单词 | 惊起 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 惊起 —give a jolt of surprisestart in surpriseSee also:惊 n—alarm n 惊—be scared • be frightened
她吃惊的抬起头。 泪水充满了她的眼眶。 specialolympics.org | She looked up in clear astonishment. specialolympics.org |
设置您的渠道经理服务,是令人惊讶 的 负担 得 起 和 容 易。 instantworldbooking.com | Setting up your Channel [...] manager service is surprisingly affordable and easy. instantworldbooking.com |
那是房产建设爆发的年头;我被建设的过程 震 惊 , 巨 大 的 起 重 机 的建筑物下,广告,和类似的景象。 luxe-immo.com | Those were years of great housing boom; I [...] was fascinated by the building works in [...] progress, the huge cranes of buildings under [...]construction, advertising signs, and the like. luxe-immo.com |
中国正朝着“世界最大的网络零售市场”稳步迈进—而这 一 惊 人 的 崛 起 是 在 宽带 普及率有限的背景下发生的。 mckinseychina.com | China is poised to become the world’s largest [...] online market—and that remarkable rise has occurred with only limited broadband penetration. mckinseychina.com |
FPAC会员公司早在2002年就做出认证承诺,对促进加拿大森林认 证 惊 人的 增长起到重要作用。 feel-good.ca | The early certification commitment of FPAC member companies in 2002 was instrumental in spurring the phenomenal growth of forest certification in Canada. feel-good.ca |
政 府企图把“性倾向”一词列入《宪法》的反歧视条款中,已经 引 起 了 广 泛的 震惊 和抗议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government’s attempt to include the phrase “sexual [...] orientation” in the anti-discrimination clause of the Constitution had [...] been met with widespread consternation and protest. daccess-ods.un.org |
表盘仅有三个唯美的银色阿拉伯数字,让手表 看 起 来 简约 、 惊 艳 而 不复杂。 hk.ashford.com | Add to that a gorgeous trio of silver-toned Arabic numerals and you have a look that is simple, stunning and uncomplicated. ashford.com |
同时,我们今天深感震惊地听说一起 可 悲事件: 一辆联合国车辆遭到攻击,联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民 救济和工程处(近东救济工程处)的合同工作人员遇 难,并有其他人受伤,近东救济工程处被迫暂停行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the meantime, we were shocked to hear today about a tragic incident — an attack against a United Nations vehicle, killing United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) contract workers and injuring others and forcing UNRWA to suspend its operations. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘密的地图激发年轻的吉姆·霍金斯和一个热闹的宇宙船员为首的大胆阿米莉亚船长在寻找自己的命运 掀 起 一 场 惊 心 动 魄的寻宝穿越宇宙。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | A secret map inspires a thrilling treasure hunt across the universe as young Jim Hawkins and a hilarious cosmic crew headed by the daring Captain Amelia set off in search of their destiny. seekcartoon.com |
欢迎进入ORIS的品牌大使,香港著名的演员、歌手兼企业家谢霆锋先生的精彩电影世界, 一 起 进 行 惊 险 的电影探索之旅。 oris.ch | Welcome to the fascinating world of Nicholas Tse, Oris ambassador, artist and entrepreneuer. oris.ch |
尽管游戏和工作有时相互排斥, 但它们在儿童生活中容易混合在一起 的 程 度却 是 惊 人 的。 ipaworld.org | While work and play were mutually exclusive at times, their easy mesh in the child’s lives was striking. ipaworld.org |
同时,也有许多欢乐和惊喜— 想到我们⼀ 起能够 带来积极的变化! 会议期间,人们在若⼲领域达成了共 识,这对于可持续发展教育⼗年的协调行 动⾮常重要。 unesdoc.unesco.org | There was also a lot of joy and elation – a sense that together we can make a positive difference! unesdoc.unesco.org |
3 月 11 日,在被占领西岸的 Itamar 定居点发生 了一起令人震惊的谋杀事件,一个七口之家的以色列 家庭中有 5 人其中包括 3 名幼童遇害。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 11 March, a shocking murder of five members, including three young children, of an Israeli family of seven took place at the settlement of Itamar in the occupied West Bank. daccess-ods.un.org |
在相机全景模式,让照片轻松通过捕捉三个图像拼接在 一 起 , 并 创建一 个 惊 人 的 全景。 technologeeko.com | In-Camera Panorama mode makes it easy by capturing three images and stitching [...] them together to create one amazing panoramic picture. technologeeko.com |
把这些加起来就是一个惊人的 例外列表,不仅涉密范围广、有的相互重叠,而且许多情况下 有些完全没有必要。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Taken together this is a formidable list of broad, repetitive and in many cases simply unnecessary exceptions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图 片 惊 人 的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十 六 3 起。 mb-soft.com | This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the [...] tannaitic and the [...] apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq. mb-soft.com |
申诉人从事严重的和 广泛的犯罪活动,并且他的犯罪行为因暴力和残忍而 引 起 人 们 震 惊。 daccess-ods.un.org | The author engaged in serious and extensive criminality and his criminal acts have shocked by violence and brutality. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然爱德蒙所说的这种饮食方法听起 来 很 惊 人 , 但读者们在从表面价值来判断她说的话时必须十分小心。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | While Edmond makes this diet sound amazing, readers have to be very careful about taking her words at face value. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
几起令人震惊的事件,例如4月15日叛乱分子发动大 规模袭击,影响到若干政府机构和外国使团,包括 日本使馆,以及5月13日高级和平委员会资深成员 MawlawiArsalaRahmani被暗杀。 daccess-ods.un.org | Unfortunately, we have also witnessed several shocking incidents over the last quarter, such as the large-scale insurgent attack on 15 April, which affected several Government institutions and foreign missions, including the Japanese embassy, and the assassination of senior High Peace Council member Mawlawi Arsala Rahmani on 13 May. daccess-ods.un.org |
工作组对该国 2008 年新报告 212 起案件感到震惊。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Working Group is alarmed that 212 cases were reported during 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
长卷是王韬程所钟爱的形式,对东方古典审美与日本设计的偏好已在他心底积累成某种自然而发的东西,然而又能做到不拘泥于空间形式或是视觉符号,使得观者时不时为他的思维 升 起 一 丝 疑惑 与 惊 异。作品阐述: (1)浪漫的人,中国墨水,铅笔,水彩色,宣纸,茶水,677x33cm,2009 描述:本卷描述了上海曲阳路玉田新村的一小户人家的生活琐事。 shanghaibiennale.org | Wang Taocheng Statements: (1) Romantic People, Chinese ink, tea and pencil on rice paper, 677x33cm, 2009. shanghaibiennale.org |
美国高球女将摩根•普蕾索(Morgan Pressel)12岁时就凭着精湛球技取得美国公开赛的参赛资格,当时她曾以高坛最年轻球手的美名轰动一时,而自此以往,她更在美国职业女子高尔夫球巡回赛(LPGA tour)中声名鹊起,不断惊艳球坛。 audemarspiguet.com | American golfer Morgan Pressel, known for being the youngest person to qualify for the U.S. Open at the age of 12, has made a name for herself on the LPGA tour. audemarspiguet.com |
它们与中国一起所构成的惊人力 量,足以颠覆美国人建立起来的秩序:2009年,亚洲的业务量首次赶超作为龙头老大的美国(亚洲地区为1.55亿美元,美国为1.42亿美元)。 web.artprice.com | Along with China, these markets are generating enough revenue to topple the USA’s leadership of the global art market: in 2009 Asia’s total auction revenue was substantially higher than USA's ($155m vs. $142m) for the first time ever. web.artprice.com |
这个未来的显卡规格看起来只是令人 惊 叹 的 是,和我们都惊讶地看到色彩鲜艳和技嘉 (最近我们也注册卡 GeForce [...] GTX 土卫六亦 3 X 视频的 entermos),编写基于土卫六,当 Nvidia 最初禁止了任何修改您 (甚至不允许包括区分产品的合作伙伴的标签) [...]的参考设计的个性化视频卡。 cn.500gadgets.com | This future video card specifications look simply [...] stunning, and we are surprised to see that both Colorful [...]and Gigabyte (recently [...]us entermos who also enroll your card GeForce GTX Titan WindForce 3 X video), prepare personalized video cards based on Titan, when Nvidia initially forbade any modification to your reference design (not even allowed to include labels that differentiate products of partners). 500gadgets.com |
这些非法武装团体实施有组织犯罪的范围、其实际经济实力、腐蚀主管当局 和国家机构的能力、与地方当局和地方势力网络的联系、对社会活动家的影响以 及令人震惊的对平民实施暴力的程度,使其对法治构成了艰巨的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | The scope of organized violence committed by these groups, their substantial economic power, capacity to corrupt authorities and State institutions, links with local authorities and local networks of influence, their impact on social actors and the alarming levels of violence against civilians make them a daunting challenge to the rule of law. daccess-ods.un.org |
本法院不应沉溺于对发表咨询意见机会的斟酌,我感到 吃 惊 的 是 ,本法 院竟在本咨询意见(第 [...] 29 至 48 段)中,如此关注这一问题,以至于挑出种种技术 问题(在 36 和 39 段中,关于安全理事会和大会各自的作用和职能),并逃避仔细 审议科索沃严重人道主义危机的事实背景(参见下文),在本咨询程序的书面和口 [...] 头阶段过程中,数个参与方提请关注此事实背景。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is not for the Court to indulge in an [...] appreciation of the opportunity of an Advisory Opinion, [...] and it is surprising to me that [...]the Court should dispense so much attention [...]to this issue in the present Advisory Opinion (paragraphs 29-48), to the point of singling out technicalities (in paragraphs 36 and 39, as to the respective roles and faculties of the Security Council and the General Assembly) and of eluding a careful consideration of the factual background (cf. infra) of the grave humanitarian crisis in Kosovo, brought to its attention by several participants in the course of the written and oral phases of the present advisory proceedings. daccess-ods.un.org |
此責任包括設計、實施及維持與編制及真實兼公平地呈列財務 報表有關的內部監控,以確保並無重大錯誤陳述(不論是否因欺詐或錯誤 引 起 ) ;選擇及應用適當之會計 政策;以及在不同情況下作出合理的會計估計。 asiasat.com | This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. asiasat.com |
常设论坛重申关于论坛第三届会议的报告(E/2004/43-E/C.19/2004/23) 第 12 段所载的建议,要求国际移民组织、人权高专办、妇女署、儿基会、联合 国难民事务高级专员办事处、联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室和劳工组织定期向常 设论坛提交报告,说明本单位在处理土著移民妇女和女孩所面临的各种问题,包 括国内和跨国贩卖这一令人震惊的趋 势方面所取得的进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Permanent Forum reiterates the recommendation contained in paragraph 12 of the report on its third session (E/2004/43-E/C.19/2004/23) and requests that the International Organization for Migration, OHCHR, UN-Women, UNICEF, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and ILO report periodically to the Permanent Forum on their progress in addressing the problems faced by indigenous migrant women and girls, including the alarming trend of trafficking within and across national and international borders. daccess-ods.un.org |
取得的成果包括:实现全民教育的综合国家承诺;广泛宣传波斯语版本的《全民教育 [...] 全球监测报告》,以激发关于素质教育的公共意识和政策辩论;建 立 起 有 关 教育和科学的国 民议会对话机制;用波斯语为教师编制和宣传包容性教育的学习培训资料;就滥用药物与艾 [...] 滋病毒/艾滋病问题进行磋商;就文化多样性和人权进行高级别政策对话、交流和培训;在 [...] 新闻行业开展能力建设,以及报告与性别、环境恶化、防灾减灾以及艾滋病毒和艾滋病有关 的敏感问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Achievements include: consolidated national commitment toward EFA; wide dissemination of EFA Global Monitoring Reports (Farsi version) to stimulate public [...] awareness and policy debates on quality education; [...] establishment of a dialogue mechanism [...]with the national parliament on education [...]and sciences; production and dissemination of learning and training materials in Farsi for teachers on inclusive education; consultation on drug abuse and HIV/AIDS; high-level policy dialogue, exchanges and training on cultural diversity and human rights; capacity-building in journalism and reporting on sensitive issues related to gender, environmental degradation, disaster preparedness and mitigation, and HIV/AIDS. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |