

单词 张太雷

See also:

classifier for flat things, such as paper, tables, faces, bows, paintings, tickets, constellations, blankets, bedsheets
open up
surname Zhang
sheet of paper

surname Lei
(Internet slang) terrifying
mine (weapon)

External sources (not reviewed)

会上有人大 力张,在制订太平洋 区域包容性发展规划时,还需增列关于对妇女、青年 和弱势群体提供教育和能力培训的内容。
It was asserted that an inclusive
[...] development plan for the Pacific needed to include education [...]
and capacity-building for women, youth and vulnerable groups.
在 6 月
[...] 18 日第 20 次会议上,会议以鼓掌方式选张文 天 (中国 ) 和 雷纳 塔·阿尔基尼(意大利)为委员会第五十二届会议副主席。
At its 20th meeting, on 18 June, the Committee
[...] elected, by acclamation, Zhang Wentian (China) and Renata [...]
Archini (Italy) as Vice-Chairs
of the Committee for the fifty-second session.
他敦促尚未加入 《太华地雷公约 》的经修正的第二号议定书的缔约方在即将举行的该文书缔约 国第二次审查会议之前或其后不久加入该公约。
He urged Parties to amended Protocol II who had not yet acceded to the
[...] Ottawa Convention on landmines to do so before or [...]
immediately after the forthcoming
Second Review Conference of the States parties to that instrument.
太统计所在张的信 通技术设施非常完善,有一间配备了 35 台电 脑的教室,用于网络授课十分理想。
SIAP’s excellent IT facilities at Makuhari comprising [...]
a classroom of 35 PCs is ideally suited to the web-delivery of course material.
浙江宁波市市长刘奇、徐明夫副市长、王仁洲副市长、太平洋造船集团董事长兼首席执行官梁 雷 先 生 、 太 平 洋 造船集团执行经理林波先生、太平洋造船集团首席财务 张 坚 锋 先生 太 平 洋 造船集团首席行政官金海月女士以及其他政府部门的相关领导、银行、船东船检代表等嘉宾共同出席了此次活动,为GPA696正式命名为“Ungundja”。
Afterwards, a sea trial event was also held
[...] for another global first fabricated OSV, the SX130. Attending this event were Ningbo Mayor Liu Qi, Sinopacific Shipbuilding Group Chairman and CEO Simon Liang, Sinopacific Executive Manager Lin Bo, Sinopacific Shipbuilding Group CFO Jeff Zhang, Sinopacific Shipbuilding [...]
Group CAO Cathy
Jin and representatives from the bank, the shipowner, and the ship inspection department, who all witnessed the GPA696 officially being named the “Ungundja”.
低:强度最低的设置,并且在张进 纸时 不 太 可 能检测到标签、不良 质量、厚或皱褶文档。
Low: least aggressive setting and is less likely to detect labels, poor quality, thick or wrinkled documents as multi-fed documents.
其中有些——它们为太多了——张状况 和对抗很快转变成了全面武 装冲突。
Some of them — too many of them — have quickly turned [...]
into full-scale armed conflicts.
[...] 18)大概是指称,以雷比内第一个完整的书面副本 太 法 典 确 ; 雷 比 内曾作为合作者的Saboraim许多,给谁一个古老的,而且是不容置疑的传统分配无数增加的塔木德文本。
When Ashi undertook the final redaction of the Talmud he evidently had at his disposal notes of this kind, although Brüll (lcp 18) is probably correct in
ascribing to Rabina the first complete
[...] written copy of the Talmud; Rabina had as collaborators [...]
many of the Saboraim, to whom an
ancient and incontrovertible tradition assigns numerous additions to the Talmudic text.
在教科文组织的部门间地方知识和土著知识体系(LINKS)范围内,制作 张 有 关太 平洋传统航海技术的光盘的工作已经开始,有关开放式远程学习的知识库的可行性研 [...]
究已经完成,为在试验的基础上建立这样一个系统作好准备(见领域 5)。
A CDROM on traditional navigation
[...] techniques in the Pacific has been initiated [...]
within the UNESCO intersectoral Local and
Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) initiative and a feasibility study on a knowledge base on open and distance learning has been completed in preparation for the establishment of such a system on a pilot basis (see Area 5).
根据 1997 年《关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种雷的公约》(《太华公 约》),各缔约国有义务在公约生效 10 年内扫除雷区 的地雷,除非根据公约准予延长。
Under the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production
and Transfer of
[...] Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction, known as the Ottawa Convention, States parties are obliged to clear anti-personnel mines in mined [...]
areas within 10 years
of the Convention’s entry into force, unless an extension is granted under the Convention.
[...] 并更切实地执行经修正的第二号议定书,这些文书包括《公约》的其他议定书、 《太华地雷公约 》、《集束弹药公约》和《日内瓦武装暴力和发展宣言》,以 [...]
Greater progress towards universalization and more effective implementation of amended Protocol II could be achieved by promoting synergies with related instruments, such
as the Convention’s other
[...] Protocols, the Ottawa Convention on Landmines, the Convention on [...]
Cluster Munitions, and the Geneva
Declaration on Armed Violence and Development, and with the various initiatives to counter terrorism and organized crime.
[...] 并呼吁尚未批准的缔约国批准这一领域的其他有关条约,即《 太 华 禁 雷公 约 》、《残疾人权利公约》和新的《集束弹药公约》,该公约预计将在未来一 [...]
He urged all States that had not yet done so to accede to the Convention and its Protocols and to amended article 1, and called on Parties that had not yet done so to ratify the other
relevant treaties in the field,
[...] namely the Ottawa Convention on Landmines, the Convention on the [...]
Rights of Persons with Disabilities
and the new Cluster Munitions Convention, which was expected to enter into force in the coming year.
DEMOKIT磅站专用称重显示器,配有3590EKR显示器、热敏打印机、虚拟储存机、外接PC键盘、条码扫描枪、RPLC6铝质秤台、记忆卡、US B/ 以 太 网 接 、 3 张 C D。
DEMOKIT portable weighing station made up of 3590EKR weight indicator, thermal printer, memory card writer, external PC keyboard, barcode reader, RPLC6
aluminium weighing platform, memory
[...] card, USB/Ethernet interface, various CDs containing [...]
Dinitools software, WeiMonitor, AF firmware and manuals.
整个 2007 年,Equinix 继续在美国及太地区扩张,进 入东京、新加坡、华盛顿 DC、芝加哥、纽约、硅谷及洛杉矶等重要市场。
Through 2007, Equinix continued to expand in the
[...] United States and Asia-Pacific with expansions in [...]
key markets such as Tokyo, Singapore,
Washington, DC, Chicago, New York, Silicon Valley and Los Angeles.
为了将重点放在经济危机后该区域的优先事项 上,太经社会主张通过 加强在贸易和运输便利化等领域的连接以及太平洋孤立 小岛屿国家的连接,为经济发展加强区域一体化。
In order to focus on the priorities of the region in the
aftermath of the
[...] economic crisis, ESCAP will advocate for better regional integration through enhanced [...]
ICT connectivity in
such areas as trade and transport facilitation and Pacific Connectivity of small isolated island states for economic development.
这一修订是不完整的观点从点的犹太人可以看到宗教教育委员会 太 人 从 单 张 发 行 的“附录的修订版”(伦敦,1896年),其中提出了“认为有必要改变,以期为使犹太信仰的成员经修订的版本在手中。
That the revision is not complete
[...] from the Jewish point of view can be seen from the leaflet issued by the Jewish Religious [...]
Education Board, "Appendix
to the Revised Version" (London, 1896), which sets forth the "alterations deemed necessary with a view to placing the Revised Version in the hands of members of the Jewish faith.
如果你的home目录下的数据太大以至 一 张 光 盘 不能装下的话你就应该采用选择单个子目录把它们写进不同的光盘。
If the data in
[...] your home directory is too big to fit onto one CD [...]
then you need to select individual sub-directories and write them to a different CD.
副高级专员在 2009 年 11 月 28 日至 12 月 4
[...] 日举行的《关于禁止使用、储 存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种 雷 的 公 约》(《 太 华 公 约》)第二次 审议大会期间访问了哥伦比亚。
The Deputy High Commissioner visited Colombia between 28 November and 4 December 2009 to participate in the Second Review Conference of the Convention on the
Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of
[...] Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (Ottawa Convention).
1998 年,大会第五十三届会议认可 1996 年 9 月在哈雷举行的世太阳能 首脑会议通过的 1996-2005 年世界太阳能方案(A/53/395,附件)(第 53/7 号决 议)。
At its fifty-third session, in 1998, the General Assembly endorsed the World Solar Programme 1996-2005, adopted by the World Solar Summit, held in Harare in September 1996 (A/53/395, annex) (resolution 53/7).
中国社会科学院太研究所所张蕴 岭 派遣数位国 际关系专家前往苏丹,就中国在苏丹的行为搜集报告资 料。
Zhang Yunling, of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, [...]
recently dispatched international relations specialists to Sudan
to prepare a report on China’s conduct there.
约》(加拿大马里乌斯·格力纽斯大使担任该公约 2009 年会议主席)、《化学武器
[...] 公约》、《关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种 雷 的 渥太 华公 约》、《欧洲常规武装力量条约》、《开放天空条约》、《禁止某些常规武器公约》 [...]
In the interests of general and complete disarmament, Canada is a State party to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (for which Canada’s Ambassador Marius Grinius chaired the 2009 meetings), the Chemical Weapons Convention, the Ottawa Convention on the Prohibition of the
Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer
[...] of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction, [...]
the Treaty on Conventional Forces
in Europe, the Treaty on Open Skies, the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons and the Outer Space Treaty.
已完成九个总部外办事处的审计,它们是:非洲(吉布提,哈 雷 ) , 亚洲 太 平 洋 (曼谷,新德 里),阿拉伯国家(开罗、阿曼,驻阿曼的伊拉克办事处),拉丁美洲及加勒比(利马,圣地亚哥)。
Field audits were completed at nine
locations in the regions of Africa
[...] (Djibouti, Harare), Asia and the Pacific (Bangkok, New [...]
Delhi), Arab States (Cairo, Amman,
Iraq Office in Amman), Latin America and the Caribbean (Lima, Santiago).
張學明議員:主席,我不是準備發言,只是要申報利益,便是我 太太 聯名持有雷曼相關的產品。
I just want to declare an interest and
[...] that is, my wife and I jointly hold some Lehman Brothers-related [...]
products under our name.
佩莱斯先生( 阿根廷) 说,阿根廷作为《太华地雷公约 》的一个缔约国,执 行了杀伤人员地雷领域的国家的政策,这种政策超越了经修正的第二号议定书所 [...]
规定的范围,但它承诺充分执行仍然是一项相关文书的《议定书》并承诺促进其 普遍性。
Mr. Pelaez (Argentina) said that Argentina, as a State
[...] party to the Ottawa Convention on Landmines, implemented national [...]
policies in the area of anti-personnel
mines that went beyond those provided for under amended Protocol II, but was nevertheless committed to full implementation of the Protocol, which remained a relevant instrument, and to its universalization.
是真的它是自然起源的一个补充,因此较不进取的身体,但我们必须 太 夸 张 其 摄 入量和所以我们可以演示文稿中找到推荐剂量为每一天,我们将足够多,以获得所需的效果。
It is true that it's a complement of natural origin, and is therefore less aggressive for the body, but we must not overdo their intake, and so we can find presentations in recommended doses for every day that we will be more than enough to get the desired effects.
在这方面,咨询委员会收 到张表(见 表八.8.),显示联合国所有租赁房地产的租约到期日、年租金估计 数和面积,并在设施管理处签订的长期租约、基本建设总计划周转空间、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管理处为“团结”项目租赁的房地产 之间进行了区分。
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was provided with a table (see table VIII.8) showing the lease expiry, estimated annual rental costs and square footage of all United Nations leased properties, distinguishing between longterm leases concluded by the Facilities Management Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.
北京)12月10日下午,T14b基础教育组中方组长、北京外国语大学校长韩震教授在北京外国语大学行政楼会议室会见了欧方代表、原中法工程学院法方院 张 多 雷 ( Jean Dorey)先生,就2013年教育组的活动规划交换了意见。
Beijing, 10th December, Prof. HAN Zhen, President of Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) and Chinese prime mover of the T14b entitled “the quality and equality of compulsory education” met Mr Jean Dorey, former French Dean of Sino-French Engineer School and European representative of the T14b in BFSU to discuss the 2013 work plan of the workshop.
此外太陽雷腦在二零零一年第四季,於全球 Unix/RISC 伺服器市場營業額方面的市場佔有率亦領先其他對手,持續上升百分之二點二,而第二及第三大對手則分別下跌百分之三點八和百分之一點七。
Sun also gained more than its two largest competitors in Unix/RISC worldwide server revenue market share in Q4 CY2001. Sun gained 2.2 per cent sequentially while the second largest competitor lost 3.8 per cent and the third largest competitor gained 1.7 per cent.
雷同时透露太平洋造船集团近期将与日本三菱重工达成合作意向,联合优化82,000DWT Kamsarmax船型设计,这是太平洋造船集团战略驱动的延展,太平洋造船集团与日本散货船专家的嫁接与融合,将巩固其在散货船细分市场中的领先地位。
Simon Liang further revealed that SINOPACIFIC Shipbuilding Group will recently enter the intention of cooperation with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries for jointly optimizing the design of the 82,000DWT Kamsarmax bulk carrier.
[...] 治、解除武装、复员和重返社会、安全部门改革和 雷 行 动活动,并将力求协助外 地行动建立执行复杂任务的优先事项,并排定这些关键领域活动的先后顺序;协助 [...]
The strategy document will focus on police, rule of law, disarmament,
demobilization and reintegration, security
[...] sector reform and mine action activities [...]
and will seek to assist field operations
to establish priorities for implementing complex mandates and sequencing their activities in these critical areas; and assist with the rule of law and security-related components of field operations to better allocate their resources and define their capability and resource gaps.




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