

单词 奉现

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牙买加重申致力奉行现行法 律框架所体现并得到适当措施和机制支持的 法治,以确保适当执行所有联合国有关国际反恐的文书和决议。
Jamaica reiterates its commitment to the rule of law as reflected in its legal framework, supported by appropriate measures and mechanisms, aimed at ensuring the proper implementation of all relevant United Nations international counterterrorism instruments and resolutions.
虽然Pitris安装在天上居留权的幸福,他们的幸福是不是完全 奉 献 , 表 现 出 他 们的生活行为无关。
Although the Pitris mounted to the heavenly abode of bliss, their happiness was not altogether independent of the acts of devotion shown them by the living.
工程处非常感谢其工作人员,表彰他 们作出奉献和展现的忠 诚,确认需要进一步采取步骤,处理他们的安全问题。
UNRWA is indebted to its staff and acknowledges their dedication and loyalty and the need to take further steps to address their security.
各国应该发挥的作用是,在土著人民作出努力 奉 行 和 表 现 其 文 化和语言 时,给予他们支持。
The role of States should be to support indigenous peoples in their endeavours to practise and express their cultures and languages.
黎巴嫩与他们 一道,欢迎运用任何和平方式或手段, 现 改 革奉民主、公正现代化原则,并保护人的尊严和基本 自由。
Along with them, Lebanon welcomes any peaceful
[...] approach or means to achieve reform, to consecrate the principles of democracy, [...]
justice and modernity
and to preserve human dignity and fundamental freedoms.
各国政府必须尊重个人选择或 不选择某种宗教的权利,以及改变宗教信仰或以传 教、奉或教规来现宗教的权利。
Governments must respect the right of individuals to choose any particular religion or none at all, as well as to change religions and to manifest their religion in teaching, practice or observance.
奉献还体现在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那同前 南问题国际法庭之间持续的积极合作的记录上。
That dedication is further reflected in the record [...]
of continued positive cooperation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the ICTY.
他们的勇气奉献和常常现 出的 彻底英雄主义精神对我们大家是一种激励。
Their courage, dedication and, often, outright heroism are an inspiration to us all.
欧洲联盟还鼓励巴勒斯坦达成内部和解,团结在 马哈茂德·阿巴斯总统的周围;赞扬埃及和阿拉伯联 盟在这方面作出的调解努力;准备支持任何政府,只
[...] 要它遵守巴勒斯坦解放组织的承诺、坚决支持与以色 列进行谈判,奉行体现四方 原则的政策和措施。
The European Union also encourages interPalestinian reconciliation behind President Mahmoud Abbas, commends the mediation efforts of Egypt and the Arab League in this respect, and is prepared to support any Government which respects the Palestine Liberation Organization’s commitments,
resolutely supports the peace negotiations with Israel and pursues policies and
[...] measures that reflect the Quartet’s principles.
尽管土耳其在上述普通照会中暗示对塞浦路斯局势承担责任,承认该国介入 了持续36 年的塞浦路斯问题并扮演了主要角色,但令人遗憾的是,土耳其一贯
[...] 坚持无视联合国对塞浦路斯共和国和塞浦路斯问题的立场,拒绝遵守联合国相关 决议奉行使现状合 法化的政策,而这一现状是其通过使用军事力量和在岛上部 署
Even though by the said note verbale Turkey implicitly assumes responsibility for the situation in Cyprus and admits its key role and involvement in the continuation of the 36-year-old Cyprus problem, it is still regrettable that Turkey consistently insists on ignoring the position of the United Nations towards the Republic of Cyprus and the Cyprus issue, refuses to comply with
relevant United Nations
[...] resolutions, and pursues a policy of legitimizing the status quo that it has [...]
imposed on Cyprus through
the use of military might and the presence of 43,000 heavily armed troops on the island.
此外,为了履行在有关公约下承担的责任,本届政 奉 行 一 项加 现 有 机 制, 制定适当法律文书和改进有关措施的政策。
In addition, with regard to fulfilling the responsibilities undertaken in the applicable conventions, the current Administration maintains a policy of strengthening the mechanisms in place, developing appropriate legal instruments and improving relevant measures.
国际理论物理中心主任及其员工所 现 出 的 兴趣 奉 献 精 神为试点研究的成功奠定了 坚实的基础。
The interest and commitment already shown by the Director of ICTP and by his staff has provided a solid foundation on which to build a successful pilot study.
他还感谢各位代表在特设工作组审议的问题上 现 出 的 决心 奉 献 精 神。
He also thanked delegates for their commitment and dedication with regard to the issues under consideration by the AWG-KP.
160 委员会表示关切,顽奉信巫术的现 象 , 和妇 女被关入妖巫集中营遭暴力迫害的做法。
Furthermore, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women has characterized the persecution of women accused of witchcraft as an extreme form of violence against women.160 It has expressed its concern about the persistence of the belief in witchcraft and the subjection of women in witch camps to violence.161 92.
委员会表示非常感谢工作组主席领导该工作组时 现 出 来 的 奉 献 精 神和专 业精神。
The Committee expressed its deep appreciation to the Chair of the Working Group for her dedication and professionalism in leading the Working Group.
因此,完全 可以说,大韩民国是一个具有典范意义的国际成功案 例,充奉行并体现出联合国拥护的价值观,不论此 种价值观是民主、人权还是发展方面。
It may therefore be rightly said that the Republic of Korea is an exemplary international success story, fully embracing and reflecting the values espoused by the United Nations, be they those relating to democracy, human rights or development.
自地震以来,联合国稳定特派团一直辛勤工作,帮助海地政府维护社会稳定,这支蓝盔部队在海地所 现 出 的 职业 奉 献 和 大无畏精神 现 了 联合国维和行动帮助受援助国家克服冲突和灾难的众多示例之一。
Since the quake, MINUSTAH has continued to work hard to help stabilize Haiti and the professionalism, dedication and courage shown by the ‘blue helmets’ in Haiti since then is just one of many examples of UN peacekeeping helping countries overcome conflict and tragedy.
我谨对联伊援助团和 联合国大家庭各位同事在伊拉克境内十分困难工作 条件下所开展的努力、所作奉献和 展 现 的 毅 力,表 示感谢与赞赏。
I should also like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my colleagues at UNAMI and in the United Nations family for their efforts, dedication and perseverance under very difficult working conditions in Iraq.
由于这是他的最后一次会议,主席希望感谢他的班子给予他的支持,感谢执行委员 会成员所现的持续的奉献和承诺。
As it was his last meeting as Chair, he wished to express his gratitude for the support he had received throughout his term and for the continued dedication and commitment shown by members of the Executive Committee.
[...] 在哪个社会,都应对这一历史经历有透彻的了解,这样才能充分理解当代生活中的歧现 象,并信奉人的 尊严的基本价值,从而建设一个可持续发展和具有尊严的未来。
The young generations, irrespective of the societies in which they live, shall acquire a thorough grasp and understanding of this historical episode, so that
they can fully understand
[...] discrimination in the present-day life and espouse the basic [...]
values of human dignity with a view
to building a sustainable and dignified future.
最后,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那要就联阿援助团工 作人员和特别代表德米斯图拉先生所做的不懈工作 和现出的奉献精 神,向他们表示祝贺。
Finally, Bosnia and Herzegovina congratulates UNAMA staff and Special Representative De Mistura on their tireless work and dedication.
突尼斯结束了过去 的做法,并决定继续朝此方向迈进,营造信任气氛,从而能够作为一个对自己的
[...] 文明感到自豪、具有阿拉伯伊斯兰特征、乐于接 现 代 趋 势并 奉 和 平 、民主和 人权价值观的国家,在各民族中占据应有的地位。
Tunisia had put an end to practices of the past and was determined to continue on this path and create an atmosphere of trust, so that it could occupy the position it deserves among nations, as a country proud of
its civilization, with an Arab
[...] Islamic identity, open to modern trends and attached to [...]
the values of peace, democracy and human rights.
我还 要感谢秘书长特别代表奥古斯丁·马希格先生对索马 里和平与和解使命现出的决心奉 献。
I would also like to thank Mr. Augustine Mahiga, Special
Representative of the Secretary-General, for his
[...] commitment and his dedication to his mission [...]
of peace and reconciliation in Somalia.
正如报告提及的那样,联海稳定团 工作人员在支持海地恢复与稳定的工作中 现 出持奉献与承诺。
As the report mentions, MINUSTAH personnel have shown a continued dedication and commitment in support of the recovery and stability of Haiti.
我要感谢联黎部队的特派团团长兼部队指挥官阿尔韦托·阿萨塔·奎瓦斯少 将以及联黎部队全体军事和文职人员在黎巴嫩南部为服务于和平而 现 出 的奉 献精神以及从事的工作。
I would like to express my appreciation to the UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General Alberto Asarta Cuevas, and to all the military and civilian personnel of UNIFIL, for their dedication and the work that they are carrying out in southern Lebanon in the service of peace.
继我 2012 年 4 月 16 日、17 日、18 日和 19 日的信之后现奉我国政府指示, 谨随信转交 2012 年 4 月 19 日武装团体在叙利亚境内违反停止暴力准则的行为详 情清单(见附件)。
Following my letters dated 16, 17, 18 and 19 April 2012, and upon instruction from my Government, I have the honour to attach herewith a detailed list of violations of the plan for cessation of violence which have been committed by armed groups in Syria on 19 April 2012 (see annex).
这个新系统,称为神智学,是为了拥抱内各种形式的宗教其折叠members,调和在pantheistic认为一切分歧的信条,所有神,高有低,不过是至高无上的,难以理解 现 实 , 奉 献 短 暂emanations到这是最高的宗教。
This new system, known as Theosophy, was to embrace within its fold members of every form of religion, reconciling all differences of creed in the pantheistic view that all deities, high and
low, are but transitory emanations of the supreme,
[...] incomprehensible Reality, devotion to which was the [...]
highest religion.
我应特别感谢科索沃特派团的所有工作人员,即 那些在 6 月 30 日后将继续为科索沃特派团工作的人 员,以及特别是在科索沃特派团的任职已经届满或在 今后三个月内将届满的那些工作人员,感谢他们在科 索沃特派团任职期间所现的奉献精神、敬业精神和 承诺。
I owe a special debt of gratitude to all of UNMIK’s staff — those who will continue to work for UNMIK after the 30 June and, in particular, those whose tenure with UNMIK has ended or will end during the next three months — for the dedication, professionalism and commitment they have demonstrated during their tenure with UNMIK.
我还要赞扬联黎部队官兵在 完成所赋予他们的任务时现出的奉 献 精 神,以及为 了和平所作出的巨大牺牲。
I would also like to commend the dedication of UNIFIL commanders and staff in carrying out the mission they have been entrusted with, as well as the immense sacrifices they have made in the service of peace.
我要对我的特别代表贝尔特·肯德尔斯以及联科行动和联合国国家工作队全 体男女工作人员现出的决心奉献 精 神表示感谢,尤其在过去艰难的数月中。
I would like to thank my Special Representative, Bert Koenders, and all the women and men of UNOCI and the United Nations country team for their determination and dedication, particularly over the past difficult months.




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