

单词 择日子

See also:


fix a date (for an event)
select an auspicious date

日子 n

day n


days of one's life
a (calendar) date

External sources (not reviewed)

提供分页功能,添加、编辑、删除和搜索表中记录,支持多种数据类型输入:XML,JSON,Array等,多行 择 , 支 持 子 表 格 ,集 日 期 选 择 控 件 等等。
Provide paging , add, edit, delete and search records in the table to support multiple data types of
input : XML, JSON, Array , etc., multi-line options,
[...] spreadsheet support , integrated date selection control , and so on .
成 人也可以在职业教育机构获得中等教育,可以 择 全 日 制 学 习或边工作边学习。
Adults may also acquire secondary education in vocational educational institutions
[...] where they may choose between full-time [...]
or part-time study.
极性转换择器端子 K 是延伸出来的细级分接择 器端子 (也有 M10 螺丝用的孔 37)。
Reversing change-over selector terminal K is an extended tap selector terminal (also with through-hole for M10 screws, Figure 37).
此外,贝克汉姆和子维多利亚择 了 联 合国儿童基金会作为其于2006年5 月 2 1 日 举 行 的全明星晚会(Full length and Fabulous Party)的受益者之一 。
In addition, David Beckham and
[...] his wife Victoria chose UNICEF to be one of the beneficiaries of their ‘Full length and Fabulous Party’ held on 21 May 2006, with funds raised going to support [...]
this campaign.
(c) 一旦一个会员国、以观察国身份出席会议的罗马教廷或以观察员身份出
[...] 席会议的巴勒斯坦的名字被秘书长代表抽中,即先请该会员国、以观察国身份出 席会议的罗马教廷或以观察员身份出席会议的巴勒斯坦 择 一 次会议,然后再从 相对应的子内抽 出标有会议发言时段的数字。
(c) Once the name of a Member State, the Holy See, in its capacity as observer State, or Palestine, in its capacity as observer, has been drawn by the representative of the Secretary-General, that Member State, the Holy See, in its capacity as observer State, or Palestine, in its capacity
[...] observer, will be invited first to choose a meeting and then to draw from the [...]
appropriate box the number indicating the speaking slot in the meeting.
(2) 根據第(1)款作出的宣布,可宣布任何範圍為絕對的過境限制區,或在指日子或任何日子的指 明時段為過境限制區。
(2) A declaration under paragraph (1) may declare any
area to be a crossboundary restricted area either absolutely or on
[...] specified days or during specified hours in any day.
在過渡期餘㆘日子裏, 我們會繼續與㆗國發展貿易聯繫,香港亦會 聯同英國,繼續支持㆗國重新加入關稅及貿易總協定( 簡稱關貿總協定),以及支持其 爭取成為取代關貿總協定的世界貿易組織創辦會員國的權利。
We shall go on developing our trading links with China in the remaining years of the transition and Hong Kong, together with Britain, will go on supporting China's re-entry to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and its right to founder membership in the GATT's successor body, the World Trade Organization.
支持择日期格 式和 时间格式,从而允许使用各种国际标准。
Date formatting and time formatting options are supported [...]
to allow for various international standards.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后日子 的 精 神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后 日子 假 先 知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天 [见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of
evil and seduction to
[...] sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets [...]
[pseudo-Messiahs] and
corrupters will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
秘书长指出,综合培 训处的办法以降低交付成本、改进质量和提高效率为目标。各项培训活动均通过
[...] 成本分析予以确定,这种分析会比较各种 择 场 地 、 日 期 和服务提供者的费用 (A/66/679,第 45 段)。
The Secretary-General states that the approach of the Integrated Training Service aims at reducing delivery costs, improving quality and increasing efficiency and, to that end, each training activity is determined
through a cost analysis that compares
[...] the cost of alternative venues, dates and service providers [...]
(A/66/679, para. 45).
尤其应避免在其它文件正在到达或是更改时使 用文件(例如,SW 文件就是一个不好的择,因为日志 文件将随每项作业而 更改)。
In particular, avoid using folders where other
files are arriving or changing (for example, the
[...] SW folder is a bad choice, because the log file [...]
changes with every job).
缔约国应制定国家法 律,规定土著家长可以子女选择他 们 喜欢的名字。
States parties should put in place national
legislation that provides indigenous parents with the
[...] possibility of selecting the name of their preference for their children.
请注意,即使您择不接收电子邮件,或者随后提出退出 Ashford 电子邮件营销列表的要求,您仍将收到在我们网站上所进行的采购的礼品卡确认邮件、所提交问题的确认收据以及其他操作性邮件。
Please note, even if you elect not to receive email, or subsequently ask to be removed from the Ashford email marketing list, you may still receive email confirmations for Gift Card purchases made on our website, confirmations of our receipt of questions submitted, and other operational emails.
为了避免并联的端子上出现过电压,必须在具有多级并联分接选择器的 R I
[...] 2002-E 和 R I 3003-E 型单相分接开关上将标记相同的分接 择 器 连接 端 子 相互 连接起来。
In order to avoid overvoltage on terminals connected in parallel, tap selector connection terminals with the same designation must be linked together when
using R I 2002-E and R I 3003-E single-phase on-load
[...] tap-changers with several tap selector planes connected in [...]
(c) 在下列情況下「「生」有權決定是否提供「信用卡結單」,若(i)在有關期間內並無任何進支及自上一份「信用卡結單」後「信用卡 戶口」、「賽馬團體戶口」及「合股人戶口」(視乎何種情況而定)亦未有任何未償還結欠,或(ii)「「生」或「會員」因任何理由 已取消或終止之「信用卡」或「賽馬團體」或「合股人」經已解散,但「信用卡戶口」或「賽馬團體戶口」或「合股人戶口」(視 乎何種情況而定)出現逾期未付借方餘額而「「生」認為逾 日子 不 能 接受。
(c) Hang Seng will have the discretion whether to supply a Card Account Statement if (i) there are no entries covering the relevant statement period and no outstanding balance on the Credit Card Account, the Syndicate Account or the Partnership Account (as the case may be) since the last Card Account Statement or (ii) where the Card has been cancelled or terminated by Hang Seng or the Cardmember for whatever reason or where the Syndicate or the Partnership has been dissolved and there is a debit balance in the Credit Card Account, the Syndicate Account or the Partnership Account (as the case may be) overdue for such period considered by Hang Seng to be unacceptable.
(c)  一名替任董事應(除非不在香港,在此情況下,倘若彼已通知秘書表示有意
[...] 於任何期間(包括該日)離開香港,且並無撤回有關通知,則彼應被視為於任日 子不在 香港)有權接收董事會會議通告,並有權作為董事出席委任彼為代表之董事 [...]
人作為董事之一切職能;而就於該會議上之程序而言本章程細則之條文將適用,猶 如該替任董事(而非其委任人)為董事。
(c) An alternate Director shall (except when absent from Hong Kong, for which purpose he shall be deemed absent from Hong Kong on any day if he has given to the Secretary notice of his intention
to be absent from Hong Kong for any
[...] period including such day and has not revoked [...]
such notice) be entitled to receive notices
of meeting of the Directors and shall be entitled to attend and vote as a Director at any such meeting at which the Director appointing him is not personally present and generally at such meeting to perform all the functions of his appointor as a Director, and for the purposes of the proceedings at such meeting the provisions of these Articles shall apply as if he (instead of his appointor) were a Director.
金属机身,良好的散热架构,可以保证机器长时间不间断的高性能运行;配合像高压缩比,高图像质量的优化H.264 Main
[...] Profile视频编码技术,支持三码流根据不同的应用 择 主 码流 、 子 码 流和手机码流使图像传输更加清晰流畅;为您提供非常高效和高级别的安防监控。
Metal body, good heat dissipation structure that can ensure uninterrupted, high-performance machine for a long time to run; with as high compression ratio and high image quality optimized, H.264 Main Profile, video encoding
technology, support for triple bit
[...] stream, options the main stream, sub-stream and [...]
stream to mobile phones, then more clear
and smooth image transmission; to provide you with a very efficient and high-level security monitoring.
电子邮件地址将会添加到所择的电 子 邮 件 组,而地址将会在“配置 管理器”窗口中列出。
The email address will be added to the selected email group and the address will be listed on the Configuration Organizer window.
智 利 建议(a) 确定 暂停适 用 死刑, 以期予以 废除 ; (b) 批准劳工方面 的基本公约,尤其是劳工组织第 87 和 98 号公约、以及《保护所有移徙工人及其 家庭成员权利国际公约》;(c) 确保男女在婚姻方面,包括配偶的 择 、 婚 姻的解 体子女的 监护及遗产等方面享有同等权利。
Chile recommended (a) the establishment of a moratorium on the application of the death penalty with a view to abolish it; (b) ratifying the fundamental labour conventions, in particular ILO Conventions 87 and 98, as well as the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families; (c) ensuring that men and women enjoy the same rights with respect to marriage, including the selection of spouse, dissolution of the marriage, child custody and inheritance.
[...] 代表团有着同样的担忧,他还指出,由于目前的形 势很难采取行动,他会考择日前往该国进行考察。
Replying to the representative of the United Kingdom, he said that he, too, was concerned about the situation in Zimbabwe and would examine the
possibility of conducting a mission in
[...] Zimbabwe at a later date, as current conditions [...]
made such a mission very difficult.
如气候变化问题所示,不可持续的生产和消费模式加剧了对生 态的影响,危及当代人子孙后代的 择 权 , 给地球生命的可持续性带来了危害。
Unsustainable production and consumption patterns are creating ecological impacts that compromise the options of current and future generations and the sustainability of life on Earth, as climate change is showing.
为纪念这日子,经济、社会和文化权利委员会谨强调指出, 《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》与《宣言》之间有着密切的关系,两者是相 辅相成的。
To mark this occasion, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights wishes to emphasize the close relationship and the complementarity existing between the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Declaration.
通过拖拽鼠标或点击甘特图标题上 日 期 选 择日 期 范 围可以对图表进行缩放,右键单击甘特图标题可撤销缩放。
Chart can be
[...] zoomed by selecting date range by mouse draging or clicking to one date in Gantt [...]
header, unzoomed by right click Gantt header.
截至民國一○一年一月一日及一○一年三月三十 日 , 子 公 司因上述調整致商 譽分別減少138千元及增加508千元;其他應付款分別增加6千元及2千元;國外營運 機構財務報表換算之兌換差額分別增加16,619千元及20,133千元;民國一○一 [...]
年第一季攤銷費用調整減少963千元、利息收入調整減少2千元及其他損失-兌換損 失調整增加4,397千元。
As of December 31,
[...] 2011 and March 31, 2012, due to the change of the functional currency, the effect of subsidiaries were as follows: [...]
the goodwill was decreased
by $138 thousand and increased by $508 thousand, respectively; other payables increased by $6 thousand and $2 thousand, respectively; the effects of changes in foreign exchange rates increased by $16,619 thousand and $20,133 thousand, respectively; for the first quarter of 2012, the adjustment of amortization was decreased by $963 thousand; interest income was decreased by 2 thousand and currency exchange losses was increased by $4,397 thousand with subsidiaries as mentioned above.
30.7 任何通告通過刊發廣告方式送達應將視為已於刊載廣告的官方刊物及╱或 報章刊發當日(或如刊物及╱或報章上的刊發日期為不 日子 , 則 最後刊發日子)送達。
30.7 Any notice served by advertisement shall be deemed to have been served on the day of issue of the official publication and/or newspaper(s) in which the
advertisement is published (or on
[...] the last day of issue if the publication and/or newspaper(s) are published on different dates).
电影《追寻和平日子》以及本资源中的各种 活动和项目将帮助您思考和平与非暴力在世界 [...]
中的力量,并且帮助您决定您可以为“和平 日”做出什么承诺。
The film The Day After Peace, along [...]
with the activities and projects in this resource, will help you think about the power
of peace and non-violence as a force in the world and help you decide what your commitment can be to Peace Day.
[...] 公室的所有函件,特别是关于移交通知和结束任务报告的函件的 子日 志 ; 复制 并按照时间顺序保留办公室要求保存的所有这些函件和主题文件的硬拷贝,因为 [...]
办公室的直接来访者和接听电话,协助联黎部队行政文件的处理,以及视需要执 行其他管理工作。
The Team Assistant will maintain an electronic log of all correspondence directly to or from the Office, in particular handover notes and End of
Assignment Reports; reproduce and maintain in
[...] chronological order hard copies of and subject [...]
files for all correspondence required
to be kept by the Office, which is mandated to collect all End of Assignment Reports for UNIFIL; attend to visitors and calls directed to the Office during extended coverage of the working week; assist with the processing of UNIFIL administrative documents; and perform other administrative duties as required.
到 二零一二年下半年,很有可能我們將會開始看到增長放緩的跡象,特別是因衛星行業的特性反 應往往滯後於經濟走勢,無論在經濟陰晴 日子 均 如 是。
In the second half of 2012, there is the possibility that we may begin seeing signs of slower growth, especially given the nature of our industry which tends to lag economic trends, both negative and positive.
我仅告知你,昨天即 5 月 15 日,包括东耶 路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土以及特别是约旦、黎巴嫩、叙利亚和埃及等地散 居国外的数以千计的巴勒斯坦平民参加了和平示威,郑重纪念这 日子 , 要求结 束以色列对巴勒斯坦土地的占领和停止剥夺其不可剥夺的权利,包括自决和返回 的权利,并要求实现其合法的民族愿望。
I wish to inform you that yesterday, 15 May, thousands of Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, as well as throughout the Diaspora, particularly in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt, participated in peaceful demonstrations to solemnly mark this occasion and to call for an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian land and an end to the denial of their inalienable rights, including their rights to self-determination and to return, and to call for the realization of their legitimate national aspirations.
刚刚进行的 讨论认为,第一种选择是不对第 4 条草案第 1 款(b) 项作任何修改,第二种择是将该子 款 开 头的“答 复”替换为“指示性的答复”,还明确指出这仅适 用于第 3 条第 3 款 (e)和(f)项。
In view of the discussions that had just taken place, the first option was to leave draft article 4, paragraph 1 (b), unchanged, and the second option was to replace “A response” at the beginning of that subparagraph with “An indicative response”, specifying also that that applied only to article 3, paragraphs 3 (e) and (f).




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