单词 | 自恃 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 自恃—self relianceless common: conceited over confident self esteem See also:恃—rely on mother (formal)
当然,行政长官现时的民望很高 ─ 我记得在董建华先生上任的第一 [...] 年,他的民意支持度是超过 60%,数字并不低 ─ 但我奉劝他要记着,不能自恃现时有六成多人支持他。 legco.gov.hk | Of course, the Chief Executive now commands great public support — I remember that in the first year that Mr TUNG Chee-hwa came into office, he also commanded over 60% of public support and that was not a low [...] figure — but I advise him to remember [...] that hecannot becomplacent onaccountof the [...]support from over 60% of the people. legco.gov.hk |
政党和民间团体对於房屋委员会(“房委会”)公屋租 金政策的建议,其实仍有很多不同的意见,而房委会自恃拿着“划一减租 11.6%和免租 1 个月”这把尚方宝剑,便以为这项修订条例草案可顺利通过, 情况就正如拿着多收的租金,跟市民和立法会讨价还价一样。 legco.gov.hk | The HA, thinking that it is wielding the imperial sword of "an across-the-board reduction of 11.6% in rent and a one-month rent remission", believes that the amendment bill will be passed smoothly and this is just the same as haggling with the public and the Legislative Council while holding the excess rent that it has collected. legco.gov.hk |
考虑到所讨论的权利范围极广,本报告并未自恃也无意做到详尽无遗,而是 意在对和平集会和结社自由权利方面、为恪守人权的精神和文字而应采纳和落实 的法律框架和制度框架作一初步概述。 daccess-ods.un.org | Considering the very large scope of the rights at stake, this report does not pretend, nor intend to be exhaustive, but rather aims at presenting a first overview of legal and institutional frameworks that should be adopted and implemented to comply with the spirit and the letter of human rights in the context of the rights of freedom of peaceful assembly and of association. daccess-ods.un.org |
所以,不要自以 为眼界奇准或自恃以往行为没有造成任何後果,其实是尚未到达临界 点而已,至於临界点这回事,尽管未达到要提出检控的地步,本会的 同事其实已可说是非常忍让。 legco.gov.hk | As for the tipping point, while Members' conduct has not reached the point of prosecution, other Members of this Council have been very tolerant to their conduct. legco.gov.hk |
如果以强权的态度硬闯,凡事都自恃手握多少票,甚麽事情都 声称主席有权,随时都可以将任何规则置之不理,还可以怎样落实《基 本法》原先制订的互相制衡的基本理念? legco.gov.hk | How can we implement the basic idea of checks and balances originally provided for in the Basic Law if the Government tries to bulldoze through the proposal in a high-handed manner, thinking that it has secured enough votes, the President has the power to grant approval and it can pay no heed to any rule? legco.gov.hk |
因此,那些学者根本是恃着自己的职 位去欺压弱势社羣,令小市民在劳工市场压力下,被迫留在低薪的职 位。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, these academics are just trying to oppress the disadvantaged from the positions they hold, forcing the masses to remain in low-pay posts under the pressure of the labour market. legco.gov.hk |
Lady Gaga受邀观看了一场由学生们自主表演、反映校园生活中恃强凌弱问题的戏剧。 unicef.org | Lady Gaga was invited to watch a play [...] put together by the students that depicted bullying in school life. unicef.org |
委员会还关切的是,这种竞争激烈的学校环境可能造成恃强凌弱、精神疾 病、逃学、辍学以及学龄儿童自杀等现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also concerned that this highly competitive [...] school environment [...] may contributeto bullying, mental disorders, truancy, drop-out and suicidesamong children of school-going age. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然 我不知道有多少情况是犯事、违规的一方恃着自己财多,在转让过程 或股份转手时阔绰一点,让自己的某些好友得益,心想受屈的一方有 胆量的话就提出诉讼好了。 legco.gov.hk | There must be cases ― although I do not know the number of such cases ― where the party in contravention of the law, during a transfer of shares, loosens its grip and benefits some of its friends on the strength of its financial power, in the belief that the party being aggrieved, if bold enough, can file a lawsuit. legco.gov.hk |
学生们带着Lady [...] Gaga参观了他们的教室,并谈到了日常生活中面临的一些困难,如:遭遇恃强凌弱的问题。 unicef.org | Students gave Lady Gaga a tour of their classroom and spoke about some of the challenges they face in their [...] daily lives,such as bullying. unicef.org |
此外,青少年亦常基於恃强凌弱的心态, 而干犯有关的行劫罪。 legco.gov.hk | Besides, the offence of "other robberies" committed by young and juvenile offenders [...] are usuallyof bullying nature. legco.gov.hk |
不少调查均指出, 施暴者通常是在受到极大压力不能消弭的情况下,向家人发泄自己在其他渠 道所承受的压力,带有一种恃强凌弱的心态。 legco.gov.hk | Many surveys have pointed out that people who inflict abuses are often under great [...] pressure, so much they [...] cannotdispelitthemselves andthe only way which they can vent the pressure which they cannot do so through other channels is by inflicting violence on their family members andin abullying manner. legco.gov.hk |
在 这 里 , 本 人 更须指出的是, [...] 负责调解劳资纠纷的 劳工处 , 十分强 调 他 们 是 中立持平, 亦很强 调 他 们 是持自愿协商 的 和解态 度 , 这种做 法 间 接令一 些无良 雇 主有恃无恐, 视 劳工处 及劳审处这些政 府 部门如 无 物,对 雇 员 争 [...]取 合 法权益 造 成 一个很 大 的 阻碍。 legco.gov.hk | I must also point out here that the Labour Department, as a mediator in labour [...] disputes, has always [...] emphasized its neutrality and its position of fostering voluntarynegotiations between the two sides. This approach has [...]indirectly encouraged [...]unscrupulous employers to totally disregard government bodies like the Labour Department and the Labour Tribunal, thus severely hindering employees' struggles for their legitimate rights and benefits. legco.gov.hk |
当时,政府恃着在议会内有大 多数票,采取了一种不动声色的方法,企图废除直选的补选。 legco.gov.hk | Back then, the [...] Government, counting onthe majority [...]votes it could secure in the legislature, attempted to abolish the by-elections of direct election secretly. legco.gov.hk |
另一方面,美容行业最近又出现请不到人的现象,政府培训出来的 [...] 学生,有些根本不想那麽快就投入就业市场,又或是恃着自己有文凭, 要求出任经理职任。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, the beauty industry has again failed to recruit employees recently. Some of the trainees trained by government training organizations do not wish to [...] join the labour market immediately after [...] training, orthey thought that their diploma [...]qualification should qualify them for the post of manager. legco.gov.hk |
这些调查结果正好说明,大家其实不可以恃着自己年轻,或感觉自 己的身体状况良好,便忽略了隐藏的病患,如果到了身体出现毛病时才 求医,可能已延误了病情。 legco.gov.hk | Results from these surveys reveal precisely that we cannot indeed neglect any hidden illness just on reliance of our youth or the feeling of good health. legco.gov.hk |
2008 年 7 月至 2010 年 6 月,化剑铸犁促进会卡尔加里分会举办了 13 次涉 及广泛裁军问题的教育会议,和 3 [...] 个关于相关议题的周末讲习班;发动了两个核 裁军运动;领导 50 [...] 多个地方团体建起了卡尔加里和平之柱;在各学校开展了一 个名为“和平木偶”的防止恃强凌弱的方案;主办了一次新书发布会;与其部分 [...]执行成员所属的 8 个团体建立了网络关系;并举办了两次电影放映、两次国际和 [...]平日活动,以及一次提起裁军问题的候选人论坛。 daccess-ods.un.org | Between July 2008 and June 2010, the Calgary branch of Project Ploughshares held 13 educational meetings covering a broad range of disarmament issues and three weekend workshops on relevant topics; created two campaigns for nuclear disarmament; led over 50 local groups in having a [...] peace pole built in Calgary; ran a “Puppets [...] for Peace” bully-proofing programme [...]in schools; hosted a book launch; networked [...]with eight groups with which some of its executive members were affiliated; and organized two film screenings, two International Day of Peace events and a candidates forum, at which disarmament issues were raised. daccess-ods.un.org |
新加坡 代表团强烈反对法国代表关于法治的评论,它认为 相比国内法而言,法治更适用于国家间的关系,否 则可能会是非颠倒,恃强凌弱。 daccess-ods.un.org | His delegation strongly disagreed with the comment by the representative of France about the rule of law which, it believed, was even more applicable to inter-State relations than domestic law since otherwise might would prevail over right and the strong over the weak. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,民建联希望政府再进取一些,不要老是恃着本身的市场优 势而不作任何举动。 legco.gov.hk | For this reason, the DAB would like the Government to be even more enterprising, and it should not stop taking action just because of its dominant market position. legco.gov.hk |
国家法律对“恃强淩弱”的定义是 1)任何蓄意尝 试或威胁他人,扬言对其将造成伤害,而且很明显 [...] 有能力这样做;2)任何武力的故意炫耀,使受害者 有理由恐惧或以为立即会受到身体的伤害;或3)任 何故意的书面,口头,或身体的行为,让他人有理 由的认为,正受到威胁,骚扰,或恐吓,以至於:a) [...]导致严重的身体伤害; b)在很大程度上干扰了该生 的教育和学习; c)其状况如此严重,持久,或普遍, 以至形成了一个恐吓/威胁的教育环境;或d)扰乱了 学校的正常教学秩序。 lilburnms.com | State lawdefinesBullying as:1) anywillful [...] attempt or threat to inflict injury on another person, when accompanied by [...]an apparent present ability to do so; 2) any intentional display of force such as would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm; or 3) any intentional written, verbal, or physical act, which a reasonable person would perceive as being intended to threaten, harass, or intimidate that: a) causes substantial physical harm; b) substantially interferes with a student’s education; c) is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating/threatening educational environment; or d) disrupts the orderly operation of school. lilburnms.com |
会议认为,国家自主性对受害者援助相关活动的长期可持续性 至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also recognised that national ownershipis essential to the long-term sustainability of victim assistance-related activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果不能实现和平和结束这场冲突,必将使极端 主义更加有恃无恐,同时也会给巴勒斯坦和以色列人 民以及该地区所有国家人民的和平与安全、甚至整个 国际和平与安全造成威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Any failure in establishing peace and putting an end to this conflict will exacerbate extremism and pose a threat to the peace and security of the Palestinians and Israelis and indeed of all peoples in the region, as well as to broader international peace and security. daccess-ods.un.org |
然 而,委员会关切的是,缺乏《公约》包含的某些领域的相关数据,如贫困儿童、 [...] 残疾儿童和非日本籍儿童入学率的资料,以及有关校园暴力及恃强凌弱情况的数 据。 daccess-ods.un.org | It expresses concern, however, at the lack of data in relation to some areas covered by the Convention, including on the school enrolment rates of children [...] living in poverty, children with disabilities and non-Japanese children, as well as on [...] violence andbullying in schools. daccess-ods.un.org |
尼加拉瓜重申,必须立即结束以色列有恃无恐的 现象,这种现象得到一个安理会常任理事国不负责任 的怂恿,特别是通过滥用否决权,该国已经成为以色 列的主要帮凶。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nicaragua reiterates the need to put an immediate end to the Israel’s impunity, which has been irresponsibly guaranteed to it by a permanent member of the Council, in particular through the indiscriminate use of the veto by that member, who has become Israel’s major accomplice. daccess-ods.un.org |
但从负面角度看,本地各派依然帽子乱扣,以一己利益解读群众诉求;失势者,仍然蠢蠢欲动,阳奉阴违;得势者又恃势凌人,没有重整人民的理性力量。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, on the negative side, politicians are still throwing nasty titles to others, and reinterpreting people's demands according to their private interest. hkupop.hku.hk |
我 想 指 出 , 存 保 制 的 原意是 好 的 , 但 没 有 严 谨 的 监管制 度 , 如 银行恃实施存 保 制 而 增 加风险 借 贷 , 藉 以 弥 补 成本增 加,这 样 , 存 保 制 的实施 , 对 银 行 界 运 作的稳 健,不 单 止 未能带来促进 的作用, 反之会 为 业 界带来隐 性 的 危 机 。 legco.gov.hk | I would like to point out that the system is well-intended, but if there is no rigorous regulatory framework, and if banks increase high-risk lending activities, thinking that they can fall back on the system and that the increases in costs incurred by the system can be offset, then the system will only serve to cause instability in the banks. legco.gov.hk |
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile. unesdoc.unesco.org |
4 个一般临时人员职位中的 2 个,即 1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-3 培训干事,以及 1 个 P-4 续设员额,目前由支助账户供资,负责设计、提供、升级、统一和评价 目前三个贯穿各领域的领导方案: 高级特派团领导方案为期 2 个星期的课程, 每年由一个会员国主办两次,每次有来自会员国、秘书处以及联合国机构、方案 和基金的 26 名候选人参加;高级领导方案是特派团所有 D-2 及以上级别的人员 必须参加的概况介绍课程,每年在纽约举行两次;高级行政管理和资源培训方案 为两组 40 名候选人提供的持续一年的强化方案,包含远程教学和为期三个星期 的讲习班。 daccess-ods.un.org | Two of the 4 general temporary assistance positions, 1 P-4 and 1 P-3 Training Officers, and 1 P-4 continuing post, currently funded from the support account, design, deliver, upgrade, harmonize and evaluate three ongoing cross-cutting leadership programmes: the senior mission leaders’ programme, a two-week course, conducted twice annually at a host Member State, for 26 candidates from Member States, the Secretariat, the United Nations agencies, programmes and funds); the senior leaders’ programme, a compulsory orientation course for all mission personnel at the D-2 level and above, conducted twice annually in New York; and SMART, an intensive year-long programme involving distance learning and three week-long workshops for two groups of 40 candidates. daccess-ods.un.org |
有鉴於广深港高铁涉及公帑达669亿元, 而在近期公布的港大民意调查中,却显示 59%市民自称对整个高铁项目认识'好少'或 '几少',显示大部分市民均不了解广深港高 铁的内容及对社会影响,本人现按照《财 务委员会会议程序》第37A段,动议要求政 府搁置广深港高速铁路拨款,并以独立机 构的民调评估市民对广深港高速铁路的认 知程度,在确定大部分香港市民均清楚明 白广深港高铁的内容及对社会构成的影响 後才重新申请拨款。 legco.gov.hk | As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society. legco.gov.hk |