

单词 张口结舌

See also:


open one's mouth
start speaking
talk out of place
talk carelessly


talk sb. round
dispute or misunderstanding caused by gossip

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 道,告诉以色列应该为和平做些什么的那些人在告诉 巴勒斯坦人所谓的返回权利不会实现时却含糊其辞张口结舌,一时语塞。
Yet all of those who were so vocal today in telling Israel what it has to do for
peace mumbled, stuttered and conveniently
[...] lost their voices when it came to telling [...]
the Palestinians that the so-called right of return was a non-starter.
在现代社会中,纸张的消费之大令人瞠 结舌。
In this modern age, paper consumption is extremely high.
Therefore, in our walk with God, we need to guard against the disease of discouragement, especially discouraging words that may come out of our mouth!
我知道我说的话是白口舌,秘书处也不会做 些什么,但有时候想到什么就说什么总是好的。
I know that what I said was a waste of breath and that the Secretariat will do nothing, but sometimes it is good to say what we think.
再次呼吁伊朗政府结束对阿拉伯联合酋长国这三个岛屿的占领,不要试 图用武力造成既成事实,停止为改变这些岛屿的 口结 构 而 建立任何设施,取消 伊朗伊斯兰共和国在这三个阿拉伯岛屿上单方面采取的所有措施并拆除单方面 建立的所有设施,因为这些措施和权利 张 均 为无效,不具任何法律效力,并不 减损阿拉伯联合酋长国对其三个岛屿的公认权利,这些行为违反了国际法和 1949 年《日内瓦四公约》的规定;呼吁伊朗政府依照国际法原则和准则,采用和平手 段解决目前关于这三个岛屿的争端,包括同意将此事提交国际法院审理; 6.
To appeal once again to the Iranian Government to end its occupation of the three islands of the United Arab Emirates, refrain from trying to impose a fait accompli by force, desist from establishing any installations there
for the purpose of
[...] modifying the islands’ demographic structure, revoke all measures and remove all installations unilaterally executed by the Islamic Republic of Iran on the three Arab islands, inasmuch as such measures and claims are null and void, [...]
lack any legal effect,
do not detract from the established right of the United Arab Emirates over its three islands and are acts that run counter to the provisions of international law and the Geneva Conventions of 1949; and to call upon the Iranian Government to adopt peaceful means for resolving the existing dispute over them in accordance with the principles and norms of international law, including agreement to refer the matter to the International Court of Justice
但这些学生已经在高中参加了至少一 年的宗教宣传活动和课外学习小组,他们在遇到 阿托克时,已经被激进化了,所以阿托克并不需 要多口舌来拉他们入伙。
But they had already been radicalised for at least a year through dakwah (religious outreach) activities in high school and extracurricular study groups, so that by the time they encountered Atok, it did not take much to convince them to sign up.
此外,丹麦还为此与舌尔缔结了移交 协定。
To date, in addition, Denmark has entered
[...] into a transfer agreement with Seychelles.
在这方面,咨询委员会收 到张表(见 表八.8.),显示联合国所有租赁房地产的租约到期日、年租金估计 数和面积,并在设施管理处签订的长期租约、基本建设总计划周转空间、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管理处为“ 结 ” 项目租赁的房地产 之间进行了区分。
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was
[...] provided with a table (see table VIII.8) showing the lease expiry, estimated annual rental costs and square footage of all United Nations leased properties, distinguishing between longterm leases concluded by the Facilities Management Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.
企业合法化使企业 有可能通过合法销售以及与其他正规企业和公共实体 结 合 同 实现 张 、 开 展进口业务 、雇佣工人、租赁、购买和销售办公场所及财产,并获得贷款和投资。
Being legal opens the possibility to expand, by legitimately selling to, and making contracts
with, other formal businesses
[...] and public entities, importing and exporting, employing workers, renting, [...]
buying and selling premises
and properties, getting access to credit and investment.
林局長可能在暗笑,他可能沒有甚麼才能,但他卻會經常出席立法會會 議,口舌之勞
While he may not be particularly competent, he always attends meetings of the Legislative Council to perform the role of bickering.
[...] 我們還需要將這 些接聽的地區輿大腦的言語中心連接, 然後連接到驅動和感覺區域, 去控口、舌、喉嚨和胸 膛。
Then masses of tiny neurological connections in the brain are made to process that sound. To develop speech, we need to link this hearing area.to the speech centre
in the brain, and then to the motor and sensory areas which control
[...] the muscles of the mouth, tongue, throat and chest.
主席,我不會重複我手邊取得的數字,其他同事剛才已提出過, 我只是認為原議案,尤其是經易志明議員修正後的議案,不單 口舌 招尤,根本是白紙黑字地傷害到我們這個文明社會所相信的一套人倫 精神、在我們文明社會中運作的基本大原則,藉整件事陷商界於不義。
President, I not am going to repeat the figures which I have got in hand for they have been mentioned by other colleagues earlier. I only think that the original motion, in particular the motion as amended by Mr Frankie YICK, has not only invited criticisms, but also actually harmed the human relations principles which our civilized society believes in, and the basic major principle under which our civilized society operates, by putting it down in black and white, and he has done the business sector an injustice through the whole incident.
对于难粘表面的优异粘结性能, 瓦克将展出VINNAPAS®威耐实 EP
[...] 8010: 这种乳液能够牢固持久地将张粘结 到 难 粘表面, 如聚氯乙烯(PVC)、 [...]
For exceptional adhesion on difficult-to-bond surfaces, WACKER shows
VINNAPAS® EP 8010: The dispersion reliably and
[...] permanently bonds paper to challenging [...]
surfaces such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyester or polystyrene.
我们还确认,只有通过双方不断 进行谈判并决心达成解决方案,才能保 结 束该 地区张局势,避免其成为对抗地区。
We also affirm that continued negotiations between the two parties, and their resolve to
achieve a settlement, represent the only
[...] assurance of ending tensions in that region so that [...]
it does not become an area of confrontation.
[...] 务说明,即:(a) 将恐怖分子绳之以法;(b) 为受害者张正义;(c) 帮结束 黎巴嫩境内的有罪不罚现象。
All the activities of the Office of the Prosecutor, as highlighted below, have been guided by its mission statement, which is drawn from its
mandated tasks: (a) to bring terrorists to justice; (b) to bring justice
[...] to victims; and (c) to help end impunity in Lebanon.
由于致力于占有能源资源,中国的投资举动 引起或加速了发展中国家之间的冲突,同时也导 致了中国与其他主要石油口国之 间的 张关 系
They also drive concerns that China’s actions fuel or exacerbate
conflict in the developing
[...] world and cause tensions with other major oil-importing countries as it [...]
locks up energy resources.
我们必须接受一个历史性的挑战,即创建一个大家共同的、尊重多民族权利的世界, 它将积极有效、有参与并有助于和平的民主原则与确保整个社会发展、促进其不同民族自主 的张结合起来,并体现这种民主。
We must rise to the historic challenge of building a collective global community that recognizes plurinational legislation, that incorporates and organizes productive, participatory democracy conducive to peace and committed to comprehensive development, and furthers the selfdetermination of its peoples.
她 强调民间社会、教师 、政 府 官
[...] 员、科学家和研究员等所有伙伴的价值, 坚决张全球团结⼀致 ,只有这样希望才 能战胜恐惧。
She emphasized the value of all partners including civil society, teachers,
government officials, scientists and researchers and argued
[...] strongly for global solidarity so that hope could [...]
vanquish fear.
收银台内不可有电炉,咖啡壶之类的电器台,古说易生灾难 口舌 , 按 常 理来分析,其实是收银台处一般会有现金和账簿,万一发生火灾,首先被波及,当然不好,放钱的保险柜应隐秘,不可被人看到,但小额的收银机不受此限,因为当天打 结 账 后 ,就将收入保险柜内,所以比较重要的是保险柜,餐饮业进门处的收银台旁,不可设有水龙头和冲洗糟。
The cashier shall not have in electric furnace, coffee pot, Taiwan, the ancient said gives birth to electrical appliances and your breath, "according to the disaster to analysis, is actually in the general will have the cash and zhang book, in case of a fire, first of all be affected, bad of course, put the money should be safe hidden, do not be seen, but a small cash register unaffected by this limit, because the day after the check, will close income, so the more important safes in the catering industry is safe, the place that take the door at the checkout, not by a faucet and flushing worse.
坚固耐用的铰接件、舌和结构设 计可延长设备在恶劣环境条件下的使用寿命。
The rugged
[...] hitch, tongue, and structural design ensure [...]
long life in the toughest job site conditions.
剛才的二讀辯論,議員的發言雖然有一些火花,雖然政 黨之間有一口舌之爭 ,各政黨就條例草案提出的修正案,很多時候都有一 些目標,但其實都是為香港好。
But despite all the arguments among them, the various political parties all want to put forward CSAs with the objective of doing good to Hong Kong.
2003 年张局势结束之后恢复法律和秩序以及财政和经济稳定作出了 贡献。但是,仍然存在着一些困难,包括确保可持续能力建设,使捐助国的优先 事项与该国政府的发展议程达到一致,确保公共资源使用和管理的透明度和问责 制,确保该国资源的公平分配,特别是对居住在农村的 口 大 多数的分配,减少 对援助的依赖。
However, a number
[...] of challenges remain, including ensuring sustainable capacity-building, aligning donor priorities with the Government’s development agenda, ensuring transparency and accountability in the use and management of public resources, ensuring equitable distribution of the country’s resources, particularly for the majority of the population who live in the rural areas, and reducing aid dependency.
这种“积极”保证对保护无核武器国家免于核武器威胁或使用核武器而言或 许是一个进步,但也促使这些国家要求获得“消极”安全保证,并强烈 张 谈判 缔结一项 具有法律约束力的文书,规定核武器国家不对无核武器国家使用核武 器。
That “positive” assurance, while it may have been a step forward in protecting non-nuclear-weapon States against the threat or use of nuclear weapons, also led them to demand “negative”
security assurances, and to
[...] press for the negotiation of a legally binding instrument requiring nuclear-weapon States not to use nuclear [...]
weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States.
威廉汉密尔顿(1791年至1856年),爱丁堡教授,试图在不同的方式不可能完成的任务团结认识论的里德和康德(谁试图在休谟完全满足怀疑的,由 张 , 团 结 和 结 构 现 象强加给在脑海中所形成的感觉)。
Sir William Hamilton (1791 - 1856), Edinburgh professor, attempted the impossible task of uniting the epistemologies of Reid and Kant (who tried to meet the skepticism of Hume in an entirely different way, by asserting that unity and structure are imposed upon the phenomena of sensation by forms in the mind).
联盟在确认其普遍性的同时,也加强了其全球性,并保持了其能力和意愿,继 续处理常常是与所谓的西方社会与穆斯林社会各级对话 结 在 一 起的 张关 系
At the same time, it reinforced its global scope and preserved its capacity and will to continue to address tensions often connected with the dialogue between the so-called Western and Muslim societies at all levels.
我們要 知 道 , 亦須很清 晰 的 向各方表示 , 要 爭 取 的是改 善 香港的 管治,保障每一 個 市 民的權益 , 而並非 撩 是 非 , 亦 並 非 要 贏 一口 舌 之 爭 、無無謂謂地 罵 街 。
We know and we should tell all people that what we are going after is to improve the governance in Hong Kong and to protect the interest of every citizen.
無論如何,我始終覺得無 須口舌之爭而反罵他,他不會因此感到痛楚,倒不如讓人自行判斷 新民黨與社民連的分別。
Nevertheless, I do not find it necessary to pick up the quarrel and rebuke him in return, since he will not feel hurt any way. Better let other people judge by themselves the difference between the New People's Party and the League of Social Democrats.
應 用 於 胃 腸 自 家 中 毒 之 蕁 麻 疹 , 及熱 病 便 秘 而 譫 語 者 , 或 咽 喉 腫 痛口 舌 生 瘡 , 其 人 因 便 秘 而 衝 逆 , 齒 齦 腫 痛 , 口 臭, 目 赤 , 頭 痛 等 症 。
It can be applied to urticaria induced by cyclic vomiting syndrome, delirium and constipation presenting in febrile diseases, swelling of the throat, sore throat, mouth or tongue sores, and symptoms related to surging counterflow of Qi due to constipation such as painful and swollen gums, foul breath, conjunctival congestion and headache.




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