favourable price, the Company can realise the gain of its investment via disposal of the Post-IPO Interest.
然而,倘有條件首次公招股於24 個月後未能成功進行,則 貴公司應 佔聯營公司溢利將回復至約49.9%及 [...]
貴公司應佔聯營公司溢利將回復至其 最初權益。
[...] if the Qualified IPO is not successful [...]
after 24 months, the Company’s share of the Associate’s profits will restore
to approximately 49.9% and the Company’s share of profits of the Associate will restore to its initial interests.
招股章程 日期,本公司並無根據購股權計劃授出或同意授出 任何購股權。
As at the date of this prospectus, no options have been granted or agreed to be granted under the Share Option Scheme.
根據藉上述公告 加入豁免公告的新訂第9A條,尋求就股份或債權證作出公開要 約的公司( 不論在香港或在香港以外地方成立) 如符合此新訂條 文指定的條件,可在並非於印刷 招股 章 程 一起發出的情況 下,發出紙張形式的申請表格(並連同電子形式 招股 章 程 )("混 合媒體要約")。
Under the new section 9A of the Exemption Notice, as added by the Notice, a company (whether incorporated in or outside Hong Kong) seeking to
conduct a
[...] public offering of shares or debentures can issue a paper application form (together with an electronic prospectus) without it being accompanied [...]
by a printed form prospectus (mixed media offer),
if it complies with certain conditions stipulated in the new section.
閣下如對信託招股章程有任何疑問,應諮詢閣下的股票經紀、銀行經理、律師、專 業會計師或其他專業顧問的意見。
If you are in any doubt about the Prospectus of the Trust, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser.
修訂第 7.24(5)條為:「如建議進行的公招股 會 導 致發行人的已發行股本(不包括存庫 股)或市值增加 50%以上(不論單指該次公招股,或 與發行人在下述期間公布的任何其他 公招股或供 股合併計算:(i)建議進行公 招股 未 公 布之前的 12 個月內;或(ii)此 12 個月期 間之前的交易而在此 12 個月期間開始執行此等供股或公 招股 中 發 行的股份包括授予或將 授予股東的任何紅股(發行予庫存的任何該等紅股除外)、權證或其他可換股證券(假設全 部轉換)):」。
Rule 7.24(5) is amended to read: “If the proposed open offer would increase either the issued
share capital
[...] (excluding treasury shares) or the market capitalisation of the issuer by more than 50% (on its own or when aggregated with any other open offers or rights issues announced by the issuer (i) within the 12 month period immediately preceding the announcement of the proposed open offer or (ii) prior to such 12 month period where dealing in respect of the shares issued pursuant thereto commenced within such 12 month period, [...]
together with
any bonus securities (other than any such bonus securities to be issued into treasury), warrants or other convertible securities (assuming full conversion) granted or to be granted to shareholders as part of such rights issues or open offers):-”.
如有任何疑问,您可查阅「常见问题」内的「首次 公招股」部份,或致电(852) 3989-8181 [...]
For further details,
[...] please refer to the “IPO” page in “FAQ” [...]
or contact our Customer Service Representative(s) at (852) 3989-8181.
[...] 》杂志〔插入链接〕主办的2012年中国投资论坛上,玛泽企业融资部合伙人虞巍将发表有关首次公 招股 中 尽 职调查的重要性的演讲。
During the 2012 China Investment Conference organized by the China Economic Review , Tim Wei Yu –
Corporate Finance Partner at Mazars – will be delivering a speech on the importance of
[...] due diligence in the IPO process.
該 財 務 資 料 乃 摘 自 本 公 司 為 進 行 首 次 公 開 發 行H股 而 發 行招 股 書( 其 日 期 為'00'年''月''日 )之 截止'00'年''月''日財政年度的會計師報告以及本集團按香港財務報告準則編製的截止'007年''月''日的'00'年、 '00'年、'006年 及'007年 四 個 財 政 年 度 財 務 報 表。
Set out on page 20 of this annual report are the results and financial position summary of the Group for the five financial years ended 3' December 2007 prepared in accordance with HKFRSs, which have been extracted from the accountants’ report of the Group for the financial year ended 3' December 2003 contained in the prospectus dated 29 November 2004 issued by the Company in connection with its initial public offering of H shares and financial statements of the Group for the years ended 3' December 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 prepared in accordance with HKFRSs.
(b) 鑒於信貸掛鈎票據(例如雷曼兄弟迷你債券、精明債 券及Constellation債券)性質複雜且風險甚高,現行的 規管制度應予改善,並應在《證券及期貨條例》下(而 非在《公司條例》招股章程 制度下)訂立更嚴格的 規管規定,要求此等結構性產品遵從。
(b) In view of the complexity and high-risk nature of credit-linked notes (such as Lehman Brothers Minibonds, Octave Notes and Constellation Notes), the existing regulatory regime should be improved such that these structured products should be subject to more stringent regulatory requirements under the SFO, instead of the CO prospectus regime.
第一,试图产生一个独立的犹太翻译是,谁和在1840年发表了 招股 说 明 书的一个关键的新票据版,与圣经的神圣的解释性大得胜索拉伦敦。
The first to attempt to produce an independent Jewish
translation was DA de Sola of London, who in
[...] 1840 issued a "Prospectus of a New Edition [...]
of the Sacred Scriptures, with Notes Critical and Explanatory.
根據中國有關法規及如 本公招股章程 所披露,本集團的稅後淨利潤只有在彌 補了以前年度的累計虧損(如有),並計提了法定盈餘公 積金及儲備基金、職工獎勵及福利基金及企業發展基金 後才能作為股息進行分配。
According to the relevant regulations in the PRC and as disclosed in the Company’s prospectus, the Group’s net profit after tax can only be distributed after making up prior years’ cumulative losses, if any, and making allowance for the statutory surplus reserve, general reserve fund, employee’s bonus and welfare fund and enterprise expansion fund.
客戶亦可親蒞 本公司之客户服務處或業務代表辦公室提出索取要求 招股 章 程將於要求提出後 14 日 內提供。
Alternatively, customers can visit AIA’s Customer Service Office or Agency Office to obtain a copy which will be provided to you within 14 days of customers’ request.
1.5 此等交易的條款和條件應符合及受限於香港期貨交易所或其他相關交易所的合約說明,以及香港期貨交
[...] 易所或其他相關交易所的程序、組織文件、規範和規章,並通過一份帳戶和成交單據的綜合結單進行正 式記錄,不論此等條款和條件(包括任何產品或合約說明以及根據閣下要求提供給閣下涵蓋此等產品的任招股章程 或發售文件)是否在此等交易達成前已閣下提供。
1.5 The terms and conditions of such Transaction shall be subject to, and be in accordance with the contract specifications required by the HKFE or such other relevant Exchange and the procedures, constitutive documents, rules and regulations of the HKFE or such other relevant Exchange, and will be recorded by a Combined Statement of Account & Contract Note, regardless of whether or not such terms and conditions (including any
product or contract
[...] specifications and any prospectus or offering documents covering such products which shall be provided [...]
to you upon your request)
were given to you prior to such Transaction was entered into.
集團投資的ChinaCast更憑藉業務上的顯著進展,加上中國教育市場的龐大發展潛力,現正籌備在新加坡進行首次公 招股 上 市
Specifically our investment in ChinaCast has achieved significant progress on the back of great business potential in the education market in China.
招股章程 及會計師報告(全文載於 招股 章 程 附錄一)附註11所披露者 外,於緊接招股章程 日期前兩年,本公司並無進行任何其他重大關交易或關連 方交易。
Save as disclosed in this prospectus and in note 11 to the accountants’ report, the text of which is set out in Appendix I to this prospectus, during the two years immediately preceding the date of this prospectus, the Company has not engaged in any other material connected transactions or related party transactions.
6.7 吾等同意應閣下的要求,提供有關期權合約的產品規格 招股 說 明 書或其他發行文件。
6.7 We will provide, upon your request, you with the product
[...] specifications and any prospectus or other offering documents for Options Contracts.
詳盡資料 請參招股章程「未來計劃及所得款項用途」一節。
For more information, please refer to the section headed ‘‘Future Plans & Use of Proceeds’’ in the Prospectus.
[...] 指數產品、人民幣結算的首次公 招股 及 人民幣債券交易 等方面早著先機,以進一步鞏固海通國際在香港市場人民 [...]
幣產品上的領導地位,以人民幣產品的創新帶動資產管理 的品牌建設和規模提升。
In the future, we will strive to become
the first mover in RMB bond index products,
[...] RMBdenominated IPO and RMB bond trading, [...]
with an aim to further consolidate our
leading position in RMB products in the Hong Kong market, and to promote the brand building and scale of our asset management business.
此外,我們也將繼續積極參與 人民幣債券承銷、以人民幣結算的首次公 招股 及 債券融 資等活動,發揮本集團在人民幣產品方面的優勢。
In addition, leveraging on our competitive edges in RMB products, we shall continue to actively participate in RMB bond underwriting, RMB-denominated IPO and bond financing.
本基金為投資者提供獨一無二的投資機會,以捕捉首次公 招股 及 新 近上市 證券的潛在增長,而新增的港元單位為投資者提供多一個投資選擇,讓他們 [...]
The Fund provides a unique opportunity for investors to capture the
[...] potential growth of IPO and newly listed [...]
securities, and the Hong Kong dollar class
offers investors greater choice and the ability to invest in a local currency denominated class of units.
本行配 合股市轉趨活躍及大招股活動 進行,推出多項推廣宣傳 ,以促 進 客戶開立證券戶口及提升營業額。
Riding on the buoyant stock market and large IPO issues, promotional campaigns were launched to grow securities accounts and boost trading turnover.
截至二零零二年三月三十一日止三個月之每股攤薄虧損乃按本公司截至二零 零二年三月三十一日止三個月未經審核合併股東應佔純利、468,620,271 股股份(每股基本盈利則以423,611,111股股份計算),以及假設視為行 使首次公招股前購股權計劃而無償發行之45,009,160股股份之加權平均 股數計算。
The calculation of the diluted earnings per share for the three months ended 31 March 2002 is based on the unaudited combined net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company for the three months ended 31 March 2002 and 468,620,271 shares, being 423,611,111 shares as used in the calculation of basic earnings per share, and the weighted average of 45,009,160 shares assumed to have been issued at no consideration on the deemed exercise of the pre-IPO share options.
(i) 要約人不得於支持協議日期後,在任何經由或代表Anvil向加拿大任何省份或地區或其他地方的 任何證券委員會或類似證券監管機構存檔的任何文件中,發現任何重大事實的失實陳述、或遺 漏陳述須陳述的重大事實、或鑒於其作出的情況及日期(於二零一一年九月二十一日或之前所 有其後呈報及可於電子文件分析及檢索系統提供的較早存檔所涵蓋的全部事項於該等日期生 效後)而須作出不會產生誤導的陳述,包括任 招股 章 程、年度資料表格、財務報表、重大變 動報告、管理委任代表通函、可行性研究或其行政人員概要、新聞稿或由Anvil存檔的任何其他 文件,當中對Anvil構成重大不利影響
(i) the Offeror shall not have, after the date of the Support Agreement, become aware of any untrue statement of a material fact, or an omission to state a material fact that is required to be stated or that is necessary to make a statement not misleading in light of the circumstances in which it was made and at the date it was made (after giving effect to all subsequent filings made on or before 21 September 2011 and available on SEDAR on such date in relation to all matters covered in earlier filings), in any document filed by or on behalf of Anvil with any securities commission or similar securities regulatory authority in any of the provinces or territories of Canada or elsewhere, including any prospectus, annual information form, financial statement, material change report, management proxy circular, feasibility study or executive summary thereof, news release or any other document so filed by Anvil which constitutes a Material Adverse Effect with respect to Anvil
任何在落实招股说明 规则(2003/71/EC)——包括任何相关的落实2010/73/EU指导书的规则——的欧洲经济体成员国内进行的证券招募只能在没有公 招股 书 的 情况下有效。
Any offer of
[...] securities in any Member State of the European Economic Area ("EEA") which has implemented the Prospectus Directive (2003/71/EC), as amended, including any relevant implementing measures to implement the Directive 2010/73/EU, (each, a "Relevant Member State") will only be made if no prospectus for offers [...]
of securities has to be published.
投資者應細閱並完全了解本文件所 述之所有有關風險披露聲明,並根據及詳細閱讀相關產品發行商網站、香港交易所公司網站或披露易網站所載的最 招股書 / 上市文件、財務報表、公告及其他資料,以了解該產品特性及涉及的風險因素,並於需要時尋求專業意見。
Investors are advised to read and fully understand all the relevant risk disclosure statements herein, read carefully the most up-to-date prospectuses/listing documents, financial statements, announcements and other information published either on the issuers’ websites, HKEx corporate and HKEx news websites to learn more about the product features and risk factors involved, and to obtain independent professional advice, if necessary.
為 讓 已 就 香 港 發 售 股 份 提 出 有 效 申 請 的 申 請 人 考 慮 新 發 售 價 對 彼 等 的 投 資 決 定 的 潛 在 影 響 , 本 公 司 及 聯 席 全 球 協 調 人 將招 股 章 程 補 充 文 件 中 向 該 等 申 請 人 說 明 有 關 釐 定 低 於 指 示 性 發 售 價 範 圍 下 限 的 發 售 價 , 連 同 更 新 相 關 財 務 及 其 他 資 料 的 詳 情 。
In order to enable applicants who have validly applied for the Hong Kong Offer Shares to consider the potential impact of the New Offer Price on their investment decision, the Company and the Joint Global Coordinators would refer such applicants to the Supplemental Prospectus for details relating to the determination of the Offer Price at below the lowest end of the indicative Offer Price range together with an update of relevant financial and other information.
截 至 二 零 一二年 及 二 零 一一年 六 月 三 十 日 止 三 個 月 及 六 個 月 的 每 股 基 本 盈 利 乃 按 截 至 二 零 一二年 及 二 零 一一年 六 月 三 十 日 止 三 個 月 及 六 個 月本公 司 擁 有 人 應 佔 溢 利 以 及 已 發 行 普 通 股 的 加 權 平 均 數 計 算 , 並 假 設 750,000,000 股 每 股 面 值 0.01 港 元 的 股 份( 即 緊 隨招 股 章程附 錄 五 所 詳 述 之 重 組 及 資 本 化 發 行 後 本 公 司 股 份 數 目 , 惟 不 包 括 根 據 配 售 將 予 發 行 的 任 何 股 份 )已 於 二 零 一一年 一 月 一 日 起 生 效 。
The calculation of the basic earnings per share for the three months and six months ended 30 June 2012 and 2011 is based on the profit attributable to the owners of the Company and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the three months and six months ended 30 June 2012 and 2011 on the assumption that 750,000,000 shares of HK$0.01 each, representing the number of shares of the Company immediately after the Reorganisation and the capitalisation issue as disclosed in Appendix V to the Prospectus but excluding any shares to be issued pursuant to the placing had been effective on 1 January 2011.
招股後計 劃的合資格參與者 包括本公司或其任何附屬公司的董事(包括獨立非執行董事)、本集團的其他僱員、本集團的貨品或服務供 應商、本集團的客戶以及本公司附屬公司的任何少數股東。
Eligible participants of the Post-Scheme include directors of the Company or any of its subsidiaries, including independent nonexecutive Directors, other employees of the Group, suppliers of goods or services to the Group, customers of the Group, and any minority shareholder in the Company’s subsidiaries.
本處宣傳及推廣工作的成效,直接見於國際傳媒對香港經濟成就的報道,間接則 反映於在香港經營業務及外來投資、在證券市場上市及首次公 招股 集 資 的海外 及內地公司數目。
Success of our publicity and promotion work is directly reflected in international media coverage on the city’s economic strengths, and indirectly in the number of overseas and Mainland businesses setting up in Hong Kong, inward investment, stock market listings, initial public offerings etc.




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