

单词 客座教授

See also:






lecture on

External sources (not reviewed)

Mr. Jui is an advisor to the
[...] European Commission, guestprofessor at the School of Software [...]
and Microelectronics, Peking
University and author of various books and articles on the Chinese software industry.
来自八个国家的十六名与会代表和一名观察员以及来自毒品和犯罪 问题办公室及香港廉政公署的两客座教授预防犯罪:有效的行政和刑事 司法措施”这一主题发言并讨论了反腐败措施、战略和最佳做法在预防腐败过 程中的重要性。
Sixteen participants and one observer, representing eight countries, and two visiting experts, one from UNODC and one from the Hong Kong Independent Commission against Corruption, gave presentations on “Preventing corruption: effective administrative and criminal justice measures” and discussed the importance of anti-corruption measures, strategies and best practice in the prevention of corruption.
海洋地质学/地球物理客座教授国杭州第二海洋研究所,2011 年至 2114 年 国内委派任务 成员:拉各斯巴尔海滩侵蚀问题最终解决办法部际委员会,1999 年 成员:尼日利亚/赤道几内亚海洋边界谈判小组(国家边界委员会) 成员:尼日利亚/圣多美和普林西比海洋边界谈判小组(国家边界委员会) [...][...]
成员:尼日利亚/贝宁共和国海洋边界谈判小组(国家边界委员会) 成员:尼日利亚派往海牙的代表团和海洋边界专家——提交海牙的尼日利亚/喀 麦隆边界案(国家边界委员会) 成员和领导人:尼日利亚扩展大陆架划界项目技术小组(国家边界委员会) 国家协调员:全球环境基金(全环基金)开发和保护沿海和海洋环境撒哈拉以南非 洲综合问题分析中级项目,2002 年至今。
Member and leader of the Technical Team on the Nigerian Extended Continental Shelf Claim project (National Boundary Commission).
此外,Emerson 顾问及前任大中华区总裁任锦汉先生,受聘于江门职业技术学客座教授问。
In addition, Peter Yam, advisor and retired
president of Emerson Greater China, was appointed by Jiangmen Polytechnic
[...] Institute as a visiting professor and advisor.
执行局要求总干事就提交其第一七六届会议的最初建议(176 EX/55)编写一份可行性
[...] 事处的代表、联合国大学高等研究所的一客座教授科文组织终身学习研究所的一名理 事会成员)于 [...]
2008 年 3 月赴菲律宾进行考察,评估拟建分区域中心的可行性。
Pursuant to the Executive Board’s request to the Director-General to prepare a feasibility study on the original proposal submitted to its 176th session (176 EX/55), a UNESCO mission (comprising
representatives of UNESCO Bangkok and UNESCO
[...] Jakarta, a visitingprofessor of the United Nations [...]
University – Institute of Advanced
Studies, and a board member of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning) was undertaken to the Philippines in March 2008 to assess the feasibility of the proposed subregional centre.
As a Adjunct Professor at The Chinese University
[...] of Hong Kong, he teaches: “PrivateEquity [...]
& Venture Capital” and “New Venture Business
Project (Fund Raising for Entrepreneurial Venturing)” in the MBA program of the university.
假 如 不 能或不 适合以 常 规 或 长 期 合约形 式 聘 用 国 际 知名学 者 ,
[...] 院校则 可能会 以一般少 於 两 年的短 期 合约形 式 聘 用 他 们客座 教 授
In cases where a regular or longer-term appointment is not possible or appropriate, the
institutions may offer short-term (usually less than
[...] two years) visitingprofessorships to internationally [...]
renowned scholars.
2011 年,和平大学从一名前任同事收到其提供的大量额外房产捐赠,使和平
[...] 大学增添了一处可供选择的校园,还客座教授住宿设施以及一大片礼堂用 地和额外的教室空间。
In 2011, the University received a substantial additional property as a donation from a former colleague, providing it with
an alternative campus, housing
[...] facilities for visitingprofessors,a large covered [...]
auditorium space and additional classroom areas.
神病学研究所国家毒瘾问题中客座教授(2009年);《柳叶刀》对其个人的介绍, 肯定了其关于毒瘾及与毒品有关的伤害问题的研究(2007 年);《柳叶刀》编委会 [...]
顾问(2005 年);科学分析学院,“社会科学一般研究”领域的“高引用率作者”
(2003 年);澳大利亚社会科学院研究员(2002 年);澳大利亚社区卫生服务勋章 (2000 年);世界卫生组织药物依赖性问题专家委员会成员(1996 年)。
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
Australia Fellowship
[...] (2009); Visiting Professor, National Addiction Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, [...]
Kings College London
(2009); personal profile in The Lancet recognizing research on addiction and drug-related harm (2007); Editorial Consultant to The Lancet (2005); Institute for Scientific Analysis, “Highly Cited Author” in “social science general” (2003); Fellow, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (2002); Member of the Order of Australia for service to community health (2000); Member, World Health Organization, Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (1996).
In addition, he
[...] was a visit­ing professor attheUniversity [...]
of Hamburg (Germany) and at New York University.
Invited commentator from Hong Kong Dr John Chuan-TiongLim ofHarvard University observes, 「Peoples from the four areas in the Greater China Region think that the government is responsible for fulfilling people's needs, and based on the result of the survey, the proportion is above world average.
雷根斯堡大学全职教授,公共法、比较法学、欧盟法律和经济行政法教授,让·莫内计划个别委任人士(欧盟与中欧、东欧和东南欧的法律关系),让·莫内计划欧盟法律前教授;多年来在巴黎第一大学和第二大学担客座教授次担任斯特拉斯堡、罗马(La Sapienza)、博洛尼亚多所大学客座教授斯科国立罗蒙诺索夫大学德国法律研究所主任;伊斯坦布尔花园大学欧盟法律中心主任;博洛尼亚科学院通讯会员;俄罗斯和斯洛文尼亚宪法协会荣誉会员。
Full Professor at the University of Regensburg, Chair of Public Law, Comparative Law, EU Law and Economic Administrative Law, Jean Monnet Chair ad personam (Legal Relations of the EU with Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe), former Jean
Monnet Chair of EU
[...] Law; for many yearsVisiting Professor at the Universities of Paris I and Paris II; various times Visiting Professorat theUniversities of [...]
Strasbourg, Roma (La
Sapienza), Bologna; Director of the German Law Studies at the Moscow State Lomonossov University; Director of the EU Law Centre at Bahcesehir University Istanbul; Corresponding Member of the Bologna Academy of Science; Honorary Member of the Russian and Slovenian Association of Constitutional Law
卢伟国议员:主席,我首先要申报,我是香港城市大学兼任教授、职 业训练局(下称“VTC”)客座教授是香港科技大学和VTC的名誉 院士。
IR DR LO WAI-KWOK (in Cantonese): President, first of all, I would like to declare that I am a part-time
professor of the City University of Hong
[...] Kong, a visitingprofessor of the Vocational [...]
Training Council (VTC) and an honorary
fellow of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the VTC.
He has been a professor of Aesthetics, Art History, and Media Theory at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design/Center for
Art and Media in Karlsruhe and an
[...] internationallyacclaimed Professor at a number [...]
of universities in the United States and
Europe, including the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Southern California and the Courtauld Institute of Art London.
挪威教授斯坦因•库瑙(Stein Kuhnle)于2012年5月30日在兰州被聘任为西北师范大客座教授
[...] professor Stein Kuhnle was on 30 May 2012 appointed Visiting Professor at Northwest [...]
Normal University in Lanzhou.
1981 年任海牙国际法研究院讲师;1980 年和 1984-1985 年期间,任欧洲大学学 院兼职教授;1977-1978 年在约翰·霍普金斯大学,1983 年和 1985 年在日内瓦 大学,1989 年和 2001 年任巴黎第一大客座教授2004 年在巴黎第二大学, 1992 年在艾克斯-马赛第三大学,1992 年在密歇根大学法学院,1996 年在哥伦 比亚大学法学院,2001 年在日内瓦高等国际问题研究院担客座教授
Visiting Professor at the Johns Hopkins University, 1977-8, at the University of Geneva, 1983 and 1985, at the University of
Paris I, 1989 and 2001,
[...] at the University of Paris II, 2004, at the University of Aix-en-Provence-Marseille III, 1992, at the University of Michigan Schoolof Law, 1992, at the Columbia Law School, 1996, and at the Graduate Institute of International Studies at Geneva, 2001.
(2)聘请国内外有影响的企事业单位优秀专家作为学院的兼教授客座教 授及研究生指导教师。
Firstly, we advocate the share of teaching resources in computing and other specialties including basic subjects set by the university, and have arranged out-of-school teacher training for 20 times; Secondly, we invite experts from influential enterprises both at home and abroad to
take the position of
[...] part-time professor orvisiting professor; Thirdly, we invite foreign techniciansand teachers toconduct short-term [...]
courses and
give technical lectures to students.
联合国大学高级研究客座教授Mario T. Tabucanon 名誉教授就这一议题作了主旨演讲。
Emeritus Professor Mario T. Tabucanon, Visiting Professor, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), delivered a keynote address on the topic.
Dipl. Ing. oec/MB, Dr.h.c. Lawyer admitted and practising in Prague/CZE (Branch N.J./US), Senior Partner of the Law Offices Bělohlávek, Dept. of Law, Faculty of
Economics, Ostrava, CZE, Dept. of Int.
[...] and European Law, Faculty of Law, Masaryk [...]
University, Brno, CZE (visiting), Chairman
of the Commission on Arbitration ICC National Committee CZE, Arbitrator in Prague, Vienna, Kiev etc. Member of ASA, DIS, Austrian Arb.
奥 贡 州 Ago-Iwoye, Olabisi Onabanjo 大学麻醉和重症监护客座教授(2006-2007 年);伊巴丹大学临床科学系系主任(2002-2004 年);Latunde Odeku 医学图书馆委员会主席(2002-2004 年);伊巴丹大学学院医院麻醉系系主任 [...]
(2000-2002 年);伊巴丹大学学院医院麻醉系代理系主任(1988
年至 2000 年曾中 断);伊巴丹大学医学院高级讲师(1986-1998 年)。
Visiting Professor, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye, Ogun State (2006-2007); Dean, Faculty [...]
of Clinical Sciences,
University of Ibadan (2002-2004); Chairman, Latunde Odeku Medical Library Committee (2002-2004); Head, Department of Anaesthesia, University College Hospital, Ibadan (2000-2002); Acting Head, Department of Anaesthesia, University College Hospital, Ibadan (with interruptions, between 1988 and 2000); Senior Lecturer, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (1986-1998).
陪同他们的客座教授Lothar Schulze 先生,现任德国汉诺威大学仓库和运输系统规划及控制系教授兼主任。
Together with them is their visiting
[...] lecturer, Prof. Lothar Schulze, Professor andHead [...]
of the Department of Planning and Controlling
of Warehouse and Transport Systems (PSLT), Leibniz Universitat Hannover, Germany.
莫庆尧杰客座教授由莫庆尧医生成立,由港币二千万的捐款加上 大学等额的配对,成立四千万永久基金,基金每年的投资收益将用作资助国际 星级学者於港大担客座教授
The Mok Hing-Yiu DistinguishedVisiting Professorshipswas established by Dr Mok Hing-Yiu with a HK$20 million donation which will be matched by the University to form a permanent endowment of HK$40 million.
Michael B. Hardt 教授 作为罗瓦涅米拉 普兰大学客座 教授士研究生,Michael B. Hardt教授研究的课题是未来和 可持续发展。
As visitingprofessor and doctoral student at the University of Lapland in Rovaniemi, Prof. Michael B. Hardt researches future and sustainability topics and issues.
座谈会的讲者包括:香港大学经济及工商管理学院副教授及助理院长(MBA)陈维康博士;香港大学经济及工商管理学院驻校执行长、客座兼任教授及助理院长(EMBA-Global Asia) Marcus Schüetz博士;塔伏特大学佛莱雪法律暨外交学院(Fletcher School of Law and
[...] Diplomacy)兼任教授及香港大学经济及工商管理学客座教授Thomas Hout教授。
The panel speakers were:  Dr. Chris Chan, Associate Professor and Assistant Dean (MBA), Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong; Dr. Marcus Schüetz, Executive in Residence, Visiting Adjunct Professor, Assistant Dean EMBA-Global Asia, Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong; Professor Thomas Hout, Adjunct Professor, Fletcher School of
Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in
[...] Boston, Visiting Professor, Faculty of Business [...]
and Economics, The University of Hong Kong.
He provided training to many Chinese and foreign private banks, wealth management centers, trust companies, third-party financial institutions on the wealth management market and how to develop high-end customers.
He has also
[...] been a visiting professor atSciences-Po [...]
in Paris, a senior consultant to the Secretary-General’s Special Representative
for Children and Armed Conflict, a member of the Secretary-General’s Policy Working Group on the United Nations and Terrorism, and a consultant to numerous private foundations and research centres.
Hummel教授,美国Acebtech Inc.的华裔Rose Mary Su女士,英国约克大学环境工程学院教授Dieter
[...] Finegold先生等,与国内学者分享了国外的建筑声学经验;清华大学着名教授燕翔、黄展春,武汉理工大客座教授峰博士等,也与听众们分享了国内建筑声学领域的典型案例和操作经验。
In the 2009 series of lectures, we have invited the following experts: Professor Jin Yong JEON, the famous expert in architectural acoustics from South Korea; Professor Hummel from Germany; Ms. Rose Mary Su, of Chinese descent from U.S. Acebtech Inc; Mr. Dieter Schwela, professor at the school of environmental engineering, University of York, England; Mr. Larry Finegold, Chairman of ICBEN; and Yan Xiang and Zhu Xiangdong, professors from
Tsinghua University; Dr. Wang
[...] Junfeng, visitingprofessor at Wuhan University of Technology, [...]
etc. The personal experience of
the experts and abundant contents of Bosom Friend Forum attracted a large number of students from Tsinghua University, experts of design units and those of related fields.
哈佛大学设计研究生院近期宣布设立建筑专客座教授,并以约翰波特曼建筑事务所(John [...]
Portman & Associates)及波特曼控股公司(Portman Holdings)的创始人及现任主席约翰波特曼先生命名。
Harvard University Graduate School of Design (GSD) recently
announced that it will name a
[...] distinguished visiting professorship in architecture [...]
in honor of John Portman, Founder and
Chairman of  John Portman & Associates and Portman Holdings.




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