

单词 感染

感染 adjective ()

infected adj



infectious (enthusiasm)


rate of infection (usu. of a disease)


mixed infection

See also:


contamination n
dye n

catch (a disease)
add color washes to a painting
acquire (bad habits etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 采取措施,在工人的疾病感染情况 不妨碍其开展有关工作的能力时 消除对移民工人入境的限制,并停止对移民工人遣返回国的行动。
(c) Take measures to remove restrictions on the entry or
repatriation of migrant workers when
[...] workers’ illness or infection does not impair [...]
their ability to perform the work in question.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表团认为,应该向所有艾滋病 感染 者 提 供 支付得起的抗逆转录病毒治疗(非专利药品),其方法包括由发达国家提供援 助,以及知识产权不应该阻止获取此种治疗。
The delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran was of the view that affordable antiretroviral treatment (generic drugs) should be provided to all people living with HIV, including through assistance by developed countries, and that intellectual property rights should not hinder access to such treatment.
为改善司法系统的效率和对司法的运用,该部采取了各种行动编纂法律文 件,把与人权(《国籍法》、与艾滋病毒/艾滋 感染 者 有 关的法律)、改进司法机 关的运转(属人法司法机关法律、设立执行法官的法律、正在制定的旨在将最高 法院转变为最高上诉法院的法律文件、关于监狱管理人员地位的法令等)以及重 振法官职能(法官地位法律)有关的宪法条款和国际条款考虑在内。
The Ministry is working to codify legislation that takes account of constitutional and international provisions on human rights (Nationality Code, act on people living with HIV/AIDS), the need to improve the functioning of the courts (act on personal status courts, act instituting judges responsible for the execution of sentences, legislation being developed to change the Supreme Court to a court of cassation, decree on the status of prison officials, etc.) and to revitalize the work of the members of the judiciary (Status of the Judiciary Act) with the aim of improving the efficiency of the legal system and access to justice.
政府保护艾滋病毒/艾滋感染者权 利的战略 围 绕 下列方 案 展开: 尼日利 亚艾滋病毒/艾滋病国家战略框架(2005-2009 年);设立国家防治艾滋病署以及州政 府和地方政府的对 口机构; 关于艾滋病毒/艾滋感染者权利的媒体宣传活动;成 立名 为 “艾滋病毒/艾滋感染者网 络” 的国家艾滋病感染者协会;成立全国艾 滋病毒/艾滋病妇女联盟;增加艾滋病毒/艾滋病诊所的数量,并 在全国范围内提供 免费药品;在有关尼日利亚艾滋病毒/艾滋 感染 者 的治 疗 和 福利的所有事务上, 政府特别寻求宗教和传统领袖的帮助。
Government’s strategy for protecting the rights of persons living with HIV/AIDS revolves around the following programmes: National Strategic Framework on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (2005-2009); Setting up of the National Agency for the Control of Aids (NACA) and its equivalent in the States and Local Government Areas; Public awareness campaign in the media on the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS; Creation of state associations of HIV-positive persons known as Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHA); Establishment of National Women Coalition on HIV/AIDS, NAWOCA; Expansion of HIV/AIDS clinics and provision of free drugs throughout the country; and the special effort by government to enlist the assistance of religious and traditional leaders in all matters relating to the treatment and welfare of persons living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria.
這即是說,如果製冰的水含有致病微生物,在使用冰塊時,這 些微生物或會活躍起來,並使食用冰塊的人 感染。
This means that if harmful microorganisms are present in the source water from
which the ice is made, they may also be viable in the ice when it is used, and
[...] capable of causing infection in the customer.
莫斯科办事处不仅在教育领域、也在文化和社会科学 领域扩大了对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的干预,包括关于“应对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的当代艺术” 和“通过在人权领域的教育和将艾滋病毒/艾滋 感染 人 群融入社会在俄罗斯区域解决 艾滋病毒/艾滋病流行病的社会后果”的项目。
The Moscow Office intervention in the field of HIV/AIDS has expanded not only in education, but also in culture and social science areas, with projects on “Contemporary arts in response to HIV/AIDS” and “Addressing social consequences of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Russian regions through information and education in the sphere of human rights and social integration of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA)”.
实施了个案管理体系,确感染艾滋 病毒的人能够获得保健和社会福利服 务,以便更有效地利用资源。
A case management system for ensuring
accessibility of health care and social welfare
[...] services for HIV infected people is implemented [...]
to achieve more effective use of the resources.
结果造成受体蛋白质被截短了许多,再也无法到达细胞表面,从而可阻止 HIV 病感染细胞或减缓细感染的速率。
This results in the receptor protein being severely truncated and unable to reach the cell surface, thus preventing the HIV virus from infecting the cells or slowing the rate of infection.
該等措施包括:在醫管局轄下所有醫院和診所推廣手部衞生; 透過社區老人評估服務、社康護理服務及到訪醫生計劃,加強 對安老院舍的支援;增設觀察地方及臨時地方,以解決急症科
病房容量有限的問題,以及減少內科病房不必要的入院安排; 加開病房及/或病床,以應付兒科、內科及老人科病人的額外 需求;增加兒科、內科及老人科病房的巡房次數,以確保及早
[...] 安排病人出院;以及把急症病房的探病時間限於每日兩小時, 以預防交感染。
This included promoting hand hygiene in all HA hospitals and clinics; enhancing support to residential care homes for the elderly by Community Geriatric Assessment Service, Community Nursing Service and Visiting Medical Officer programmes; creating additional observation areas and temporary areas to solve the capacity limitation of Emergency Medical Wards and reduce unnecessary admission to medical wards; opening additional wards and/or additional beds to accommodate the extra demand by paediatric, medical and geriatric patients; more frequent ward rounds in paediatric, medical and geriatric wards to ensure
early discharge of patients; and restricting visiting hours to acute wards to two hours per day
[...] to prevent cross infections.
许多口腔疾病可以 通过良好的口腔关怀、保持口腔润湿和快速治感染来加以预防。
Many problems with the mouth may be prevented by good mouth care, keeping the mouth
[...] moist and treating infections quickly.
在儿童当中,最常见的疾病是通过呼吸 渠感染的疾 病(尤其是肺炎)、腹泻、疟疾、营养不良以及各种新生儿疾病。
The most frequent complaints in children are
[...] respiratory tract infections (particularly [...]
pneumonia), diarrhoea, malaria, malnutrition
and various neonatal diseases.
在全球范围,被证明对预防注射吸毒者中新的艾滋病 感染 最 有 效的服务的 覆盖率仍然很低:仅少数人参与或有机会获得全方位药物依赖治疗服务,每月向 [...]
注射毒品者分发少量无菌器械,8%的人参加类阿片激动剂治疗方案,和 4%的艾 滋病毒呈阳性的注射吸毒者接受抗逆转录病毒治疗。
Globally, the coverage of services that have
been shown to be most effective in
[...] preventing new HIV infections among people [...]
who inject drugs remains low: a limited number
of people participate in or have access to the full spectrum of drug dependence treatment services, a limited number of sterile devices are distributed per month per person who injects drugs, 8 per cent participate in a programme involving opioid-agonist treatment therapy and 4 per cent of HIV-positive people who inject drugs are receiving antiretroviral therapy.
同时制定并实施了一系列行业标准:《对受艾滋病 感染 人 群 保守治疗标 准》(2001 年)、《针对受艾滋病感染人群的抗转录酶病毒药物治疗和防止艾滋 病毒的母婴传播和职感染的标 准》(2001 年和 2003 年)、《艾滋病感染的流 行病学监测标准》(2002 年)、《艾滋病、肝炎和其他病感染 实 验 室与诊断机构 组织实施抗击流行病计划操作指南》(2004 年)、《艾滋病毒母婴传播》单元 (2004 年)、《艾滋病毒检测咨询前后的方法指导》(2005 年)。
Sector standards have been developed and implemented:
“Palliative treatment
[...] of the persons infected with HIV and AIDS” (2001), “Treatment with antiretroviral medicine specific for persons infected with HIV and AIDS and the prophylaxis of transmission of the mother-child HIV infection, professional exposure” (2001 and 2003), “Epidemiologic supervision of the HIV/AIDS infection” (2002); Instructions on the organisation of the antiepidemiologic programme in the AIDS, hepatitis and other viral infections laboratories and [...]
diagnosis sections”
(2004), The module “HIV and AIDS infections with mother-child transmission” (2004), Methodological Guide “Before and after HIV test counselling” (2005).
该构成部分将侧重于加强促进和保护人权,并特别关注妇女和儿童(特别是 武装冲突中儿童)的处境,支持执行安全理事会关于妇女在和平进程中的作用的
[...] 各项决议,应对弱势群体和处于不利地位群体(尤其是境内流离失所者、难民以 及患有感染艾滋 病毒/艾滋病者)所面临的短期人道主义挑战。
This component will focus on strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights, with special attention to the situation of women and children, especially children in armed conflict, in support of the implementation of Security Council resolutions on women in the peace process and to address the short-term humanitarian challenges faced by vulnerable
and disadvantaged groups, notably internally displaced persons, refugees and persons
[...] living with or affected by HIV/AIDS.
此外,在設計 醫院時,不單要預留足夠的空間,以應付人口老化的實際需要,更要深入考
[...] 之間的緊密聯繫,以加快醫院內部的輸送流程;不同病人及探病訪客的適當 分隔,以減低醫院內交感染的機 會,減輕醫護人員面對的工作壓力,減低 [...]
In addition, when designing hospitals, not only is it necessary to provide sufficient space to meet the actual needs of an ageing population, it is also necessary to give in-depth consideration to facilitating the work of health care personnel, the auxiliary facilities required by various specialist blocks and the close links among them, with a view to speeding up the transfer flow within hospitals and segregating patients and
visitors appropriately to reduce the
[...] likelihood of cross-infections in hospitals, so [...]
as to ease the pressure borne by health
care personnel and reduce the chance of making mistakes, so as to raise the quality of hospital services as a whole.
完成後,掃描結果會 列出是否有病感染和建 議的處理方法,依照指示將找到的病毒檔案移除。
After finished, the scanning result lists
[...] out the virus infection status and recommended [...]
solution, follow the instruction to remove the virus files.
在联合国儿童基金会和日本政府等合作伙伴的支持下,当局已经专注地致力于传播正确信息,并宣传卫生习惯,以保护妇女和儿童免受该疾病 感染。
With support from partners such as UNICEF and the Government of Japan, the authorities have focused efforts on disseminating accurate information, as well as promoting hygienic practices to safeguard women and children against the disease.
感染是妇 女的一个常见问题,然而对于男性来讲,因为膀胱和尿道开口之间的距离更大,这 感染 反 而 不太常见。
Bladder infections are a common problem for women; however, due to the greater distance between the bladder and urethral opening, these infections are less common in men.
此外,旅游局已向领有牌照之实体,如:酒店、公寓、餐饮场所及旅行社等转发由卫生局制作的《预防 感染 H 7 N 9禽 流感-给旅行社和旅客的建议》、《预防 感染 H 7 N 9禽 流感-给旅游业、酒店及博彩娱乐场所的建议》及《预防 感染 H 7 N 9禽 流感-给家禽业及饮食业从事员的指引》,以保障业界、旅客和市民的健康。
In addition, MGTO has forwarded to all licensed entities, e.g. hotels, guest houses, restaurants and travel agencies, a series of guidelines produced by
Health Bureau including
[...] "Prevent Human Infection with H7N9 Avian Influenza – Advice for Travel Agencies and Tourists", "Prevent Human Infection with H7N9 Avian Influenza – Advice for Tourism, Hotel and Gaming Industries" and "Prevent Human Infection with H7N9 Avian [...]
Influenza – Guideline
for Handlers of Poultry and Food" to protect industry partners, visitors and citizens' health.
教科文组织的一些办事 处(阿皮亚、温得和克、达卡、内罗毕、圣多明各、阿拉木图和莫斯科)开办了培训政策人 员和决策者的地区性和国家级的研习班。这些培训班以在校学习活动为主,目的在于减少对 艾滋病病毒/艾滋病的感染性和 危险,以保证综合实施国家全民教育行动计划中的预防教 育。
Several UNESCO Offices (Apia, Windhoek, Dakar, Nairobi, Santo Domingo, Almaty and Moscow) implemented regional and national workshops for training of policy- and decision-makers on school-based activities to reduce risk and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in order to ensure the integration of preventive education in EFA national action plans.
会议还回顾亚太经社会第 67/9
号决议的规定,其中经社会呼吁 成员和准成员,除其他外,“…… 酌情根据各国的优先重点安排着
[...] 手对那些有助于全面实现全民享有服务的具体目标的国家法律、政策 和做法进行审查,以便消除对有 感染 风 险 者和艾滋病 感染 者 、 尤 其是主要受影响人口的一切形式的歧视”。
The Meeting also recalled the provisions of ESCAP resolution 67/9, whereby the Commission had called upon members and associate members, inter alia, to “…initiate, as appropriate, in line with national priorities, a review of national laws, policies and practices to enable the full achievement of universal access targets with a view to
eliminating all forms of
[...] discrimination against people at risk of infection or living with HIV, in particular [...]
key affected populations”.
如果基督教不存在于所有在上埃及,公元150之前,那么我们就必须降下来的德米特里版本尽早日期,但如果像更容易,基督教传播的手段尼罗河立即开始鼓吹在亚历山德里亚,并已成 感染 邪 教 和半异教迷信,在第二个世纪,我们可能会暂时结束Sahidic版本,这是当时的性格“(”科普特版本在南方方言的新约圣经“,三,牛津大学,1911年,第398页)。
If Christianity did not exist at all in Upper Egypt before AD 150, then we must come down to the date of Demetrius as the earliest possible date of the version; but if, as is more likely, the Christian religion had spread by means of the Nile immediately after it
began to be preached in Alexandria, and
[...] had already become infected by heretical and [...]
semi-pagan superstitions in the second
century, we may provisionally conclude from the character of the Sahidic version that it was made at that time" ("The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern Dialect", III, Oxford, 1911, p. 398).
在世界许多地区特别是在非洲,艾滋病毒/艾滋病的蔓延迫使生活已经非 常艰难的老年妇女挑起更重的担子,照 感染 艾 滋 病毒/艾滋病的子孙以及因父 母死于艾滋病而沦为孤儿的孙辈。
In many parts of the world, especially Africa, the HIV/AIDS pandemic has forced older women, already living in difficult circumstances, to take on the added burden of caring for children and grandchildren with HIV/AIDS and for grandchildren orphaned by AIDS.
在主管机关或机构的监督下,酌情在有关国家政策的框架内使人们有 机会获得已显示在降低注射吸毒者和其他吸毒者 感染 艾 滋 病毒/艾滋病、肝炎 和其他经血液传染疾病的风险方面具有效力的医药、疫苗和符合国际药物管制 条约的其他措施。
(d) To provide access, as appropriate and in the framework of the pertinent national policies, to medications, vaccines and other measures that were consistent with international drug control treaties and had been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases among injecting drug users, under the supervision of competent authorities or institutions.
该代表进一步告知食典委,最近召开的世界卫生大会(2008 年 5 月)已经通过了一个决议(WHA61.20),指出大会因粮农组织/世卫组织通过食典委 在婴幼儿配方粉法典卫生规范方面所进行的工作而受到鼓舞;敦促成员国通过应用和宣 传,执行世卫组织/粮农组织婴儿配方粉安全制备、贮存和处理准则,将细 感染 的 危 险 性降到最低,从而保证标签与法典的标准、准则的一致性,考虑到 WHA58.32 号决议;还 敦促成员国研究将母乳库中的捐赠乳喂养易 感染 婴 儿作为降低危险性策略的可能性。
The Representative further informed the Commission that the recently held World Health Assembly (May 2008) had adopted a resolution (WHA61.20) which indicated that the Assembly was encouraged by the work of the FAO/WHO through Codex on the Code of Hygienic Practice for Powdered Formulae for Infants and Young Children; that Member States were urged to implement through application and dissemination the WHO/FAO Guidelines on Safe Preparation, Storage and Handling of Powdered Infant
Formula to minimize the
[...] risk of bacterial infection and to ensure that labelling conformed with standards, guidelines and recommendations of Codex taking into account resolution WHA58.32 and in addition urged Member States to investigate the possible use of donor milk through human milk banks for vulnerable [...]
infants as a riskreduction strategy.




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