

单词 自序

External sources (not reviewed)

陆之柷自序、阮自嵩的序和名医钱元善的后序均撰于 1571 年,刻本也很可能是同一年。
Lu’s preface, Ruan’s foreword, and the postscript by physician Qian Yuanshan all are dated [...]
1571, the probable date of publication.
您可从下拉列表中选择所需的代号或 选择自动设置来让序自动分 配一个代号。
You can select the desired letter from a drop-down list or let the program
[...] assign a letter automatically by selecting [...]
the Auto setting.
7-4 在打印完NV位图像后自检程序自动 结 束。
7-4 The self test mode terminates after printing NV bit image(s) automatically.
4.清理权力和监督结构: a. 监督: 属性未入学状态或部落清理序、 自愿响应程序,或同等学历。
Cleanup Authority and Oversight Structure: a.
Oversight: The property is not enrolled in a state or tribal
[...] cleanup program, voluntary response program, [...]
or equivalent.
自动控制:微机根据序自动控 制生产过程。
Automatic control: Computer can control the producing process.
Web 下載以在 「下載器」佇列中出現的序自動進 行 (BlackArmor 管理員可以調整該順序),因此,如果您的作業沒有處於第一位,可能無法立 [...]
Web downloads take place automatically in the order in [...]
which they appear in the Downloader queue (which can be adjusted
by your BlackArmor administrator), so if your job isn’t first in line, it won’t start right away.
序自动且无条件适用,而在欧盟其他 国家应用同样的程序可能取决于预先 授权和/或担保。
This procedure applies automatically and unconditionally, [...]
whereas application of the same procedure in some other EU countries
may be subject to preliminary authorisations and/or guarantees.
其他制度存在各种缺陷:决策质量低;相对于难民个人特点类似而上诉成 功率高的其他国家,难民确认率过低;经常缺乏正当保障使用加急 序 ; 自 动适 用与加急程序有关的拘留;无暂停效应的上诉;缺乏获得法律咨询的机会;大量 案件积压。
Other systems were marred by poor quality decision making; disproportionately low recognition rates vis-à-vis other countries with similarly profiled individuals and high success rates on appeal; routine use of accelerated procedures without proper safeguards; the automatic application of detention in connection with accelerated procedures; nonsuspensive appeals; lack of access to legal advice; and large backlogs.
自动模式允许针对特定软件应用 序自 动 分配最佳预设模式。
Auto Mode allows auto assignment of optimum presets to specific software applications.
操作序自动化 可提高生产率和经济效益,防止或减少辐射,并改善制造和逻辑顺序,从而营造较安全、有效的工作场所。
The automation of operation sequences increases productivity [...]
and economic efficiency, emissions are prevented or reduced
and manufacturing and logistics sequences are improved.
成立一所射頻識別技術(RFID)自動化中心,為各行各業開發特 別的 RFID
[...] 系統,專供防偽、實物資產管理、聰明貨倉、製造序自動化 ,以及以知識為本的銷售點之用。
The goal is to set up an RFID automation centre which focuses on the development of specific RFID systems for use in counterfeit,
physical asset management, smart warehouse,
[...] work-in-process automation, and knowledgebased [...]
point-of-sales for different industrial sectors.
但有必要警惕对这类序自身价 值 的假设,虽然这类程序容易举行,但它们有可能造成对妇女、女童和其他被剥削 [...]
However, there is a need to guard against assumptions about the inherent
[...] value of such procedures as, despite often [...]
being more accessible, they carry the
risk of recreating the structures of control and prejudice that women, girls and other exploited groups are struggling to eliminate.
不过, 各国和国际组织在确定有权决定提出保留的主管当局和提出保留应 遵循的程序方面享有的自由提出了一些问题,类似于条约缔约方拥有的同样的内 部批准序自由产 生的问题:如内部规则未获遵守怎么办?
(8) However, the freedom of States and international organizations to determine the authority competent to decide that a reservation will be formulated and the procedure to be followed in formulating it raises problems
similar to those arising
[...] from the same freedom the parties to a treaty have with respect to the internal procedure for ratification: [...]
what happens if the
internal rules are not followed?
主任在答复时表示,该序自执行委员会第三次会议起就已确立,按照这一程序, 任何项目的供资申请必需伴有相关政府的赞同函,然后秘书处才能审议,以便提交执行委 [...]
In response, the Chief Officer
[...] indicated that a procedure had been in place since the 3rd meeting of [...]
the Executive Committee,
pursuant to which any request for project funding had to be accompanied by a letter of endorsement from the government concerned before it could be considered by the Secretariat for submission to the Executive Committee.
他亦須指導和監督綜 合
[...] 電腦系統( 即一套 把 採購和合約管理序自動化的合約管理 系統) 的發展 工作。
He will also direct and oversee the development of a
comprehensive computer system, i.e. the Contract
[...] Management System for automating the procurement [...]
and contract management processes.
NVIDIA 3D Vision Pro
[...] 集无线主动快门式眼镜、射频通信中心以及先进的软件于一身,可自动将各种面向商用的应用 序自 动 转 化为完全立体的 3D 形式,从而可提高应用程序的实际使用价值、产生更佳的结果、提高生产率。
NVIDIA 3D Vision Pro is a combination of wireless active shutter glasses,
and RF communication hub, and advanced
[...] software, which automatically transforms various [...]
business-oriented applications into
full stereoscopic 3D to improve the usefulness of the application, deliver better results, and increase productivity.
例如,您可能要使用通过您应用 序自 己 定义的数据源对象。
For example, you may want to use custom data source objects defined by your application.
递增数据字段功能使用从主机发送的单一数据集按数字或字母 序自 动 更 新字 母数字(和条形码)数据字段。
The incremental data fields feature allows alphanumeric (and bar
[...] code) data fields to automatically update numerically [...]
or alphabetically with just one set
of data sent from the host computer.
R.9--工作组建议各类选举应在大会初期举行,并应改进选举程序,最好实现选举序 自动化
R.9 – The working group recommends that all elections take place
at a very early stage of the General Conference, and that
[...] the election procedures be improved, and preferably automated.
除了互动的表格填充, Toolkit还能由序自动填 充表格框,同时允许你用任意来源的文字和图片填充PDF表格和模板。
In addition to interactive form filling, Toolkit can
[...] be used to programmatically fill form [...]
fields, allowing you to easily populate PDF
forms and templates with text and images from any source.
有鑒於廣深港高鐵涉及公帑達669億元, 而在近期公布的港大民意調查中,卻顯示 59%市自稱對 整個高鐵項目認識'好少'或 '幾少',顯示大部分市民均不瞭解廣深港高 鐵的內容及對社會影響,本人現按照《財 務委員會會議序》第 37A段,動議要求政 府擱置廣深港高速鐵路撥款,並以獨立機 構的民調評估市民對廣深港高速鐵路的認 知程度,在確定大部分香港市民均清楚明 白廣深港高鐵的內容及對社會構成的影響 後才重新申請撥款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating
that most people do
[...] not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness [...]
of the XRL with an
opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
在邮件正文中,您也可以通过点击插入菜单,选择用户属性脚本,然后再选择一个属性字 段让序自动为 您插入脚本来生成个性化的内容。
You may enter these scripts manually or click Insert > Contact
Attribute Script and select one of the listed attributes, Email Marketer will generate
[...] and insert the script automatically.
在这方面,拟议续设 1 个 P-3 一般临时人员职位,专门从事分类学、业务
[...] 分析/项目管理、系统开发和技术分析以实施企业内容管理技术,以解决维持和 平报告序自动化 问题以及为外地提供知识管理解决方案。
In this context, it is proposed that one P-3 general temporary assistance position specializing in taxonomy, business analyst/project management, system development and technical analysis be continued to implement
enterprise content management technology to
[...] address the automation of peacekeeping [...]
reporting processes and knowledge management
solutions for field operations.
加强选举制度和序自 1976 年以来就是开发署的 一个主要工作领域。
Strengthening electoral systems and processes has been a
[...] major area of UNDP work since 1976.
信息技术资源产生差异的原因是与各维持和平行动得到核准的信息技术 项目的开发或实施阶段有关的资源变化,特别是 2010/11 年度订约承办事务项下 为以下各项核定的经费数额的变化:2009/10 年度执行情况报告(A/65/610/Add.1) 所述 2009/10 年度完成的维持和平报告序自动化企业内容管理解决方案;电子 燃料管理系统和电子口粮管理系统,包括燃料系统的维护和增强阶段以及口粮系 统的预期施行;还有在总部建立二级数据中心造成的非经常性费用;因企业信息 门户预备阶段相关的开发许可证所需额外资源而被抵销。
The variance in information technology resources reflects the change in requirements associated with the stage of development or implementation of approved information technology projects in peacekeeping operations, in particular amounts approved in 2010/11 under contractual services for the enterprise content management solution for the peacekeeping reporting process automation completed in 2009/10, as indicated in the 2009/10 performance report (A/65/610/Add.1), and for the electronic fuel management system and the electronic rations management system, including a maintenance and enhancement phase for the fuel system and expected implementation of the rations system, and non-recurring costs associated with the establishment of a secondary data centre at Headquarters, offset by additional requirements for the enterprise information portal for development licences associated with its preliminary phase.
為進一步減少人工佔產品成本的比例,集團正加快生產 序自 動 化 的步伐。
To reduce the labour content of its products further, the Group is stepping
[...] up the pace of automation in its production.
c) 每个工作组选出了各组组长,并确定了 2011-2012
年实施的重点项目(请见附件 1) a) 海关合作委员会继续作为探讨过境清关问题的重要平台,各国海关当局继续在 5
[...] 个重点领 域推进工作:修订法律法规以符合国际标准,海关 序自 动 化 和单一窗口开发;联合海关 监管试点,风险管理和区域过境安排。
a) The Customs Cooperation Committee remains an important venue for discussing border crossing clearance issues and the national customs agencies continue to work on the 5 priority areas: amendment of laws and
regulations to comply with international
[...] standards, automation of customs procedures and single window [...]
development; joint customs control
pilots, risk management, and regional transit arrangements.
最棒的地方是,你可以复制、粘贴播放列表或是整张专辑的URL,让 序自 动 下载所有歌曲,从而节约大量时间。
The best, however, is that you can even copy and paste the URL
of whole albums or
[...] playlists for you to automatically download all the songs you want, and save yourself a lot of time.
添加好幻灯片文件后点击“选项”按钮来设置一下播放的参数,在“选项”窗口中选择“PowerPoint播放器”,把“按指定 序自 动 播 放所有演示文稿”选中,这样就可以自动播放幻灯片了,再把“嵌入TrueType字体”和“链接的文件”也选中,如果你的幻灯片文件内容比较重要,那我们还可以来设置密码,保护光盘里面幻灯片文件的安全。
Add a good slide file and click the "Options" button to set the parameters about playing in the "Options"
window, select "PowerPoint Player",
[...] the "specified order automatically play all the presentation," [...]
checked, so that you can
Auto slide show, and then "embed TrueType fonts" and "link file" is also selected, if you slide the document is more important, then we can set the password has been to protect the disc inside the safety of the slide file.




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