

单词 拨正

拨正 verb ()

correct v

正正 adverb ()

exactly adv



bring order out of chaos
set rights things which have been thrown into disorder

See also:

set aside (money)
push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc
pluck (a string instrument)
classifier: group, batch
poke (the fire)
turn round

External sources (not reviewed)

应该对通过总部外办事处拨正常计 划经费的有效性进行评估。
The effectiveness of allocating regular programme [...]
funding through field offices should be evaluated.
一些与会者 建议,为全委会拨正常预 算以增强其能力。
Some participants recommended that a regular budget for National Commissions be allocated to increase their capacities.
关于为“为发展而合作”拨正常计 划资金的问题,会议认为,关于预算外资金创收 之所用,只需少量资金,不应动用由正常计划供资的其它计划活动的费用。
As regards earmarking of regular programme funds for “cooperation for development”, for the purpose of generating extrabudgetary funds, the point was made that this should only entail modest funds and not be at the expense of other programme activities to be funded from the regular programme.
第 II 篇--在计划和与计划有关的业务中,分散到总部外各单位 拨 款 占 正 常 活 动预 拨 款总 额的 52.6%,这些总部外单位的开支率为 81.4%。
Under Part II – Programme and Programme Related Services, 52.6% of total regular budget allocation for activities is decentralized to field units where the expenditure rate stands at 81.4%.
该报告应充分详细说明涉及第 63/294 号决议
[...] 最初核准的维持预算以及秘书长说明(A/64/728 )请 拨的订正估计 数的所有资源的支出情况。
The report should provide full details of expenditure for the totality of resources related to the
maintenance budget originally approved in
[...] resolution 63/294 and the revised estimates requested [...]
in the Secretary-General’s note (A/64/728).
表 1 介绍了拨款项目正常预 算和预算外资金的总体执行情况,因此包括与各个拨款 项目有关的所有资金。
Table 1 presents the overall implementation by principal appropriation line for both regular budget and extrabudgetary resources, thereby covering all funds related to each appropriation line.
董事会建议在预算中为聘请临时行政支助来编制这份名录提供一项 45 000 美元拨款;这项工正在由 基金秘书处进行。
The Board recommended allocating a budget line of $45,000 for the hiring of a
temporary administrative assistant to develop this
[...] directory, an initiative being undertaken by the secretariat [...]
of the Fund.
他们认为今后的多国磋商应该正常预算拨款,资金拨给多 国办事处。
They expressed their preference that future cluster consultations be financed from
[...] the regular budget, through allocations to cluster offices.
尽管如此,表 5 还是介绍了批准的 35 C/5 正常预算拨款(指 示性预算)按主要拨款项目统 计的 这些开支项目的执行情况。
Nonetheless, Table 5 shows the 35 C/5 Approved regular budget allocations (indicative budget) for these items of expenditure by principal appropriation line.
一些国家认为,目拨给各计划正 常 预 算资金比例(2 年 3.32 亿美元,或者说占核 心预算费用的 38%)实在太少,并建议从中央管理部门向各项计划,特别是向教育这样的关 键优先领域拨转更多的资金。
Some countries considered that the current proportion of regular budget funds allocated to the programme ($332 million for two years, or 38% of core budget costs) was far too modest and recommended that more funds be transferred from central administration to programmes, and especially to key priorities such as education.
与以前届会上所使用的统计表一样,本统计表是一个报告工具,载有按主 拨 款 项目 介正常预 算(按照人事费和活动费分列)和预算外资金总体执行情况的表 1。
As in previous sessions, this Management Chart being a reporting tool, contains Table 1 which provides the overall status of implementation by principal appropriation line of both regular budget (by staff and activities) and extrabudgetary resources.
世卫组织代表向食典委通报说,世卫组织目前只有大约 25%的预算来正常拨款, 而其余 75%都是来自预算外捐款。
The Representative of WHO informed the Commission that currently only approximately 25% of the overall WHO budget comes from regular contributions and 75% from extra budgetary contributions.
这种办法更为透明,使会员国能够清楚地看到各拨款项目的正节余 情况,并明白这种节余被用来满足其他追加开支要求。
This approach was considered more transparent, as it would allow the Member States to clearly view the true level of savings incurred on the various appropriation lines, while understanding that such savings were used to cover other additional expenditure requirements.
大会将在重大计划一级确正式的拨 款 决议,因此,以前 C/5 文件中的计划和分计划 [...]
The formal Appropriation Resolution would [...]
be made by the General Conference at the major programme level and accordingly,
programme and subprogramme levels of previous C/5 documents would be eliminated.
总干事在得到本双年度 400,000 美元的预算外资金用于物理和数学 能力建设的保证以后,例外地决定从教科文组织专门拨给的里雅斯特 国际理论物理中心(ICTP )正常拨款中拿出相等的数额满足 SESAME 国际中心的紧迫需要。
Being assured of $400,000 for capacity-building in physics and mathematics from an extrabudgetary source during the biennium, the Director-General as an exception decided to use an equivalent amount to respond to the immediate need of SESAME from funds earmarked for UNESCO’s regular contribution to the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste.
令 人鼓舞的是,我们注意到(a)海地办事处通过预算外途经(加拿大和法国)获得了 46,000 美 元的资助,以补充其 34,000 美元正常拨款, (b)阿皮亚办事处已吸引了联合国开发计划署 以及巴布亚新几内亚、所罗门群岛、瓦努阿图教育部对这一项目的兴趣。
It is encouraging to note that already (a) the Haiti Office has been able to raise $46,000 from extrabudgetary sources (Canada and France) to complement the allocated funds of $34,000; and (b) the Apia Office has attracted the interest of UNDP and the Education Departments in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.
因此,该正在 调拨经常 预算资金来支付预算外活动产生的费用。
As a result, the Office was diverting regular budget funds to meet costs arising from extrabudgetary activities.
决议草案 36 C/DR.54(法国、阿尔巴尼亚、德国、安道尔、阿根廷、奥地利、巴巴多 斯、比利时、贝宁、巴西、柬埔寨、加拿大、塞浦路斯、哥伦比亚、克罗地亚、厄瓜多尔、 西班牙、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、芬兰、加蓬、希腊、格林纳达、洪都拉斯、黎巴嫩、 卢森堡、马达加斯加、摩洛哥、摩纳哥、挪威、波兰、葡萄牙、捷克共和国、圣卢西亚、塞 内加尔、瑞典、瑞士、乍得、突尼斯、土耳其、越南、乌克兰)建议对 1.c) 小段(36 C/5 增 补件)做如下正:“为此拨活动费 15 708 400 美元及人事费 36 504 800 美元,并将 800 000 美元从工作重点 5 转至工作重点 4.
Draft resolution 36 C/DR.54 (France, Albania, Germany, Andorra, Argentina, Austria, Barbados, Belgium, Benin, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Cyprus, Colombia, Croatia, Ecuador, Spain, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Finland, Gabon, Greece, Grenada, Honduras, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Morocco, Monaco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Saint Lucia, Senegal, Sweden, Switzerland, Chad, Tunisia, Turkey, Viet Nam, Ukraine) proposes to modify subparagraph 1(c) (36 C/5 Add.) as follows: “to allocate for this purpose an amount of US $15,708,400 for activity costs, and US $36,504,800 for staff costs and to transfer US $800,000 from Main Line of Action 5 to Main Line of Action 4.
它概述了经 执行局批准的所有预算转帐和正常 预 算追 拨 款 的 情况,还介绍了主要拨款项目的开支情况,并 列出了计划实施产生的每一拨款项目的盈余或赤字。
It recapitulates all budget transfers and additional appropriations to the regular budget that were approved by the Executive Board, and presents the expenditures for the principle appropriation lines, therefore showing the surplus or deficit for each line that resulted from the implementation of programmes.
亦可查看 Jabra 网站了解更多信息,包括兼容性正 确 、 清晰 拨 号 音 开关设置。
Also check the Jabra website for more information, including
[...] compatibility and the correct, clear dial tone switch [...]
由于安全理事会第 1879(2009)号决议将联尼 特派团的任务期限延至 2010
年 1 月 23 日,该特派团继续开展其业务,
[...] 2009 年 8 月至 12 月期间所需追加经费估计数 6 804 200 美元正通过重 新拨联合 国伊拉克援助团(联伊援助团)的估计未支配余额,从 20082009 [...]
Since the Security Council, in its resolution 1879 (2009) of 23 July 2009, extended the mandate of UNMIN from July 2009 to 23 January 2010, the Mission has continued its operations and the estimated additional requirements of $6,804,200 for the
period from August to
[...] December 2009 is being funded from within the approved overall appropriation for [...]
special political missions
through redeployment of estimated unencumbered balances from the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) (ibid., para. 192 and table).
(37) 委员会审议了关于第 03100 段的 32 C/DR.20(提案国:肯尼亚;附议国:多米尼加),该决议 草案建议提及教科文组织生物伦理教席,还要求 正 常 预 算中拨 40,000 美元,从预算外资金中划 拨 80,000 美元给埃杰顿大学的教科文组织生物伦理教席,以便建立分地区生物伦理文献中心,之后 委员会建议大会作这样的决定,即这一行动可根据促进和发展地区及分地区一级的生物伦理思考的 相关战略在 2005--2006 年加以实施,不言而喻,在实施文件 32 C/5 时已考虑到要关注教科文组织生 物伦理教席。
(37) Having examined 32 C/DR.20 (submitted by Kenya, supported by Dominica), concerning paragraph 03100 and proposing to add a reference to UNESCO Chairs in Bioethics and requesting a sum of US $40,000 under the regular budget and a sum of US $80,000 from extrabudgetary funds to allow the UNESCO Chair on Bioethics at Egerton University to establish a subregional bioethics documentation centre, the Commission recommended that the General Conference decide that this action be implemented in 2005-2006 on the basis of appropriate strategies for the promotion and development of bioethical reflection at the regional and subregional levels on the understanding that concerns about UNESCO Chairs in Bioethics were already taken into account in the implementation of document 32 C/5.
下表按资金来源分列 2006-2007 两年期和 2008-2009 两年期的支出汇总、 2010-2011 两年期正拨款和 2010-2011 两年期截止 2011 年 8 月 31 日的支出。
The table below provides a summary of the expenditures for the
bienniums 2006-2007 and
[...] 2008-2009, the revised appropriation for the biennium 2010-2011 and expenditures for the biennium 20102011 as at 31 August 2011, by funding source.
[...] 在国家证明已履行接受资金拨付时间表所列下一期资金之前应当履行的所有义务之后,将 按照执行委员会确定的正资金拨付 时间表恢复供资。
In the discretion of the Executive Committee, funding will be reinstated according to a revised Funding Approval Schedule determined by the Executive Committee after the Country has demonstrated that it has satisfied all of its
obligations that were due to be met prior to receipt of the next instalment
[...] of Funding under the Funding Approval Schedule.
关于《2008--2009 年计划与预算草案》重大计划 I--教育,委员会建议大会批准
[...] 34 C/6 增补件第 01000 段 所建议的,后经委员会正的决议, 拨 总 预 算 拨款 108,468,300 美元,其中活动经费 50,761,900 美元(包括 [...]
第 1 类教育研究机构的拨款),人事费
57,706,400 美元;此数额将根据 7 个委员会(行政委员会、计划及对外 关系委员会、教育委员会、科学委员会、社会科学及人文科学委员会、文化委员会、传播和信息委员会)联席 会议的意见和大会关于预算拨款最高额的决定予以调整。
Regarding the Draft Programme and Budget for 2008-2009 for Major Programme I – Education, the Commission recommended that the General Conference approve the resolution contained in paragraph 01000 of
document 34 C/6 Add.
[...] as amended by the Commission which foresees a total budget provision of $108,468,300, [...]
corresponding to
$50,761,900 for activities (including allocations for the category 1 education institutes) and $57,706,400 for staff costs, it being understood that these amounts are subject to adjustment in the light of the joint meeting of the seven commissions (ADM, PRX, ED, SC, SHS, CLT and CI) and the decisions taken by the General Conference concerning the budget ceiling.
委员会审议了决议草案 33 C/DR.74(提案国:菲律宾),该草案建议在第
[...] 0522 段中提及东南 亚国家联盟各国的战略规划、联网工作组和主要利益相关者、业务规划和培训,并要求 正 常 计划 拨款 41,000 美元。
Having examined 33 C/DR.74 (submitted by the Philippines) which proposes in paragraph 0522 to include a reference to strategic planning, networking task forces and key stakeholders, operational plans and training in ASEAN countries and requests a budget allocation of $41,000 from the regular programme, the Commission recommended that the General
Conference invite the Director-General to endeavour to
[...] identify extrabudgetary funds for implementing the proposed activity.
只有按市 场价格更好地调整教科文组织办公用房租金才能使本组织可以 正 常 预算 中 拨 款 一 部分资金 以解决上述第 17--22 段提及的最紧迫问题所需的资金。
A better aligning of UNESCO office rental prices to the market rate would enable the Organization to redefine a part of regular budget resources for resolving the most urgent problems described in paragraphs 17-22 above.
34.33 经费总额比 2010-2011 两年期正拨款净增 420 900 美元(11.3%),部分原因是增加了标准化 [...]
出入控制项目第二阶段的一次性经费,另外一个原因是,由于空间使用情况和人员配置和工作 量的变动,联合国维也纳办事处占改建和主要维修费用总额的份额从 22.263%增至 22.843%。
34.33 The total provision reflects a net
increase of $420,900, or 11.3 per cent, as
[...] compared with the revised appropriation for [...]
the biennium 2010-2011, owing partly to
the addition of a one-time provision for the second phase of the standardized access control project and partly to the increase of the share of the United Nations Office at Vienna of the total alteration and major maintenance cost, from 22.263 per cent to 22.843 per cent, based on its space usage and staffing and workload levels.
请执行局核准共计 117 982 062 美元的经常资源,用于在 2011 和 2012 年资 助 25 个国家的核定国家方案。这些国家的指示性经常资源计划数额是以 正划 拨系统 和可用于方案的全球经常资源估计数计算的,高于为这些国家核准的数 额。
The Executive Board is requested to approve a total of $117,982,062 in regular resources to fund the approved country programmes of 25 countries for 2011 and 2012, whose indicative regular resources planning levels, based on the modified allocation system and estimated global levels of programmable regular resources, are higher than the balance of approved funds for these countries.
在 2010-2011 两年期正拨款的 拨款数额之外, 延长凯文·帕克法官的任期将需增付 2 个月的酬金, 而延长乌尔迪斯·基尼斯法官的任期将需增付 3 个月 的酬金,总数为 146 400 美元。
The extension of the term of office of Judge Kevin Parker would require the payment of two additional months of honoraria, while the extension of the term of office of Judge Uldis Kinis would require the payment of three additional months of honoraria, amounting in total to $146,400 above the amount appropriated in the revised appropriation for the biennium 2010-2011.




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