

单词 自得

得自 ... verb

derive sth. v


洋洋自得 adj

proud adj


immensely pleased with oneself [idiom.]


happy and content [idiom.]


feeling comfortably at ease [idiom.]


free and at leisure (idiom); unfettered


doing as one pleases (idiom); foot-loose and fancy free


be delighted with oneself


enjoy oneself quietly
find amusement in one's own way


think highly of oneself

External sources (not reviewed)

Each spouse may practise any profession or activity without the other’s consent.
在细致的江南乡野景色中营造建筑是在探讨人如何在环境的肌理 自得 地 存 在,对于田园随性生活的自在状态的追求正是我们对于这块场地和这个项目的理解。
To build in the delicate and rural Jiangnan (south of the
Yangtze River) scenery, is to explore, how
[...] people can dwell freely and pleasantly [...]
- the pursuit of free rural life is our understanding
of this site and this project.
在班戈尔的Pickie家庭游乐园,传统的海边游戏活动常年举行,当孩子们在这里的探险乐园玩得津津有味时,家长则可以在露天酒吧悠 自得 地 自 斟 自 饮。
The Pickie Family Fun Park in Bangor, which year-round offers traditional seaside fun and games, means the kids can enjoy all the fun of the adventure park, while parents can enjoy a leisurely drink on the patio bar.
如果您得自己的合法申诉未得到教育机构的认可,可向澳大利亚人权委员会(Australian [...]
Human Rights Commission)反应。
If you feel you have a legitimate [...]
complaint that is not being recognised by your education provider, you should approach
the Australian Human Rights Commission.
(b) 专门机得自一国 至他国或在一国境内自由移转其款项、 黄金或货币,并得将其所保有的任何货币换成任何其他货 币。
(b) The specialized agencies may freely transfer their [...]
funds, gold or currency from one country to another or within any
country and convert any currency held by them into any other currency.
其後,教資會與各院校議定,有關院校如要命名為大學,須先接受各學院角色 有所區別的原則和細節,以及得自 行 評 審的資格。
It was subsequently agreed between the UPGC and the institutions that the granting of university title should only follow the acceptance by the
institutions of the principle and terms of a differentiation of roles and
[...] the achievement of self-accreditation status.
(c) 除第二附表列明的批准用途外,承租人 得自 行 或 容許別人將攤 檔作其他用途。
(c) The Tenant shall not use or permit to use the Stall for any purpose other than the Permitted Use set out in the Second Schedule.
本校在教職員、家長和學生共同協助下,為學生營造一個安全的培育環境,促進他們的智育和情 育成長,擴展他們的環球視野,使他們成為慎思明辨、獨立思考、思想開放、終生學習、充滿自
[...] 信、均衡發展、喜歡探究、善於表達自己的人,從而 得自 己 所肩負的全球責任,和透過教育, [...]
Longfellow's teachers, staff, parents and students equally share the responsibility of creating a safe, nurturing environment that promotes academically
successful, emotionally intelligent, globablly aware, life-long learners who think critically
[...] and express themselves artistically.
如果一名或多名达到竞选门槛的竞选者未 得自 身 有 权获得的所有授权, 选举局通过适当增加该选区授权数,向在预定清单中排序靠前且在参选的实名制 选举团中未获得授权的竞选者候选人补充分派授权。
The mandates are assigned supplementary to the candidates of the electoral competitors better placed in the preordained list that did not receive a mandate in the uninominal college in which they stood as candidates by the adequate increasing of the number of mandates in that constituency.
经讨论后,有与会者建议可得自第 8 段的额外要素对第 23B 段加以补 充。
After discussion, it was suggested that paragraph 23B might be supplemented by additional elements drawn from paragraph 8.
需要的不仅是资金,还需要作出巨大努力,才 能修复身心和社会创伤,并争取公正解决冲突,从而
[...] 实现和满足巴勒斯坦人民对经过数十年损失、压迫、 没有国家和痛苦之后在自己的家园 得自 由 和 人的 尊严的权利和需要。
Not only funding, but monumental efforts will be needed to help repair the physical, psychological and societal damage and to achieve a just resolution of the conflict that will
fulfil the rights and needs of the
[...] Palestinian people to freedom and human dignity [...]
in their homeland after decades of loss,
oppression, statelessness and suffering.
限制得自杀常 见办法以及人与人之间 的暴力的常见办法,如枪支,会有效减少故意伤害致死率。
Restricting access to common methods of suicide and interpersonal [...]
violence, such as guns, is effective in reducing mortality from intentional injury.
所有名列本申請書第一部分的人士(包括其配偶在內),從未 得 「 自 置 居 所貸款計劃」或「置業資助貸款計劃」貸款/按揭還 [...]
款補助金或購得「居者有其屋計劃」或「私人機構參建居屋計劃」或「中等入息家庭屋邨」美樂花園或「重建置業計劃」或 「居屋第二市場計劃」或「租者置其屋計劃」或「可租可買計劃」或房屋協會轄下任何房屋資助計劃的住宅樓宇單位。
None of the persons listed in Part I
of this application form (including
[...] their spouses) have obtained any loan or mortgage [...]
subsidy under the Home Purchase Loan
Scheme (HPLS)/Home Assistance Loan Scheme (HALS), or have purchased any domestic flat under the HOS, the PSPS, the Middle Income Housing Project at Melody Garden, the Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, the SMS, the TPS, the Buy or Rent Option or any subsidized housing scheme administered by the HS.
对于初次见面的人,您应当保持谨慎的态度,直至进一步了解对方,并且确定对方 得自 己 信 任。
When you meet someone new, be cautious until you get to know the person better and feel you can trust him or her.
每个人都对其他人的和平与幸 福负有责任,人人都得自由, 才有个人的自由。
Every person was responsible for everybody else’s peace and well-being and nobody was free until everybody was free.
[...] 行动,以满足保障瓜拉尼人的基本权利以及向 得自 由 的 家庭提供体面生活条件 的迫切需要,为他们进行土地改革并提供粮食和种子。
The Plurinational State of Bolivia submitted a report on the situation of the Guarani people, emphasizing that the Bolivian State had taken action in response to the urgent need to guarantee the fundamental rights of
the Guarani people and provide decent living
[...] conditions for freed families, with [...]
land reorganization and provision of food and seeds.
除了与私企和私人基金会合作外,教科文组织还尝试与国际金融机构特别是发展银行 合作,或者是为了直接得自愿捐 款,或者是为了参与由国家或地区集团发起和资助的项 目。
In addition to private businesses and foundations, UNESCO is seeking to cooperate with international financial
institutions, mainly development
[...] banks, either to receive voluntary contributions [...]
directly from them, or to participate
in projects launched and funded by States or regional groupings.
医务人员 应接受培训,了解向接受绝育的妇女 得自 由 知情同意的适当手段,应将所有有 关绝育的书面资料译成罗姆语。
Medical personnel should be trained on appropriate
[...] means of how to obtain free and informed [...]
consent from women undergoing sterilization
and all written materials relating to sterilization should be translated into the Roma language.
當然,也包括任何你得自己應 當採取行動卻沒有 採取的行為。
Also include any non-actions when you really should have acted.
社会运动提出了具体的要求:重新 得自 然 资 源的拥有权,因此人人可以从自然 资源的开发中获益;为建立一个新的更具包容性和参与性国家奠定基础;将侵权 者和腐败分子绳之以法。
The social movements presented specific demands: to regain ownership of natural resources so that everyone could benefit from their exploitation; to establish the basis for a new and more inclusive and participatory State; and to bring to justice the perpetrators of human rights abuses and acts of corruption.
这些建议提及实施事先得自由知 情同意的原则以及关于土著土地和领土 的各项目的机制。
These recommendations referred to the implementation of
[...] the principle of free, prior and informed [...]
consent and mechanisms regarding projects
on indigenous lands and territories.
( c ) 如 有 關 陳
[...] 述 屬 第 5 0 ( 1 ) 條 的 範 圍 內 , 則 頇 顧 及 該 陳 述 所 載 資 料 所 複 製得 自 的 資 料 , 是 否 在 所 涉 及 的 事 實 發 生 或 存 在 的 同 時 輸 入 有 關 電 [...]
腦 或 為 輸 入 該 電 腦 而 加 以 記 錄
, 並 頇 顧 及 任 何 參 與 將 資 料 輸 入 該 電 腦 的 人 、 任 何 參 與 該 電 腦 的 運 作 或 任 何 設 備 的 運 作 ( 載 有 該 陳 述 的 文 件 藉 該 設 備 而 由 電 腦 製 作 ) 的 人 , 是 否 有 將 該 等 事 實 隱 瞞 或 作 失 實 陳 述 的 誘 因 。
(c) in the case of a statement falling within section
50(1), to the question
[...] whether or not the information which the information contained in the statement reproduces or is derived from was [...]
supplied to the relevant
computer, or recorded for the purpose of being supplied thereto, contemporaneously with the occurrence or existence of 92 the facts dealt with in that information, and to the question whether or not any person concerned with the supply of information to that computer, or with the operation of that computer or any equipment by means of which the document containing the statement was produced by it, had any incentive to conceal or misrepresent the facts.
42 该法案的目的是帮助新移民得 自立的 机会,并推动他们积极寻找工作和参与整个社会。
The Government has therefore put forward a bill to the Riksdag
on the introduction of new arrivals
[...] on the labour market.42 The objective [...]
is to give new arrivals opportunities for self-support
and strengthen their active participation in working life and society at large.
禁区内的违规行为包括修建新的建筑物、在斯马拉 分区和马赫巴斯分区部署大口径火炮以更换旧设备、为全球移动通信系统(全球
[...] 通)修建一个天线塔,并在斯马拉分区安装了新的移动雷达, 使 得自 2005 年以来 固定和移动雷达违规行为总次数达到 [...]
47 次。
The violations in the restricted area included the construction of new buildings, the deployment of heavier calibre artillery pieces to replace older equipment in the Smara and Mahbas subsectors, the construction of an antenna tower for a global system for mobile communications (GSM) and the installation of a
new mobile radar in the Smara subsector, bringing
[...] to 47 the total number of mobile and [...]
fixed-radar violations since 2005.
在这方面,他得自己在 初步报告(A/CN.4/598)中所采取的 立场是:“扩展保护责任概念的恰当性及其与目前专题的相关性都需要认真考 虑。
In that regard, he recalled that in his preliminary report (A/CN.4/598) he had taken the position that the “appropriateness of extending the concept of responsibility to protect and its relevance to the present topic both require careful consideration.
许多国家境内存在根深蒂固的买卖钻石和黄金的非法网 络,而这些钻石和黄金往得自在正 式法律范围之外活动的个人小规模经营者, [...]
因此,要采用《采掘业透明度倡议》和《金伯利进程证书制度》之类的办法,就 有更大程度的复杂性。
The existence in many countries of
entrenched illegal networks for trading
[...] diamonds and gold, often acquired from artisanal and [...]
smallscale operators operating outside
the formal law, adds a degree of complexity to the introduction of processes such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme.
(c) 向儿童父母或近亲属通知儿童的拘留地点,并使儿童能够及时 得自 选的、自由和独立的法律协助; (d) 确保由独立的机构及时调查关于被拘留儿童受虐待或残忍、不人道或 有辱人格待遇的报告。
(c) Inform parents or close relatives of where the child is detained and provide the child with prompt access to free and independent legal assistance of its own choosing
12.5.1 如申請獲批准,申請機構將以承批者 的身分與政府簽訂撥款協議,他們得自稱為政府的僱員、受僱人、代理 或夥伴。
12.5 Relationship of the Parties 12.5.1 If the application is successful, the project applicant enters into the project agreement with the Government as a grantee and shall not represent itself as an employee, servant, agent or partner of the Government.
民主黨的李柱銘,後來在其專欄中公開解釋民主黨沒有進行票站調查,而何秀蘭選情不穩的消息, 得自 傳 媒朋友透露的民建聯票站調查結果。
Later, Martin Lee of the Democratic Party openly explained in this column article that the Democratic Party did not conduct exit polls, and the critical situation of Cyd Ho was only known from the DAB's exit poll result released by his friends working in the media.




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