

单词 双文化

See also:


both adj
dual adj

文化 n

culture n
cultures pl



External sources (not reviewed)

第一个心愿是,希望全国上下一起努力,配合教育部,为国家培养更多双 双文化 人 才
My first aspiration:  I hope that the community would
work in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education to groom even more
[...] bilingual and bi-cultural talent for Singapore.
耀中将东方和西方文化兼容并蓄,透过双校长制和双教师制,实行双语 双文化 课 程
YCIS brings together the East and the West and implements a
[...] bilingual and co-cultural programme through [...]
a Co-Principal and Co-Teaching model.
众所周知,培养双双文化人才 向来是我国的政策和社会各界共同努力的目标,总商会一直以来也积极地参与和推动相关活动。
As we all know, grooming
[...] bilingual and bi-cultural talent has always [...]
been a common objective of government policy and a
target that every segment of society has been striving hard to achieve.
今年,我们将增加这项奖学金名额,从原本的各一份增加到两份,为培养双 双文化 人 才 尽力。
This year, we will be awarding an additional Chinese Studies Scholarship to step up our efforts to
[...] groom bilingual and bi-cultural talent.
或是双文化小组 中,两个小组的分化产生了“组内” 与“组外”的感觉,阻碍真正的交流与创新。
Or in bi-cultural teams, the divide [...]
between the two groups creates a sense of an “in group” and an “out group”, hindering
real interaction and innovation.
中英组合的设计即是双双文化的体 现,也是与时俱进的追求。
The design also
[...] reinforces our bilingual identity and [...]
the need to keep abreast of the times.
其他需要审议的问题有:用母语提供教育或提供双语双 文化教育 ,使语言和文化方面的少数民族也能接受教育,对此要考虑到最近在教科文组织国 [...]
Issues in providing education in the mother tongue, or bilingual
and bicultural education in order to reach
[...] linguistic and cultural minorities also [...]
need to be examined, bearing in mind recent
discussion in the UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE) and decision on such questions.
它无视斯洛文尼亚关于落双语文化 间 方 案的 建议,坚持在欧洲族裔中心观的基础上推行文化统一。
Contrary to Slovenia’s recommendations on the implementation of
bilingual intercultural programmes, Chile
[...] persisted in promoting cultural uniformity based [...]
on a European ethnocentric vision.
除了在会务管理方面取得显著成绩之外,2007年,总商会发起成立了“通商中国”,由李光耀资政亲自担任赞助人,凝聚政界、商界和民间的力量,全面培养双 双文化 的 中 流砥柱,这是总商会应新时代的需求,可以为新加坡的未来做出的重大贡献。
Beyond these achievements in the Chamber's business operations, the Chamber spearheaded the setting up of “Business China” in 2007.  With Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew as the patron, the mission of “Business China” is to congregate the strengths of the government, business and community to nurture a critical mass of bilingual and bi-cultural Singaporeans.
在接下来的日子里,我们会更加全面地推动华文华语的使用,为以华文华语为沟通语言的海内外商家和专业才俊设立一个定期交流的平台,推动新加坡成为一个双 双文化 , 汇 集全球华人精英的大都会。
In the days ahead, we will press ahead with the crucial role of promoting Chinese language, drawing upon our vast resources to create a bilingual and bi-cultural society for Singapore, and to establish a regular platform for Chinese-speaking business personalities and professionals to interact with one another, and to make Singapore a hub for global Chinese talent.
为了适应经商环境的改变,与时并进,本届的常务董事会进行了结构重组,旨在加强本会对国内外形势的了解与掌握;促进本会与世界各国政府机构、商业团体的联系;加强与商团会员的互动合作;鼓励、推动本地企业采用新兴科技, 以及积极推动双双文化人才的培育。
This would widen and deepen the dimensions of linkages both locally and overseas, thereby strengthening our relations with foreign government agencies and business organisations; increasing the rapport with our trade
association members, encouraging local enterprises to leverage on new technology;
[...] and nurturing bilingual and bicultural talent.
这种做法引发了从双语教育的概念向 文化/双 语教 育概念的转变。
Those practices triggered a shift from the concept of bilingual education to
[...] the concept of intercultural/bilingual education.
已经为小学编制了双语教育材 料,将在 1 500 所文化双语学校分发。
Bilingual education materials were developed for primary schools and will be
[...] distributed in 1,500 intercultural bilingual schools.
在这方面,推行了文化双语教 育制度,这一制度已成为整个教育 体系的多元文化政策。
A bilingual intercultural education system has been introduced as a means of mainstreaming intercultural policy throughout the education system.
委员会建议缔约国在文化双语教育领域继续努力,并确保在学习过程中,所有 文化和语言均能各得其所,以建立一个真正多元文化的国家。
The Committee recommends that the State party continue its efforts
[...] in respect of intercultural bilingual education [...]
and ensure that in the learning process,
all cultures and languages find their appropriate place in order to build a truly multicultural State.
必要 时在主要的捐助者援助方案和项目的框架内,雇用了 文化/双 语 教 育、 文化 保健、保护儿童问题跨文化传播和其他学科的专家。
When needed, specialists in intercultural/bilingual education, intercultural health, intercultural communication for child protection and other subjects were hired in the framework of major donorassisted programmes and projects.
缔约国还应铭记,文化活动、产品和服务传达特征、价值观和意义,具有 经济文化双重性
States parties should also bear in
[...] mind that cultural activities, goods and services have economic and cultural dimensions, conveying identity, [...]
values and meanings.
儿基会拉丁美洲和加勒比区域办事处支持每两年举行一次的 文化双 语教 育区域代表大会,在 2010 年促成在危地马拉举行的第九届拉丁美洲 文化双语 教育代表大会。
The UNICEF Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean has supported the
organization of regional
[...] congresses in bilingual intercultural education, which are held every two years, contributing in 2010 to the ninth Latin American Congress on Bilingual Intercultural Education, held [...]
in Guatemala.
委员会还遗憾地注意到,土著族群未必享有接受 文化双 语 教 育的权利
It also notes with regret that indigenous communities do not always enjoy
[...] the right to intercultural bilingual education [...]
(art. 13).
确信文化产品与服务具有经济 文化双 重 性质,但由于它们传递着特性、价值观和含义,故不应被视为普通 的商品或消费品, 方案 1 确信文化产品与服务具有经济 文化双 重 性 质,它们传递着特性、价值观和含义
Being convinced that cultural goods and services are of both an economic and a cultural nature, and that because they convey identities, values and meanings, they must not be treated as ordinary merchandise or consumer goods
宪法》第 113 条规定,通过建立文化的双语教育体系而承认土著人民的 独特的教育,它结合了正规教育和传统的土著方法,使用土著语言以及西班牙语。
The distinctive education of indigenous peoples is recognized in article 113 of the
Constitution through the institution
[...] of a system of bilingual intercultural education that [...]
combines formal education with traditional
indigenous approaches and features the use of indigenous languages as well as Spanish.
确信传递着特性、价值观和意义的文化活动及文化产品和服务具有经济 文化双 重性 质,故不应被视为仅具商业价值的商品
Being convinced that cultural activities, goods and services have both an
[...] economic and a cultural nature, because [...]
they convey identities, values and meanings,
and must therefore not be treated as solely having commercial value
教育是对未来的投资,是一种减少贫穷和消除歧视的手段;(b) 土著人 民有权,包括(在相关情况下)享有条约规定的权利,接受对其全面世界观、 语文、传统知识及其文化其他层面有敏感认识、有助于增进人权、认同感和 不文化间对话的优质初等教育;(c) 以母语为中介文的双语教 育对于促 进土著儿童的有效学习和降低辍学率是不可或缺的;(d) 如果做不到公正而 有效地执行针对土著人民需求的、对文化问题有敏感认识的教育方案、课程 和行动,为实现千年发展目标 2 而开展的任何努力都不可能获得成功;(e) 土 著儿童在接受各级优质教育和社会文化教育方面面临特别的困难。
Education is an investment in the future, a means to reduce poverty and counter discrimination; (b) indigenous peoples have the right, including treaty rights (as relevant) to quality primary education that is sensitive to their holistic worldviews, languages, traditional knowledge and other aspects of their cultures, which contribute to human dignity, identity and intercultural dialogue; (c) mother-tongue mediated bilingual education is indispensable for effective learning for indigenous children and for the reduction of dropout rates; (d) any efforts to achieve Millennium Development Goal 2 are likely to fail if impartial and effective implementation of culturally sensitive educational programmes, curricula and actions addressing the needs of indigenous peoples are not undertaken; (e) indigenous children experience particular difficulties relating to access to education of quality and sociocultural relevance at all levels.
(e) 上述咨询必须遵守以下原则:诚意、正当程序,合法性和代表性 文化 间交流和双语性 ,充分和适当资讯,事先进行,自由参与,法律多元性,双线, [...]
(e) Those actions shall be carried out in accordance with the principles of good faith, due
process, legitimacy and
[...] representativity, intercultural communication and bilingualism, sufficient [...]
and adequate information,
timely preparation, free participation, legal pluralism, the twin-track approach, coherence, transparency and ethnic pluralism.
b. 会议文件:秘书长关于下列问题的报告:交流促进发展(1);和平 化 ( 4 ) ; 联合 国扫盲十年(1);减少疟疾十年(2);工业发展(1);全球道路安全(1);外交政策 和健康(2);四年期全面政策审查:建议和结论(1);全球化和相互依存(2);人 力资源开发(1);提交给大会和经社理事会的关于四年期全面政策审查的分析报 告(双文号)
b. Parliamentary documentation: Reports of the
Secretary-General: communication for
[...] development (1); culture of peace (4); United Nations Literacy Decade (1); Decade to Roll Back Malaria (2); industrial development (1); global road safety (1); foreign policy and health (2); quadrennial comprehensive policy review: recommendations and conclusions (1); globalization and interdependence (2); human resources development (1); analytical report to the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council on the quadrennial comprehensive policy review (dual symbol) (1)
巴拉圭有一项全国性扫盲培训计划,其中包括三个不同的课程计划:青年和成人扫盲 计划(PRODEPA),文化双语计划(西班牙语和瓜拉尼语),以及“我识字”电视扫盲 [...]
The country has a National Literacy Training Plan with three different
programmes: PRODEPA (young people and
[...] adults), Bi-Alfa (intercultural bilingual: Spanish [...]
and Guaraní) and the YSP televised classes.
其他国家机构设有专门处理土著人民问题的部门, 包括教育部的多文化、双语和 农村教育事务局;农业部的农村发展司;卫生部; [...]
能源和矿产部;环境部;劳动部;国家竞争保护和知识产权保护协会;部长理事 会;监察员;外交部;妇女和社会发展部;安第斯人、亚马逊人和非裔秘鲁人、 环境与生态委员会。
Other State structures have dedicated units that work on
indigenous peoples’ issues, including the
[...] Directorate of Intercultural, Bilingual and Rural Education, [...]
in the Ministry of Education;
the Rural Development Division of the Ministry of Agriculture; the Ministry of Health; the Ministry of Energy and Mines; the Ministry of the Environment; the Ministry of Labour; the National Institute for the Defence of Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property; the Council of Ministers; the Ombudsman; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Ministry of Women and Social Development; and the Commission of the Andean, Amazonian and Afro-Peruvian Peoples, Environment and Ecology.
UNICEF continues to support intercultural bilingual education policies and programmes throughout Latin America and the Caribbean in conjunction with indigenous organizations at the local and national levels.
在阿根廷,儿基会一直在5个优先省份的农村社区支持土著儿童和青少年的文化双语教 育,以扩大获得基础教育的机会和小学毕业率。
In Argentina, UNICEF has been supporting intercultural bilingual education for indigenous children and adolescents in rural communities of five priority provinces, with the goal of improving access to basic education and graduation rates at the primary level.
大会第 2065(XX)号决议和后来多项决议,以及非殖 化 特 别 委员会的决议, 都把马尔维纳斯群岛问题称为一种特别的殖民地情况,尤其是因为它涉及阿根廷 与大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国之间的主权争端,规定结束这种情况的方式是通 过谈判和平解决主权之争,并敦促两国政府不再迟延,立即依照大会和特别委员 会的建议进双边谈判。
The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution 2065 (XX) and in subsequent
resolutions, and the Special Committee on
[...] Decolonization, have described the question of the Malvinas Islands as a special and particular colonial situation involving a sovereignty dispute between Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, have established that the way to put an end to that situation is the peaceful and negotiated solution of the sovereignty dispute, and have requested both Governments to continue without delay the bilateral negotiations recommended [...]
by the General
Assembly and the Special Committee.




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