

单词 双普

See also:


two num


pair n

classifier for pairs of objects which naturally come in pairs such as chopsticks or shoes
surname Shuang

External sources (not reviewed)

但我们不应无视这 些提醒,那就是以色列人与巴勒斯坦人能够一起努 力,双方普通公 民创造更美好的未来。
But we should not ignore these
reminders that Israelis and Palestinians can work together to build a
[...] brighter future for ordinary citizens on both sides.
(婚 配一方双方不足19岁) 普遍出 现在南非和撒哈拉以南非洲地区。
According to UNICEF, adolescent
[...] marriages (where one or both spouses are below the [...]
age of 19 years) commonly occur in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
北爱尔兰科学和数学最双奖, 中学教 普 通证 书地理第二名。
Award for best place in
[...] Northern Ireland in double award Science and Maths, and second place in Geography at General Certificate of Secondary Education level.
如果有效颁布的法规规定的措施导双重惩罚,普通法 不会阻止让法规产生效力。
If validly enacted legislation provided for
[...] measures leading to double punishment, the common [...]
law would not prevent effect being given to the legislation.
我希望,贝尔格莱德普里什蒂纳双 方 应以 行动表明,科索沃人民的福祉不会成为政治祭坛上的 牺牲品。
I hope that Belgrade and Pristina demonstrate by their actions that the well-being of the population of Kosovo will not be sacrificed on the altar of political agendas.
这种通知可采用以下几种形式:如果 是国双边公约,采普通照 会;如果是指定保存方的多边国际公约,采用一份 核可书(协议)或一份批准书(条约)。
The notification can take several forms: in the case of
[...] international bilateral conventions, a note verbale; in the case [...]
of multilateral international
conventions to which a depositary is designated, an instrument of approval (agreement) or an instrument of ratification (treaty).
双年度普通基 金的现金状况以及 普通基金与周转基金两项合并的现金状况 期间,就实施《国际公共部门会计标准》的进展和活动问题,向执行局提交了各种文件和报 告,为使会员国充分了解这个重要项目,还将继续这样做。
Throughout the biennium various documents and reports have been submitted to the Executive Board on the progress and activities relating to IPSAS implementation and this will continue in order to keep Member States fully informed of this important project.
[...] 府提议加强文化间双语教育,办法是增加双语教育预算,并同土著组织代表讨论 国家的文化间双语教育模式,尊重他们的世界观、课本、材料和教育资源,增加 征聘不同级别和教育方式的双语男女教师,依照文化 双 语 教 育 普 遍 化 法的规 定,改善他们的工作条件。
The Government of Álvaro Colom intends to strengthen intercultural bilingual education by increasing the allocated budget and by holding discussions with the representatives of the indigenous organizations of the intercultural bilingual education model in the country, respecting their world vision, texts, materials and teaching resources, and by increasing the number of bilingual teachers hired at the different levels and in
the different forms of
[...] education, and improving the working conditions established by the Act to expand intercultural bilingual education.
警察将他强行带上一辆普车, 蒙住他双 眼,把他带往某个不明的地方,在路上对其进行殴打。
The policemen forced him into a jeep, blindfolded him and took [...]
him to some unidentified place, beating him up on the way there.
安全理事会通过了一项主席声明 S/PRST/2008/44,对秘书长的报告表示欢 迎,并指出,考虑到贝尔格莱德普 里 什蒂 纳 双 方 在 各自声明中表明的对该报告 的立场,对“它们打算与国际社会合作”表示欢迎。
The Council adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2008/44), in which it welcomed the report and stated that, taking into account the positions of Belgrade and Pristina on the report which were reflected in their respective statements, it welcomed their intentions to cooperate with the international community.
联合王国强力鼓励贝尔格莱德普里 什蒂 纳双 方进 行更深入的合作,并且同秘书长一道,呼吁各方 在寻求解决办法时采取灵活和务实的态度。
The United Kingdom strongly encourages deeper cooperation between Belgrade and Pristina and echoes the Secretary-General’s call for flexibility and pragmatism in finding solutions.
另一方面,关于文化遗产问题,贝尔格莱德普 里什蒂纳双方真正有机会开展合作,制定特别机制解 决文化遗产问题,实现互惠,并在双方之间建立信任。
On the other hand, regarding the cultural heritage issue, there is a genuine opportunity for both Belgrade and Pristina to cooperate in developing a special mechanism on cultural heritage that brings mutual benefits to and builds trust between both parties.
我们同意秘书长的意见,即贝尔格莱德 普 里什双方应 当通过搁置与地位有关的问题,展现灵活 性,以使科索沃能够有代表参加对区域经济和民主发 展以及长期稳定来说至关重要的区域和国际机制及 论坛。
We agree with the Secretary-General’s observation that, by putting aside status considerations, Belgrade and Pristina should show flexibility to enable Kosovo’s representation in regional and international mechanisms and forums that are essential to the economic and democratic development and long-term stability of the region.
有一个缔约国自内罗毕首脑会议以 来至少每年都主办促进普遍性的研讨会而且每年都进行至少一次促 普 遍 性 的双 边活动。
One State Party has sponsored universalization workshops
at least annually and has conducted
[...] one or more bilateral universalization activity each [...]
year since the Nairobi Summit.
鉴于 2015 年是实现全民教育目标的最后期限,会员 普 遍 认 为,2010-- 20 11 双年度 是 开始对全民教育目标实现情况进行最后阶段审查的好时机。
In view of the 2015 deadline for EFA goals, it was considered that the 2010-2011 biennium was an appropriate time to start the final review on the achievement of EFA goals.
世 界在某些情况中异常沉默,特别是在发生侵略战争、 外国占领和族裔清洗的时候,从而造成了相互不信 任,并使人们更加感到国际关系普 遍 存 在 双 重 标准 和诉诸军事力量做法。
The world’s conspicuous silence in certain instances, particularly with regard to wars of aggression, foreign occupations and ethnic cleansing, has served to generate mutual
mistrust and to
[...] reinforce the sense that double standards and resort to military strength are prevalent in international [...]
一些国家认为,鉴于《公约》普遍 性 , 双 边 协议并不必要,但大多数国家签订了双边协 议,认为这有助于《公约》的实施以及《公约》效力的加强(厄瓜多尔、希腊和墨西哥),尤其 [...]
Some States consider that these agreements are not
[...] necessary in view of the universal dimension of the [...]
Convention, but, the majority of them
have signed bilateral agreements, arguing that it facilitates the implementation of the Convention and enhances its effectiveness (Ecuador, Greece and Mexico), particularly for the protection of property considered to be vulnerable (Argentina, Australia and China).
我们欣见贝尔格莱德普里什蒂纳双 方 开展对 话,愿意共同探索能对人民的生活产生积极影响的解 决办法。
We welcome the launch of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and the willingness of both sides to find solutions that can have a positive impact on the daily lives of the population.
我们还愿强调,科索沃特派团和欧盟驻科法治团 在此关键时刻在贝尔格莱德普里 什蒂 纳 双 方 以及 国际有关各方的支持下所开展的协调努力,对于维护 [...]
科索沃的和平与稳定以及科索沃各族民众的利益具 有十分重要的意义。
We would also like to underscore that the coordinated effort being undertaken by UNMIK and EULEX
at this critical juncture, with the
[...] support of both Belgrade and Pristina and all international [...]
stakeholders, is of great
importance to the maintenance of peace and stability in Kosovo and to the interest of all communities thereof.
在这方面,我们再次呼吁贝尔格莱德 普 里 什双方同 科索沃特派团以及秘书长特别代表赞尼尔 先生积极合作,特别是为了促进可能有利于普通公民 的具体安排。
In this context, we reiterate our call on both Belgrade and Pristina to cooperate actively with UNMIK and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Zannier, especially in order to advance practical arrangements that may benefit the ordinary citizen.
我们还满意地注意到,科索沃特派团一直在协助 贝尔格莱德普里什蒂纳双方通 过由红十字国际委 员会主持的失踪人员问题工作组,就失踪人员问题进 行合作。
We have also noted with satisfaction that UNMIK has facilitated cooperation between Belgrade and Pristina on the issue of missing persons through the Working Group on Missing Persons, chaired by the International Committee of the Red Cross.
我们同样鼓舞地看到,贝尔格 莱德普里什蒂纳双方正在务实合作,以解决某些切 实安排方面尚未解决的问题。
It is also encouraging to note that both Belgrade and Pristina are pragmatically cooperating in resolving the outstanding issues as regards some practical arrangements.
不过,这些行为 说明第一号军事协定的权威受到一定程度的损害,并且 普 遍 地 说明 双 方 与 负 责进行军事观察的西撒特派团之间的关系淡化,遵守停火协定的文字和精神的意 愿降低,领土局势趋于暗淡。
However, they are illustrative of a degree of erosion in the standing of military agreement No. 1 and, more generally, of a decline in the parties’ relationship with MINURSO as military observer, in their adherence to the letter and spirit of the ceasefire, and in the situation in the Territory.
优良的启动- 普通脉冲和双脉冲 (Pulse-on-Pulse™ )铝焊接波 形能提供稳定、可靠的启动,极佳的开始每一条焊缝的焊接。
Excellent Starting - The Pulse and Pulse-on-Pulse™ aluminum waveforms provide smooth reliable starting for a great beginning to every weld.
因此,我们认为,科索沃特派团必须 继续保持积极存在,而贝尔格莱德 普 里 什蒂 纳 双方 均必须执行六个领域的暂行安排,直至当地建立起维 护和平与安全的有关后续行动机制。
We therefore believe that it is essential for UNMIK to continue its active presence and for both Belgrade and Pristina to implement the temporary arrangements in the six areas until relevant follow-up mechanisms have been put in place to maintain peace and stability on the ground.
他曾以与一居住在瑞典 的妇女结婚为由申请瑞典居留证,在伊斯兰堡就此事接受面谈时,现场 普 什图 语双向口 译,且报告称该申诉人会说普什图语。
When he was interviewed in Islamabad in connection with his application for residence permit in Sweden on account of his alleged marriage to a woman living in Sweden, there was interpretation to and from Pashto and it was stated in the report that the complainant speaks Pashto.
我一直在与贝尔格莱德普里什蒂纳 双 方 以 及 区域领导人和发起多项区域倡议的欧洲联盟委员会 接触,力图确定使各方在当前情况下可以开展最大程 度合作的解决办法。
Nevertheless, I have continued to engage with both Belgrade and Pristina, as well as with regional leaders and with the European Commission, which sponsors many of the regional initiatives, in order to try to craft solutions that allow for maximal cooperation under current circumstances.
秘书长在2011年1月28日向安全理事会提交的 报告中告知安理会,大会第64/298号决议欢迎 贝尔格莱德普里什蒂纳双方代表在欧盟协 助下开始对话,但这一对话因2010年底科索沃 发生的事件而推迟(见S/2011/43,第3和第15 段)。
In his report to the Security Council of 28 January 2011, the Secretary-General informed the Council that the start of the European Union-facilitated dialogue between representatives of Belgrade and Pristina, which was welcomed by the General Assembly in its resolution 64/298, had been delayed as a result of events that took place in Kosovo in late 2010 (see S/2011/43, paras. 3 and 15).
本报告所述期间,科索沃的政治事态发展,尤其是 12 月选举及其产生的影 响,使得大会 2010 年 9 月 9 日通过的第 64/298 号决议所产生的势头缓慢下来, 大会在该项决议中欢迎欧洲联盟愿意推动贝尔格莱德 普 里 什蒂 纳 双 方 展 开对 话。
The political developments in Kosovo during the reporting period, in particular the 12 December elections and their aftermath, have slowed down the momentum generated by General Assembly resolution 64/298 adopted on 9 September 2010, in which the Assembly welcomed the readiness of the European Union to facilitate a dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade.




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