

单词 双峰



Twin peaks county

See also:


dual adj
both adj


two num


pair n

External sources (not reviewed)

双峰分子 量分布可产生更短的混合时间,改善在超软共混物中的分散性,且在严格尺寸控制的条件下,更快的挤出。
Its bimodal molecular weight distribution provides shorter mixing cycles, improved dispersion in ultra-soft compounds and fast extrusion with tight dimensional control.
范围宽广的,高性能的双峰Vistalon三元乙丙橡胶产品(牌号7500 [...]
,8600 ,8700),是专门针对具有严格几何形状要求的轮廓和高速挤出生产线的产品。
A wide range of
[...] high-performing bimodal Vistalon EPDM [...]
products (grades 7500, 8600, 8700) are targeted at profiles with demanding
geometry and high extrusion line speeds.
电镜下观察了18峰双峰驼(Camelus bactrianus)肾脏细胞的超微结构,探究驼肾重吸收机能的形态学证据。
Ultrastructure of tubuli renales cells and interstitial tissue
[...] capillaries in 18 two humped camels (Camelus [...]
bactrianus) was investigated with transmission
electron microscope in order to find the morphologic features related to renal reabsorption.
此外,它还为气相和料浆法工艺提供Ziegler-Natta、铬和单中心催化剂(用于茂金属 双峰 树 脂 )。
Univation also supplies Ziegler-Natta, chromium and single site catalysts (used for
[...] metallocene and bimodal resins) for both gas phase [...]
and slurry processes.
上述结构特征表明双峰驼具 有很强的重吸收能力,与其节水耐干渴特性相适应。
It is showed that
[...] the kidney of two humped camels possesed [...]
a strong reabsorption ability, which corresponded with their tolerance of water shortage.
Pinoko他救出一个小女孩被杀害了与他的妹妹 双 驼 峰 , 现 在住在机器的形状。
Pinoko was a little girl he rescued were
[...] killed in a twin hump with his sister [...]
and now lives in the shape of the machine.
[...] NZY 01和人的LH(hLH)或人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)作为标准品,125 I-hLH或125 I-hCG作为标记品,抗hLH或hCG血清作为抗血清,组成了不同 双峰 驼 血 浆促黄体素放射免疫分析的组合系统,通过血浆样品稀释曲线,比较了hLH和hCG抗原抗体与CamLH,CamLH NZY 01的交叉反应,选择出测双峰驼血 浆促黄体素交叉反应较强的异种抗原抗体反应系统,即用CamLH作为标准品,125 I-hLH作为标记品,抗hLH血清作为抗血清组成的测定系统,并通过血浆中添加标准参考品后的回收实验及母驼垂体兴奋实验等证明了该方法的特异性、准确性和可靠性。
A new radioimmunoassay (RIA) systems for plasma LH in Bactrian camel was developed by using CamLH, CamLH NZY 01, hLH or hCG as standard reference, 125 I-hLH or 125 I-hCG as radioligand and anti-hLH or anti-hCG serum as antibody.
因此该研究已成功建立双峰驼胎 儿耳缘组织成纤维细胞系,在细胞水平上保存 双峰 驼 这一国家重要种质资源,为基因组文库和体细胞克隆等研究提供了理想的生物材料。
As a consequence,we succeeded in establishing the fibroblast cell line of Bactrian camel on cell level which is a significant national germplasm resource,providing ideal experimental material for future studies of the gene bank and somatic cell cloning,etc.
行程: 让我们热情专业的导游带你远离拥挤的市中心,并告诉你在旧金山最好的景点包括:美丽的海滩譬如贝克海滩,海洋沙滩,金门公园,斯托湖,九曲花街,科伊特塔,金门大桥,唐人街,北海滩的"小意大利",日本城,诺布山,海特-阿什伯里,旧金山艺术宫,太平洋高地,联合广场,市政中心 双 子 峰 , 阿 拉莫,和,仕女图,渔人码头,海湾大桥,英巴卡迪诺公司,金融区,Crissy [...]
Itinerary: Let our professional tour guides demonstrate their passion and enthusiasm for San Francisco by taking you on an exciting Bay to Breakers tour that includes the following highlights: Baker Beach, Ocean Beach, Golden Gate Park, Stow Lake, Lombard Street, Coit Tower, Golden Gate Bridge, Chinatown, North Beach "Little Italy", Japantown, Nob Hill, Haight-Ashbury, Palace of
Fine Arts, Pacific Heights, Union
[...] Square, Civic Center, Twin Peaks, Alamo (Painted [...]
Ladies Victorian Homes), Fisherman's Wharf,
Bay Bridge, Embarcadero, Financial District, Crissy Field, Presidio, Marina, and many locations where movies have been filmed in San Francisco.
上海广联设备先进,技术力量雄厚.公司拥有德国西门子公司的HS-50、S-23HM、80F4、80F5贴片机和日本JUKI公司的KE-2020、KE-2010、KE-760贴片机,可以贴装0.3mm间距的QFP、BGA、CSP以及0201等高精度元器件。其他主要设备还有美国MPM公司的UP-2000和日本JUKI公司的KS-1700全自动丝网印刷机、美国环球公司的轴向自动插件机系统、日本TDK公司的径向自动插件机系统、日本弘辉公司 双 波 峰 焊 接 机、日本TESCON公司的在线测试仪,日本MK公司的灌封设备及固化生产线。
Shanghai Guanglian is specialized in the R&D of the network, IT, communication, video, audio products and SMT surface mounting processing of all kinds of high-definition and high density printing circuit board as well as processing of diversified electronic product components Shanghai Guanglian boasts the advanced equipment and considerable technology strength with Siemens HS-50, S-23HM,80F4, 80F5SMT and JUKI's KE-2020, KE-2010 and KE-760SMT as well as the high definition devices like QFP which can mount 0.3mm space, BGA, CSP and 0201, etc. Other major equipments include the UP-2000 from MPM in USA, KS-1700 full-automatic silk screen printer from JUKI in Japan, axial automatic plug-in system from Global in USA,
radial automatic plug-in system from TDK
[...] in Japan, dual-wave peak welding machine from [...]
Honghui in Japan, online test instrument
from TESCON in Japan, sealing equipment and welding production line from MK in Japan, etc.
在 2010 年 11 月在利比亚举行的第三次非洲欧洲联 峰 会 上 , 双 方 再 次承诺要为经济合作伙伴关系协议上剩余的共同关切问 题找到解决办法。
At the third
[...] Africa-European Union Summit in Libya in November 2010, both sides renewed their [...]
commitment to finding solutions
for the common concerns that remain over the economic partnership agreements.
千年发展目标审峰会上 通过的《成果文件》突出强调了文化在实现千年发展目标方面做出的贡献,并鼓励 [...]
The Outcome Document adopted by
[...] the MDG Review Summit emphasized the [...]
contribution of culture to the achievement of the MDGs,
and encouraged international cooperation in the cultural field.
代表团希望,本次审议进程以 及预计将在今后举行的其他会议的最后结果将 使 双 方 都 感到满意。
It hoped that the final results of this and other meetings expected to be held in the future would
[...] be satisfactory to both sides.
教育部门还应对了双年度 期间出现的各种重大挑战,尤其是全球经济的严重衰退 和前途的变幻莫测。
It also responded to key challenges that emerged during the biennium, in particular the severe global economic downturn and uncertainty about the future.
Gambari 先生指出得益于联合国和 东南亚国家联盟之间峰会、双边磋 商及会见,由 印度尼西亚领导人以及纽约的工作小组会议促成了 秘书长斡旋特派团与东南亚国家联盟的国家建立紧 密了联系。
In response to the representative of Japan regarding coordination between the United Nations and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), he said that the Secretary-General’s good offices mission allowed for close coordination with the countries of ASEAN, as a result of the summit meetings between the United Nations and ASEAN leaders, bilateral consultations and the meetings of working groups in New York, spearheaded by Indonesia.
他还强调 了在磋商中应特别关注的一些具体的计划问题和主题,例如,提高妇女的能力和性别平等、
[...] 在非洲联盟喀土穆首脑会议上所体现的教育与文化的联系(阿拉伯和非洲地区)、可持续发 展和信息社峰会( WSIS)日内瓦与突尼斯两个阶段所取得的成果。
He also highlighted specific programme issues and themes deserving special consideration by the consultation, such as women’s empowerment and gender equality, the link between education and culture demonstrated at the Khartoum summit of the African Union (for the Arab and African regions), sustainable
development and the outcomes of the two
[...] phases of the World Summit on the Information [...]
Society (WSIS) in Geneva and Tunis.
大会第六十六届会议欢迎 2011 年 9 月 24 日在纽约举行的关于非洲之角危机 人道主义救援问题部长级小峰会、2011 年 8 月 25 日非洲联盟在亚的斯亚贝巴 举行的非洲之角问题认捐会议,表示赞赏联合国难民事务高级专员办事处在 1951 年公约六十周年期间所展示的领导能力,赞扬该办事处不断努力,在国际社会支 持下,援助非洲各庇护国,并敦促国际社会本着国际团结和分担重负的精神,继 续慷慨资助办事处的难民方案,同时考虑到非洲对有关方案的需求大增(第 66/135 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly welcomed the ministerial minisummit on the humanitarian response to the Horn of Africa crisis, held in New York on 24 September 2011, the African Union pledging conference for the Horn of Africa, held in Addis Ababa on 25 August 2011, expressed its appreciation, in the year which marked the sixtieth anniversary of the 1951 Convention, for the leadership shown by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and commended the Office for its on-going efforts, with the support of the international community, to assist African countries of asylum, and urged the international community, in the spirit of international solidarity and burden-sharing, to continue to fund generously the refugee programmes of the Office, taking into account the substantially increased needs of programmes in Africa (resolution 66/135).
[...] 员批款使用准则感到关切,因为该批款的目的是用于临时替补请长期病假或产假 的工作人员或在工作量峰期雇 用更多工作人员,而不是为具有连续性质的、事 [...]
实上的经常预算员额提供经费(除其他外,见 A/50/7/Add.2)。
In this connection, the Committee reiterates its concern about the flexible interpretation of the guidelines for the use of funds appropriated for general temporary assistance, which are intended to be used for the temporary replacement of staff on extended sick leave or
maternity leave or the engagement of
[...] additional staff during peak workload periods, [...]
and not to finance de facto regular budget
posts that are of a continuing nature (see, inter alia, A/50/7/Add.2).
大会第 2065(XX)号决议和后来多项决议,以及非殖民化特别委员会的决议,
都把马尔维纳斯群岛问题称为一种特别的殖民地情况,尤其是因为它涉及阿根廷 与大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国之间的主权争端,规定结束这种情况的方式是通
[...] 过谈判和平解决主权之争,并敦促两国政府不再迟延,立即依照大会和特别委员 会的建议进双边谈判。
The United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution 2065 (XX) and in subsequent resolutions, and the Special Committee on Decolonization, have described the question of the Malvinas Islands as a special and particular colonial situation involving a sovereignty dispute between Argentina and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, have established that the way to put an end to that situation is the peaceful and negotiated solution of the sovereignty dispute, and have
requested both Governments to continue
[...] without delay the bilateral negotiations recommended [...]
by the General Assembly and the Special Committee.
双方还 商定,如果三分之一/三 分之二的分摊比例是偿还人事费的公平假设,则将其应用于以前未分摊的 [...]
It was also agreed that, if the
[...] one-third/two-thirds formula was a fair [...]
assumption for the reimbursement of staffing costs,
it should also be used for costs that had previously not been shared: general temporary assistance, computer, office space and audit costs.
此外,根据具体开支项目的开支率衡量计划的执行情况可能并不妥当,因为,在 这样具体层面的开支水平在整双年 度 期间并不总是呈现线性运行态势的。
In addition, measuring the programme implementation by expenditure rates of specific object-of-expenditure items may not be appropriate as expenditures at that level of detail are not always incurred in a linear manner during the biennium.
在同次会议上,智利代表代表里约集团发言:重申里约集团支持阿根廷在 与联合王国的主权争端中的合法权利;回顾了 2010 年 2 月 22 日和 23 日拉丁 美洲和加勒比国家元首和政府首脑在墨西哥举行的团 峰 会 上 通过的关于在 群岛周围大陆架勘探矿物燃料问题的宣言和特别公报;反对大不列颠及北爱尔 兰联合王国在群岛的军事活动,这些军事活动违背了该区域寻求以和平手段解 决争端的政策;还回顾了 2010 年 10 月在圣地亚哥就该问题通过的声明(见 A/C.4/66/SR.2)。
At the same meeting, speaking on behalf of the Rio Group, the representative of Chile: reiterated the Group’s support for the legitimate rights of Argentina in the sovereignty dispute with the United Kingdom; recalled its declaration and special communiqué on the exploration for fossil fuels on the continental shelf around the Islands, adopted by the Heads of State and Government of Latin America and the Caribbean gathered at the Unity Summit held in Mexico on 22 and 23 February 2010; rejected the military activities of the United Kingdom in the Islands, which ran counter to the region’s policy of seeking a solution to the dispute through peaceful means; and also recalled the declaration on that matter that had been adopted in Santiago in October 2010 (see A/C.4/66/SR.2).




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